For over 60 years, the Christian Aid Center (CLC) in Walla Walla has ministered to homeless men, women, and children with Jesus-like compassion. “We desire to serve the whole person: body, mind, and spirit,” says director Jason Wicklund. Each day, the center provides two meals, clothing, housing, restoration programs, and life-skills classes.

When new clients are connected with CLC, two complementary but distinct programs are available. First, an emergency shelter for up to 30 days is available - this is to help people get back on their feet, save up money, and return to stable housing. The second program is a spirituality based restoration program that is long term and especially designed for those who have mental health or addiction issues compounding their homelessness. This second option lasts up to a year and includes a full spectrum of services including church and therapy. In either case, clients who actively are using alcohol or drugs cannot have access to services. The CLC is highly motivated to help people work through addictions -- and for those who want to recover, the CLC is a powerful resource.

Last month (January), the CLCs client population averaged about 45 people per night, including men, women, and families. Director Jason Wickland says that an increasing focus of the center is helping people overcome ACEs (adverse childhood experiences). By giving kids and adults treatment for past trauma, the CLC can help to prevent homelessness and the problems that come along with it from developing in the first place. 


The CLC began as a chapter of the Union Gospel rescue mission shortly after World War II. A local businessman named Gus Anderson felt called to reach out especially to veterans who struggled with addiction and shame. He partnered with a mission organizer from Yakima and founded the first one in Walla Walla in the Kaufman building on the corner of 4th and Rose. (Check out CLC's website for even more history).

Over time, the mission grew in its focus and ministry scope: from providing meals and a gospel presentation to emergency housing for homeless men on the street. The early DNA of CLC began to set into place in the early 1950's as the three-night limit was stretched for those men who were actively looking for work and refraining from alcohol. Over the decades that followed, the CLC changed locations as it gradually grew in its capacity to minister to people.

It was in 1971 that the center finally relocated to it's current location in a former church building on Birch street near St. Mary Medical Center. In 1989 additional surrounding houses and properties were purchased to expand the CLC's reach to include homeless women and children.

At present, the CLC is in the middle of a campaign to raise money for a new center designed specifically for women and children. The new space will be safer, more effective, allow for more accountability, and offer additional capacity. Their efforts are increasingly important given that the Walla Walla STEP shelter closed its doors in 2015, leaving the CLC as the only homeless shelter in town.

Jeannette Regalado, the center’s Volunteer Director (and a WWU Church member) says that without generous and service-minded people who volunteer daily, the ministry would struggle to stay afloat. Every single day, varying teams of over 20 volunteers come out to operate CLC programs. Whether it involves serving meals, cooking, contributing to the chapel program, doing maintenance, or cleaning, the ministry of the CLC simply wouldn't exist without volunteer support.

To find out how you can get involved, please give Jeannette a call (509.525.7153 ext. 114) or an email - she'd love to tell you the story and help you find your place. (And even if you already have a context for service, give her a call anyways and let her know how proud we are of her and how much we appreciate the CLC in our valley!

The University Church celebrates the way Jesus is embodied by the CLC. We are thrilled to be partners in ministry and look forward to blessing their work in the future.



Reading the Scriptures in 72 hours


Now a beloved tradition, “Ancient Words” completed its third iteration last week on the campus of Walla Walla University. Hosted in the Prayer House, this 72-hour Bible reading marathon creates a platform for the entire Scriptures to be read, cover to cover, in one uninterrupted stretch. This past week, 144 volunteers signed up for 30-minute assignments at all hours of the day and night. Students and community members sat quietly and read or prayed as the text was read aloud in the holy space. “My favorite thing about ‘Ancient Words,’ says Stephen Farr, ASWWU Spiritual Vice-President, ”is that it has created an excitement about God’s Word on this campus that I have yet to witness anywhere else in my life.”




We extend a warm welcome to each of the high school musicians taking part in the 2016 Choir and Orchestra Festival hosted by Walla Walla University. Benjamin Gish and I have greatly enjoyed collaborating with these students from all over the Northwest. Though they have worked hard the past three days, the real work has been going on for weeks with their school conductors. Please join me in welcoming and thanking the participating schools and directors.

Auburn Adventist Academy – Melia Williams and Trent Russell
Cascade Christian Academy – Cheryl Gabel
Gem State Adventist Academy – Cecilia Simmons
Livingstone Adventist Academy – Cecilia Costea
Milo Adventist Academy – Leonard Hild
Mt. Ellis Academy – Leisel Rogers
Okanagan Adventist Academy – Sara Sutherland
Portland Adventist Academy – Emmett McCutchenne
Rogue Valley Adventist Academy – Cathe Morse
Skagit Adventist Academy – Sheena Armstrong
Tri-City Junior Academy – Bill Murray
Upper Columbia Academy – Curtis Anderson and Dean Kravig
Walla Walla Valley Academy – Patti Short and Benjamin Gish
Yakima Adventist Christian School – Delmar Wolfkill

You can hear more of their music in a special concert right here in the church at 4pm. Both the Festival Orchestra, directed by Benjamin Gish, and the Festival Choir accompanied by Frankie Bones will perform.

Now, as you prepare to worship God in this beautiful place I invite you to silently meditate on the promise given in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

-Kraig Scott





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Thank you for partnering financially with the University Church. Our local church budget supports K-12 programs Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.

As it has in the past, our local church budget supports K-12 schools Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “Tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.

As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!

