With toothy smiles, bouncing curls, squeals of glee, and furtive rustling paper, our church is filled with children who are absorbing and growing in the love of Christ. Weekly, eight Sabbath School classes are filled with curious minds and compassionate hearts as stories of hope, healing, and help are shared by a team of people who diligently serve Jesus as they serve our families. With more than 100 volunteers leading in our children’s divisions, Pathfinder club, youth groups, and Vacation Bible Camps, we are blessed to have generations proclaiming the love of God, one to the next.
Many hearts within this congregation beat with the mercy and grace of Christ and the overflow is shared generously. Our grade schools benefit from years of dedication to Adventist education. Our families grow in small group Bible studies. Our middle school students are challenged to understand and claim their faith.
Thank you for being a part of the dynamic process of sharing faith with the newest generation of thought leaders, and faith displayers to walk this earth. Your time and energy are immensely valued
During the week of July 9‒13, our Children and Family Ministries Department will host Vacation Bible Camp for the third year. Children ages 3‒12 are welcome to attend morning sessions, 9am‒12pm, (3‒5 year olds must be accompanied by parents). Afternoon field trips are designed for school-aged students from second grade through age 12. Register online at: wwuchurch.com/church-forms. Contact Pastor Jenn with any questions: jenn.ogden@wallawalla.edu
Bulletin Quicklinks
Music Note
Today I have many musicians to thank. First, thank you to Cliff Dolph on organ and his son Ethan on cello. Next, thank you to Jan Roberts and Sophia Fullerton for sharing your musical talents again. And finally, thank you to Schuan and Holly Carpenter and the rest of the band for their help this week and for past and future contributions to our worship services. You are all wonderful, talented and dedicated individuals.
The prelude begins with an excerpt from Handel’s "Water Music," which was originally intended as an orchestral work to be performed outdoors while floating down the Thames River. It is nicely adapted here in Carl McKinley’s organ arrangement. Ethan then joins in for Orr’s arrangement of Hymn No.240, which calls us to observe the beauty in nature created by our Savior. The vocal duet, performed in French, also focuses on nature as it is from the perspective of two friends walking through a garden, admiring the beauty in the flowers and in friendship. Moments of fear in the beginnings of verses are quickly resolved as they comfort each other. This leads us into the post-sermon music—full of songs about finding hope and comfort in God’s presence.
It has been a pleasure serving in this church for the past year and the preceding five years as a student. I know that Dr. Scott is excited to see you all again, and I know I will miss your friendly smiles and greetings. Thank you, church family, for your support. I will always hold a special place in my heart for this community.
-Lindsay Armstrong
The following graphic broadly illustrates how your donations marked "tithe" are allocated. Thank you for your generosity to the work of the Adventist Church in Walla Walla and beyond!
Donate here on our website, or in person by placing your gift in a tithe envelope and marking it "Local Church Budget," or by placing it in the offering bags.
Our online giving portal allows any person to set up regular, monthly, weekly, or biweekly contributions to be deducted automatically from their connected accounts into whatever budget, ministry, or funds they choose.
The flowers on the platform today are given in loving memory of Karen Cole by her family.
Vacation Bible Camp at the University Church is scheduled for July 9-13. Full day and half day options are available. Find out more and register at: wwuchurch.com/church-forms/
Mental Health First Aid is planned for Sunday, July 1, 8:30a-5pm. This is a University Church sponsored training that is welcome to the first 30 people to register. WWU Social Work Professors Susan Smith and Emily Tillotson will teach the course in the Fellowship Hall. The $15 fee includes all materials and lunch. Register by contacting the church office: church@wallawalla.edu or 509.527.2800.
Stay up to date with the University Church’s texting service. To receive important information about events, schedule changes, and emergencies, opt-in by texting “WWUCINFO” to 84576.
Membership Transfers (June, second reading)
(IN) Sherrick S. Hiscock II, College Place Village Church Amelia Messervy, College Place Village Church Margaret Tilstra, Collegedale, Tenn.
Dave Wheeler, Sandpoint, Idaho
Kate Wheeler, Milton-Freewater, Ore.
(AWAY) Mark Ulric, Agat-Santa Rita, Guam Laurie Wade, Morton, Wash.
The senior pastor search committee has outlined the following process for identifying the next senior pastor. The committee is currently in phase 1. The search committee is asking for church-member input specifically on the following questions: What do you like about the University church? What would you like to see changed? What dreams would you have for the University Church? What do we bring to the pastor as a congregation? Please email comments: pastoralsearch@wallawalla.edu.
