"This is My Servant; I strengthen Him, this is My Chosen One; I delight in Him. I have put My Spirit on Him. He will bring justice to the nations...
He will not break a bruised reed, and He will not put out a smoldering wick; He will faithfully bring justice."

Isaiah 42:1,3


2,500 men live on the hill on the north side of Walla Walla. As citizens, it’s easy to overlook that small city (despite the orange glow). Most of us don’t regularly interact with the inhabitants. A good portion of us are afraid of them for their track records of violence. A number of us might even prefer to act as though they’re not just next door. They’re suffering the consequences of their deeds, some of us might think, justice isn’t always pretty. And they’re only getting what they have coming. The Washington State Penitentiary on the north side of town is truly a city and culture to its own; and yet it is ours.

If it weren’t for Jesus’ explicit commands to look after, visit, and show kindness toward this population, we might be tempted to continue to look the other way; or perhaps just offer contempt. Instead, we hear Jesus whispering, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Just over ten years ago, a group of Christians and other community leaders sought to engage more deeply those incarcerated in Walla Walla.  As educators affiliated with the Community College, these leaders had regular contact at the penitentiary and quickly came to see a pressing need. When offenders are released (always in the county wherein their crime was committed), they often have nothing more than $40 in their pockets and a shirt on their backs. For those incarcerated over years or decades before this moment, it can be both confusing and overwhelming. The men released usually don’t even know how to sort out basic needs like housing, employment, or social support. To complicate matters, up to 90% of them have (or have had) some kind of substance abuse problem. As a consequence, recidivism for parolees who have no guidance or resources is around 30% in the first three years after release. This small group of Christians and leaders established The Star Project with the aim to help fill the gap.

Austin Archer

Austin Archer

Star Project volunteer and University Church member Austin Archer says about the program, “The whole idea [of the Star Project] is to help transition people from the prison environment to the real world.”  The mission hasn't changed since he and a small group of local Christians established the Star Project in 2004. The organization consisting of a few paid staff and many volunteers takes action for parolees in the form of mentoring, education, housing, employment searches, among others. Because former felons can be legally discriminated against in the area of housing and employment, these can be particularly large hurdles to overcome after release from prison. The Star Project works to help ensure these men avoid future prison sentences and experience the joy of life and grace.

Becky Turner, executive Star Project director, says “Humans have the same basic needs no matter who they are. Whether you’re serving kindergartners or inmates, everyone deserves housing and food.”

The Star Project presently has several needs in completing its mission in Walla Walla. Among them include the need for volunteers which can include mentoring inmates on writing resumes, evaluating finances, and key life skills. In addition, the Star Project also partners with local landlords to provide housing for its clients. For more information on how you might contribute in either of these ways, email the staff atinfo@thestarproject.us or call 509.525.3612. Finally, the Star Project is always in need of financial support (give online to the Star Project at: http://goo.gl/SyAAb1).

“It’s our Christian duty to help our fellow man,” Becky Turner says, even if that human being is in need of profound and undeserved grace. The University Church pastors encourage you, as you act as Jesus’ hands and feet in our community, to consider partnering with or otherwise supporting this important and life-changing ministry.

-by Pastor Kris Loewen




It is a special joy to welcome home Joseph Brooks. A graduate of WWU, Joseph also taught here in the music department for four years in the mid-1980s. After teaching for a time in Kentucky he moved back to Washington State where he has been on the music faculty of Central Washington University in Ellensburg for many years. We also welcome our own Karin Thompson, chair of the WWU music department, who joins Joseph in some wonderful clarinet trio literature. You can hear the complete works from which today’s service music is drawn in a special concert on Sunday, 17 April 2016, 4:00pm in the Fine Arts Center auditorium.

 The prelude the postlude form the first two movements of the colossal Trio for Piano, Clarinet, and Cello, Op.29, by Vincent d’Indy (1851-1931). A student of César Franck, d’Indy was, like his teacher, a famous pedagogue who, in 1900, founded the most important music school in France after the Paris Conservaotry – The Schola Cantorum. D’Indy composed this mighty, four-movement work in 1888.

 The offertory consists of the second movement of the Fantasy Trio for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano, Op.26 by Robert Muczynski (1929-2010). Born in Chicago of Polish parents, Muczynski debuted in Carnegie Hall at the age of 29 performing a concert of his own piano compositions. He has written extensively for piano, orchestra, and chamber ensembles including, in 1969, this Fantasy Trio.

 As you prepare to worship please take some quiet time to meditate on the words of our anthem, Hymn No.108, some of which are given here.

 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.


-Kraig Scott



3.26 Timeline



We can't thank you enough for your generous financial support! The University Church budget funds vital ministries including, worship services, broadcast ministry, and our amazing K-12 school programs at Walla Walla Valley Academy and Rogers Adventist School.

