Silent-Night-Chapel (Stille-Nacht-Kapelle) located in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria,where the song was first performed.

Silent-Night-Chapel (Stille-Nacht-Kapelle) located in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria,where the song was first performed.

Stille Nacht

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Nur das traute hochheilige Paar.
Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,
Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!
Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!

-Original German text of the poem written by Joseph Mohr in 1816, later put to music by Franz Xaver Gruber in 1818.
Today's service reflects on the 200th anniversary of this beloved Christmas song, Silent Night.



Senior Pastor Search Update

Most University Church members are well aware of the ongoing search process for our next senior pastor that began last spring. The search committee and University Church leadership are excited to share that Andreas Beccai has officially accepted an invitation to serve as senior pastor.

Andreas was born in Accra, Ghana, and spent his formative years in Reading, England. He graduated from Keele University with a bachelor’s degree in law with business, and then earned a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University. Before accepting the invitation to serve as senior pastor of the University Church, Andreas most recently was the lead pastor for Volunteer Park Seventh-day Adventist Church in Seattle.

Walla Walla University Church members will become more acquainted with Beccai in January, and the family plans to complete their transition to the Walla Walla University Church in March 2019.

Read the news release here:

Check out a recent Gleaner article about Pastor Beccai’s calling and ordination here:


Bulletin Quicklinks




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Our campus becomes very quiet during vacation periods, including the loss of wonderful student musicians whom we miss greatly. Often, however, at these very holiday times our congregation gets to welcome great musicians returning home to visit family. Such is the case today. I invite you to join me in thanking and welcoming home Amanda Hatley and her husband Nathan, son of Lyle and Paulette. We have the privilege of hearing both of them sing today. In addition we thank a group of young singers, recruited by Holly Blackwelder, who assist on the prelude. This group includes Addison Acker, Abigael Carpenter, Smith Carpenter, Anna Ellis, Roselyn Ellis, Gianna Kuzma, Amelie Patzer, Elianne Patzer, Lilia Patzer, Brianna Thomas, Daenen Veverka, and Tullia Veverka.

The children’s story features the much-loved carol “Silent Night,” a fitting theme for today’s service so near to Christmas Eve. With this in mind we also hear the favourite carol “O Holy Night.” In addition, “Silent Night” (Hymn No.143) features prominently at the end of our service. As you quietly prepare your heart to worship God, I invite you to silently meditate on the words of this hymn, some of which appear here.

Silent night, holy night,
Wondrous star, lend thy light;
With the angels let us sing,
Alleluia to our King;
Christ the Savior is born.

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the work of the University Church through your gifts of service, affirmation, and monetary donations. Only about $100,000 remains to be raised to finish 2018 within budget.

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Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).

Please join the pastoral staff and the church board in warmly thanking Pam Cress, chair of the senior pastor search committee, as well as all members of that team, for their diligent, sacrificial, and faithful work over the past six months. Those who have served on other such committees in the past know that the task is heavy, full of unexpected time-commitments, emotional peaks and valleys, and sometimes conflicting expectations. Please consider sending Pam and her team a note on a Connect Card or via email:

Thank you to Dave Thomas for sharing the sermon with our community this Sabbath. Dave is a professor in the WWU School of Theology, a regular Sabbath School class teacher, and a University Church elder.


The Church Office will close at noon on Monday, December 24 and will reopen with regular hours on Wednesday, December 26.

J.U.M.P., High Five, and Pathfinders are on break until January 8 and 9 respectively. Contact Pastor Jenn with questions:

College Place Spanish Adventist Church’s new building is almost complete. The University Church, along with other sister churches in the Walla Walla Valley, intends to help with the final fundraising efforts. The University Church Board in business session voted that 50% of the funds that exceed the University Church’s 2018 budget will be given to the Spansih Church help finish the new building

Please consider supporting the University Church Torchbearer Pathfinders’ raise money for their camporee to Oshkosh, Wisconsin in the summer of 2019. The club is offering a high quality “God’s Creation” calendar at the information desk in the lobby to those who make a donation. If you have any questions about the club, please contact Felix Tan, 509.301.7771.

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The Winter Quarter pulpit series at the University Church is entitled “Wise Guys.” Each Sabbath, a variety of preachers from our community (including our new senior pastor Andreas Beccai) will open the scriptures sharing from the wisdom literature books of: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, and Song of Solomon. Visit later in December for the full schedule of weekly texts.


Equipping for Service Weekends created by Upper Columbia Conference leadership team will be held in several locations throughout the conference in 2019. Intended for the whole church, these weekends focus on training members to reach their communities with the Christ-centered message of hope and wholeness. March 1-2 is the weekend planned for the Walla Walla area. For more information, please visit:

Please volunteer for “Love Heals” free clinic coming to Walla Walla, April 18 & 19, 2019. Physicians, dentists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, nurses, dental hygienists and assistants, chiropractors, prayer warriors, organizers, hospitality experts, pastors and chaplains, and everyone in between are encouraged to partner with Walla Walla University and many area churches and support organizations in lending your hand to this beautiful ministry. Learn more and register to volunteer at:

The Spanish Translation Team is recruiting bilingual Spanish/English speakers to interpret the University Church worship service. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Sandra Graham at 509.526.8011.

Walla Walla Community Hospice has a number of upcoming bereavement support opportunities for those experiencing loss. View or download the attached flyer for more information or contact Brad McMasters, the Outreach Coordinator for Hospice at 509.525.5561.

Want to be a Missionary? Volunteer missionaries urgently needed in December to teach English in SDA K-12 schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. The stipend is low; the experiences are incredible. If God is calling you, or for additional information, please contact Larry Davis, a longtime UCC member, former resident in Indonesia, and whose daughter you would be working with, at: 509-598-5116.

Registration is open for the 2019 Upper Columbia Conference Camp Meeting. The main speakers this year are Randy Roberts, senior pastor of the Loma Linda University Adventist Church and Sung Kwon, director of the North American Division Adventist Community Services. Your whole family will be spiritually blessed as we seek to build up the family of God. Visit: to register.


Are you looking for a life-changing journey? Here at SonBridge, we partner with IMPACT! Life Transitions, a life coaching and counseling center that offers free services to those seeking answers to life's hardest puzzles. 

Camp MiVoden is looking for a full-time food service director. This is an opportunity be a part of a fantastic team that is impacting young people, families, and groups for the kingdom of God, all while living in a beautiful environment. To apply go to and fill out an application. For further questions please call 509.242.0506 to know more about this opportunity.

Do you have a passion for missions? Are you looking for a meaningful way to utilize your God-given gifts? Are you searching for a position where you can grow in your professional skills? Do you desire work that is more of a calling than merely a job? You may be just the right person to join our team. Bangla Hope is a non-profit SDA-based ministry that serves orphaned and underprivileged children in Bangladesh. We are looking to add another person to work in our US Headquarters in Kennewick, WA. If you are interested in learning more about this vacant position, please call to speak with Debi Axford Monday – Thursday from 9am – 3 pm at 509.586.4259 or e-mail her at to request a job description and application.



Sabbath, December 22
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge

Monday, December 24
Church Office closes at noon

Tuesday, December 25
Christmas Day — Church Office closed
J.U.M.P. on break until January 8
High Five on break until January 8

Wednesday, December 26
Pathfinders on break until January 9
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel

Friday, December 28
4:14pm — Sundown

Sabbath, December 29
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge

Monday, December 31
Church Office closes at 1pm

Tuesday, January 1
New Year’s Day — Church Office closed





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  8. Press this App/button and it will always access the most up-to-date web-Bulletin.

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Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.