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To host a table, sign up in the lobby today, from 9:30am-1:15pm.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We thank members of the music department faculty for sharing their music. Lindsay Armstrong sings a favorite hymn, “This Is My Father’s World” (SDA Hymnal No.92). Lyn Ritz, Benjamin Gish, and Jinhyang Park, present the same hymn in a trio arrangement by the Korean composer Byung-Jin Kim.
As you prepare your heart and mind to worship I invite you to take special comfort in the message of this hymn, especially the last stanza, given here:
This is my Father’s world,
O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the Ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world;
Why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!
God reigns; let the earth be glad.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today, the loose offering goes toward the University Church budget. The following is a small sample of how this is allocated:
The Longest Table sign-ups continue on Sabbath, September 9 restarting at 10:30am. Sign ups will continue each week until Sabbath, September 23. You can also sign up by calling the church office at 527-2800. Thank you for welcoming the WWU students at this event on Sabbath, September 30, following Second Service.
Ed Fairchild’s memorial is this Sabbath, September 16 at 3:30pm in Heubach Chapel.
We-Haul is coming! Help new WWU students move into residence halls. Sunday, September 17, 9–11am, and Sunday, September 24, 2–5pm. To help, simply show up at Sittner or Foreman Halls.
As part of Adventist Community Services, SonBridge is working to help meet the needs of those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Call 529-3100 or visit for ways to help Texas.
The Christian Aid Center needs you! This important ministry partner of the University Church is always in need of volunteer help. In particular, the director of volunteers at CAC (and our church member), Jeannette Regalado, is requesting for help with chapel speakers (6:30pm daily), breakfast cooks (Sunday and Monday mornings), and van drivers to pick up donated food (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Contact Jeannette at 509.525.7153.
You are invited to Diversity Day, a multicultural arts festival in downtown Walla Walla on Sunday, September 24, 12-5pm. Admission is free. Many University Church members will be involved in music and other aspects of the day's celebration. Come out and cheer for diversity! For more information, visit
Enchilada Fundraiser, supporting Christian education fund of College Place Spanish Church. Call 525-9523 or email for orders. Pick up at Rogers School, September 24, 1-4pm. Order by September 19.
50-PLUS CLUB POTLUCK/CORN ROAST, Sunday, September 17 at 5pm at the home of Larry and Jacque Goodhew, 4261 S. Highway 125, Walla Walla. Going south on Highway 125, turn left at the first private drive immediately after crossing the Walla Walla River. Please bring your own table service, chair to sit on, and a favorite vegetarian dish.
September is the VA Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. If you are in crisis, or are concerned about a loved one, many resources are available to you! Call 1.800.273.8255, which is the veterans crisis line. Other helps are outlined in this week's bulletin. Thank you Celena Veverka and other University Church members who work for mental health in our community!
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is looking for retired teachers who would be willing to sub at our school on occasion. We have need of more subs on our sub list. For more information call Barb at 541-938-7131.
Volunteers Needed People willing to give a few hours, 1 or two days a week volunteering at The Community Center located on 8th and Bade, College Place. The Center is open, Sundays and Mondays, 9-12:30. Come be a blessing.
Buying school supplies? Don’t forget hygiene supplies! Having clean clothes and refreshed body is a great way to start the new school year. Your donation of body wash, shampoo, deodorant, razors and shaving cream help to refresh the body. Laundry pods and dryer sheets help to make sure clothes are looking great; small things like nail clippers, body lotion and hand soap keep everyone looking good. Bring your tax deductible donations to HELPLINE at 1520 Kelly Place, St 180, Walla Walla, WA, Mon – Fri 9:00-11:45am or 1:00-3:45pm. A receipt can be given upon request.
2017 AMEN Conference: Are You Willing?: Are you a physician or dentist willing to serve God through medical ministry? Then the AMEN conference is for you! Join us Thursday October 26 – Sunday October 29, 2017 in Hilton Head Island, SC. During the 2017 AMEN Conference, each speaker will explore how you can have a vibrant, growing Christian experience yourself and, out of the context of your own experience, share God’s love with your patients. The essence of Jesus’ life was a willingness to do the Father’s Will and the goal of this year’s conference is to inspire each one of us to do the same. Featured Speakers include: Pastors Dwayne Lemon and Mark Finley; Physicians Ricardo Whyte, Debbie Beihl, Stephen Waterbrook, & Norman McNulty; Dentists Stephen Wright, Carlos Moretta, and many others. All physicians, dentists, healthcare professionals, and pastors are welcome to attend. Jesus is coming soon - let's prepare ourselves, our patients, and our colleagues! For more information please visit or call 530-883-8061.
The UCC Women’s Fall Retreat, Always, October 27 and 28, welcomes special guest, Janet Page, General Conference Associate Ministerial Secretary. Registration is available at UCC Women’s Ministries web page.
Sabbath, September 16
School-year worship service schedule resumes:
9:30am - First Serve
10:30am - Sabbath Schools
11:45am - Second Service
3pm - WWU Prayer Walk, in front of Admin. Building
3:30pm - Ed Fairchild Memorial Service, Heubach Chapel
7:02pm — Sundown
8pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge
Sunday, September 17
1-4pm — We Haul, moving help, WWU residence halls
Sunday-Friday, September 17-22
JumpStart for WWU Freshmen
Monday, September 18
7pm — Church Board Meeting, Youth Room
Tuesday, September 19
7pm — High Five Parent’s Night, Junior High Room
Wednesday, September 20
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Thursday, September 21
6:30pm — JUMP Parent’s Night, Junior Room
Friday, September 22
6:50pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers with John McVay, Sanctuary
Sunday, September 24
2-5pm — We Haul, moving help, WWU residence halls
Monday, September 25
WWU First Day of Class
Sabbath, September 30
1:30pm — Longest Table, 4th St.
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.