“My kingdom,” said Jesus, “doesn’t consist of what you see around you. If it did, My followers would fight so that I wouldn’t be arrested.
But I’m not that kind of king, not the world’s kind of king.”
-John 18:36
Bulletin Quicklinks
Hope Heals
Annett Bovent, founder of hope heals
Hope Heals is a small organization that seeks to meet peoples’ basic needs as they transition from homelessness to permanent housing. Established and operated by Annett Bovent in 2013, Hope Heals partners with BMAC (Blue Mountain Action Council) in its mission to spread hope, love, and, kindness in Walla Walla. Evan Davies, WWU Theology major and the University Church Bulletin reporter, describes the organization as a kind of on-the-ground nitty-gritty resource for immediate needs that show up unexpectedly in the lives of vulnerable people.
“Yesterday we had a request for an electric frying pan, so we went and found one,” says Bovent, “[Hope Heals} fills the gaps that no one else wants to fill.” The organization’s “clients” come from direct contact Bovent makes while walking through downtown Walla Walla and via referrals from area agencies. In addition to time-sensitive needs, Hope Heals also prepares care packages for several segments of the population: care packages of household supplies for people to take with them as they move into permanent housing, care packages for veterans, and care packages with shower supplies for those who are couch-surfing.
A single mother and also one who has struggled through three seasons of homelessness in her life, Bovent feels kinship for those suffering through similar circumstances as she has. She recalls being given a substantial gift of housing supplies shortly after moving into permanent housing the most recent time and how that small act of love gave her great hope for the future. “I want people to feel the same way I did when that happened to me,” she says. Hope Heals as an organization flows out of generosity seeking to bring hope by doing good.
Annett Bovent reports that in addition to regular monthly financial support, Hope Heals is actively looking for physical space to serve as a processing center for supplies, care packages, and donations. She can be contacted at 509.386.4277 or by email at hopehealswallawalla@gmail.com.
Read another report about Hope Heals by the Union Bulletin reporter Sheila Hagar at http://www.firststory.org/news/details/9988.
With joy we welcome the musicians of Walla Walla Valley Academy under the direction of Patti Short. In her brief three years in the valley she has created a dynamic music culture in the choirs and bell ensembles of WWVA and Rogers Adventist School. Today our Second Service features the WWVA Singers and WWVA Praise Ringers. Please join me in thanking these musicians. If you see a student you recognize, please write them a note of thanks on the encouragement card you’ll find in the pew rack. You can hear more of their beautiful music today at 4pm in the University Church Sanctuary. This will be their final local sacred concert of this year.
Have you been treated unfairly? Sometimes it seems wrongdoers flourish. Yet God bids us take courage and trust in Him. Both the sermon and our hymns speak
to these circumstances. As you prepare your heart to worship I invite you to ponder the words of Hymn No.21, some of which are given here:
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest.
-Kraig Scott
The University Church budget funds many important aspects of our local ministry. Although pastors' salaries are funded by donations marked "tithe", the University Church budget is what subsidizes our amazing K-12 school programs at Walla Walla Valley Academy and Rogers Adventist School. It also makes our worship services and broadcast ministry possible. Thank you for your generous and systematic support!
As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!
Second Service is live-streamed in Heubach Chapel as an optional courtesy for families with small kids.
Membership Transfers (In):
Caleb and Chandler Bartell from Walla Walla City
Madison Bartell from Milton, Milton Freewater, OR
Dean, Lorri, Jennifer and Christina Bays from Spokane Valley, WA
Ken and Toni Busby from Walla Walla City
Alareece Collie from Hillview, Nassau, NP, Bahamas
Richard and Sali Miller from Walla Walla City
Kaelyn Nelson from East Salem, Salem, OR
Tim Ruybalid from Port Townsend, WA
Matthew and Briana Toelke from Missoula, MT
Membership Transfers (Away):
Carolyn Eason to Rock Hill, SC
Jack Taylor to College Place Village
Clarence and Crystal Wood to Cloverdale, Boise, ID
Brandon Aberle to Walla Walla Northside
Rogers School has an opening for a third-fourth grade teacher for the 2016-17 school year. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to principal@Rschool.org Applications will be accepted until April 25.
