"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
So He began teaching them many things."
Mark 6:34
(Text for today's sermon)
"Walking with Hope" is an interdenominational Christian-based adult grief group offered by the chaplains of Walla Walla Community Hospice. It is available for anyone who has lost a loved one. As you grieve your loss, you are welcome to join once in a while or every week. The group meets at Walla Walla Community Hospice, 1067 E. Isaacs Ave. in Walla Walla. It starts this week on Wednesday from 10-11:30am, and continues weekly through June 6. No need to register, just show up if you'd like to attend. Call 509.525.5561 with any questions. The group will be led by University Church members Terry Rice and Sherrice Croft.
Bulletin Quicklinks
Today we welcome the Walla Walla Valley Academy Band to our sanctuary. Thank you to director Eric Anderson for your commitment to music education. In addition, we welcome back our organist, Bethany Foster. Thank you for leading us today and on many other Sabbath mornings!
The WWVA Band performs a variety of musical styles throughout this morning’s service. Beginning with “Centuria,” the students bring an exciting and energetic air to the sanctuary. Bethany follows with my personal favorite opening hymn: “Praise to the Lord.” (No.1) The pre-sermon anthem is a little longer than usual, but is never boring; constantly depicting the theme in contrasting moods and instrumental colors. After the sermon, prepare yourself for a unique jazzy arrangement of “A Mighty Fortress" (No.506) that is sure to put a smile on your face. The band’s postlude means “rejoice!” in Latin. As their final notes ring out today, may you leave this place with a joyous spring in your step and a song in your heart; perhaps the words of our closing hymn (No.350):
“Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.”
-Lindsay Armstrong
This Sabbath, we are blessed by many musicians from Walla Walla Valley Academy (WWVA). Your gifts to the University Church budget support the ministry of WWVA in a substantive way. More than 25 percent of the University Church's budget goes to subsidize K-12 Adventist education in our valley. This investment is essential to WWVA remaining the amazing ministry that it is. Each year, many hundreds of students and their families are impacted by the top notch Christian education that our schools provide. Thank you for empowering this work through your gifts to the University Church's budget.
Donate here on our website, by placing your gift in a tithe envelope and marking it "Local Church Budget," or by placing it in the offering bags.
Our online giving portal allows any person to set up regular, monthly, weekly, or biweekly contributions to be deducted automatically from their connected accounts into whatever budget, ministry, or funds they choose.
Membership Transfers (second reading):
(IN): Brittni Bryan, From Friday Harbor, WA
Beverly Camp, From Forest Lake, Apopka, FL
James and Beverly Foster, From Hillsboro, OR
Heather Harrison, From College Drive, Pearl, MS
Tom and Sue Smith, From El Centro, CA
(AWAY): Norma Flores, To Keene, TX
Benjamin and Maria King, To CP Village,
Curtis Lund, To Stateline, Milton Freewater, OR
The University Church staff would like to inform you that the Children’s Wing is now under video surveillance. They thank the safety team’s ongoing effort to promote safety at our church. Thank you for your support!
An all-church potluck is planned for Sabbath, April 14, at 1:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited!
Would you like to connect with others? Lead or be a part of a small group this Spring quarter (April/May). Groups are activity-based or discussion-based and run for about an hour over a three to six-week period. If you’re interested in leading, contact Alareece Collie at alareece.collie@wallawalla.edu for more information.
50-PLUS POTLUCK AND PROGRAM, Sunday, April 15, at 5pm in the Youth Center. Come and enjoy “Hymn Classics” with the Roger Johnson family and others.
SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting volunteers to sort donated goods, help haul items, or maintain the facility. If interested, please call 509.529.3100.
Come help celebrate Walt Meske’s 90th birthday on Sunday, April 8 from 9am-11am in the Alumni Center. No gifts, but donations to Christian Aid Center in his name are appreciated.
