Financing Adventist Education

“Please don’t assume it’s out of your grasp,” Steve Fuchs said recently in a conversation about the cost of Christian education. For more than 15 years, Steve has served as the treasurer of Walla Walla Valley Academy. We talked about the challenges and opportunities parents and students face as they plan for their futures. As it turns out, there are dozens of resources and hundreds of thousands of dollars available to people; from need- based grants to scholarships, to work and payment programs, to discounts.

“I feel sick thinking of those who see the sticker price for great schools like WWVA or Rogers, and simply self-select out without even inquiring,” remarked Steve. “It’s true that our schools aren’t a perfect fit for every family, but I hate imagining that motivated students are kept out due to finances alone.”

Rogers Adventist School (K-8) and Walla Walla Valley Academy (9-12), along with Walla Walla University, are the University Church’s largest ministry partners. We are a congregation that has leveraged education, at all levels, as the key strategy for accomplishing our mission of growing disciples of Jesus. In fact, up to 50% of budgetary (and extra-budgetary) spending goes to our K-12 program alone! Nancy Barnett, the treasurer of Rogers School, said, “In the two years I’ve worked here, I’ve been simply amazed at how much student aid money we’ve awarded; and how the fund keeps miraculously replenishing itself!”

“This valley is amazing for how it takes care of kids,” echoed Steve. During the 2016–17 school year, the University Church contributed more than $4000,000 to K–12 education. And that figure doesn’t take into account the generosity expressed between individuals for this cause. On behalf of the pastoral staff, and the many students who benefit, THANK YOU!!

For more information on how to finance Christian education for your child, contact Steve Fuchs at, Nancy Barnett at, or Clare Thompson, (the Chair of the University Church’s Student Aid Committee) at If you would like to give to student aid, please mark the box on your tithe envelope or in our online giving portal.

-Kris Loewen







Bulletin Quicklinks



8.19.17 Timeline Summer.jpg


We thank Schuan Carpenter for leading the band, and Megan Schwark for sharing her singing talents with us. This past June Dr. Christine Janis graduated an unusually large number of fine voice students, including Megan. We are fortunate to hear several of them this summer before they disappear. Megan soon begins graduate vocal study at Central Washington University, and we wish her great success.

The prelude presents two movements of a large work by the great French composer Francois Couperin (1668–1733). The first is a dialogue, or conversation. French Baroque composers gave very specific directions as to which stops organists should use. Couperin indicates that this conversation should take place between the trumpets, clarion, and tierces of the grand organ and the bourdon and larigot of the positif organ. His directions for the second piece, a rhapsodic meditation, are equally specific; the melody should sound on a tierce in the tenor range.

As you hear this conversation and meditation I invite you to meditate quietly on your own conversations, both with fellow humans and with God.

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today, the loose offering goes toward the University Church budget. The following graphic illustrates broadly how donations to this are allocated.


(Although there is a new look to the giving page
at this link, your username and password
is exactly the same.)



Membership Transfers (First Reading):
   Transferring In:
Phil, Brenda, Kristen, Connor and Cameron Smith from Richland, WA
   Transferring Out:
Jonathan Anderson to Coquille, OR

Next Sabbath, August 26, an open house at the University Church is planned immediately following our service. Enjoy ice cream and fellowship in the lobby, and then a tour of the latest completed projects in the facility. All are invited!

WWU Church Family Camping weekend is planned for September 8–10, at Harris Park Campground in Umatilla County, up the hill from Milton-Freewater. The full campground is being held for our members to reserve (RV sites with full hook-ups, 2 cabins, and spaces for tents are available). Sites will be released to the public however, if we do not call and specifically register individually. This gathering and any additional activities will be informally organized, with the exception of a family worship and group potluck to follow on Sabbath. Register by calling Cortney at Harris Park: 541.938.5330. Contact Sherrice Croft for details:

The Christian Aid Center needs you! This important ministry partner of the University Church is always in need of volunteer help. In particular, the director of volunteers at CAC (and our church member), Jeannette Regalado, is requesting for help with chapel speakers (6:30pm daily), breakfast cooks (Sunday and Monday mornings), and van drivers to pick up donated food (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Contact Jeannette at 509.525.7153.

RAS is seeking a family or individual willing to host an adult male Seventh-day Adventist Spanish teacher from Panama for the 17-18 school year. This is a great opportunity to learn about a new culture and strengthen (or begin) your Spanish language abilities! This is a service opportunity, but a small stipend will be provided for food costs. Call Holley at (509) 529-1850 if you’re interested.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School is enrolling now. We still have places open in all our classrooms. We have financial aid available. We offer free bus service to Walla Walla and College Place. After the first day of school, August 21st, a student, preschool to 8th grade, who would like to check us out can visit free for a day. Call 541-938-7131 email

Children’s Story time & Crafts - Join us for stories and crafts two Thursdays a month from 1-2pm in the ABC Christian Bookstore. For ages 0-7. Next event: August 24. 505 S College Ave in College Place. Find more info at our Facebook page - CollegePlaceABC.

WWU Teacher Supervisor Positions Available: Do you love working with teachers in training? The WWU School of Education and Psychology has two openings for Student Teaching Field Supervisors beginning September 2017. You can see more specific information about applying for these part-time positions listed on the staff employment website or by calling 509-527-2211.

Buying school supplies?  Don’t forget hygiene supplies!   Having clean clothes and refreshed body is a great way to start the new school year.  Your donation of body wash, shampoo, deodorant, razors and shaving cream help to refresh the body. Laundry pods and dryer sheets help to make sure clothes are looking great; small things like nail clippers, body lotion and hand soap keep everyone looking good.  Bring buy your tax deductible donations to HELPLINE at 1520 Kelly Place, St 180, Walla Walla, WA, Mon – Fri 9:00-11:45am or 1:00-3:45pm. A receipt can be given upon request.

Vacation to CHARMING CEDAR SHORES – just north of the border. Three Bedroom, 4-season Guesthouse on beautiful Slocan Lake, B.C. Perfect for nature loving couples or family. Sleeps 2-4, caretaker on premises. For more information, call 509-638-2268.

Bracelets supporting Miles Kearbey are available. They are $5 each, available in both adult and youth size, 100% proceeds go to the Kearbey family. They’re orange (the color for pediatric cancer) with the following inscription: #MilesCourage *Psalms 27:14* #MilesStrength If anyone is interested in buying one (or more), they are welcome to email, text, or call Kate Follett,, (509)876-9131.




Sabbath, August 19
    8pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge
    7:55pm — Sundown

Monday, August 21
Church Office Closed
Classes begin at Walla Walla Valley Academy
    7pm — Church Board Meeting, Youth Room

Tuesday, August 22
Classes begin at Rogers Adventist School
    6:30pm — Prayer, Praise, Promises Small Group,             Heubach Chapel    

Wednesday, August 23
    7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel

Friday, August 25
    8pm — WWU Vespers, Conard Courtyard
    7:44pm — Sundown

Sabbath, August 26
    1pm — University Church Open House, Lobby

Friday, September 8 - Sunday, September 10
    WWU Church Family Camping, Harris Park