
Every September, our little town rouses back to full throated enthusiasm when university students arrive from their summer adventures. Don't mistake the relative "quiet" of summer for "asleep," however. The hundreds of faculty, staff, and leaders from Walla Walla University have been hard at work, June through September, preparing and listening for God's lead in the coming year.

The Pastoral Staff of the Walla Walla University Church specially welcomes incoming freshmen this Sabbath as Walla Walla University begins its Jump Start program on Sunday, continuing through Friday, September 21. During your time as students, our hope and prayer is that you might have an undeniable encounter with the Living God, and leave prepared to pursue His call over your life!

-The Pastoral Staff


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The tenth annual Longest Table hosted by the University Church is scheduled for September 29 (the Sabbath following the first week of fall quarter classes at WWU). This well-loved event features more than 1,000 feet of table stretching down 4th Street from College Avenue to SW Davis Avenue.

Sign up to host tables on Sabbath, September 15 and 22, between 9am–1:15pm in the church lobby.


Bulletin Quicklinks



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We welcome the Chung family; violinist Alyssa, a health science major, music minor, pre-medicine junior; cellist Justin, a business major, music minor, pre-dentistry senior; accompanied by their mother Christine. Please join me in thanking the Chung family.

The organ selections, composed by the great Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750), provide contrasting depictions of our savior Jesus Christ. The prelude, perhaps Bach’s best-known composition, is a tender song of devotion. The postlude sets a hymn depicting Christ’s death on the cross in music that is both lamenting and majestically victorious. The three sections of this work bring to mind that all three members of the Trinity were present at Calvary and invested in the unfolding scene. A translation of the text follows.

O Lamb of God, innocently
Slain on the stem of the cross,
Always found forbearing
Although you were despised.
All sin have you borne,
Otherwise we should have despaired.
Have mercy on us, Jesu.
Give us your peace.

The anthem presents an arrangement of Hymn No.462, Blessed Assurance. I invite you to meditate on this text or that given above as you prepare your heart to worship our beautiful Savior.

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today, the loose offering goes toward the University Church budget. The following is a small sample of how this is allocated:

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Our online giving portal allows any person to set up regular, monthly, weekly, or biweekly contributions to be deducted automatically from their connected accounts into whatever budget, ministry, or funds they choose.



The church office will have new regular hours: Monday–Thursday 8am–1pm and 2pm–5pm; Friday 8am–12pm.

Church board meeting is Monday, September 17 at 7pm in the Youth Room. All church members are invited to attend.

All are invited to join the WWU Chaplain's Office in a prayer walk of dedication for the 2018-19 school year. Meet in front of the Administration building today at 3pm.

Sign up to host tables at The Longest Table. The event is Sabbath, September 29 following Second Service. Anyone may sign up to host tables. Signups in the church lobby beginning at 9am on September 15 and 22. Contact Pastor Alareece with any questions:

J.U.M.P. and High Five parents are invited to Parents' Night on Tuesday, September 18. These amazing 5-6th grade and Jr. High youth groups will begin their 2018-19 school years very soon. J.U.M.P. parents will meet at 6pm in the Jr. High Room and High Five parents will follow at 7pm, also in the Jr. High Room. See you there!

You are invited to remember Betty Sorensen, wife of former WWU President Cliff Sorensen, at a memorial service on Saturday, Sept. 15, at 3 pm, at the Walla Walla University Church. Dr. Sorensen and Betty served WWU from 1976 to 1985, and in 2001-02. Memorial contributions can be made to the Cliff and Betty Sorensen Memorial Fund at WWU (submit to Advancement Office, or donate online at  

Charles Edwards passed away early September 7. There will be a viewing on September 22, 12pm-5pm and September 23, 10am-3pm at the Colonial-Dewitt Funeral Home, Dalles Military Rd. A Celebration of Life will occur on November 3, at 3:15pm in the University Church Sanctuary.

Elizabeth Jane “Betty” Beck, mother of Brandon Beck, passed away at her place of residence in College Place on Sunday, September 9. Plans for a memorial to be held in San Antonio, Texas, are pending.

We will be welcoming returning Walla Walla University students on Sunday, September 23 at the residence halls with cookies. If you enjoy baking and would like to be a part of this special welcome please email or call 509.527.2772.


WWVA Homecoming Weekend is September 14-15. Alumni and families are invited to come visit with classmates, to spend time on campus, and to enjoy the chance to connect with the WWVA family, past, present and future! This year, WWVA celebrates 25 Years of Orchestra with a special reunion concert! If you were a past member of WWVA orchestras, contact Mr. Gish for more information about taking part with the reunion orchestra. For the weekend’s schedule, visit

The 50+ Club potluck and corn roast will be held on Sunday, September 16, at 5pm at the home of Larry and Jacque Goodhew, 4261 S. Highway 125, Walla Walla. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish. For questions call: 509.522.2387 or 509.876.2166.

The church Sanctuary re-roofing project is nearing completion. Elsom Roofing and Tektonics have spent a number of weeks carefully peeling off and replacing the old roof, wood sheeting, and assorted parts to leave us with a new protective barrier for decades to come. Check out the latest flyover video by Chris Drake, chronicling the progress: (this video was taken the week of August 20-24.

