Student-led Worship Community
At the beginning of its fifth year in operation, the Circle Church leadership team is excited about what God has in store yet for their community. Student pastors Andrea Betts and Matthew Burghart shared that their vision for 2016–17 connects back to Circle Church's original goal when it began as a post-vespers worship gathering. "We want to create a place where authentic worship and community is first," says Matthew, "where Jesus is the center and focus of all that we do."
This academic school year marks the second in which the University Church welcomes Circle Church into the Fellowship Hall for weekly Sabbath morning gatherings at 10:30am. Please jointhe pastoral team in welcoming this passionate, dedicated, and inspiring group of students !

Unless you've looked closely, you might've not even noticed! Over the summer, WWU graduate Daniel Rafuse, WWU TSS director Karl Thompson, along with a team of talented students and volunteers, dedicated themselves (and their pocketbooks!) to the task of improving audio- visual infrastructure in our Fellowship Hall.
At the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, we welcomed Circle Church into that space. Each week, leaders spent many hours Friday evenings and Sabbath mornings setting up sound and lighting equipment for their services. Matthew Burghart reports that the new permanent technology will allow his team to focus on people Sabbath mornings before their worship services as opposed to technical details.
"I'm super excited about it honestly," he says.
Of course, the new equipment will find many additional and new uses by our church family in the years to come. Please join the pastoral team in thanking Daniel, Karl, and their team for such a significant gift.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We thank two wonderful musicians for sharing their music. It is always a special Sabbath when our own Jeremy Irland sings, and today we get to hear him three times. Also, I am again excited for the opportunity to introduce a new music faculty member to our congregation. Albert Diaz comes to us from Bellingham by way of UCLA where he is completing a PhD in historical musicology. Please join me in wishing a warm Walla Walla welcome to both of these musicians.
All of Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn is based on biblical texts. Jeremy sings two arias from this masterpiece, and the scripture references are given here.
Is Not His Word Like a Fire? (Jer. 23:29; Ps.7:11,12)
It Is Enough (1 Kings 19:4,10; Job 7:16)
Jeremy’s last aria comes from another colossal work, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Passion According to St. Matthew. In this postlude anthem, sung in German, we hear Bach’s personal meditation on the touching story of the wealthy Joseph of Arimathaea caring for and burying the crucified body of Christ (Matthew 27:57). As you prepare to worship I invite you to silently meditate on the English translation.
Make thyself, my heart, now pure,
I myself would Jesus bury.
For He shall henceforth in me More and more
Find in sweet repose His dwelling.
World, depart, let Jesus in!
-Kraig Scott
Sabbath's Question:
Why does God answer prayer for lost keys but not for 1000 lost lives in Haiti?
The University Church budget funds many important aspects of our local ministry. Although pastors' salaries are funded by donations marked "tithe", the University Church budget is what subsidizes our amazing K-12 school programs at Walla Walla Valley Academy and Rogers Adventist School. It also makes our worship services and broadcast ministry possible. Thank you for your generous and systematic support!
As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!
Today's loose offering supports ministry at our local church. The following is a sample of how the budget is allocated:
Membership Transfers:
(IN) Kris de Bruin from Cape Town, South Africa
John Paul and Stephanie Elie from Battle Ground, WA
Robert and Susan Gardner from Keene, TX
Michael Gref from Cornwall, Ontario (ON), Canada
Jason Holder from Brewster, WA
and Lisa Holder from CP Village
Brett and Briana Maynor from Redlands, CA
David and Jennifer Royer from Riverview, Pasco, WA
Brandon Wade from Yreka, CA
(AWAY) Michael Bork to Paradise, CA
Louis and Laurie Roosma to Stateline, MF
Ordination update. The Upper Columbia Conference administration has agreed to meet with our church in response to a request by our board. The time will be spent discussing the status of commissioned pastors in this conference. All church members are encouraged to attend, Wednesday evening, November 9 at 7pm. Location TBD.
Darius Jankiewicz, professor of historical theology at Andrews University, presents on the history and meaning of ordination today at Sabbath Seminar (10:30am) and at 3pm in the Sanctuary. The afternoon program will be live streamed on our website,
Deacons Needed. Please contact Deanne Hoehn if you would be willing to serve,
Marilynne Robinson, a Pulitzer Prize winning author, will be a special guest for WWU's Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series November 11–12. Her visit includes a presentation in the Sanctuary on Sabbath, November 12, at 10:30am.
