Senior Pastor Search
The University Church board has formed a search committee to guide our congregation in the process of finding the next senior pastor. Please consider taking some time to lend your voice!
The chair, Pam Cress, and its members (Alyssa Dybdahl, Katie Wagner, Patience Taruwinga, Kim Strobel, Holly Carpenter, Sergio Hernandez, Sue Willard, Holley Bryant) are eager to hear your thoughts and opinions as they begin their work. You might share with them insights about where you see our congregation going in the coming years, hopes and dreams for priorities and values, and even specific candidates you have in mind. Please feel free to contact individuals directly. If you need contact information, please get in touch with the church office manager, Jaimie Derting at 509.527.2800 or If you have questions or concerns, reach out to our interim senior pastor, Darold Bigger, or one of the other pastors on staff (Lois Blackwelder, Alareece Collie, Troy Fitzgerald, Kris Loewen, or Jenn Ogden).
Bulletin Quicklinks
2018-19 Outgoing WWU student missionaries
Donate here on our website, or in person by placing your gift in a tithe envelope and marking it "Local Church Budget," or by placing it in the offering bags.
Our online giving portal allows any person to set up regular, monthly, weekly, or biweekly contributions to be deducted automatically from their connected accounts into whatever budget, ministry, or funds they choose.
The University Church board has formed a search committee to guide our congregation in the process of finding the next senior pastor. The chair, Pam Cress, and its members (Alyssa Dybdahl, Katie Wagner, Patience Taruwinga, Kim Strobel, Holly Carpenter, Sergio Hernandez, Sue Willard, Holley Bryant) are eager to hear your thoughts and opinions as they begin their work. You might share with them insights about where you see our congregation going in the coming years, hopes and dreams for priorities and values, and even specific candidates you have in mind. Please feel free to contact individuals directly. If you need contact information, please get in touch with the church office manager, Jaimie Derting at 509.527.2800 or If you have questions or concerns, reach out to our interim senior pastor, Darold Bigger, or one of the other pastors on staff (Lois Blackwelder, Alareece Collie, Troy Fitzgerald, Kris Loewen, or Jenn Ogden).
Save the Date! University Church OUTDOOR CHURCH is scheduled for June 2 at 11:45am. This special service will happen on Centennial Green and will feature University Singers and I Cantori. Begin planning your picnic lunch today! (First Serve will take a one-week hiatus on June 2; Sabbath Schools will take place on their normal schedule). Join us!
50th Wedding Anniversary celebration for Scott and Betty Duncan. A come and go reception will be held in the Havstad Alumni Center on June 9, 6:00-8:00 p.m. We are planning a picture memory book to commemorate the occasion. Instead of a greeting card, please come prepared to have your picture taken and to write a short message for the memory book. If you have questions, please call 208/540-1707 or email
Retired Denominational Workers’ Strawberry Special Potluck, June 10, 5:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall, Village Church. DO NOT BRING DESSERT! A special presentation by Loren and Ruth (Christensen) Fenton - “China Odyssey: A Missionary Visit to Memory Lane”.
Skip Lee, Barbara Lee’s son and Steve Lee’s brother, passed away this week. Please remember this family as they mourn.
Receptionist and Dental Assistant for SonBridge Dental Clinic needed. Bilingual skills preferred, but not required. Paid positions of 30 hours per week. Call Mel at (509) 301-3460.
The pastoral staff would like to remind you that they are available outside of office hours for emergencies. Please call the main office number at 509.527.2800 and follow the prompts. One of the pastors will respond.
With great sadness we announce the death of Sam Ketting on May 24. He is survived by his daughter, Ginger Ketting-Weller and son Case Ketting and their families. A memorial service will be held in the Loma Linda University Church at 11 a.m. on June 10, and will be live streamed at In lieu of flowers, you are invited to make donations to the needy student fund at your local Adventist school.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is now accepting applications for the position of janitor. The job is 25 hours per week. Applications are due by June 20th. You may email or call 541-938-9386 for more information.
ASWWU Global Service is looking for volunteers to cook food for our annual International Food Fair on June 3. If you are interested in getting involved or have any questions contact They are also looking for small pop-up canopies, such as used for sporting events, that we can use to cover the food booths. If you have one they could use, please contact them.
SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting volunteers to sort donated goods, help haul items, or maintain the facility. If interested, please call 509.529.3100.
The Christian Aid Center is currently in need of childcare volunteers on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00. Please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer & Donor Relations at 525-7153 ext. 114 for more information.
Discovery Preschool is now enrolling children 3-5 years of age. It is the goal of our staff to work closely together with each family to provide a solid foundation for intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual growth of the child. Children are encouraged to explore their world through self-expression in a natural, playful, social environment. Contact information: or 509.527.2252. Visit:
FaithCamp West 2018: Jesus for Asia will again be hosting FaithCamp West at Upper Columbia Academy in Spangle, WA from July 11-15. Register now at to attend. Lodging and meal information available on the website. You will hear Jon Wood, Martin Kim, Jonathan and Hannah Hill, Gayle Haberkam, and other exciting missionary speakers. Plan now to attend, and bring your friends and family! We look forward to seeing you there!
Sabbath, June 2
11:45am — “Outdoor Church”, Centennial Green
1:15pm — All-church picnic lunch, Centennial Green
5pm — WWU Spring Choral Concert, Sanctuary
8pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
8:38pm — Sundown
Sunday, June 3
4pm — ASWWU Global Service Food Fair, Centennial Green
Monday, June 4
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, June 5
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Junior High Room
Wednesday, June 6
6:30pm — No Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Gathering Room
7pm — No “Evidence” Bible Study, Youth Room
7pm — Rogers 8th Grade Graduation, Sanctuary
Friday, June 8
1pm — “Change the Day” Activity, Youth Room
8pm — Vespers, Journey II, Sanctuary
8:43pm — Sundown
Sunday, June 10
10am — WWVA Commencement, Sanctuary
Sunday, June 17
8:30am — WWU Commencement, Centennial Green
Monday, July 9-Friday, July 13
9am-4pm — Vacation Bible Camp
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