For making time for us;
for your listening ear;
for your empathy;
for your eye for justice;
for your courageous voice on behalf of
the voiceless;
for your aesthetic insight;
for your hospitality;
for your sense of humor;
for your gentle and firm leadership;
and not least for your continual reminders
pointing us to Jesus,
Pastor Lois, your church community thanks you
for pastoring us so well over the past 18 years.
May God continue to richly bless you in your retirement,
-the University Church Family
Pastor Lois Blackwelder's official ministry in Walla Walla began in 2000 as the campus chaplain for Walla Walla University. She guided and mentored teams of passionate student ministers, many of whom are still active in ministry to this day. One of the most impactful aspects of her leadership involved empowering and advocating for university students to create what would become a vibrant worship community known as "The Awakening."
In 2008, Lois transitioned from campus chaplaincy to pastoral ministry at the University Church. Her work as Member Care Pastor has been superb. From birthday phone calls, hospital visits, funeral and memorial service planning, to systematic WWU departmental visits, "The Longest Night," and summer hospitality events, Lois has blessed the University Church community (and beyond) with the tender touch of Jesus.
On June 30, 2018, Lois plans to retire from her remarkable and influential pastoral ministry. She and her husband, Tim, will continue to be members of the University Church, and plan to fill their time with family, friends, and travel.
Please stay to greet and thank Lois today at the reception after Second Service in the lobby.
Class of 2018, Congratulations!
We are so proud of the Class of 2018. They have a heart for service, a sense of purpose and a call to serve Jesus. They are also incredibly smart, very talented and a lot of fun. We will miss these students. But the wave goodbye is exciting. They are ready for the next challenge, and have outgrown our campus.
There is a classic Andy Griffith Show episode that really articulates the bittersweet feelings we are experiencing this weekend. After raising orphaned baby birds when their mother was killed, Andy’s son Opie knows they are now ready to be released.
Opie gingerly opens the latch on the cage door and the birds fly away eagerly. He looks at the cage sadly, looks up at Andy and says “Boy Pa, the cage sure does look empty.”
Andy smiles at his son gently, then looks far off into the yard. “It sure does, Opie,” he responds. “But my, don’t the trees look full.”
Our prayers, love and blessings go with this class as they fly eagerly into the future. The trees will look beautiful.
Bulletin Quicklinks
Music Note
Today, we welcome the singers of I Cantori to our platform for the last time this school year. It has been an honor working with all of them. I must thank Luke Irvine, our accompanist, for his work this year. Finally, I would like to welcome organist Lanny Collins to the organ bench for his last weekend serving as an interim organist. Thank you for your service throughout the past six months in faithfully leading our congregation in worship.
The choir’s selections for today begin with a calming set for prelude, which I hope will bring you a feeling of peace as you walk into the sanctuary. These three pieces present a narrative: First, we ask God to stay with us through trying times, represented by the metaphor of the darkness of night. Second, we experience the turmoil and peace of sleep, representing how we may feel throughout difficult times—sometimes at peace, sometimes feeling distanced from God. The third piece describes a state of wholeness and resolution, comparable to the growth that God can cause in our lives even through the darkest times.
After the sermon, the choir will sing a hymn-like setting that paints a picture of a little old church on a country hill and the worshipers that meet within. As you listen, bring the words of the first anthem (sung in Russian) to mind:
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will to men.
-Lindsay Armstrong
This Sabbath, our worship service features the leadership of several students from Walla Walla Valley Academy, an invaluable ministry partner of the University Church.
WWVA will hold its commencement ceremony in our Sanctuary on Sunday, June 10, at 10am. All are invited. About this senior class, WWVA staff reflect: We are so proud of the Class of 2018. They have a heart for service, a sense of purpose, and a call to serve Jesus. They are also incredibly smart, very talented, and a lot of fun! We will miss these students. But the wave goodbye is always exciting. They are ready for the next challenge!
Your generous support of the University Church and WWVA make the life-changing gift of Christian education possible.
Donate here on our website, or in person by placing your gift in a tithe envelope and marking it "Local Church Budget," or by placing it in the offering bags.
Our online giving portal allows any person to set up regular, monthly, weekly, or biweekly contributions to be deducted automatically from their connected accounts into whatever budget, ministry, or funds they choose.
