Join us next week!
Please join the University Church and WWU Campus Ministries April 13, 14, 15, and 16, for a series of special programs leading us in celebration of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
Each day, we will focus on a different aspect of the Passion story, and invite ourselves to recommit to Jesus who gave His all for us!
Rogers School Strings Program
Kathleen Spring
More than 35 years ago, Kathleen Spring, founder and former director of the Rogers Adventist School strings program, created ripples that have grown into cultural waves of worship, community, and beauty influencing the lives of thousands. When Spring began her work in Walla Walla, there was little structure or history for strings as a subject. For the first few years, she didn’t even have teaching space at Rogers school. Later, she taught her lessons out of a closet in the old building on 4th and Bade! It wasn’t until the mid 1990’s that a more permanent space was afforded for her work in that facility. Today, Rogers Adventist School has a dedicated room for strings as a highly valued component of its curriculum.
Holly Blackwelder Carpenter, the current director of the strings program at Rogers, was one of Spring’s earliest students. Her education came by way of the Suzuki method, a philosophy that maintains, “everyone can.” The Suzuki Method promotes the values of character development, morality, and hard work. Instead of bowing to the idea that talent carries the day for artists, this system teaches that accomplishment or greatness with an instrument are available through practice and intentionality. Carpenter was not only a student of the Suzuki method, in her leadership of nearly 200 strings students at Rogers today, she continues employing the Suzuki tradition. As the director of the Seattle Japan Suzuki Institute and a member of the Board of Directors for the Suzuki Association of the Americas, you could say she’s a fan.
Holly Blackwelder Carpenter
For those who have not spent much time outside the Walla Walla Valley, it might be easy to assume that the extensive strings program boasted by Rogers Adventist School andWalla Walla Valley Academy (under the direction of Ben Gish) are typical. On the contrary, says Carpenter, “this is a very unique and special community with so many students who are so involved in music.” The culture around valuing music, and strings in particular, begins early for students at Rogers. The kinder-strings program invites kids as young as 5 to be exposed to instruments at little to no extra cost to parents. As students continue on in their elementary career, private lessons and orchestra classes can be added for additional fees – but Carpenter and the school make a huge effort to maintain affordability for motivated kids.
Holly Blackwelder Carpenter says that the first step for getting a child involved in music is to start helping them build a personal interest in it. Becoming a musician requires practice – and some level of curiosity goes a long way in that motivation. Between she, Ben Gish, and a number of other instructors in the valley potential students of violin, viola, cello, bass, or even classical guitar actually have quite a wide selection of possible teachers. Carpenter says that they are very intentional about pairing students with educators with whom they are compatible. For more information about getting your child started, please contact her at: or by visiting the Rogers website:
Today at the University Church, Rogers strings musicians of many ages from two different string ensembles lead worship in the second service (11:45am). Under Carpenter's direction, we will enjoy pieces by Vivaldi, Dvorak, and others (see today’s music note for more details on the music).
Bulletin Quicklinks
We thank the many student musicians of Rogers Adventist School who comprise the orchestras under the direction of Holly Blackwelder Carpenter. We hear the primary orchestra, Con Brio, as well as the Beginning Orchestra. Please join me in welcoming our own Holly Carpenter and all of these musicians.
In both the prelude and offertory we hear arrangements by Owen Goldsmith, a native of Texas, now residing in California where he composes and arranges music full time. The anthem presents an arrangement of the famous first movement of Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9, affectionately known as “From the New World” because he composed it during the three-year period he served as director of the National Conservatory of Music in New York City. Today’s arrangement is by Harry Alshin (1909–1995), a graduate of the Juilliard School who served as a faculty of Hofstra University and the Aspen Music Festival.
As you prepare your heart to worship, I invite you to take some silent time to meditate on the beautiful words of our final hymn, No. 240.
-Kraig Scott
The loose offering collected today will go to the budget for the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. Donations made online (, click "give") or placed in envelopes and marked "University Church budget" support local ministry in our valley: youth and young adults, children and families, broadcast, and our schools. Pastors' salaries are funded through donations marked "tithe."
Please join the University Church and WWU Campus Ministries April 13, 14, 15, and 16, for a series of special programs leading us in celebration of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Each day, we will focus on a different aspect of the Passion story, and invite ourselves to recommit to Jesus who gave His all for us! All are invited to take part! Click on the photo to see the schedule.
