Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Your offerings fund ministries like: youth and young adults, children and families, broadcast, and our schools. Thank you for your contributions to this important work!

Adventist Giving Online

You can donate online with your credit card, debit card, or bank account. You can create an account or donate as a guest.

For help making a donation contact the church office at 509.527.2800 or email


Mail a check

Mail your check to:

University Church
PO Box 5
College Place, WA 99324

For help making a donation contact the church office at 509.527.2800 or email



Donate to UChurch online via Adventist Giving.

Go to and select Walla Walla University Adventist Church if it is not selected already.


Where Does My Offering Go?

  • Tithe: For the support of pastors, evangelists, Bible teachers, and administrators. Biblically mandated as 10% of our income.

  • Local Church Budget: Non-pastoral staff salaries, school operating expenses, children’s magazines, teaching supplies, worthy student fund, church bulletins, utilities, maintenance, insurance, etc. My Personal Giving Plan suggests three to five percent of our income.

  • Upper Columbia Conference Advance: Christian education, local evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools, the monthly Union magazines, summer camps, and much more. My Personal Giving Plan suggests one to two percent of our income.

  • World Budget: General Conference medical and educational institutions, world mission support, and evangelism. My Personal Giving Plan suggests one to three percent of our income.

  • Special Projects: Capital campaigns for church or school projects, mission trips, supporting ministries, etc. As God has prospered.

For more details, go to

Other Special Offerings

  • Birthday Thank Offering: Usually, on your birthday, you get a present. But in church, many people give a gift on their special day. It is called a Birthday Thank Offering.

    So, what happens to the Birthday Thank Offering? This gift is directed to church divisions outside North America to do mission work. Much of it is used in evangelistic activities. But some also go to clinics, hospitals, and educational institutions. A portion of your gift goes to administer the General Conference mission program, helping to move missionaries into new fields and advance the Adventist message. So, your gift of gratitude goes to missionaries and church institutions around the world who in turn will accept it with gratitude. It shows that being thankful can be contagious, doesn’t it?

  • 13th-Sabbath Offering: Every 13th Sabbath, the church focuses on one of its world divisions to accomplish a mission goal. Often, the offering goes toward constructing a building that will be used for education, evangelism, or media outreach. The 13th-Sabbath offerings have been used to establish schools such as Central Philippine Adventist College. A recent offering made a youth camp possible in Belize. All the church members around the world join hands on these projects through sacrificial giving. Also, you can give a 13th-Sabbath offering anytime by marking it on your tithe envelope. Do you want to be part of something big? You’ll be part of a worldwide community expanding Adventist mission work when you give to the 13th-Sabbath offering. Remember: Our giving funds the mission to finish the work.

Calendar of Special Offerings

January 11 - Religious Liberty
February 8 - Adventist Television Ministries Evangelism
March 8 - Adventist World Radio
April 12 - Hope Channel International, Inc.
May 10 - Disaster and Famine Relief
June 14 - Women’s Ministries
July 12 - Digital Strategy for Mission
August 9 - Christian Record Services
September 13 - Radio Ministries
November 8 - World Church Budget
December 13 - Community Services