Join "The Health Center" of Walla Walla, which serves students of Lincoln High School (as well as other Walla Walla youth), for a concert on Saturday Night, September 15. "Kate and the Crocodiles" from Portland will be offering a fundraiser concert at the Gesa PowerHouse Theatre at 7pm. $35 tickets at the door. Because of generous sponsors, 100% of ticket sales goes directly to the Health Center. Contact John Cress with any questions: 509.301.2198.


The Red Cross will host a blood drive at the University Church on Friday, September 28, 10am-3pm. If you are able to give blood, please consider taking some time to participate! Your gift is incredibly valuable, especially in the wake of Hurricane Florence. The Red Cross reports that platelet availability is of particular importance at this time. Show up in person at any time or pre-register at:

Register for the 2019 Global Leadership Summit before October 23, 2018 for the lowest possible rate, $79.
Join fellow church members and community members as we sharpen our leadership skills together! Visit or contact Pastor Kris for more information:

Stay up to date with the University Church’s texting service. To receive important information about events, schedule changes, and emergencies, opt-in by texting “WWUCINFO” to 84576.

Heubach Chapel morning worship continues this summer on a weekly basis. Every Friday morning, 7:30-7:50am, you are invited to join Heather Lee for singing and prayer.

The Women's Ministry committee of the Village Church in College Place is planning a brunch and program to be on October 14, at 10 a.m. in our Fellowship Hall.  The women of the
University Church are invited to join us.  Please RSVP to the Village Church office, 525-0882.

The Eastgate Church invites you to join them on a Maranatha mission trip to India Nov. 13–30. They plan to build a church for the Sairkarap congregation and are looking for volunteers to help with construction, medical or dental outreach or Vacation Bible School. You may register online at: Contact Kristi Bartlett at 509.520.6673 for more information.

Camp MiVoden is looking for a full-time food service director. This is an opportunity be a part of a fantastic team that is impacting young people, families, and groups for the kingdom of God, all while living in a beautiful environment. To apply go to and fill out an application. For further questions please call 509.242.0506 to know more about this opportunity.

KLRF Radio 88.5 is looking for someone who would like to be an Assistant Treasurer as well as someone who would be the Secretary for the board. The Assistant Treasurer must be familiar with Quickbooks. The Secretary must be available to attend the monthly board meetings. You can contact the KLRF Manager, Owen Bandy at or call 707-483-3291

The Milton SDA Church is looking to hire a dedicated person to manage the Adventist Community Center Thrift Store in Milton-Freewater, OR. It is a paid position and a ministry of the Milton Church. Applicants may request a copy of the job description and submit their resume at the Milton Church Office. They will go through an interview process. For more information, please contact the Church Office: 541-938-3066 or

Training for Youth Leadership is October 12-13 at Columbia Adventist Academy in Battle Ground, Wash. This Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training by the North American Division and the North Pacific Union is for adults and youth who lead, or will soon lead, Youth Sabbath School. Learn how to start, restart, revive your youth Sabbath School in your church. Register at

Need Training in Communicating? Attend One Voice: Communicating With Excellence on September 30 from 10am-4pm at the Upper Columbia Conference Office. Pastors, church, and school communication leaders are invited to this one-day seminar geared to help you communicate with clarity and excellence in an age when getting your message across is increasingly challenging. $15 covers lunch and seminar materials. Register online at or contact the communications department at 509.242.0512.

Women's Quilting Retreat Oct 21-26. Do you enjoy quilting and would like to learn more? UCC Women’s Quilting Retreat, under the guidance of Marlene Oddie, is planned for October 21-26 at Camp MiVoden. This quilting retreat will finish just in time to join the UCC women's retreat at Camp MiVoden. For more information and to register, visit

A women's retreat is planned October 26–28. Upper Columbia Conference invites you to Camp MiVoden for  “Beautiful,” a weekend for teen girls and women to be refreshed at Hayden Lake. The keynote speaker is Cindy Tutsch, a seasoned speaker who has shared the gospel around the world in over 60 countries. Register online at: or by calling Wendy (afternoons only) at 509.838.2761.

Hispanic couples retreat is September 28–30 at the Red Lion Hotel near the Pasco Airport. The main speakers will be Claudio and Pamela Consuegra. To register or receive more information, contact Walter Pintos at: or by phone: 509.242.0535.

Egypt Bible Tour is December 12–22, 2019. You are invited to join Dr. Carl Cosaert of Walla Walla University to discover the land of the pyramids, the pharaohs, Moses, and the Exodus. $2,425 plus airfare includes meals and accommodations. For more information, contact Sharon Searson at

Diabetes Undone seminar is planned in September at SonBridge. Registration on September 10 at 6:30pm and 8 weekly sessions follow beginning September 16. $60. Contact Chad Washburn for details.



Sabbath, September 15
    9:30am — First Serve, Sanctuary
    10:30am — Sabbath Schools
    11:45 — Second Service, Sanctuary
    3pm — Betty Sorensen's Memorial, Church Sanctuary
3pm ­— WWU Prayer Walk, Administration Building

September 16-21
    WWU Jump Start (freshman orientation)

Monday, September 17
7pm — Church Board Meeting, Youth Room

Tuesday, September 18
    6pm — J.U.M.P. Parent's Night, Jr. High Room
    7pm — High Five Parent's Night, Jr. High Room

Wednesday, September 19
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel

Friday, September 21
6:55pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, John McVay, Sanctuary

Sabbath, September 22
7pm ­— Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge

Monday, September 24
    WWU fall academic quarter begins

Sabbath, September 29
    1:15pm — The Longest Table, 4th Street









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