In "Simply Jesus," New Testament scholar N.T. Wright uses the analogy of a perfect storm to explore and explain the unfailing mission of Jesus to restore humanity as the kingly and prophetic Son of God, while confronting the powerful political, religious, and cultural conflicts of his day.
-Phil Muthersbaugh
I highly recommend "Frientimacy" by my friend Shasta Nelson. Most people have been hearing of the loneliness epidemic that plagues the majority of adults. Her book offers practical ways to combat loneliness by increasing our intimacy with friends. I often refer to her analogy of friendship being the gymnasium of the soul.
-Teri Richardson
"A Nation in God's Hands" by Jud Lake is a great read for history buffs who would like a historical understanding along with E.G. White's religious interpretation of the
Civil War.
-Darral Payne
"Kitchen Table Wisdom" by Rachel Naomi Remen. Both this and her companion book, "My Grandfather’s Blessings," are deeply compassionate collections of stories based on her own life as a physician and one who suffers from chronic illness. With her own distinctive voice, she explores the transformative power of listening, storytelling, and love.
-DeLona Bell
"The Explosive Child" by Ross Greene, Ph.D., gave me a different understanding of why some kids act out, and offers helpful suggestions for guiding those children to more acceptable ways of behaving. Recommended!
-Clare Thompson
I recommend Richard Foster's spiritual classic, "Prayer." I found the ideas of all the ways we can be in prayer throughout the day to be very validating as well as helpful.
-Yvonne Stratton
Although not a religious book, "Deep Work" by Cal Newport develops the thesis that especially in our increasingly distracted world, careful, slow, focused work (study, practice, etc.) is not only essential but also gives our lives more meaning. For me, there were many spiritual lessons and analogies.
-Don Schafer
I have read Henri Nouwen's, "Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith" recently, and it fed my soul. I read it twice in fact, and I rarely do that with a book! It nurtures and feeds the soul of one who is longing for a closer walk with God.
-Verlie Ward
"Weaponized Lies" by Daniel J. Levitin is the refresher on critical thinking we all need these days when it is easy to just dismiss those who disagree with us.
-Melodie Selby
"Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail" by Paul Polak is a very thought provoking look at the causes of poverty from the viewpoint of the poor, and how hundreds of millions of poor people can be moved up from extreme poverty to (relative) prosperity.
-Ralph Stirling
I found "What About the Big Stuff?" by Richard Carlson, to be personally inspiring. The author offers insight into ways to handle some big issues in life such as death of a loved one, divorce, confronting illness, and of course finances. Good stuff!
-Larry McCulley
Bulletin Quicklinks
Music Note
We welcome several musicians today. Schuan Carpenter leads the praise band, and for the service music we welcome Lyn Ritz (viola) and Ron Coleman (clarinet). I think it one of the miracles of this valley that we get to hear musicians of this quality from our own congregation and even during the quiet summer months. Please join me in thanking them all.
Both prelude and postlude derive from a collection of four pieces, op. 132, by the great romantic composer Robert Schumann (1810–1856). The German tempo indications translate ‘Quiet pace, with tender expression’ (prelude), and ‘Lively, but not too fast’ (postlude). The offertory is a lovely duet by the French composer Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921), and the anthem presents the favorite hymn, Be Still, My Soul (No. 461). I invite you to think on the words of this hymn as you prepare your heart to worship God:
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the ministry of the University Church. Last Sabbath, the Summer Light worship service featured many participants and leaders from Vacation Bible Camp (VBC). This year's event, led by
Pastor Jenn and a dedicated team of volunteers, served more than 160 kids ages 3-12 on a daily basis. Your financial, prayer, and time support of the University Church makes beautiful moments like these possible.
This Sabbath, loose offering goes to the University Church budget. This fund pays for all ministry, staff (except pastors) and infrastructure support in our congregation.
To donate to the University Church budget, mark your tithe envelope as such or give Online here.
Our online giving portal allows any person to set up regular, monthly, weekly, or biweekly contributions to be deducted automatically from their connected accounts into whatever budget, ministry, or funds they choose.
Thank you once again for your generous support
The Sanctuary roof will be replaced over the remainder of July and much of August. During this time, two construction companies will be working in, on, and around the church facility. Please be aware that coned-off zones on the outside of the building indicate areas of danger. In particular, they may indicate an overhead hazard that is not otherwise obvious. Please keep clear of these areas (especially children) and remain mindful of the ongoing construction during this time.
Stay up to date with the University Church’s texting service. To receive important information about events, schedule changes, and emergencies, opt-in by texting “WWUCINFO” to 84576.
The pastoral staff are sad to share the news that our office manager, Jaimie Derting, plans to transition jobs away from the University Church in August. Thank you Jaimie, for your excellent, love-drenched, beautiful, courageous, and fun-loving work. You will be greatly missed.
Jaimie's plans creates an employment opportunity. The University church is looking to fill the position of full-time office manager. If you are interested, please send your resume to by July 23, 2018. Click the image to the right (or here) for a job description.
Ordell Johnson passed away on May 14. There will be a memorial service on July 29 at 11am in the Village Church Chapel. Thank you for remembering his family in your prayers.
The family of Freda Doris Gilliland, wife of W. Melvin Gilliland, past WWU librarian, sadly announce her passing on July 2, 2018 at the age of 92. She peacefully died after telling each of her children, spouses, grandchildren and great-grandchildren either in person or on the phone that she loved them and would meet them in heaven where we will live forever and ever! A family burial service will take place at a later date. Please make any gifts on Freda’s behalf to the Walla Walla University Library. Cards to the family can be sent c/o Duane Gilliland, 1808 SW 26th Circle, Battle Ground, WA 98604.
