Fall Reading Shelf:
Book Recommendations from fellow church members
"Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy" by Sheryl Sandberg
Hearing about how Sandberg and her kids dealt with the sudden death of her husband was very touching and insightful. —Steve Rose
"Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis," by J.D. Vance
A rare and powerful opportunity to hear the voice of a former marine and Yale Law School graduate,who grew up among a misunderstood and maligned group of Americans. —Doug Tilstra
"All The Light We Cannot See," by Anthony Doerr
In spite of the difficulty of the subject matter, (I would not recommend for adolescents or children) this novel about two intersecting lives in World War II is powerful in its timeless reminders to do the right thing, and of the value of true goodness in people. —Nicole Bryan
"God Is Closer Than You Think" by John Ortberg
A great book to share with those who might think it difficult to be closely connected with God every moment of the day. I am so thankful to be reminded how very close He is, just waiting for us to reach out for Him. —KarrLayn Beck
"Culture of Honor" by Danny Silk
This 2009 book has been very impactful for me. The church culture it describes demonstrates some amazing lessons on Grace. —David Lindstrom
"Lament for a Son" by Nicholas Wolterstorff
If you're in the place of deep grief over the loss of a loved one, you'll find solace in this moving book. —Troy Wallace
Bulletin Quicklinks
We thank two graduates from the class of 2017 who share their music with us. Kristina Kozakova, originally from Moscow, Russia, lives in Seattle. Noel Jabagat, originally from Florida, is pursuing a Masters degree at Eastern Washington University. Please join me in thanking them both for their beautiful music.
As you prepare your heart to worship I invite you to meditate on the words of our closing hymn, some of which are given here:
Christ for the world we sing;
The world to Christ we bring
With loving zeal;
The poor and them that mourn,
The faint and overborne,
Sinsick and sorrow-worn,
Whom Christ doth heal.
-Kraig Scott
Raising Tech-Safe Kids, a workshop hosted by WWVA will be November 16 at 6:30pm in the WWVA Auditorium. Chuck Hagele, CEO of Project Patch, will be presenting. No registration required. The workshop is Free. Call 509.525.1050 for more information.
Classroom Coordinators Needed! Our Kindergarten 1 and Primary 2 classes are looking for a person willing to organize teachers weekly for their rooms! We would love someone who enjoys teaching in case they need to fill in on occasion. Volunteers must complete (or have already completed) the Verified Volunteers training and screening.Please contact Pastor Jenn today if this call is for you! jenn.ogden@wallawalla.edu or 509-527-2800
All-Church Potluck - including students and visitors. This Sabbath, Nov 11 after Second Serve (1:15 PM) in the Church Fellowship Hall.
Membership Transfers (first reading)
(IN) Michael and Marlene Cafferky from Collegedale, TN
Andrew Donesky from McDonald, TN
Katie Donesky from Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Chris Drake from Dayton, WA
Patience and Idah Taruwinga from Layfayette, West Layfayette, IN
(AWAY)Alex Clouzet to The Wells, Chattanooga, TN
Chadwin Mathis to Mt Ellis Academy, Bozeman, MT
Laurie Meservia Larson to Dayton, WA
Charlotte Tokle to The Wells, Chattanooga, TN
Lilia Wells to Journey, Kelso, WA
Rogers Adventist School Christmas program for grades 5-8 is on Tuesday, December 5 at 7pm in the WWVA Auditorium. The program for grades K-4 is Tuesday, December 12 at 6:30pm in the WWVA Auditorium.
Walla Walla Valley Academy will present their annual Christmas Concert featuring their Band, Choir, Hand Bells, Singers and their Orchestra. The program will take place in the WWVA Auditorium beginning at 7pm on Sabbath, December 9 .
We need pies! Each year for the community Thanksgiving dinner, the University Church supplies 50 pies. If you are willing to help, please deliver yours to the church office before 10am on Tuesday, November 21.
James Sadoyama passed away last week. We mourn with his many friends and family. He will be missed. Please remember his family in prayer. The memorial service will be December 3 at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.
50-PLUS POTLUCK will be held on Sunday, November 19, at 5:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish and enjoy a program presented by “Hand Picked”.
WWU Distinguished Faculty Lecture, “JUSTICE: A Radical, Prophetic Call to the Academy and the Pew” presented by Dr. Pedrito Maynard-Reid, Professor of Biblical Studies and Missiology and Assistant to the President for Diversity. Sunday, November 12, 2017, 7 p.m. Melvin K. West Fine Arts Center Auditorium. If you are not on the Walla Walla campus, this will be live streamed at www.wallawalla.edu/dfl
The Umapine Seventh-day Adventist Church invites the public to share in the Annual Thanksgiving Service on November 21 at 7 PM located at 84685 Ringer Rd. Youth soloist, Samuel Schafer, will give thanks through the avenue of a Bach Violin concerto. “Umapine Philharmonic” will add their strings to the mixture of voices giving thanks. WWU Theology student, Cameron Fitzgerald, will lead us in thoughts of thanksgiving and a reception will follow the service.
