We keep going, but barely;
        we gather at the grave,
              watching the sting and
              the victory of dread.

But you stir late Saturday...
The new creation stirs

  beyond the weeping women;
           O death . . . no sting!
           O grave . . . no victory!
           O silence . . . new song!
           O dread . . . new dance!

           O tribulation . . . now overcome!

O Friday God —
      Easter the failed city,

           Sunday the killing fields.

And we, we shall dance and sing,
      thank and praise,
      into the night
      that holds no more darkness.

-Walter Brueggemann,
"Prayers for a Privileged People"




During the month of May, Pastor Alex will lead us through a short sermon series entitled, "Pulse: How to Stay Alive." Messages will be themed around healthful living, inside and out. Be sure to join the University Church family as we take part in a wide variety of health activities, challenges, and social events including outdoor church on May 20!



Bulletin Quicklinks



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We thank the student musicians of Walla Walla Valley Academy under the direction of Patti Short. This year Megan Schwark, a senior music major, is interning as a student conductor with Patti Short. The WWVA choir just returned from a very successful tour to Southern California, so we are especially grateful to have them sing today. Please join me in wishing all of these people a warm Walla Walla welcome. You can hear more of their music at 4pm today, here in the WWU Church Sanctuary.

The postlude includes references to the hymn tune "Victory" (No.172) and "Easter Hymn", also known as "Worgan" (No.166), which is our closing hymn. As you prepare your heart to worship please take some quiet time to meditate on the words of these hymns, or our opening hymn, some of which is given here:

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!
His the scepter, His the throne;
Alleluia! His the triumph,
His the victory alone;

Hark! The songs of peaceful
Zion Thunder like a mighty flood;

Jesus out of every nation
Hath redeemed us by His blood.

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today, the loose offering goes toward the University Church budget. The following graphic illustrates broadly how donations to this are allocated.

Give online by clicking here or the "give" button below.




The Pulse! During the month of May, Pastor Alex will lead us through a short sermon series on healthful living, inside and out. Be sure to join our University Church family as we take part in a wide variety of health activities, challenges, and social events including outdoor church on May 20!

WWVA Singers and Praise Ringers will be in concert with sacred music at the University Church in the Sanctuar,  Sabbath, April 15, at 4pm. All are invited to join them for a beautiful afternoon of singing and worship. Attached here is a PDF of the program, previewing what is to come.

The WWU Church Social Committee is planning a bike ride to Whitman Mission on Sabbath, April 22, leaving from the Church at 3:30pm. Look for more details on the University Church Facebook page and in next week's bulletin.

Rogers Adventist School Constituency Meeting, Tuesday, April 18, from 5:45 – 7:30 p.m. 200 S. Academy Way, College Place.

Mission Adventure Report & Sacred Songs: Joshua & Stephanie Lewis, Adventist Frontier Missionary Candidates will be sharing their journey as missionary kids and their new calling to the frontiers of SE Asia. Vocalist Megan Schwark accompanied by Jan Roberts. You won’t want to miss it. April 22, at 5 PM, Walla Walla University Church.

Join "The Afters" in concert, courtesy of ASWWU Spiritual, on April 22 at 9pm in the WWU Gym. Tickets at the door.

BIBLE TRANSLATION BANQUET presented by Wycliffe Associates, April 25, 7:00 pm at Courtyard by Marriott. Over 3,000 language groups are still waiting to hear the truth of God’s transforming Word in their heart language.  Come hear Max Lewis share an exciting media update on what God is doing in Bible translation.Complimentary tickets available until April 15.  Contact Curt Schafer at 527-3116 or elicurt@gmail.com. For more information visit wycliffe.org and wycliffeassociates.org.

Rita J. Bush, member of the University Church, passed away April 8, 2017 surrounded by her family after courageously battling brain cancer this past year. She will be deeply missed by her family and friends. She is remembered for her advocacy work as a clinical social worker, her incredible gift of creating beautiful memories, her devout relationship with her Lord and her family-especially her grandchildren. There will be a graveside service this Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 11:30 am at Mt. Hope Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Walla Walla Community Hospice. Thank you so much for your prayers and kindness—may Heaven be soon! --The Bush Family

Please join the WWU community in praying for student missionaries. This week, pray for Olga Garcia and Meghann Heinrich, who are serving in Saipan.

WWU is Hiring!  Please visit jobs.wallawalla.edu to view available positions and to fill out an online application.