The WWU Freshman Mentoring Program is looking for people who have a passion to help college freshman succeed. If you are interested or know someone who would be a great asset to our team, please call KarrLayn Beck at 509.527.2715 or apply on the WWU website.
Walla Walla University is hiring! Please visit jobs.wallawalla.edu for current job openings and to apply.
The Christian Aid Center is an important ministry partner of the University Church. They are currently in need of the following volunteers: Chapel Speakers (6:30‒7pm, various dates available); Childcare Providers (daily 9-11am shifts, and Tues. and Thurs. shifts from 1:30‒3:30pm); Receptionist (various shifts available); Kitchen Host (morning and evening shifts available); Hair Stylist; Registered Nurses. Please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer & Donor Relations at 525-7153 ext. 114 for more information.
The University Church will host the Global Leadership Summit for the third consecutive year this summer, Thursday and Friday, August 9-10. University Church members and regular attenders can register for $89 until June 26. Visit wwuchurch.com/gls2018 for more information!
Former Walla Walla General Hospital employees, physicians, AHMG and Clinic employees, and volunteers are invited to a one-year post closure reunion potluck Sunday, July 29, at the Fort Walla Walla picnic shelter at 4pm. Bring food for 6-8 people, table service for your family, and lawn chairs. Water and drinks provided. Go to wwghlegacy.com for more information or contact Miki Uren at 509-525-1026.
FoundationONE is hosting a “Circle of Friends” brunch for alumni and friends of Upper Columbia Academy on Sunday, July 8, 10am. The event will be held at Todd & Teri Wagner’s home in Walla Walla. All alumni, former faculty, family, and friends are invited. Come connect with your UCA family, enjoy a complimentary brunch, and hear current miracle stories from Upper Columbia Academy. For more information or to RSVP contact Linda Klinger 509.939.1716 or linda.klinger@foundationoneuca.org.
Call to Service: Are you a physician or dentist with an earnest longing for souls? Then the AMEN conference is for you! Join us Thursday October 25 – Sunday October 28, 2018 in Indian Wells, CA. The 2018 AMEN conference Call to Service will call each of us to a deeper level of service that goes beyond our comfort zone, challenging us to examine the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, instilling a desire to share Him on a daily basis. Speakers include: Pastor John Bradshaw of It Is Written, and Pastor Wes Peppers; Dentists Stephen Wright and Ken Pierson; Physicians Brian Schwartz, Tash Ching, and Dapne Moretta and many others. All physicians, dentists, healthcare professionals, and pastors are encouraged to attend. This year a special symposium for young professionals (especially residents & fellows) will be held Friday and Sabbath afternoons called: God’s Call, My Work. We hope you will join us as hundreds of physicians and dentists from across America, and around the world, gather to answer God’s Call to Service. For more information go to amensda.org/conferences/ or email admin@amensda.org.
SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting volunteers to sort donated goods, help haul items, or maintain the facility. If interested, please call 509.529.3100.
Singles Campout, July 27-29, at Kaner Flats Campground. More information and registration forms can be found at http://www.villageadventist.org/connect/singles
Discovery Preschool is now enrolling children 3-5 years of age. It is the goal of our staff to work closely together with each family to provide a solid foundation for intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual growth of the child. Children are encouraged to explore their world through self-expression in a natural, playful, social environment. Contact information: stacy.maxted@wallawalla.edu or 509.527.2252. Visit: wallawalla.edu/preschool
FaithCamp West 2018: Jesus for Asia will again be hosting FaithCamp West at Upper Columbia Academy in Spangle, WA from July 11-15. Register now at faithcamponline.org to attend. Lodging and meal information available on the website. You will hear Jon Wood, Martin Kim, Jonathan and Hannah Hill, Gayle Haberkam, and other exciting missionary speakers. Plan now to attend, and bring your friends and family! We look forward to seeing you there!
Sabbath, June 30
“Summer Light” schedule continues:
10am — Sabbath School classes
11:15am — Summer Light worship service, Sanctuary
8pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
8:48pm — Sundown
Sunday, July 1
8:30am-5pm — Mental Health First Aid, Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, July 4
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Gathering Room
Friday, July 6
8pm — WWU Vespers, Conard Courtyard
8:46pm — Sundown
Sabbath, July 7
11:15am — Communion with Outdoor Foot washing Service
Monday, July 9 - Friday, July 13
9am-4pm — University Church Vacation Bible Camp
Thursday, August 9 - Friday, August 10
Global Leadership Summit, Sanctuary
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.