Retired Denominational Workers’ Potluck is May 1, 5:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall. You won’t want to miss the program by the “Hand Picked Musical Group”. See you there! Ass’n members, please remember to bring your tableware!
National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 5 and will be hosted by the Walla Walla Presbyterian Church on the corner of 1st and Birch in Walla Walla from 12:15-1:00pm.
All Church Potluck is Sabbath, May 14, at 1:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. Students are welcome!
Attend Global Leadership Summit 2016 at the University Church August 11-12. Because everyone is a leader of something, everyone is invited - everyone will benefit. This world-class training is guaranteed to energize and inspire you in the work you already are doing in any sphere. Register now for the best rates, wwuchurch.com.
Computer Saavy? Need a ministry? Join the growing team of volunteers who serve our community through social media and our website. Contact Pastor Kris at kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu for more information.
Vacation Bible Camp Volunteers Needed! Please download an application here and give to Pastor Jenn or Marci Knauft. Contact either of them with questions. VBC will run from June 13-17. We will need volunteers from 8am-4pm (morning only, afternoon only, or all day).
The Vine Newsletter for April is published! Pick up a paper copy from the literature rack or find the digital version on our website: wwuchurch.com/cfm/#currentvine.
I’m Not Leaving, a powerful documentary by Kevin Ekvall will be shown April 30 at 4:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center (FAC) Auditorium on the Walla Walla University campus. When the Rwandan genocide broke out in 1994, one American chose to stay in the country and risk everything in hope of saving a few lives. This engaging, inspiring, intense and well-crafted film tells the story of Seventh-day Adventist and former ADRA worker, Carl Wilkens, and his choice to stay in Rwanda despite all advice to the contrary. The event sponsored by The Center for Media Ministry at WWU features a Q & A with the creator of the film, Kevin Ekvall. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6ZDLW7-J3k for a 2 min. trailer of * I’m Not Leaving*.
Blue Mountain Television (BMT) Spring Sharathon 2016 is nearly here! Join us May 1-3, each night from 6:00-10:00 PM on BMT to watch the Sharathon program full of beautiful music and many touching stories. Elder Kjaer will returning on May first, and will be with BMT's Sharathon May 2 & 3. He'll have stories fresh from Washington D.C. that you won't want to miss!
Current WWU Job Opportunities:
For more details and how to apply please visit
Walla Walla University’s Website Human Resources Department
- Administrative Assistant (Counseling and Testing Services)
- Director of Marketing & University Relations (Marketing & Enrollment Services)
- Associate Athletic Director for Sports Information & Intramurals (Athletic)
- Director of Counseling, Testing, and Wellness (Counseling and Testing Services)
- Web Content Manager (Marketing and Enrollment Services)
- Annual Giving and Database Manager (Advancement)
- Event Coordinator (University Relations & Advancement)
- Alumni and Parent Relations Director (Alumni & Advancement Services)
2nd Annual Walla Walla Health Expo sponsored by the Village SDA Church, Walla Walla General Hospital, area churches, and local businesses. May 21, 2-9pm. Join us for an exciting afternoon of lectures by experts in the field of plant-based foods, a healthy chili contest by local food vendors, informational booths from local health-related businesses, and free health and wellness screenings by local medical providers. This community event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit www.facebook.com/wallawallahealthexpo or call Shelby Shewchuk at 509-525-0882.
The Christian Aid Center has several key volunteer needs. Will you answer the call? These needs include hosting at breakfast or dinner meals, morning child care in their newly renovated space, Bible Study leaders. Contact Jeanette Regalado at 509.525.7153 ext. 114 to help!