Ask Anything midweek conversations continue this week. Thursday, October 6, at 7pm in Heubach Chapel. Pastor Alex will lead the discussion on our weekly topic!
This Sabbath, October 22, Circle Church and Sabbath Seminar begin for the first time this academic school year while all other student Sabbath schools return to their normal locations.
Student Missions Vespers will be Friday, October 28 at 8pm in the Sanctuary. Lauren Epperson will be our speaker. The Missions Fair in the Church lobby will follow the Vespers service.
WWVA's Fall Fling is this Sunday from 4–8pm at the WWVA gym. The WWVA Orchestra will be selling Asian food to raise funds for a Italy tour in March. All are welcome!
SonBridge is in need of two volunteers, one for the reception desk and another for the Thrift & Gift decorative flower department. If interested, please call (509) 529-3100 or visit
Blue Mountain Television (BMT) Fall Sharathon 2016 is nearly here! Join us October 24-26, each night from 6–10pm on BMT to watch the Sharathon program full of beautiful music and touching stories.
LRF 88.5 needs your help by NOV 1 so we can install a new antenna and coax cable before snow falls at our site in the mountains. Our old equipment shuts down the station when it gets too cold to handle the power. The cost is $22,000. The station is operated by volunteers. All donations will go to this urgent project. Mail to KLRF 88.5,1200 SE 12th St, College Place, WA 99324. Thank you for your help, Owen Bandy, General Manager.
Milton Adventist Church is looking for volunteers to help with leadership positions in the “Journey to Bethlehem” community program. For more information or to sign up, please contact Marja McChesney, Office Manager at509.386.6071.
“Armor of God”, a free women’s DVD Bible Study, starts at noon on Wednesday, September 28! Based on Ephesians 6:10–19 by Christian author and speaker Priscilla Shirer, the study will take place on Wednesdays, noon to 1pm, September 28 through November 9. No registration needed. SonBridge Community Center, 1200 SE 12th Street, College Place. 509.529.3100.
Interested in Jail Ministries? Call Eastgate SDA Church (Candice Reece) at 509.301.8114 for more information.”
Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change, a community counseling clinic managed by the School of Education and Psychology at Walla Walla University. Counselors are second-year master’s students in counseling psychology under the supervision of program faculty. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9pm. For more information, or to make an appointment, call Pathways to Change at 509.527.2654.
At SonBridge Community Center, we are dedicated to creating educational opportunities for the betterment of our community. Starting September 28, most of our fall classes begin. Some of these classes include Grief Support and English as a Second Language. Call (509) 529-3100 or visit for more information.
Volunteer Opportunities at Christian Aid Center:
- Breakfast Cook every Sunday from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m.
- Weekend Breakfast Host from 6:00 to 8:30 a.m., Saturday and Sunday openings (food handler card required)
- Weekend Dinner Host from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday openings
- Chapel Speaker
- Childcare Provider (weekday morning times available)
Please call Jeannette Regalado, at (509) 525-7153 ext. 114 for more information.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is hosting a book fair FIESTA! Everyone is invited to come and look over new books titles which can be purchased at discounted prices. Don’t forget, Christmas is coming and books always make great gifts! Each purchase helps our school earn points towards free books for our library. The fair will be held in our library Oct 31-Nov 4. The hours are Mon-Thurs 8:00 am-4:00 pm and Fri 9:00 am-12:30 pm. We appreciate all of your support!
Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to a Talent Show and fundraising sale on Saturday, Oct. 29th at 6:30 pm in our gym. Admission is by donation. There will be singers, musicians and more! Fun for the entire family! There will be concession stand. All proceeds go to purchasing some much needed P.E. equipment.
Sabbath, October 22
3pm — Darius Jankiewicz, FORUM, Sanctuary
5:53pm — Sunset
5:30pm – Evensong, Sanctuary
Sunday, October 23
4–8pm - WWVA Fall Fling, WWVA gym
Daily, October 24–28
7:30am — Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, October 25
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, October 26
12–1pm — Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
6:30pm — Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall
Thursday, October 27
6:30pm - J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
7pm — Ask Anything Conversation, Heubach Chapel
Friday, October 28
5:42pm — Sunset
8pm — WWU Vespers, Student Missions, Sanctuary
Sabbath, October 29
WWU Family Weekend
6pm — CFM Soup supper, Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, November 9
7pm — Ordination conversation with UCC Leaders,
Fellowship Hall
Sabbath, November 12
10:30–11:30am — Marilynne Robinson, Sanctuary
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.