A celebration of life ceremony will be held for former WWU professor, Dr. Richard Litke, on July 28 at 3pm in the Wenatchee SDA Church Family Life Center. He is survived by his wife, Jackie Larson, and his stepdaughters Diana Hernandez and Denise Kerr. If you would like to share memories or condolences, please visit In lieu of flowers, please donate to the charity of your choice.
The University Church will host the Global Leadership Summit for the third consecutive year this summer, Thursday and Friday, August 9-10. University Church members and regular attenders can register for $89 until June 26. Visit for more information! You may also fill out the attached PDF form and return it to the church office or leave it in a "Connect Box."
Heubach Chapel morning worship continues this summer on a weekly basis. Every Friday morning, 7:30-7:50am, you are invited to join Heather Lee for singing and prayer.
Seventh-day Adventist beliefs survey is live. Every five years, the Adventist Church conducts a survey to discover what members believe, their experiences with the church, and how they live their daily lives. You are invited to participate. (Please note this survey takes about one hour to complete.) The survey is available both in English and Spanish. Thank you for your help!
Singles Campout, July 27-29, at Kaner Flats Campground. More information and registration forms can be found at
Camp MiVoden white water rafting camp has a few spots open. Space is limited. Visit and register today. You can also email or call 509-242-0506.
The Village Church is looking for 4 people - two for the Friday night shift (8-11, 08-31) and two for Sabbath morning (11-2, 09-01). This year the fair falls on the same weekend as the Village Church's 50th anniversary, and special events are planned for Friday night and Sabbath. If anyone wants to help in this community outreach, please contact Dalaina Grigsby, or text 509-301-1554.
“How to Conduct a Reversing Diabetes Seminar” is coming to the Upper Columbia Conference office on July 29, 8am–5pm. Learn how you can help people in our community reverse diabetes. Pre-registration is required by July 22. Register at:
Former Walla Walla General Hospital employees, physicians, AHMG and Clinic employees, and volunteers are invited to a one-year post closure reunion potluck Sunday, July 29, at the Fort Walla Walla picnic shelter at 4pm. Bring food for 6-8 people, table service for your family, and lawn chairs. Water and drinks provided. Go to for more information or contact Miki Uren at 509-525-1026.
The WWU Freshman Mentoring Program is looking for people who have a passion to help college freshman succeed. If you are interested or know someone who would be a great asset to our team, please call KarrLayn Beck at 509.527.2715 or apply on the WWU website.
Make a Difference by volunteering at Providence St. Mary Medical Center. Caregivers and volunteers at Providence St. Mary Medical Center are committed to providing services to our community in a caring, respectful way. We honor the individual faith, worth and dignity of each patient and family member. We believe patients and families are active participants in their health care. By choosing to volunteer at Providence St. Mary Medical Center, you are helping to meet the needs of our community in an environment of care and understanding. Hospital volunteers from all faith traditions are welcome. Currently we have need of volunteers in areas such as the Gift Shop, inpatient services comfort rounding, the Emergency Department, pet therapy, the Family Birth Center, and the American Cancer Society Resource Center. We invite you to join our team of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Patti Lennartson, Volunteer Services Coordinator, at 509.897.2072 or
Discovery Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2018/2019 school year. We now have the option for an extended afternoon program to go along with our current morning program. The new hours are 7:45-5:15. You have the option to come in the morning only or extend into the afternoon. Please contact us at 509.527.2252 or by email:
Walla Walla University is hiring! Please visit for current job openings and to apply.
The Christian Aid Center is an important ministry partner of the University Church. They are currently in need of the following volunteers: Chapel Speakers (6:30‒7pm, various dates available); Childcare Providers (daily 9-11am shifts, and Tues. and Thurs. shifts from 1:30‒3:30pm); Receptionist (various shifts available); Kitchen Host (morning and evening shifts available); Hair Stylist; Registered Nurses. Please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer & Donor Relations at 525-7153 ext. 114 for more information.
Call to Service: Are you a physician or dentist with an earnest longing for souls? Then the AMEN conference is for you! Join us Thursday October 25 – Sunday October 28, 2018 in Indian Wells, CA. The 2018 AMEN conference Call to Service will call each of us to a deeper level of service that goes beyond our comfort zone, challenging us to examine the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, instilling a desire to share Him on a daily basis. Speakers include: Pastor John Bradshaw of It Is Written, and Pastor Wes Peppers; Dentists Stephen Wright and Ken Pierson; Physicians Brian Schwartz, Tash Ching, and Dapne Moretta and many others. All physicians, dentists, healthcare professionals, and pastors are encouraged to attend. This year a special symposium for young professionals (especially residents & fellows) will be held Friday and Sabbath afternoons called: God’s Call, My Work. We hope you will join us as hundreds of physicians and dentists from across America, and around the world, gather to answer God’s Call to Service. For more information go to or email
SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting volunteers to sort donated goods, help haul items, or maintain the facility. If interested, please call 509.529.3100.
Sabbath, July 21
8pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
8:36pm — Sundown
Wednesday, July 25
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, July 27
7:30am — Heubach Chapel morning worship
8pm — WWU Vespers, Conard Courtyard
8:29pm — Sundown
Thursday, August 9 - Friday, August 10
Global Leadership Summit, Sanctuary
Sabbath, August 11
8:30-10am — CFM all-church pancake breakfast, Fellowship Hall
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Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.