Come Before Winter Sabbath film screening at Walla Walla University. Everyone welcome. The WWU Center for Media Ministry is hosting a Sabbath film screening on Dec. 2 from 3-5 PM in the Black Box (CTC 119)The film, Come Before Winter, tells the story of German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the last days of Nazi GermanySpecial guests Kevin Ekvall, the film director, and Gary Blount, producer, will answer questions after the film.
The Interfaith Coalition on Poverty is sponsoring an event on November 15 to highlight national Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. Our goal is to continue a community dialog on the issues of homelessness and poverty. It is scheduled for November 15, 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the First Congregational Church in Walla Walla. Child care will be provided for those interested.
The memorial service for Bernard B. Yanke will be November 25th at 3pm at the Village Church.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Sabbath, December 9, 2017 — 3:30 p.m. “Good Christian Friends, REJOICE!”- the annual Vespers Celebration of Lessons & Carols will be presented by the Village Church Choir, Brass Ensemble, Kids of the King Children’s Choir, Orchestra, and Grace Notes Handbells directed by ministers of music Terry and Terri Koch. College Place Village Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is accepting applications for a janitor. Experience preferred. Position to start January 2018. For more information email info@miltonstateline.org or call 541-938-7131
The Cantrell family is grieving the unexpected and tragic loss of Kevin Cantrell, who died in a auto accident on November 14, 2017. One way you can help the family in this time is to sign up via this Meal Train to provide food while they are processing this terrible loss. click here: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/e74v7e
Help SonBridge get through the winter season by donating winter coats, shoes, and undergarments. Additional volunteers are also an urgent need. Call (509) 529-3100 for more details.
Guests coming and need an extra guest room? Havstad Alumni Center has 3 beautiful guest rooms. For guest room availability and information go to www.wallawalla.edu/alumni/wwu-alumni-association/guest-rooms/ or call 509 540-8095.
Need space for family/friends event? Havstad Alumni Center is available for rent for those special events. Choose between the 1st floor beautiful home-like living room setting or the 2nd floor which includes a full kitchen. Located on 4th Street on the Walla Walla University campus. For more information, please call 509 527-2241 between 9am - 5pm Monday - Thursday.
Come and enjoy “Miracle On Bethleham Street” a play and performances by the MSAS Band and Choir! The fun starts at 7:00 pm on Thursday, December 14th in our gymnasium.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to a Pancake breakfast on Sunday, Dec 3rd 8:00 am to 10:00 am in the Stateline Adventist Church Fellowship Hall. There will be pancakes, eggs, hash browns and a whole lot more! By Donations. All proceeds go to the 8th grade trip fund.
If you’re a medical doctor or dental hygienist and are interested in going on a mission trip to Bolivia with a church group in March, please contact Monique Morris at moniquemorris@gmail.com or call 509-540-9345.
The Christian Aid Center needs you! This important ministry partner of the University Church is always in need of volunteer help. In particular, the director of volunteers at CAC (and our church member), Jeannette Regalado, is requesting for help with chapel speakers (6:30pm daily), breakfast cooks (Sunday and Monday mornings), and van drivers to pick up donated food (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Contact Jeannette at 509.525.7153.
Sabbath, November 18
4:18pm — Sundown
6pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge
November 19-26
WWU Thanksgiving Break
Sunday, November 19
5pm — 50-Plus Potluck, Youth Center
Tuesday, November 21
10am — Pie Delivery for Community Thanksgiving Dinner, Church Office
Wednesday, November 22
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Thursday, November 23
Thanksgiving - Church Office Closed
Friday, November 24
Church Office Closed
4:13pm — Sundown
Sabbath, December 2
3pm — Come Before Winter film screening, CTC 119
6-7pm -- Walla Walla City Parade of Lights, Downtown
Sunday, December 3
10:30am — Jimmy Sadoyama memorial, Sanctuary
Tuesday, December 5
7pm — Rogers School, 5-8 Christmas Program, WWVA Auditorium
Thursday, December 7
5-7:30pm -- College Place City Christmas parade and fireworks
Friday, December 8
6pm and 8pm -- WWU Music Department Christmas Program, Sanctuary
Sabbath, December 9
11:45am -- Lessons and Carols worship service, Sanctuary
4pm -- Evensong, Sanctuary
7pm - WWVA Music Dept. Christmas Program, WWVA Auditorium
Tuesday, December 12
6:30pm — Rogers School, K-4 Christmas Program, WWVA Auditorium
Friday, December 15
7pm -- "The Longest Night" vespers, Sanctuary
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.