June Loveliness Shattered
This June—like every June—
is a fine time to be alive:
the sun is warm, but not yet too hot;
the light stays longer and night comes later;
the summer eases the schedule,
and we are taken up
in weddings and brides,
in proms and graduations,
in successes and endings,
in exciting new beginnings.
We are among the many creatures of your creation,
who luxuriate in long days
ready for peaceable nights;
a great serenity comes to us,
in sure knowledge that you govern well
and care for us in generous ways.
Just at the cusp of night,
for an instant the loveliness is shattered:
there is a siren in its
disruptive eeriness— happily not too close, but we do not know:
a robbery,
an assault,
a heart attack,
a scene of domestic violence,
some shattering that sobers our ease.
We are reminded
that the world is deep in instability,
that the world is saturated with ready violence,
that our ease is without full guarantee,
and that death stalks close even to us.
We come to rest—torn between grateful ease
and weariness at the edge.
Just as we fall into sleep or dream or nightmare,
after the piercing siren,
we hear a bird,
a curfew against our anxiety,
a trust affirmed,
a witness to your good governance.
We fall back not fully at ease,
but confident enough to trust our June night to your safekeeping.
We pray in the name of Jesus who walked into Saturday night
and began again at daybreak.
Brueggemann, Walter (2008-08-01). Prayers for a Privileged People (pp. 71-72). Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.
Bulletin Quicklinks
Welcome to the quiet days of summer and our combined service schedule called Summer Light. During this season we will hear a sermon series based on the topics of the wonderful little book Steps to Christ. But thinking of summer at the University Church I am put in mind of another favorite book by Ellen White, The Desire of Ages. I like the first paragraph of chapter 38 that reads something like this:
On completing another academic year, the University Church congregation gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told Him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. And He said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile”
(Desire of Ages p.359, quoting Mark 6:30-31, slightly altered)
The organ prelude, by Jehan Alain, perfectly sets the scene to the beautiful slow pace of summer in the Walla Walla valley. Please join me in thanking Bethany Foster, our organist, and also Cameron Fitzgerald, our band leader. May you find rest this Sabbath and this summer.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the mission of the Adventist Church globally. The following graphic illustrates how some of your donations are allocated.
Youth Vespers, Sabbath June 17, 7:30-9pm at Pastor Troy’s house (250 Frog Hollow Rd. in Walla Walla). Join us for worship, bonfire, s’mores, and games!
Summer light begins this Sabbath, June 17. The worship service for the following 13 weeks will begin at 11:15am and Sabbath Schools at 10am.
Church Office Hours: Monday, June 19-Monday, June 26, the church office will be open 9am-11am. We will work to quickly respond to messages and, as always, you can reach us by emailing church@wallawalla.edu.
Register now for Vacation Bible Camp at the University Church. July 10–14, VBC will feature daily morning Bible programs followed by afternoon field trips. Register in the children’s wing on Sabbath mornings or by calling the church office at 509.527.2800. Please donate Lego and Duplo blocks for our Children and Family Ministries Vacation Bible Camp. No specific types or colors needed. Bring your new or used donation to Pastor Jenn’s office or contact her for more information: jenn.ogden@wallawalla.edu.
Small group Bible Study, Prayer, Praise, and Promises. Starting May 30 at 6:30pm at Heubach Chapel. Come to share and pray together. All Welcome.
Bracelets supporting Miles Kearbey are available. They are $5 each, available in both adult and youth size, 100% proceeds go to the Kearbey family. They’re orange (the color for pediatric cancer) with the following inscription: #MilesCourage *Psalms 27:14* #MilesStrength If anyone is interested in buying one (or more), they are welcome to email, text, or call Kate Follett, kate.follett@gmail.com, (509)876-9131.
Register now for the 2017 Global Leadership Summit. For the second year in a row, the University Church is a premier host site to this great leadership training event. For more information, visit wwuchurch.com/gls2017 or contact
WWU is Hiring! Please visit jobs.wallawalla.edu to view available positions and to fill out an online application.
Gigantic Closing Sale of the Countryside Store, located in the basement apartment of the Hawkins Home at 374 SE Highland Park Dr. in College Place. They are selling all inventory, new books $1 each, used books $.10 each. Garage sale on Sunday, June 25 from 8am-5pm, then Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3pm until the end of 2017. Call 509-625-4024 with any questions.
Registration for Rogers Adventist School is now open. A discounted registration fee is available until April. Please be sure to contact the Rogers treasurer about details and programs for making Rogers affordable. We want every motivated student and family to have a spot at this amazing school. Call 509.529.1850 or email principal@rschool.org
Don’t Miss Out! Vacation Bible School, June 26-30, College Place Village Church. Theme is, Rome: Paul’s Underground Church, pre-register by June 11, ages 4-12. For questions or to volunteer for any part of VBS, please call the Village Church Office 509-525-0882.
Camp MiVoden: The Great Adventure Your happiness, this summer, is on the mind of all the staff gearing up for a wonderful summer. Visit mivoden.com and register today or call 509-242-0506. Check out the “Ultimate Camps” online such as challenge, cowboy, extreme, wakeboarding and white water rafting. And the regular camps may have space for you still. Look at the possibility of adventure, junior, tween, teen or the family camps.
Kindness in Action, with Helpline: Your Kind act of giving a monetary donation or making a hygiene product purchase and leaving it in our Kindness Barrel, currently located at Albertsons, serves to keep the Year of Kindness in motion. Hygiene products frequently given out include, but is not limited to, body soap/wash, shampoo/conditioner, razors, shave cream, baby wipes, laundry pods, and feminine pads/tampons. You + Helpline = Kindness in Action.
The Kindness of Your Time – Volunteers are needed at Helpline. Set aside 3 hours (or more) a week to help us give a line of help to those who walk through our doors. Being a part of something where encouragement, hope and Kindness are given as basic needs are provided for can be very rewarding. AND no social work degree needed. A Kind and generous heart, along with a desire to help others and a friendly personality are the important requirements. Call 529-3377 or stop in at Helpline for more information and a Volunteer Application. You + Helpline = Kindness in Action.
Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) at Milton Adventist Church, May 2-June 29, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-12pm. See graphic at the right for more information.
Sabbath, June 17
Summer Light Begins
10am — Sabbath School
11:15am — Worship Service
7:30pm — Youth Vespers, Fitzgerald Home
8pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge
8:47pm — Sundown
Monday, June 19
(daily) — Modified Church Office Hours, 9am-11am
Tuesday, June 20
6:30pm — Prayer, Praise, Promises Small Group, Heubach Chapel
Wednesday, June 21
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, June 23
8pm — Vespers, Conard Courtyard
8:48pm — Sundown
Monday, July 10-Friday, July 14
9am-4pm — Vacation Bible Camp
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