Job opportunity at the Christian Aid Center, who is looking for an enthusiastic Christian person to work part-time as a receptionist. Duties include answering the phone, greeting the public, providing secretarial support and assisting staff as a team member. Must be able to work independently, have basic computer knowledge and have excellent interpersonal skills. Current available hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with the potential for more hours. Starting pay is $11 an hour. Please reply with a cover letter and resume to: jwicklund@cacww.org, attn: Jason.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is now open for registration for the 2016-17 school year. Thanks to a generous donation, the first ten new students in Kindergarten through 8th grade who sign up and are accepted will receive a certificate for $240 which covers the price of the entrance fee. Must not be a returning student from 2015-16.*
UCC Camp Meeting is June 22-25, 2016 at UCA: Now is the time to reserve, while lodging is still available! Visit uccsda.org/cammeeting for more information.
Upper Columbia Conference Office of Education is now accepting applications for the Students in His Service scholarship program for the 2016 summer. See guidelines at uccsda.org/Education/Scholarships. Applications due before May 15, 2016.
UCC Summer Work Opportunity for graduating seniors or college age men and women. “His Travelers” goes as a team to churches in the conference to offer VBS, day camps, and mentoring. Call Patty Marsh for information: pattym@uccsda.org 509.242.0621.
Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m. For more information, call 509-527-2654.
Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!
Sabbath, April 30
4pm - “I’m Not Leaving” film, FAC Auditorium
4pm - WWVA Ringers & Singers Concert, Sanctuary
4pm - Marion Dressler's Memorial Service, City Church
7:59pm - Sunset
Sunday, May 1
11am - Bill Napier's Memorial Service, Sanctuary
Monday, May 2
7:30am - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)
Tuesday, May 3
11am - WWU CommUnity, InTents, Jonathan Stephan
7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, May 4
6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall
7pm - Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Thursday, May 5
12:15pm - National Day of Prayer, WW Presbyterian Church
Friday, May 6
8pm - WWU Vespers, AGA WWU Women's Club
8:07pm - Sunset
Sabbath, May 7
8pm - Adventist Singles Vespers & Fellowship, SonBridge
The University Church Board of Elders is made up of leaders from our community; men and women who are dedicated to the path of Jesus, actively engaged in ministry, and relied upon for wisdom and guidance.
Individual elders at the University Church are selected by the pastoral staff in consultation with the church board. The following men and women have agreed to serve as elders through December, 2017. Our full church family now has a chance to look over these names before final approval next Sabbath, May 7. Please contact Pastor Alex Bryan if you have any concerns.
Larry Aamodt
Terrie Aamodt
Austin Archer
Beverly Archer
Aileen Bauer
Carl Bauer
Beverly Beem
Darold Bigger
Lois Blackwelder
Kellie Bond
Alex Bryan
Susan Bungard
Holly Carpenter
Schuan Carpenter
Betsy Claridge
Rick Claridge
Jessica Coffee
Rob Coffee
Alareece Collie
Carl Cosaert
John Cress
Pam Cress
Loren Dickinson
Jeff Dietrich
Greg Dodds
Cliff Dolph
Jon Dybdahl
Kathy Dybdahl
Paul Dybdahl, Head
Allan Fisher
Jim Fisher
Troy Fitzgerald
Alba Grajales
Henning Guldhammer
Pat Gustin
Tad Hiner
Deanne Hoehn
Rob Holm
Marshall Keymer
Joyce Lang
Mel Lang
Kris Loewen
Lana Martin
Pedrito Maynard-Reid
Paddy McCoy
Walt Meske
Phil Muthersbaugh
Jenniffer Ogden
Paul Richardson
Steve Rose
Kraig Scott
Dave Thomas
Alden Thompson
Don Veverka
Scott Wagner
Verlie Ward
Ken Wiggins
Susan Willard
First Reading: April 30, 2016 Second Reading: May 7, 2016
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.