“Sabbath is the time set aside to do nothing so that we can receive everything, to set aside our anxious attempts to make ourselves useful, to set aside our tense restlessness, to set aside our media-satiated boredom.

Sabbath is the time to receive silence and let it deepen into gratitude, to receive quiet into which forgotten faces and voices unobtrusively make themselves present, to receive the days of the just completed week and absorb the wonder and miracle still reverberating from each one, to receive our Lord's amazing grace.”

-Eugene Peterson, Tell it Slant



Torchbearers, the University Church Pathfinder club begins the 2016–17 school year with registration this Tuesday, August 30, at 6:30–8pm in the Fellowship hall.

Leaders Felix and Khai Ling Tan, along with their amazing

team of staff, invite all kids in the 5th grade or higher (age 10+) to join them this year as they travel and play, camp and sing, learn and grow.

Although our Pathfinder club is subsidized by the University Church budget, each par- ticipant also pays a yearly fee of $130. If you have questions or concerns, please con- tact Felix at 509.301.4117 or TanT@ah.org.

Please stay tuned for news regarding this year's Adventurer Club program (for kids ages 4-10) at the University Church.



Bulletin Quicklinks




We thank Lori James for sharing her music with us.  An industrial design major from Texas, Lori still finds time to make a lot of music and is a valued member of three ensembles on campus: the WWU Wind Symphony, the symphony orchestra, and University Singers. We are also excited to welcome our own Mark Bond, who leads the praise band this week. Please join me in thanking all of our musicians.

Joachim Neander (1650–1680) wrote the beloved hymn “Praise to the Lord,” no. 1 in our hymnal, while pastoring in Bremen, Germany. Catherine Winkworth (1827–1878) translated his poem into English in 1863. Not all of Neander’s stanzas made it into our hymnal; his last stanza is given here:

Praise to the Lord!
O let all that is in me adore Him!

All that hath life and breath,
come now with praises before Him!

Let the Amen sound for His people again;
Gladly for aye we adore Him!

Neander based his hymn text on Psalm 103:1–6, and I invite you to meditate on this beautiful psalm as you prepare your heart to worship.

-Kraig Scott


Summer Light

8.20.16 Timeline (summer).jpg




The University Church budget funds many important aspects of our local ministry. Although pastors' salaries are funded by donations marked "tithe", the University Church budget is what subsidizes our amazing K-12 school programs at Walla Walla Valley Academy and Rogers Adventist School. It also makes our worship services and broadcast ministry possible. Thank you for your generous and systematic support!

As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!

Click here to give online

Click here to give online



Membership Transfers:
(IN) Michael Bumgardner, Pasco Riverview Church
Kami Bumgardner, Oroville, Cal.
Jacob and Shelley Franco, Vancouver, Wash.
Elliot and Dorothy Graham, Vallejo Drive, Glendale, Cal
Neal and Dianne Matson, Clarkston, Wash.

(OUT) Robert Becker, Eastgate, Walla Walla, Wash.
Mara Brueske, Spokane Central
Greg Eiseman, Summit NW Ministries, Post Falls, Id.
Steve and Heidi Haynal, Beaverton, Or.
Laura Hoyt, Fallon, Nev.
Monty and Patty Knittel, Paradise, Cal.
Annie LaVelle, College Place Village
Ken and Tina Louderback, Stateline Church, Or.

The Placement Board reports that Patricia Craigg has agreed to serve on the Facility and Maintenance Committee. August 27 is the first reading.

Longest Table sign ups begin September 10 at 9am in the sanctuary lobby. The Longest Table event is scheduled for Sabbath, October 1.

Pathfinder Registration will take place Tuesday, August 30 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Walla Walla Valley Academy Alumni Homecoming is September 16-18, 2016. Alumni, former faculty and friends are encouraged to join Sabbath, September 17 at WWVA. Come share your stories and connect with the WWVA family during the Welcome Reception, at 9:30 am Sabbath Morning in the auditorium lobby and dining hall. The reception will be followed by a Celebration Church Service featuring alumnus Gail Crosby (’76) speaking and the WWVA Music department at 10:45 am.  An alumni and family potluck, as well as a faculty reception will be held in the afternoon. For more information, please visit wwva.org/homecoming-weekend or email undeam@wwva.org.

SonBridge Community Center will offer classes in conversational English to those who desire more education opportunities, better jobs, and closer family connections, beginning in September. If you are interested in leading out in one of these ESL classes or have a friend or family member who would benefit please call at (509) 529-3100.

Solonge Henderson passed away last week and her memorial service will be in the WWUC Sanctuary on Thursday, Sept. 1 at 3:00 PM

Doyle Saxby passed away last week and his memorial service will be in the WWUC sanctuary on Sabbath Sept. 3 at 4:00 PM

Duane Meidinger passed away and his memorial service will be on Sabbath Sept. 10 at 4:00 at the Village Church.

