This past week, University Church Children and Family Ministries hosted Vacation Bible Camp (VBC). More than 170 kids ages 3–12 participated in daily Bible studies, activities, and local field trips. Today, our worship service continues the feel of camp with many of the same kids leading on the platform.
We're less than a month away from the Global Leadership Summit and we still have room. Space is available for you, your team, and friends to join us! You'll be blessed and challenged by the great content, world-class speakers, and powerful stories. We stream the summit live, in our sanctuary, Thursday and Friday, August 11–12.
Full-time Walla Walla University faculty, students, and staff are entitled to special pricing of $89, even up until the day the summit begins!
Visit to register.
Bulletin Quicklinks
Please join me in thanking a large roster of musicians this Sabbath. Schuan Carpenter directs the band with whom he has worked all week to lead music at Vacation Bible Camp. We thank the many young musicians who have played with him this week and who make joyful music again today. Jaci Cress sings "Doubting Thomas," a song by Chris Thile, as part of the sermon. Finally, we thank Lindsay Armstrong, a freshly graduated voice major, who sings prelude and anthem. Lindsay, an accomplished conductor as well as a vocalist, will lead the WWU choirs for part of next school year while the regular director is on sabbatical.
As you prepare to worship God I invite you to meditate silently on these words from the pen of Ellen G. White:
When Christ dwells in the heart, the soul will be so filled with His love, with the joy of communion with Him, that it will cleave to Him; and in the contemplation of Him, self will be forgotten.
-Steps to Christ, page 45
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today, the loose offering goes toward the University Church budget. Aside from pastors' salaries, which are funded by donations marked "tithe," the University Church budget funds all local ministries including Youth and Children, WWVA and Rogers subsidies, broadcast, worship, and the upkeep of our facility.
The following graphic illustrates giving this year, relative to our budget as well as to giving at this time last year.
The WWU Freshman Mentoring Program is looking for people who have a passion to help college students succeed. If you are interested, call KarrLayn Beck at 527-2715 or go to the WWU website, under staff employment.
The WWVA Singers is looking for an accompanist for the upcoming school year. We rehearse twice a week and perform about once a month in a variety of genres, as well as a cappella selections. If you are interested in getting involved with a neat group of young people who have a great work ethic toward making fine music, please contact Director Patti Short at or 540-292-9379.
As a Health Coach, help lead our valley, one person at a time, towards a vibrant future. Call (509) 529-3100 or visit for details.
Youth and Family Potluck/Picnic, Sabbath July 15, after church at Lion’s Park. Please join us!
Small group Bible Study, Prayer, Praise, and Promises. Every Tuesday at 6:30pm at Heubach Chapel. Come to share and pray together. All Welcome.
A memorial service for Wayne DeMoss, husband of Dorothy DeMoss, and grandfather of Pastor Kris Loewen, is planned for Sunday, July 16, at 11am in Heubach Chapel.
A memorial potluck for Ann Montgomery is scheduled July 15th at 12:30 at the Havstad Alumni Center on 4th and College Ave. Bring your favorite dish and join us as we celebrate Ann’s life.
Bracelets supporting Miles Kearbey are available. They are $5 each, available in both adult and youth size, 100% proceeds go to the Kearbey family. They’re orange (the color for pediatric cancer) with the following inscription: #MilesCourage *Psalms 27:14* #MilesStrength If anyone is interested in buying one (or more), they are welcome to email, text, or call Kate Follett,, (509)876-9131.
Register now for the 2017 Global Leadership Summit. For the second year in a row, the University Church is a premier host site to this great leadership training event. For more information, visit or contact
WWU is Hiring! Please visit to view available positions and to fill out an online application.
Volunteer Teaching Position in Dillingham, Alaska for 18 years or older. If you have at least one year education training, Dillingham Adventist School might be the place for you next school year. Call or text Sueal Cunningham at 907-843-2177 for more information.
Gigantic Closing Sale of the Countryside Store, located in the basement apartment of the Hawkins Home at 374 SE Highland Park Dr. in College Place. They are selling all inventory, new books $1 each, used books $.10 each. Garage sale Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3pm until the end of 2017. Call 509-525-4024 with any questions.
Sabbath, July 15
After Church — Youth Potluck, Lion’s Park
12:30pm — Ann Montgomery Memorial Potluck, Havstad Alumni Center
8:41pm — Sundown
Tuesday, July 18
6:30pm — Prayer, Praise, Promises Small Group, Heubach Chapel
Wednesday, July 19
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, July 21
8pm — WWU Vespers, Conard Courtyard
8:35pm — Sundown
Thursday, August 10-Friday, August 11
Global Leadership Summit, University Church
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.