Welcome to all who come to this special space to reconnect with God. A very particular greeting to those new or returning to our campus and community. We invite you to consider yourself one of us and count the University Church as your church home.
We are a diverse worshipping community that includes many ages, backgrounds, home towns, cultures, professions, interests, and passions, but we are united in our devotion to God, our determination to put Jesus at the center of our lives, and our commitment to carry the inspiration of this service into the days ahead. We worship to celebrate what God has done for us already, to prepare ourselves to brighten the lives of others in this world, and to prepare them and us for the world to come.
Today our welcoming table is very large. We call it “The Longest Table.” For ten years it’s been our way of opening our arms to one another at the beginning of a new school year. Members invite students to join them, to sit at a table and get acquainted with that table’s hosts. Students accept hospitality, feel genuinely welcomed, and spark friendships for months and even years to come.
Welcome! Let us come together to worship, celebrate, and serve our good God!
— Darold Bigger, Interim Senior Pastor

The Longest Table Is Today!
Today following Second Service, students and guests are invited to join the University Church family on 4th Street for lunch.
Hundreds of church members have chosen to sponsor tables and to prepare meals in hopes of creating community and fellowship with you! Please be our guest!
Join us outside once the service concludes, choose a spot along the more than 150 tables set up running down 4th Street, and get to know your hosts!
Please remember that the table stretches all the way from College Avenue to Davis Street near the gym. While you might be tempted to choose the first table you see, you might consider a stroll to one end of the street or the other first. Water bottles are provided by the University Church.
Prayer over the meal will take place at about 1:30pm. All are welcome to contribute to tear-down at about 4pm.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We wish a warm welcome back to all students—it is good to have you home. We also welcome the wonderful musicians of University Singers and choral accompanist Siena Mirasol, and cellist Brandon Rittenour. Siena is a junior from Portland, and Brandon is a sophomore from Spokane. Please join me in thanking them all for leading our worship through music.
The organ postlude directly repeats a short melodic idea for a very specific reason. The word “litanies” refers to a special type of prayer that repeats a refrain or petition over and over, Psalm 136 provides a good example. The composer Jehan Alain (1911–1940), who died in the French resistance of World War II, appended the following words to this piece.
When the Christian soul in its distress cannot find words to implore God’s mercy, it repeats ceaselessly and with a vehement faith the same invocation. Reason has reached its limit. Faith alone can go further.
May we each, in the stunningly powerful sounds of this repetitive piece, perceive the strength and power of our wonderful Lord who promises to be with us even in the shadows and valleys of our life. And this year may we determine to repeat the promises of God as often as necessary to sustain us.
—Kraig Scott
This year, 1,825 students are enrolled at Walla Walla University and attending classes on one of the university’s five campuses. Their college years are a time of transition—from adolescence to adulthood, from reliance on parents to a place of more autonomy. During that process, Walla Walla University seeks to provide an environment and services that support the whole development of each student. In addition to world-class higher education, those resources include career counseling and internship placement services, opportunities to study abroad, organized social activities, community service opportunities, and programs that nurture spiritual development—just to name a few!
This Sabbath, Adventist churches across the North Pacific Union Conference will take up a special offering for Walla Walla University. Loose offering received today will go toward this cause.
Thank you for your financial support and prayers for Walla Walla University throughout this year as we look together toward the blessed hope.
—Kim Strobel, WWU University Relations
The University Church’s fall quarter sermon series is entitled “Savage: Hard Sayings of Jesus.” The title, “Savage,”makes use of an old word in the popular modern usage, connoting: brazen, bold, or impudent behavior or speech despite the ways in which it generates uncomfortable social consequences. The schedule below outlines the challenging teaching each Sabbath’s preacher will explore. Visit wwuchurch.com/worship-service-archive to access past sermons.
WWU Week of Worship begins on Monday, October 1, at 11:40am in the Sanctuary. Laurence Turner, Principal Lecturer in Old Testament at Newbold College in the United Kingdom, will speak. All are welcome to attend!
Looking for a good old fashioned Sabbath School? Why not try “Renew,” a small close-knit group of students who meet in the Havstad Alumni Center every Saturday morning starting at 10am. We have food, sing hymns around the piano and then break off for discussion groups led by students and professors alike. We are wanting to extend a warm welcome to community members and would love to see your smiling faces join us.
The flower committee invites University Church members to contribute Sabbath morning bouquets for the Sanctuary platform. Sign up or get more information by visiting the information desk in the church lobby or by emailing church@wallawalla.edu.
Thank you! To our church family for your expressions of sympathy during the recent loss of Jerry’s mother, Ermadean Walker. It was much appreciated.
—Jerry & Charlene Walker
A Celebration of Life service for KarrLayn Beck will be held on October 6 at 4pm in the University Church Sanctuary. Church members who would like to help support the Beck family may sign up to provide a meal for them at takethemameal.com. Search "Beck Family" with the password "0312" to find information and dates that meals have been requested. Contact Lori Ann Wilkinson with questions: 509.540.0586.
A Celebration of Life service for Charles Edwards will occur on November 3, at 3:15pm in the University Church Sanctuary.
A memorial for Victor A. Merth will be held Sabbath, September 29, 2018, at 4pm in the Village Church Chapel.