As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!

Click here to give online

Click here to give online



Church Potluck is this Sabbath, April 9, at 1:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. Students are joyfully invited!

Second Service is live-streamed in Heubach Chapel as an optional courtesy for families with small kids.

Wisdom Wednesday with Pastor Alex is this coming Wednesday, April 12 at noon in Heubach Chapel. Senior members of the University Church, please come and bless your pastor with advice and insight.

Pancake Breakfast with Children & Family Ministries is next Sabbath, April 16 at 9am in the Jr. High Room.

Gospel Outreach’s mission rally is April 9 at 3:30pm in the Village Church. We all can have a part in fulfilling the Great Commission and hastening Jesus’ return. To discover more, you are cordially invited to attend the Spring 2016 Gospel Outreach Mission Rally. For more information visit goaim.org online or call 509.525.2951.

Vacation Bible Camp Volunteers Needed! Please download an application here and give to Pastor Jenn or Marci Knauft. Contact either of them with questions. VBC will run from June 13-17. We will need volunteers from 8am-4pm (morning only, afternoon only, or all day).

The Vine Newsletter for April is published! Pick up a paper copy from the literature rack or find the digital version on our website: wwuchurch.com/cfm/#currentvine.

Walla Walla University Homecoming Weekend will be held April 21–24. Events will include an alumni banquet, touring choir reunion and concert, honor class meetings and photos, and a catered Sabbath dinner. Registration and a full list of events can be found at wallawalla.edu/homecoming, or call Alumni and Advancement Services at (509) 527-2631.

Computer Saavy? Need a ministry? Join the growing team of volunteers who serve our community through social media and our website. Contact Pastor Kris at kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu for more information.

Rogers Adventist School invites you to K-1 Day, Sunday, April 10 at 5:45pm. This is a special time for kindergarteners and first-graders new to our school to come enjoy some activities just for them.  Visitors’ Day for grades 2-8 is Wednesday, April 13 from 8am-12:30pm.

The Christian Aid Center has several key volunteer needs. Will you answer the call? These needs include hosting at breakfast or dinner meals, morning child care in their newly renovated space, Bible Study leaders. Contact Jeanette Regalado at 509.525.7153 ext. 114 to help!

Job opportunity at the Christian Aid Center, who is looking for an enthusiastic Christian person to work part-time as a receptionist.  Duties include answering the phone, greeting the public, providing secretarial support and assisting staff as a team member.  Must be able to work independently, have basic computer knowledge and have excellent interpersonal skills.  Current available hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with the potential for more hours.  Starting pay is $11 an hour.  Please reply with a cover letter and resume to: jwicklund@cacww.org, attn: Jason.

Children’s Storytime & Activity leader needed at the College Place ABC Christian Bookstore. The program is held year-round, Wednesdays, 10-11am. It is for ages newborn and up. Call 509.529.0723 for more info.

Conversational Spanish class begins at SonBridge on Thursday, April 14. It meets on every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00 p.m. until June 2.  Come and learn Spanish together.  Any questions, call 529-3100.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School is now open for registration for the 2016-17 school year. Thanks to a generous donation, the first ten new students in Kindergarten through 8th grade who sign up and are accepted will receive a certificate for $240 which covers the price of the entrance fee. Must not be a returning student from 2015-16.*

UCC Camp Meeting is June 22-25, 2016 at UCA: Now is the time to reserve, while lodging is still available! Visit uccsda.org/cammeeting for more information.

Upper Columbia Conference Office of Education is now accepting applications for the Students in His Service scholarship program for the 2016 summer.  See guidelines at uccsda.org/Education/Scholarships.  Applications due before May 15, 2016.

UCC Summer Work Opportunity for graduating seniors or college age men and women. “His Travelers” goes as a team to churches in the conference to offer VBS, day camps, and mentoring. Call Patty Marsh for information: pattym@uccsda.org 509.242.0621.

Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m.  For more information, call 509-527-2654.

Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!




Sabbath, April 9
    1:15pm - University Church Potluck, Fellowship Hall
    3pm - Memorial Service for Lorrell Smick, father of
             Debbie Muthersbaugh, Heubach Chapel
     7:34pm - Sunset

Sunday, April 10
    5:45pm - Rogers Adventist School K-1 Day

Monday,  April 11
    7:30am - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)

Tuesday,  April 12
    7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday,  April 3
    6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall
    7pm - Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel

Friday, April 15
    11am - WWU CommUnity, Weekend of Worship with
               Jonathan Duffy (continues Sabbath)
    7:42pm - Sunset
    8pm - WWU Vespers, Jonathan Duffy, Sanctuary

Sabbath, April 16
    9am - CFM Pancake Breakfast, Jr. High Room


Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.