October 8, All Day,
Walla Walla County Fairgrounds
The 2017 Walla Walla Health Expo, sponsored by SonBridge, is nearly upon us. This one-day event will take place at the county fairgrounds pavilion on Sunday, October 8. All are invited!
Norman Thiel, SonBridge director and University Church member, sat down with Pastor Kris to share the highlights, schedule, and needs for the program. The expo is chiefly focused on education and promoting healthy living. From cooking classes to screenings, and coaching to taste-testing for guests, the expo will have something for everyone.
Many University Church members are already involved in planning the event. Pathfinder volunteers will be at work, students from the WWU Health Department will be activated, dozens of other church members will be cooking and sharing, advising, greeting, and providing entertainment. Norman says that University Church members can still get involved by helping with setup or tear down, sharing the event on social media, and by inviting friends or neighbors to attend. Get more information by calling Ricky Kearns at SonBridge, 509.529.3100.
Today following the second service, students and guests are invited to join our church family on 4th Street for lunch. Many church members have sponsored tables and prepared meals in hopes of creating community and fellowship with you! Join us outside once the service is over; choose a spot along the more than 180 tables on 4th Street, and get to know your hosts! Prayer will be at 1:30pm.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We wish a warm welcome back to all students – it is good to have you home. We also welcome the wonderful musicians of University Singers and choral accompanist Luke Irvine; we are so glad to have you back in the front of the church leading worship.
The organ postlude directly repeats a short melodic idea for a very specific reason. The word “litanies” refers to a special type of prayer that repeats a refrain or petition over and over, Psalm 136 provides a good example. The composer Jehan Alain (1911-1940), who died in the French resistance of World War II, appended the following words to this piece.
When the Christian soul in its distress cannot find words to implore God’s mercy, it repeats ceaselessly and with a vehement faith the same invocation. Reason has reached its limit. Faith alone can go further.
May we each, in the stunningly powerful sounds of this repetitive piece, perceive the strength and power of our wonderful Lord who promises to be with us even in the shadows and valleys of our life. And this year may we determine to repeat the promises of God as often as necessary to sustain us.
The anthem, by the Norwegian composer Knut Nystedt (1915-2014), paraphrases the six verses of Isaiah 12. As you prepare your heart to worship God I invite you to silently read and meditate on this chapter.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today, the loose offering goes toward the University Church Budget.
“Come and Go” 90th Birthday Celebration for Lois Pegel. WWU Alumni Center, Sunday, October 8th from 2pm - 4pm.
A memorial service for Janet Wiggins, step mother of our members Ken and Bill Wiggins, is planned for Sabbath, October 7, at 3pm in the Milton-Freewater Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Membership Transfers:
(IN) Cindee Bailey and Christian Wallace-Bailey, Walla Walla City
Scott, Cindi, Jordan, and Kyler Barnett, Walla Walla City
Debra Bakland, College Heights, LaCombe, AB Canada
Roy Benton and Cynthia Westerbeck, Pacific Union College, Angwin, CA
Richard and Nadine Dower, Orchards, Vancouver, WA
Nick Ferguson, Clovis, CA
Lars and Janiel Gustavsson, Vallejo Drive, Glendale, CA
Paul and MichelleRodriguez, South Hill, Spokane, WA
(AWAY) Emily Beacham, Kalispell, MT
Mark, Conna, Chelsea, Taylor and Adriana Bond, Kalispell, MT
Todd and Lorlyn Brandenburg, College Place Village
Leslie Briggs, Sunnyvale, CA
Dorothy Daley, Milton, Milton Freewater, OR
Richard and Sally Daley, Milton, Milton Freewater, OR
Tifany Lindsay, College Place Village
Jantzen Meza, Adventist Community, Vancouver, WA
Katie Palumbo, Monterey Bay Academy, La Selva Beach, CA
Andrew Utt, Stuttgart-Mitte, Germany
Connect with others, grow spiritually, and apply God’s word to real life situations, join one of a series of small groups is in the works for this fall. Groups are discussion-based, will run for about an hour, and will occur weekly over a period of three to six weeks. Check the insert in today’s bulletin for additional details, or contact Pastor Alareece.
A busy school year is underway at Walla Walla University, and we would love for you to visit sometime. We’ve planned a variety of events throughout the year, including musical performances, special lectures, sporting events, Family Weekend, alumni events, and more! Find details about these events, read the latest WWU news, and see our online calendar at wallawalla.edu. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.