A special FORUM presentation by Holocaust historian Robert P. Ericksen will take place Monday evening, April 10, at 7:30pm in Village Hall. All are invited, no RSVP required. The purpose of this event is to focus on the question, “How could it happen?” How could the Holocaust happen in Germany, a Christian (mostly Lutheran) country with a highly educated populace? It is difficult to ask such a question without also asking, “Could such an event happen again?” How secure is our own culture, our own institutions, from veering away from our core values in a crisis. What occurred in Nazi Germany “should warn us against compromising our values – human rights, civil rights, and international law – in the face of adversity.” Please click here for more information about the event and the speaker.
Garnet Biggers’ funeral service will be held at Mountain View/Colonial Dewitt Funeral Chapel Sunday, April 9 at 11:00 with burial at Mt. Hope Cemetery in College Place.
The Pulse! During the month of May, Pastor Alex will lead us through a short sermon series on healthful living, inside and out. Be sure to join our University Church family as we take part in a wide variety of health activities, challenges, and social events including outdoor church on May 20!
BIBLE TRANSLATION BANQUET presented by Wycliffe Associates, April 25, 7:00 pm at Courtyard by Marriott. Over 3,000 language groups are still waiting to hear the truth of God’s transforming Word in their heart language. Come hear Max Lewis share an exciting media update on what God is doing in Bible translation.Complimentary tickets available until April 15. Contact Curt Schafer at 527-3116 or For more information visit and
Please join the WWU community in praying for student missionaries. This week, pray for Thomas Lemon and Alyssa Olson, who are serving in Thailand.
Registration for Rogers Adventist School is now open. A discounted registration fee is available until April. Please be sure to contact the Rogers treasurer about details and programs for making Rogers affordable. We want every motivated student and family to have a spot at this amazing school. Call 509.529.1850 or email
Apply now for an amazing summer scholarship program by the Upper Columbia Conference for Adventist Education. Students in grades 1-12 can apply to serve in their communities and receive scholarship funds for school tuition. Donors can give to this Summer Scholarship Program and make more funds available to more families. This is a win-win opportunity. To learn more go here: Online applications will be available until May 15, 2017 at
K/1 Circus at Rogers Adventist School, Sunday, April 9, from 3-4:30 p.m. All new, incoming Kindergarten or 1st grade students for the 17-18 school year are invited to visit us for games, crafts, prizes, and more! RSVP to Cindy at or (509)529-1850.
Rogers Adventist School Constituency Meeting, Tuesday, April 18, from 5:45 – 7:30 p.m. 200 S. Academy Way, College Place.
Mission Adventure Report & Sacred Songs: Joshua & Stephanie Lewis, Adventist Frontier Missionary Candidates will be sharing their journey as missionary kids and their new calling to the frontiers of SE Asia. Vocalist Megan Schwark accompanied by Jan Roberts. You won’t want to miss it. April 22, at 5 PM, Walla Walla University Church.
Join "The Afters" in concert, courtesy of ASWWU Spiritual, on April 22 at 9pm in the WWU Gym. Tickets at the door.
AMEN Conference May 11-13, 2017--Save money and register today for the very first regional Adventist Medical Evangelism Network Conference. Early-bird registration ends April 16. The keynote speaker is Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel. Dr. Marcel is currently serving as a Health Ministries Associate Director at the General Conference and is a dynamic, engaging speaker. The theme is Comprehensive Health Care: Developing Your Ministry Toolkit. Health care providers at all levels, pastors, outreach coordinators, Bible workers, and health ministries leaders are encouraged to attend. Register online at . Contact Cindy Williams at or (509) 242-0520 for more information.
Christina Johanson, daughter of Bruce and Anne Johanson, was severely injured on February 13 in a bicycle accident while visiting her parents in India. She sustained serious brain injuries and is still there until she recovers enough for transport home. She faces extensive rehabilitation treatment. The family is asking for our prayers.
NEEDED at SonBridge: a heavy-duty pickup for deliveries and hauling. Mechanical soundness is very important, followed by a reasonable cost (or donation). For info, please call 509-529-3100.
WWGH Golf Classic--You are cordially invited to experience an unforgettable day of great golf, excellent food, friendly competition, and nonstop fun in support of Walla Walla General Hospital. The 2017 WWGH Golf Classic is at Wine Valley Golf Club on May 21. Net proceeds support the completion of the hospital’s new Senior Behavioral Health Unit, providing crucial and previously unavailable mental health care treatment and services in our area. Click here to register.