Church office hours are temporarily changed while our office manager, Jaimie, takes time at home with her soon–arriving baby. We are grateful for Heather Lee’s assistance during this season. The office hours will be as follows: Monday: 9am–12pm, Tuesday: 12–4pm, Wednesday-Thursday: 11am–1pm and 2–4pm, and Friday: 9am–12pm.

Bruce Marchiano, the actor who played Jesus in the Matthew film, will be the special guest of the Center for Media Ministry at WWU on September 1 & 2. You are welcome to join Marchiano Thursday Sept. 1 at 6:00 p.m. in Ad. Building Rm. 117 on the WWU campus for a showing of his new movie project, “Alison’s Choice,” followed by a Q & A with Marchiano. He will also present a talk, “In the Footsteps of Jesus” at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 2 at the Village SDA Church.

Vacation Bible Camp Bible Study & Planning Group - Study Nehemiah with the VBC planners and join our team. Beginning September 25th at 7 pm in the Children's Wing Gathering Room you are welcome to study and plan with us. Questions? Speak to Marci Knauft or Jenniffer Ogden

Pianists Needed for Worship Services at the Walla Walla Penitentiary.  Please speak with Pastor Kris Loewen at 509.527.2826 or kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu.

The last Sabbath of Summer Light will be September 3.  We will resume our regular schedule of two services on Sabbath, September 10 with First Serve at 9:30, Sabbath School at 10:30, and Second Service at 11:45.

Beth Moore Simulcast, Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Liberty Theater in Dayton, WA. Come praise the Lord with your sisters from the Walla Walla Valley & beyond Send a $25 check to register: Beth Moore Simulcast, 628 Strom Road, Dayton, WA 99328 Questions? Call or email Marcene: 509-382-4860 or pmhend@bmi.net

UCC Women’s Retreat: Register for the Upper Columbia Conference Women’s Retreat before August 31 to receive the early bird rate. Registrants will enjoy a relaxing weekend, October 21-23, 2016, at Camp Mivoden with this year’s keynote speaker, Brenda Duerksen, along with other great speakers and musicians. Register online at www.uccsda.org/womensretreat2016. If you have any questions, please contact Tamara Terry at tamarat@uccsda.org or (509) 242-0478.

The North American Division Adventist Community Services scheduled for September 7-10, 2016, at Gladstone, Oregon, Conference Center offers a wonderful opportunity for training and fellowship. The registration fee includes seven meals, t-shirt, tote bag, materials, notepad and more. For more information or to register, visit www.communityservices.org/acs-convention. To inquire about financial assistance, contact Patty Marsh at pattym@uccsda.org.

The NAD Health Summit will be held in Canada at the Mountain View Conference Center, which is also known as Camp Hope, September 28-October 2, 2016.  Register by September 15, 2016 at the Health Summit website. To carpool with others from UCC contact Cindy Williams, UCC Health Coordinator, at 509-242-0520.

Walla Walla Valley Academy Director of Development & Alumni Position Opening: Reporting to and working in close collaboration with the Principal and Vice Principal for Finance, the Director of Development & Alumni will design and execute on a comprehensive development strategy for Walla Walla Valley Academy. This is a part-time (50%) salaried position. Salary based on the NAD Wage Scale and prior experience.

Volunteer Opportunities at Christian Aid Center:
- Breakfast Cook every Sunday from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m.
- Weekend Breakfast Host from 6:00 to 8:30 a.m., Saturday and Sunday openings (food handler card required)
- Weekend Dinner Host from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday openings
- Chapel Speaker
- Childcare Provider (weekday morning times available)
Please call Jeannette Regalado, at (509) 525-7153 ext. 114 for more information.

Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m.  For more information, call 509-527-2654.

Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!




Sabbath, August 27
    10:45am — Summer Light Worship Service
    7:40pm — Sunset
    8:00pm — Adventist Singles Vespers & Table Games, SonBridge

Sunday, August 28
    5:00pm— Adventist Singles Corn Roast, Rooks Park

Tuesday, August 30
    6:30pm— Pathfinder Registration, Fellowship Hall

Thursday, September 1
    3:00pm — Solonge Henderson Memorial, Sanctuary
    6:00pm — Bruce Marchiano presentation, Admin.
    Building, room 117

Friday, September 2
    7:00pm — Bruce Marchiano, Village Church
    7:29pm — Sunset    
    8:00pm — Vespers, Conard Courtyard

Sabbath, September 3
    10:45am — Summer Light Worship Service
    4:00pm — Doyle Saxby Memorial Service, Sanctuary

Sabbath, September 10
    4:00pm — Duane Meidinger Memorial Service, Village Church





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