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Bulletin Quicklinks



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Christmas time brings special joys to life in the Walla Walla Valley, including the return of many musicians who make our holiday music extra special. We welcome a host of such people today. Jeremy Irland lives close by but we don’t hear him often enough. He and our own Benjamin Gish bring us the anthem. Julia (Gish) Salerno returns from Spokane to share her wonderful violin playing. For the postlude, Benjamin Gish has put together a small orchestra consisting of local and returning musicians. Please join me in thanking Alyssa Chung, Willa King, Aaron Fazzari, Lyn Ritz, Lee Johnson, Justin Chung, Alan Newbold, and Jake Willard.

For the prelude we hear a meditative setting of a greatly loved chorale, “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland,” by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). The translation is given here:

Come now, Saviour of the heathen,
Acknowledged child of the Virgin,
At whom all the world marvels
That God provided him with such a birth.

In the offertory we hear another favorite hymn whose words are found in our hymnal, No.141. The postlude presents the famous violin Concerto No.4 in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, “L’inverno” (Winter) from the Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). The three movements are marked as follows:

Allegro non molto

This piece artfully depicts the harsh, unforgiving climate of this season. As you prepare your heart to worship God I invite you to meditate on the great Love of God in giving the gift of His only begotten Son.

-Kraig Scott





Give to the University Church Budget by placing your contribution in a tithe envelope and marking it "church budget," or by clicking "give." Loose offering placed in bags this week will go toward the Upper Columbia Conference's budget. Thank-you for your generosity to this important work!


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(Although there is a new look to the giving page
at this link, your username and password
is exactly the same.)



I would like to say thank you on behalf of my family for the outpouring of cards, phone calls, visits, delicious food and most of all the kind care and love during John’s battle and days following his passing.  God bless and keep you
~ Joan Deming

Medical Responders Needed. EMT/Paramedics, CPR-qualified Nurses, Nurse Providers, or Physicians who are willing to be on a list of medical responders during the church services, with one present and available for each church service each week, for possible medical emergencies, please contact Deanne at 509-301-6703 or

Family and friends are invited to help celebrate Walt Meske and Liz Hanafin’s “Come and Go” wedding reception at the Walla Walla University Alumni Center, January 1, 2018 from 1-3.  No gifts please.

Are you looking to connect with others? A number of small groups will be offered this winter. We would also love to have new leaders! The groups are discussion-based and will run for about an hour over a three to six week period. If you’re interested in leading a group, please contact Alareece Collie at

Classroom Coordinators Needed! Our Kindergarten 1 and Primary 2 classes are looking for a person willing to organize teachers weekly for their rooms! We would love someone who enjoys teaching in case they need to fill in on occasion. Volunteers must complete (or have already completed) the Verified Volunteers training and screening. Please contact Pastor Jenn today if this call is for you! or 509.527.2800.

Register for the final One project gathering before December 31. The grand finale promises to be a unique and transformative experience. Each speaker will share why they personally proclaim, “Oh, How I Love Jesus!”You, along with your family and friends—through conversation, through singing, and through celebration—will have the same opportunity. This gathering will not be recorded. Register to attend at before December 31, 2017. Prices increase in January 1, 2018, and the gathering is likely to sell out.

Enchiladas to go, from College Place Spanish SDA Church to benefit their student aid fund. Call 509.525-9523, 509.301.2956 or email to order. Order by January 30 to pick up on February 4 at Rogers Adventist School.

Guests coming and need an extra guest room? Havstad Alumni Center has 3 beautiful guest rooms. For guest room availability and information go to  or call 509 540-8095.

Need space for family/friends event? Havstad Alumni Center is available for rent for those special events. Choose between the 1st floor beautiful home-like living room setting or the 2nd floor which includes a full kitchen.  Located on 4th Street on the Walla Walla University campus.  For more information, please call 509.527.2241 between 9am - 5pm Monday - Thursday.

The Christian Aid Center needs you! This important ministry partner of the University Church is always in need of volunteer help. In particular, the director of volunteers at CAC (and our church member), Jeannette Regalado, is requesting for help with chapel speakers (6:30pm daily), breakfast cooks (Sunday and Monday mornings), and van drivers to pick up donated food (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Contact Jeannette at 509.525.7153.



Sabbath, December 23
    4:12pm — Sundown
    6pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge

Monday, December 25
    Christmas Day — Church Office Closed

Tuesday, December 26
    High Five Youth Group on break until January 9

Wednesday, December 27
    Pathfinders Club on break until January 10

Thursday, December 28
    J.U.M.P. Youth Group on break until January 11

Friday, December 29    
    4:16pm — Sundown

Monday, January 1
    New Year’s Day — Church Office Closed

Wednesday, January 3
    WWVA, and Rogers School classes resume

Monday, January 8
    WWU classes resume