A memorial service for Lawrence Claridge will be held on October 7 at 11am in the Village Church. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to SonBridge ministries.
A memorial service for Bob Forsyth will be held on October 7 at 2pm in the Kennewick SDA Church. 7105 W. 10th Avenue, Kennewick, WA.
Looking for a good old fashioned Sabbath School? Why not try Renew, a small close-knit group of students who meet in the Havstad Alumni Center every Saturday morning starting at 10am. We have food, sing hymns around the piano and then break off for discussion groups led by students and professors alike. We are wanting to extend a warm welcome to community members and would love to see your smiling faces. Join us!
Start your day with worship in Heubach Chapel Monday through Friday mornings from 7:30–7:50am. Music, fellowship, prayer, singing, worship credit, and a blessing!
The Denominational Retired Workers’ first potluck and program for fall 2018 will be Sunday, November 4. There will be no potluck on Sunday, October 7.
The College Place Spanish Church is having an “Enchiladas To Go” fundraiser for Christian Education. To place an order, call 509.525.9523 or 509.301.2956 or email enchiladasforeducation@gmail.com before October 9. Thank you supporting Christian Education!
18 enchiladas tray/$20 (cheese, chicken, potato or vegan);
Rice 16 oz/$5;
Beans 16 oz/$5
The Women's Ministry committee of the Village Church in College Place is planning a brunch and program to be on October 14, at 10 a.m. in the Village Church Fellowship Hall. The women of the University Church are invited to join them. Please RSVP to the Village Church office, 525-0882.
The Eastgate Church invites you to join them on a Maranatha mission trip to India Nov. 13–30. They plan to build a church for the Sairkarap congregation and are looking for volunteers to help with construction, medical or dental outreach or Vacation Bible School. You may register online at: maranatha.org. Contact Kristi Bartlett at 509.520.6673 for more information.
The Christian Aid Center (CAC) is seeking a full-time food services program manager. This position will oversee the efforts of hundreds of dedicated volunteers in serving the needs of our community. CAC seeks a Christ-centered individual with prior food service management experience, good people skills, and a heart to serve others. Please submit resumes with references to Director of Operations, P.O. Box 56, Walla Walla, WA, 99362.
Camp MiVoden is looking for a full-time food service director. This is an opportunity be a part of a fantastic team that is impacting young people, families, and groups for the kingdom of God, all while living in a beautiful environment. To apply go to uccsda.org/jobs and fill out an application. For further questions please call 509.242.0506 to know more about this opportunity.
KLRF Radio 88.5 is looking for someone who would like to be an Assistant Treasurer as well as someone who would be the Secretary for the board. The Assistant Treasurer must be familiar with Quickbooks. The Secretary must be available to attend the monthly board meetings. You can contact the KLRF Manager, Owen Bandy at manager@klrf.org or call 707-483-3291
The Milton SDA Church is looking to hire a dedicated person to manage the Adventist Community Center Thrift Store in Milton-Freewater, OR. It is a paid position and a ministry of the Milton Church. Applicants may request a copy of the job description and submit their resume at the Milton Church Office. They will go through an interview process. For more information, please contact the Church Office: 541-938-3066 or churchoffice@miltonadventist.org
Training for Youth Leadership is October 12-13 at Columbia Adventist Academy in Battle Ground, Wash. This Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training by the North American Division and the North Pacific Union is for adults and youth who lead, or will soon lead, Youth Sabbath School. Learn how to start, restart, revive your youth Sabbath School in your church. Register at https://ignitesstraining2018.eventbrite.com.
Women's Quilting Retreat Oct 21-26. Do you enjoy quilting and would like to learn more? UCC Women’s Quilting Retreat, under the guidance of Marlene Oddie, is planned for October 21-26 at Camp MiVoden. This quilting retreat will finish just in time to join the UCC women's retreat at Camp MiVoden. For more information and to register, visit https://www.uccsda.org/English/Women/Pages/Womens-Ministries.aspx
A women's retreat is planned October 26–28. Upper Columbia Conference invites you to Camp MiVoden for “Beautiful,” a weekend for teen girls and women to be refreshed at Hayden Lake. The keynote speaker is Cindy Tutsch, a seasoned speaker who has shared the gospel around the world in over 60 countries. Register online at: uccsda.org/WomenRetreat2018 or by calling Wendy (afternoons only) at 509.838.2761.
Egypt Bible Tour is December 12–22, 2019. You are invited to join Dr. Carl Cosaert of Walla Walla University to discover the land of the pyramids, the pharaohs, Moses, and the Exodus. $2,425 plus airfare includes meals and accommodations. For more information, contact Sharon Searson at Sharons@uccsda.org
Sabbath, September 29
1:30pm — The Longest Table, 4th Street
8pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
October 1–5
11:40am — Week of Worship, Laurence Turner,
Monday, October 1
7:30am (daily) — Morning Worship, Heubach
Tuesday, October 2
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, October 3
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, October 5
6:28pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, Laurence Turner,
Sabbath, October 6
4pm — Celebration of Life Service for
KarrLayn Beck, Sanctuary
Sunday, October 7
11am — Memorial Service for Lawrence Claridge,
Village Church
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.
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Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.
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Press this App/button and it will always access the most up-to-date web-Bulletin.
Email kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu if you have questions.
Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.