Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Artwork by WWU Art Professor Joel Libby
On Black History Sabbath in particular, the University Church community intentionally takes time to celebrate the irreplaceable contributions of African Americans in our collective past and present, to identify injustice that we must continue fighting, and to worship our Creator together in the style of the rich and beautiful African American tradition.
Today, University Church leadership welcomes many members and guests to the platform to lead our congregation in worship. Thank you all, for blessing our community with your contributions! Besides Sabbath morning services, you are also invited to come enjoy a Sabbath afternoon worship experience at 4pm in the Sanctuary.
Church leadership also thanks Pedrito Maynard-Reid, WWU Assistant to the President for Diversity, for his joyful, dedicated, focused, and Christ-centered leadership on campus, and particularly for his visionary guidance over this special Sabbath in February each year.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Artwork by WWU Art Professor Joel Libby
Bulletin Quicklinks
Welcome to our annual celebration of Black History Month. For more than 25 years we have set aside the first Sabbath in February to celebrate the rich and vibrant history of the African American community. On this day each year we come together to worship in the African American tradition, incorporating elements from a variety of both historic and contemporary African American worship experiences.
Today we welcome Pastor Michael Kelly to the pulpit. Pastor Kelly is the senior pastor of the Mt. Rubidoux SDA church in Riverside, California. Known for his deep commitment to community service and evangelism, Pastor Kelly is a much sought-after speaker. He will be blessing us with two different sermons for First and Second Service.
It is also our great pleasure to welcome back Wayne Bucknor and Andrew “Benji” Young who are joining us from Oakwood University to lead out in our music. If you’ve attended this service in the last five years you know the amazing talents they bring. They will be leading our mass choir for Second Service, which features voices from churches all around the Pacific Northwest.
Finally, we hope you’ll join us in the Sanctuary at 4pm for our annual "Total Praise: A Festival of Choirs" concert featuring vocalists from around the Pacific Northwest as well as more musical selections from our mass choir.
We pray that you will be blessed today as we join together in this wonderful celebration of music, prayer, and the spoken word.
–Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today the loose offering goes to the Adventist World Church budget.
To donate to the University Church budget, please mark it on your tithe envelope or select it in the online giving portal via the church’s website. Donations to the University Church budget fund all local ministries, including youth and children, WWVA and Rogers subsidies, broadcast, worship, and the upkeep of the church campus.
Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).
Thank you to those who contributed to the dessert potluck last Sabbath. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and we look forward to more opportunities to spend time with each other in the future. —University Church Pastoral Staff
An all church potluck is scheduled for February 9 at 1:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited!
The second reading of the University Church Placement Board report is included as an insert in today's bulletin. Thank you to all for serving in our church. To find out how you can contribute, please email or call the church office.
A memorial service for Deanie Christy is scheduled for February 9 at 3pm in Heubach Chapel.
Sam Wineburg, professor of education, history, and American studies at Stanford University, will present “What is Intelligence in a Digital Age?” for CommUnity on February 5 at 11am in the University Church and “The Internet and Us: How Do We Prevent Becoming Tools of Our Tools?” for the Distinguished Scholar Lecturer on February 5 at 7pm in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium.
Interested in checking out Rogers Adventist School for your child’s education? Join K-8 teachers and administration for a school tour, complimentary meal, and important information about RAS curriculum and community on February 21, 6pm. Childcare available. Text your RSVP to 509.386.7386 or cindy.mccrery@rogersschool.org
The family of Sid and Aileen Litchfield wish to give heartfelt thanks to the many of you dear church family who shared cards, words and beautiful flowers of sympathy after the loss of Ted Howard, Aileen’s father. A celebration of his life will be at The Village Church Chapel on February 2 at 3pm.
Retired Denominational Workers’ Annual Brunch, Sunday February 3, 10am, in the Alaska Room, WWU Cafeteria. There will be a fee at the door for this Gala Event. Come with your Spouse or invite a friend and enjoy a delightful program. Reservation is required. Call Bona Engen 509.522.4848.
SonBridge constituency meeting will be held on Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 10am. The agenda will include inspiring financial and development reports of God’s blessings and an update of future plans. This constituency session is for designated delegates, but interested parties are welcome to attend! Thank each of you for your amazing support of this important ministry.
The Red Cross will host a blood drive at the University Church Fellowship Hall on Monday, February 11 from 8:30am–1:45pm. Show up in person or pre-register at: redcrossblood.org.
Jamie Jorge Healing Music Concert Join us for a free concert of inspirational, Christian music with violin virtuoso Jaime Jorge on Friday, February 15 at 7pm in the Walla Walla Eastgate Church. Hosted by the Julianna Sayler Foundation. Light refreshments to follow.
Becoming a Man of God retreat is at Camp MiVoden March 1–3 for the Upper Columbia Conference Men’s Summit. Pastor Kevin Wilfley will present his “Becoming a Man of God” series, focusing on five “Becomings” in the life of a Christian man. Topics include, integrity, prayer, service, and generosity. Learn more and register at https://uccevents.regfox.com/ucc-mens-summit Enter the Coupon Code “EARLY!” before February 14 and save $25.
Emotional and spiritual care provider training to be offered at the Upper Columbia Conference office, March 13-14. This foundational program will equip people to serve as credentialed responders after disasters and other traumatic events. To register, email: PattyM@uccsda.org or WendyU@uccsda.org.
Rosario Singles Retreat with Pastor Ofa Langi and sponsored by the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is April 4-7. Come enjoy the coastal beauty of Rosario and the breaking waves on the beach. Registration will be available by mid February. Mark it on your calendar now. For more information, visit https://goo.gl/qYAYNs
Free estate planning is offered as a service of the Upper Columbia Conference Trust Department for UCC members. They help you take care of family, and just ask that you have a desire to make a significant difference in some way connected with Upper Columbia Conference (evangelism, your local church or school, etc.). For more information, or to arrange an appointment next time a representative is in your area, please contact Andrew McCrary at 509.242.0472 or e-mail AndrewM@uccsda.org
Volunteer for “Love Heals” free clinic coming to Walla Walla, April 18 & 19, 2019. Physicians, dentists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, nurses, dental hygienists and assistants, chiropractors, prayer warriors, organizers, hospitality experts, pastors and chaplains, and everyone in between are encouraged to partner with Walla Walla University and many area churches and support organizations in lending your hand to this beautiful ministry. Learn more and register to volunteer at: lovehealswallawalla.org.
The Winter Quarter pulpit series at the University Church is entitled “Wise Guys.” Each Sabbath, a variety of preachers from our community (including our new senior pastor Andreas Beccai) will open the scriptures sharing from the wisdom literature books of: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, and Song of Solomon.
You are invited to Milton-Stateline Adventist School's annual Talent Show on Feb. 24th in our gym! The show starts at 4pm. There will be a refreshment stand. Our students have been practicing and are looking forward to sharing their talents with you!
Sabbath, February 2
3pm — Celebration of Life Service for Ted Howard, Village Church Chapel
4pm — Total Praise Concert, Sanctuary
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Monday, February 4
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, February 5
11am — WWU CommUnity, Sam Wineburg, Sanctuary
6:30pm — J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, February 6
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, February 8
5:08pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, Sanctuary
Sabbath, February 9
1:15pm — All Church Potluck, Fellowship Hall
2pm — Adventurers, Jr. High Room
3pm — Memorial Service for Deanie Christy, Heubach Chapel
4pm — Band Festival Concert, Sanctuary
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Sunday, February 10
6pm — CFM Parent’s Night Out, Jr. High Room
Monday, February 11
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
8:30am — Red Cross Blood Drive, Fellowship Hall
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