(Left to right) Alareece collie, Jenn Ogden, Jaimie Derting
Photo by Kris Loewen


Welcome to the three most recent additions to our University Church staff.

Alareece Collie, Executive Pastor
Jenniffer Ogden, Children and Family Pastor
Jaimie Derting, Office Manager

For more information about our ministry team,
check out our staff page.



"In Christ", Heubach Chapel

Pastor Troy Fitzgerald and Faith Hoyt, a WWU student, are leaders of a new Sabbath School class meeting each week in Heubach Chapel following Family Worship.

“In a big church like ours, it’s good to create spaces that feel smaller,” says Troy. The class he and Faith have created focuses on digging into the stories of Jesus’ life and then challenging participants to test out His example during the week.

This quarter, “In Christ” is centered around different emotions Jesus expresses in His ministry. Next quarter the group will explore Jesus’ teachings about the end of all things.

All are invited to join the class which begins each week with Family Worship at 10:30am.





Please join me in thanking the many students and community members comprising the WWU Wind Symphony under the direction of Brandon Beck. We also welcome Lindsay Armstrong, who sings with the Wind Symphony this morning.

The American composer John Zdechlik (b.1937, Minnesota) has written dozens of works mostly for band but also for chamber ensembles and orchestra. Though the surname Zdechlik is Czech, his father emigrated from Poland in the first decade of the twentieth century. In the prelude we hear his most famous composition, written in 1972. By the age of 12, Luigi Zaninelli (b.1932, New Jersey) already had a career as a jazz pianist. But he also pursued classical music and eventually studied at the greatest of all American music conservatories, the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. He has published hundreds of works – classical pieces under the name Luigi Zaninelli, and jazz works under the pseudonym Lou Hayward.

James Curnow (b.1943, Michigan) has published more than 400 works for band, orchestra, choir and various vocal and instrumental ensembles. Some of his early training was with Salvation Army bands, and he still serves as editor for Salvation Army music publications in Atlanta, Georgia.

As you prepare your heart to worship, please take some time to silently reflect on the words of the offertory, some of which are given here:

Shall we gather at the river,
Where bright angel feet have trod,
With its crystal tide forever,
Flowing by the throne of God?
Yes, we’ll gather at the river,
The beautiful, the beautiful river;
Gather with the saints at the river
That flows by the throne of God.

-Kraig Scott






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Thank you for partnering financially with the University Church. Our local church budget supports K-12 programs Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.

As it has in the past, our local church budget supports K-12 schools Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “Tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.

As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!

Click here to give online

Click here to give online



Evensong is tonight, February 27, 5pm in the Sanctuary.

73rd annual OPS Amateur Hour is tonight, February 27th, 8pm in the Winter Education Complex. Tickets are $5 or $12 for families. 10% of the ticket sales will go towards an Engineers Without Borders project in Peru.

Rogers School Carnival is on March 5, from 6:30-9pm. This Home and School community event takes place in the Rogers’ gym and is open to all. Carnival food, games, and activities will be offered for nominal fees. 

Retired Denominational Workers Potluck is Sunday, March 6, at 5pm in the Village Church Fellowship Room.  Come enjoy a program by the “E Flat Brass Trio.”

Membership Transfers (second reading)
(IN) - Jeff Anderson, Kirkland, WA
Owen Bandy, Post Falls, ID
Rhonda Bandy, Paradise, CA
Benjamin and Tara Jackson, Bozeman, MT
Matthew, Brenda, Sarah, and Sophia Pierce, Puyallup, WA
Brenda and (son) Nathan Treadway, Milton-Freewater, OR
Randy Wentland, Milton-Freewater, OR
Shakina Wentland, Pendleton, OR
(AWAY) - Anika Clark, Volunteer Park, Seattle, WA
Tim and Laura Kyle, Wenatchee, WA
Sam Newton, Burns, OR
Brenden Rajah to Volunteer Park, Seattle, WA

The SonBridge Dental Clinic is accepting applications for a paid part-time dental assistant for Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Call Mel at 509.301.3460.

SonBridge Thrift & Gift needs hostesses for Sundays and Thursdays to greet and monitor the dressing rooms.  Mostly a sit down position.  Call June at 509.529.3100.

Student Missionaries Veggie Meat March! Donate cans of veggie meat for student missionaries from March 1-14. Drop cans in the bin at church or at the SM Office on the WWU Campus.

Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser for Homelessness in Walla Walla will be hosted at the Walla Walla City SDA Church on February 28 from 5-7pm. $10/person or $30/family. The sponsor for this event is Hope Heals, an organization that helps people transition from homelessness to stable housing.

SonBridge 2015 Annual Report is in the bulletin this week. Be sure to check it out here on our online version. Click here to see it.

Walla Walla Valley Adventist Single Adults Ministry will be viewing the movie “Front of the Class” on February 27 at 7pm at SonBridge. Everyone is invited. The event supports Rogers and Milton-Stateline scholarship funds.

Community Services Annual Spring Sale is March 11 and 13 in the Fellowship Hall of the Walla Walla City Church. Donations are accepted through March 10 and there is a hauling service availble for those who cannot transport donations. Call Barbara Wright at 509.526.9521.

Special German Sabbath School will take place next Sabbath, March 5, at 10:30am in the Fine Arts Center, Room 208.

Friends of Walla Walla has openings for volunteers to mentor students at Davis Elementary School. Call 509.527.4745 or email kelley@wallawallafriends.org.

Discovery Preschool at Walla Walla University is saving a spot for you!  Join us at our open house on Thursday, March 10thfrom 10:30 – 11:30a.m.  Visits by appointment are also welcome!   Register your child for preschool before the end of May and save 50% on the registration fee.  For more information contact Melissa Hammond at Melissa.Hammond@wallawalla.edu. To see pictures of our staff and students in action, “like” us on facebook.”

Christian Aid Center needs individuals who love working with children to volunteer at the shelter. Contact Jeannette Regalado at 509.525.7153 ext. 114 for more information.

Rosario Singles Retreat, April 1-3, 2016. Dick and Brenda Duerksen are our speakers and we have an extended schedule Sunday with whale watching, Deception Pass jet boat tour and driving tour of the tulip fields as options. The registration cost is $185. For details and registration form, send an email to RosarioRetreat@Gmail.com. For those without access to email, you may call our registration line at 360 588-3179 to request info. The deadline to register is March 23, 2016. Click here for registration form.

“Living Beyond Yourself” a women’s DVD Bible study at SonBridge Community Center. Wednesday, January 6 - March 16, 12-1pm. (Please bring a Sack Lunch).

Camp MiVoden Doctors and Nurses needed. If you’re interested in volunteering for a week this summer, call 509.876.1404 or email vastdavidson@hotmail.com.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to “Meet Me at The Fair” our annual fair on Sunday, March 6th 3 pm to 7 pm.Tickets to be used at the booths cost 50 cents each. There will be food, drinks, games and prizes!

Milton-Stateline Adventist School Movie Night is Saturday, March 12th at 7:00 pm. Admission $1 per person or $5 per family. There will be concessions for purchase. The movie is “The Snowball Express”. All are invited!
Home school families, you are invited to an Open House at Milton-Stateline Adventist School on March 3 at 6:30 pm in the gym. Topics will include how we can work together and how we can include your student in our programs. For information, please call 541-938-7131 or email info@miltonstateline.org

New Student Visitation Day at Milton-Stateline Adventist School is Friday, March 4, from 8:15 am to noon. Meet the teachers and students. Visit the classrooms. There will be a drawing for two certificates for free registration. Contact us at 541-938-7131 or email info@miltonstateline.org.

Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m.  For more information, call 509-527-2654.

Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!




Sabbath,  February 27
    5pm - Evensong, Sanctuary
    8pm - OPS Amateur Hour, WWU WEC Gym
    5:37pm - Sunset

Tuesday,  March 1
    7:30am - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)
    11am - WWU CommUnity, Gillian Seton on
             “Ebola and its Aftermath”, Sanctuary.
    7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday,  March 2
    12-1pm - Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
    6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall

Friday, March 4
    5:46pm - Sunset
    8pm - WWU “Journey Vespers”, Sanctuary

Sabbath, March 5
    4pm - Choir and Orchestra Festival Concert, Sanctuary
    6:30-9pm - Rogers School Carnival, Rogers Gym            
    7pm - Children and Family Ministries Roller Skating,
              Youth Center

Friday, March 11
    8pm - WWU Vespers with Matt Gamble, Sanctuary



Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.