"Help! I'm a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World," a new 10-week DVD series begins on Sabbath, October 7, in the Gathering Room where the Parents' Class meets. Join the Parents' Class for Bibilcally based parenting tips, good discussions and special prayer for our children. See more details about the program at this link: http://www.helpimaparent.org/article/2/about-us
MISSION RALLY TO BE HELD AT THE UNIVERSITY CHURCH NEXT SABBATH: You are cordially invited to attend the “Stories of Jesus” Gospel Outreach Mission Rally next Sabbath, October 7, at 3:30 p.m. Special guests The Melashenko Four will provide “Music With a Mission.” Also featuring mission field reports, Jesus’ use of storytelling as an evangelistic tool, and a look at the birth of Gospel Outreach work in the Philippines nearly 25 years ago. The rally will be held at the University Seventh-day Adventist Church, 212 SW 4th St., College Place. For more information visit goaim.org online or call (509) 525-2951.
Denominational Retired Workers’ Potluck Sunday, October 8, 5:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall, Village Church.Pastor Roger Johnson and Dalene will be sharing their first time experience, and pictures of their visit to the Martin Luther site of the 500 Year Anniversary.
50-PLUS POTLUCK will be held on Sunday, October 15 at 5:00pm in Havstad Alumni Center at the corner of College Avenue and 4th Street. The program to follow will be Art Songs for Cello and Piano presented by Benjamin Gish, cello, and Jinhyang Park, piano.
As part of Adventist Community Services, SonBridge is working to help meet the needs of those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Call 529-3100 or visit SonBridge.org for ways to help Texas.
October 13 & 14— A special celebration commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Village Church. Join us Friday at 6:30 PM for an evening of Advent hymns and a message from Elder Dan Jackson. On Sabbath afternoon at 2:30 PM, Good Ole Advent Hymn Fest, 3:00-5:00 PM, “Adventist History & Mission: 125 Years - Lessons & Challenges. The “Good Ole Days” social, 6:45 PM, Youth Center. All are welcome.
Thank You to all who have volunteered a few hours of their time one or two days a week at the Community Center Warehouse, 8th and Bade. Leaders are still needed in both warehouses, as well as several men to assist on Sundays and Mondays, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Your helping hands are appreciated.
The Christian Aid Center needs you! This important ministry partner of the University Church is always in need of volunteer help. In particular, the director of volunteers at CAC (and our church member), Jeannette Regalado, is requesting for help with chapel speakers (6:30pm daily), breakfast cooks (Sunday and Monday mornings), and van drivers to pick up donated food (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Contact Jeannette at 509.525.7153.
September is the VA Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. If you are in crisis, or are concerned about a loved one, many resources are available to you! Call 1.800.273.8255, which is the veterans crisis line. Thank you Celena Veverka and other University Church members who work for mental health in our community!
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is looking for retired teachers who would be willing to sub at our school on occasion. We have need of more subs on our sub list. For more information call Barb at 541-938-7131.
2017 AMEN Conference: Are You Willing?: Are you a physician or dentist willing to serve God through medical ministry? Then the AMEN conference is for you! Join us Thursday October 26 – Sunday October 29, 2017 in Hilton Head Island, SC. During the 2017 AMEN Conference, each speaker will explore how you can have a vibrant, growing Christian experience yourself and, out of the context of your own experience, share God’s love with your patients. The essence of Jesus’ life was a willingness to do the Father’s Will and the goal of this year’s conference is to inspire each one of us to do the same. Featured Speakers include: Pastors Dwayne Lemon and Mark Finley; Physicians Ricardo Whyte, Debbie Beihl, Stephen Waterbrook, & Norman McNulty; Dentists Stephen Wright, Carlos Moretta, and many others. All physicians, dentists, healthcare professionals, and pastors are welcome to attend. Jesus is coming soon - let's prepare ourselves, our patients, and our colleagues! For more information please visit www.amensda.org or call 530-883-8061.
The UCC Women’s Fall Retreat, Always, October 27 and 28, welcomes special guest, Janet Page, General Conference Associate Ministerial Secretary. Registration is available at UCC Women’s Ministries web page. https://www.uccsda.org/English/Women/Pages/Womens-Ministries.aspx.
Sabbath, September 30
1:30pm — Longest Table, 4th St.
6:35pm — Sundown
7pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge
Monday, October 2-Friday, October 6
11:40am — Week of Worship, Karl Haffner, Sanctuary
Tuesday, October 3
7pm — High Five, Junior High Room
Wednesday, October 4
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Thursday, October 5
6:30pm - J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
Friday, October 6
6:23pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers with Karl Haffner, Sanctuary
Sabbath, October 7
3pm — Memorial service for Janet Wiggins, Milton-Freewater Seventh-day Adventist Church
3:30pm — Gospel Outreach Mission Rally, Sanctuary
8pm — Organ Recital with our Minister of Music, Kraig Scott, Sanctuary
Sunday, October 8
All Day — 2017 Walla Walla Health Expo, Fairgrounds
5pm — Retired denominational workers' potluck, Village Church Fellowship Hall
Sunday, October 15
5pm — 50-Plus Club potluck, WWU Havstad Alumni Center
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.