The Christian Aid Center is pleased to celebrate the completion of their Gift of Grace campaign. THANK YOU to all who had a part in raising $4.85 million to build a new shelter for homeless women and children. The new building promises them a chance to be safe, to experience dignity, to live in a caring community, and to find restoration and hope. The project is currently under construction and slated to open its doors in June 2018.
Denominational Retired Workers’ Potluck Sunday, April 8, 5:00 pm, Fellowship Hall, Village Church. Get better acquainted with fellow retirees sharing what you did, where and how long.
The College Place Spanish SDA Church invites you to join in an All-You-Can-Eat Brunch Buffet to raise funds for their building project. The Brunch Buffet will take place at the Village Youth Center (36 SW 8th St College Place) on April 8, 2018, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. The cost for the ticket is $10 (for ages 10+), $5 (for ages 4-9) and free for 3 and under. Purchase tickets by calling at 509-525-9523 or 509-301-2956. Music provided by Rogers Adventist School Handbell choir and String Orchestra.
WWU Homecoming Weekend! Alumni and friends of WWU are invited to Homecoming Weekend, April 26-29. We’ve planned more than 50 events especially for you, including a banquet celebrating our core theme of generosity in service, educational seminars, a special PRISM concert, a Bowers Hall open house, and an Alleluias and Meditations concert Sabbath evening. A full list of events and registration information is available at wallawalla.edu/homecoming or by calling (800) 377-2586.
The Christian Aid Center is currently in need of childcare volunteers on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00. Please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer & Donor Relations at 525-7153 ext. 114 for more information.
Employment Opportunity: Rogers Adventist School is hiring a part time 7th/8th grade teacher for the 18-19 school year. SDA certification required (or will be completed by the beginning of the school year), state certification preferred. Applicant should be skilled in teaching algebra, language arts, and Bible. Interested applicants should submit a resume with references and a cover letter to Holley Bryant at holley.bryant@rschool.org.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to a pancake breakfast on Sunday, April 15th 8-10 am. By donation. Please note: we have moved the date from April 8th to April 15th. This is the last pancake breakfast of the year. You will not want to miss all the yummy food choices!
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is accepting applications for 4 part time positions to start for the 2018-2019 school year. The positions are librarian, music teacher, Special Education aide, and 5th/6th Science/Social Studies teacher. Two or more positions may be combined for one employee. Call 541-938-7131 or email info@miltonstateline.org
Digging Deeper Retreat -- May 18-20 at Camp Mivoden. We invite you to a spiritual retreat for young adults and young families (ages 20s-40s). Whether single, married, with or without kids, all in the 20s-40s age range are invited to come together for a weekend of connecting in friendship and digging into the Word. Ty Gibson, our keynote speaker, will be unpacking our theme “Digging Deeper into God’s Heart”. Children's program for ages 4-10yr, childcare for ages 18mos-3yr, and mother’s room for infants are provided at the retreat. For more information visit www.DiggingDeeperRetreat.com.
Discovery Preschool is now enrolling children 3-5 years of age. It is the goal of our staff to work closely together with each family to provide a solid foundation for intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual growth of the child. Children are encouraged to explore their world through self-expression in a natural, playful, social environment. Contact information: stacy.maxted@wallawalla.edu or 509.527.2252. Visit: wallawalla.edu/preschool
Sabbath, April 7
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
7:30pm — Sundown
Sunday, April 8
10am-1pm — Spanish church brunch, Youth Center
5pm — Denominational Workers’ Potluck, Village Church Fellowship Hall
9pm — WWU Music Department PRISM Concert, Sanctuary
Monday, April 9
7:30am — Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, April 10
11am — WWU CommUnity, Pastor Dale Fredrickson, Sanctuary
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Junior High Room
Wednesday, April 11
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, April 13
1pm — “Change the Day” Activity, Youth Room
7:38pm — Sundown
8pm — Vespers, with Randy Roberts , Sanctuary
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.