Please donate Lego and Duplo blocks for our Children and Family Ministries Vacation Bible Camp. No specific types or colors needed. Bring your new or used donation to Pastor Jenn’s office or contact her for more information:
In the Footsteps of the Judges and Jesus: Study the stories of the Judges and the Book of Mark and follow in the places where they walked. La Sierra University is offering a study tour of Israel and Jordan, July 2 – 25 with Doug Clark, Bev Beem, and Kendra Haloviak Valentine. For further information contact
ASWWU Global Service is hosting the annual Interntional Food Fair on Sunday, May 5. They are asking for volunteers to make food from around the world. ASWWU will help with costs for any cooks. If any of you are interested in helping out or getting some more information, please e-mail
The Milton SDA Youth Department is hosting an evening of music, food, and fellowship to support members Joshua and Stephanie Lewis as they go as missionaries to Cambodia. Inspiring words, wonderful music, delicious homemade vegeburgers. Please bring chips or a dessert to share; cost is by donation. Sabbath, April 8, 5:30 p.m. Milton Church Fellowship Hall.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to a retirement celebration for our wonderful teacher Ray Hall on Saturday, April 22nd in our gymnasium. Please RSVP at or call 541-938-7131
Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to our last Pancake Breakfast of the year. Sunday, April 9th at the Stateline Adventist Church 8:00 am to 10:00 am. By donations. All proceeds go to the 8th grade trip fund.
Childcare Available: Stay-at-home, SDA mom of 2 young children in my home. Flexible days and times of day. For more information, please call 509-240-6303 or 509-876-4245. Please leave a message if no answer.
SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting Summer Volunteers to sort donated goods and clothing. If interested, please call (509) 529-3100.
Christian Aid Center is in need of breakfast cooks, serving from 6-8am. Days currently open are Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Please contact Jeannette Regalado for more information, 509-525-7153.
College Place Co-op Preschool has openings for children 3-5 years old. Play-based & child-centered program of the WW Community College. Tue/Wed/Thur from 9am-12pm. Only $90/month. Meets in the children’s wing of WWU Church. For more info contact Teacher Andrea @ 301-3878 or program manager @ 527-4237.
Are you a Speaker, Preacher, Host, or Actor? - We Need Your Help! The Center for Media Ministry at Walla Walla University is looking for men and women ages 30-50 (or close to it) who would be willing to present as devotional speakers in a series of videos about the Bible. You’ll need to be comfortable speaking in front of people, and be able to memorize some sermonettes on Revelation. Does this sound like you? If you might be interested, please email Rachel Scribner at, or call 360.624.6765. Thank you for your help!
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is looking forward to the 2017-2018 school year. We are happy to announce that we will be continuing the 4 full time teaching positions. We need to fill 3 part time positions, a librarian, a 5/6 Social Studies and Science Teacher and a Resource Aide. If you would like to apply call 541-938-7131 or email at
Sabbath, April 8
1:15pm — Church Potluck, Fellowship Hall
9pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge
7:32pm — Sundown
Sunday, April 9
11am — Garnet Bigger Funeral, Colonial Dewitt Funeral Home
3-4:30pm — K/1 Circus, Rogers Adventist School
Monday, April 10
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
7:30pm — FORUM-Complicity in the Holocaust, Village Hall
Tuesday, April 11
11am — WWU CommUnity, Adam Braun, Sanctuary
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, April 12
6:30pm — Pathfinder Club, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
7pm — “Evidence” Bible Study, Youth Room
7pm — Small Group Bible Study, Gathering Room
Thursday, April 13
8pm — Holy Week “Water”, Sanctuary
Friday, April 14
7:40pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, Paddy McCoy, Holy Week “Wood”, Sanctuary
Sabbath, April 15
9:30 and 11:45am — Holy Week, "Stone, Sanctuary
Sunday, April 16
8am — Easter Sunrise Service “Air”, Mt. Hope Cemetery
Tuesday, April 18
5:45-7:30pm — Rogers Adventist School Constituency Meeting, Rogers School Commons
Sabbath, April 22
5pm — Mission Adventure Report & Concert, Megan Schwark and Jan Roberts, Sanctuary
9pm - "The Afters" Concert sponsored by ASWWU Spiritual, WWU Gym
Tuesday, April 25
7am — Wycliffe Associates Bible Translation Banquet, Courtyard Marriott
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.