Summer Light will begin on Sabbath, June 23, and continue through Sabbath, September 8. Each week, Sabbath Schools will begin at 10am and our worship service will be at 11:15am.
The church board has formed a search committee to guide us in finding the next senior pastor.
Pam Cress has agreed to chair the group which includes:
Alyssa Dybdahl, Katie Wagner, Patience Taruwinga, Kim Strobel, Holly Carpenter, Sergio Hernandez,
Sue Willard, and Holley Bryant. Please share your hopes, dreams, and insights with them directly or by emailing:
The flowers on the platform today are provided by WWVA in honor of graduating seniors, as well as by church members, in honor of Pastor Lois Blackwelder’s retirement.
50th Wedding Anniversary celebration for Scott and Betty Duncan. A come and go reception will be held in the Havstad Alumni Center on June 9, 6:00-8:00 p.m. We are planning a picture memory book to commemorate the occasion. Instead of a greeting card, please come prepared to have your picture taken and to write a short message for the memory book. If you have questions, please call 208/540-1707 or email
Retired Denominational Workers’ Strawberry Special Potluck, June 10, 5:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall, Village Church. DO NOT BRING DESSERT! A special presentation by Loren and Ruth (Christensen) Fenton - “China Odyssey: A Missionary Visit to Memory Lane”.
Skip Lee, Barbara Lee’s son and Steve Lee’s brother, passed away last week. Please remember this family as they mourn.
Receptionist and Dental Assistant for SonBridge Dental Clinic needed. Bilingual skills preferred, but not required. Paid positions of 30 hours per week. Call Mel at (509) 301-3460.
Please remember the Marty Wessman family as they mourn the loss of Gloria Wessman. Her service will be June 30 at 4pm at the Cloverdale SDA Church in Boise, ID.
The pastoral staff would like to remind you that they are available outside of office hours for emergencies. Please call the main office number at 509.527.2800 and follow the prompts. One of the pastors will respond.
With great sadness we announce the death of Sam Ketting on May 24. He is survived by his daughter, Ginger Ketting-Weller and son Case Ketting and their families. A memorial service will be held in the Loma Linda University Church at 11 a.m. on June 10, and will be live streamed at In lieu of flowers, you are invited to make donations to the needy student fund at your local Adventist school.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is now accepting applications for the position of janitor. The job is 25 hours per week. Applications are due by June 20th. You may email or call 541-938-9386 for more information.
SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting volunteers to sort donated goods, help haul items, or maintain the facility. If interested, please call 509.529.3100.
The Christian Aid Center is currently in need of childcare volunteers on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00. Please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer & Donor Relations at 525-7153 ext. 114 for more information.
Discovery Preschool is now enrolling children 3-5 years of age. It is the goal of our staff to work closely together with each family to provide a solid foundation for intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual growth of the child. Children are encouraged to explore their world through self-expression in a natural, playful, social environment. Contact information: or 509.527.2252. Visit:
FaithCamp West 2018: Jesus for Asia will again be hosting FaithCamp West at Upper Columbia Academy in Spangle, WA from July 11-15. Register now at to attend. Lodging and meal information available on the website. You will hear Jon Wood, Martin Kim, Jonathan and Hannah Hill, Gayle Haberkam, and other exciting missionary speakers. Plan now to attend, and bring your friends and family! We look forward to seeing you there!
Sabbath, June 9
5pm — WWU Music Department Recital, Sanctuary
8pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
8:43pm — Sundown
Sunday, June 10
10am — WWVA Commencement, Sanctuary
5pm — Retired Workers’ potluck, Village Church
Monday, June 11
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Wednesday, June 13
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Gathering Room
Friday, June 15
1pm — “Change the Day” Activity, Youth Room
8pm — Vespers, WWU Senior Consecration, Sanctuary
8:46pm — Sundown
Sunday, June 17
8:30am — WWU Commencement, Centennial Green
Sabbath, June 23
“Summer Light” schedule begins:
10am — Sabbath School classes
11:15am — Summer Light worship service, Sanctuary
Monday, July 9 – Friday, July 13
9am-4pm — University Church Vacation Bible Camp
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.