Registration for Rogers Adventist School is now open. A discounted registration fee is available until April. Please be sure to contact the Rogers treasurer about details and programs for making Rogers affordable. We want every motivated student and family to have a spot at this amazing school. Call 509.529.1850 or email principal@rschool.org.

Apply now for an amazing summer scholarship program by the Upper Columbia Conference for Adventist Education. Students in grades 1-12 can apply to serve in their communities and receive scholarship funds for school tuition. Donors can give to this Summer Scholarship Program and make more funds available to more families. This is a win-win opportunity. To learn more go here: www.uccsda.org/files/home/StudentsInHisServicePublication.pdf. Online applications will be available until May 15, 2017 at www.uccsda.org/Education.

AMEN Conference May 11-13, 2017--Save money and register today for the very first regional Adventist Medical Evangelism Network Conference. Early-bird registration ends April 16. The keynote speaker is Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel. Dr. Marcel is currently serving as a Health Ministries Associate Director at the General Conference and is a dynamic, engaging speaker. The theme is Comprehensive Health Care: Developing Your Ministry Toolkit. Health care providers at all levels, pastors, outreach coordinators, Bible workers, and health ministries leaders are encouraged to attend. Register online at www.uccsda.org/chc . Contact Cindy Williams at cindyw@uccsda.org or (509) 242-0520 for more information.

WWGH Golf Classic--You are cordially invited to experience an unforgettable day of great golf, excellent food, friendly competition, and nonstop fun in support of Walla Walla General Hospital. The 2017 WWGH Golf Classic is at Wine Valley Golf Club on May 21. Net proceeds support the completion of the hospital’s new Senior Behavioral Health Unit, providing crucial and previously unavailable mental health care treatment and services in our area. Click here to register.

Please donate Lego and Duplo blocks for our Children and Family Ministries Vacation Bible Camp. No specific types or colors needed. Bring your new or used donation to Pastor Jenn’s office or contact her for more information: jenn.ogden@wallawalla.edu.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to a retirement celebration for our wonderful teacher Ray Hall on Saturday, April 22nd in our gymnasium. Please RSVP at info@miltonstateline.org or call 541-938-7131

SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting Summer Volunteers to sort donated goods and clothing. If interested, please call (509) 529-3100.

Christian Aid Center is in need of breakfast cooks, serving from 6-8am. Days currently open are Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Please contact Jeannette Regalado for more information, 509-525-7153.

Are you a Speaker, Preacher, Host, or Actor? - We Need Your Help! The Center for Media Ministry at Walla Walla University is looking for men and women ages 30-50 (or close to it) who would be willing to present as devotional speakers in a series of videos about the Bible. You’ll need to be comfortable speaking in front of people, and be able to memorize some sermonettes on Revelation. Does this sound like you? If you might be interested, please email Rachel Scribner at rachel.scribner@wallawalla.edu, or call 360.624.6765. Thank you for your help!

Milton-Stateline Adventist School is accepting applications for a bus driver and a part time librarian for the 2017-2018 school year. You may call for more information at 541-938-7131.



Sabbath, April 15
    4pm — WWVA Singers & Praise Ringers Concert, Sanctuary
    7pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge
    7:41pm — Sundown

Sunday, April 16
    8am — Holy Week “Air”, Mt. Hope Cemetery
    11:30am — Rita Bush Memorial, Mt. Hope Cemetery

Monday, April 17
    7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
    7pm — Church Board Meeting, Youth Room

Tuesday, April 18
    5:45-7:30pm — Rogers School Constituency Meeting, Rogers Adventist School
    7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday, April 19
    6:30pm — Pathfinder Club, Fellowship Hall
    7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
    7pm — “Evidence” Bible Study, Youth Room
    7pm — Small Group Bible Study, Gathering Room

Friday, April 21
    11am — WWU CommUnity, The Weekend, Sanctuary
    7:49pm — Sundown
    8pm — WWU Vespers, The Weekend,  Sanctuary

Sabbath, April 22
   3:30pm - WWU Social Bike Ride to Whitman Mission
   5pm — Mission Adventure Report & Concert, Megan Schwark and Jan Roberts, Sanctuary
   9pm - "The Afters" Concert sponsored by ASWWU Spiritual, WWU Gym

Tuesday, April 25
    7am — Wycliffe Associates Bible Translation Banquet, Courtyard Marriott