Click here to give online

Click here to give online



WWU Choir and Orchestra Festival Concert is today, March 5, at 4pm in the Sanctuary.

University Church Potluck is next Sabbath, March 12, at 1:15pm. Everyone is welcome, including students!

WWVA Days is Wednesday, March 9, beginning at 8am. All students interested in attending WWVA should contact Elaine Hinshaw at 509.525.1050 for more info.

Rogers School Carnival is tonight, March 5, from 6:30-9pm. This Home and School community event takes place in the Rogers’ gym and is open to all. Carnival food, games, and activities will be offered for nominal fees. 

Retired Denominational Workers Potluck is Sunday, March 6, at 5pm in the Village Church Fellowship Room.  Come enjoy a program by the “E Flat Brass Trio.”

WWU Drama Department is featuring “Festival of Shorts” March 5, 6, 10, 12, and 13 at 8pm at Village Hall Theatre. Tickets available at

Gospel Outreach has a real need for volunteers including a story editing director and a person or team who is willing to speak and represent Gospel Outreach at various church meeting, camp meetings, and other public events.  Call Dick Madson or Jon Dybdahl at 509.525.2951.

The Christian Aid Center is looking for a Sunday morning breakfast cook. Please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer and Donor Relations, at 509.525.7153 ext. 114.

Waffle Brunch is an educational gathering on the CHIP program is Sunday, March 13 at 9:45am at the Village Church Fellowship Hall. Call 509.525.0882 to reserve your place at the table.

WWVASAM Singles Ministry hosts a potluck today, March 5 at 1:30pm and a vespers program tonight at 7pm. Both events are at SonBridge Community Center.

SonBridge Thrift & Gift needs hostesses for Sundays and Thursdays to greet and monitor the dressing rooms.  Mostly a sit down position.  Call June at 509.529.3100.

Community Services Annual Spring Sale is March 11 and 13 in the Fellowship Hall of the Walla Walla City Church. Donations are accepted through March 10 and there is a hauling service availble for those who cannot transport donations. Call Barbara Wright at 509.526.9521.

Discovery Preschool at Walla Walla University is saving a spot for you!  Join us at our open house on Thursday, March 10thfrom 10:30 – 11:30am.  Visits by appointment are also welcome!   Register your child for preschool before the end of May and save 50% on the registration fee.  For more information contact Melissa Hammond at To see pictures of our staff and students in action, “like” us on facebook.”

The Upper Columbia Conference Office of Education is now accepting applications for the Students in His Service scholarship program for the 2016 summer.  This scholarship is a three-way scholarship funded equally by the UCC Office of Education, UCC Adventist Community Services Grant funds and the student’s home church.  It is available for students who volunteer in service to their communities and will be enrolled in grades 1-12 at an Upper Columbia Conference elementary or secondary school for the 2016-2017 school year.  Check out the guidelines at  Applications may only be made online at the UCC Education website ( until May 15, 2016.

Upper Columbia Conference Summer Work OpportunityThis summer the Upper Columbia Conference is looking for graduating seniors or college age men and women to be involved in His Travelers.  A team of young adults to travel to small communities throughout the UCC supporting VBS/day camps, community service and provides mentoring for preteens and teens. Patty Marsh, UCC Director of Children’s Ministries 509.242.0621.

Rosario Singles Retreat, April 1-3, 2016. Dick and Brenda Duerksen are our speakers and we have an extended schedule Sunday with whale watching, Deception Pass jet boat tour and driving tour of the tulip fields as options. The registration cost is $185. For details and registration form, send an email to For those without access to email, you may call our registration line at 360 588-3179 to request info. The deadline to register is March 23, 2016. Click here for registration form.

“Living Beyond Yourself” a women’s DVD Bible study at SonBridge Community Center. Wednesday, January 6 - March 16, 12-1pm. (Please bring a Sack Lunch).

Camp MiVoden Doctors and Nurses needed. If you’re interested in volunteering for a week this summer, call 509.876.1404 or email

Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to “Meet Me at The Fair” our annual fair on Sunday, March 6th 3 pm to 7 pm.Tickets to be used at the booths cost 50 cents each. There will be food, drinks, games and prizes!

Milton-Stateline Adventist School Movie Night is Saturday, March 12th at 7:00 pm. Admission $1 per person or $5 per family. There will be concessions for purchase. The movie is “The Snowball Express”. All are invited!

Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m.  For more information, call 509-527-2654.
Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!

Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!




Sabbath, March 5
    4pm - Choir and Orchestra Festival Concert, Sanctuary
    5:47pm - Sunset
    6:30-9pm - Rogers School Carnival, Rogers Gym            
    7pm - Children and Family Ministries Roller Skating,
              Youth Center
    8pm - “Festival of Shorts” drama, Village Hall

Sunday, March 6
    5pm - Retired Denominational Workers Potluck, Youth Center
    8pm - “Festival of Shorts” drama, Village Hall

Monday,  March 9
    7:30am - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)

Tuesday,  March 8
    7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday,  March 9
    8am - WWVA Days for prospective students
    12-1pm - Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
    6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall

Thursday,  March 10
    10:30-11:30am - Discovery Preschool Open House
    8pm - “Festival of Shorts” drama, Village Hall

Friday, March 11
    5:55pm - Sunset
    8pm - WWU Vespers with Matt Gamble, Sanctuary

Sabbath, March 12
    6pm - WWVASAM Vespers, Village Church
    8pm - “Festival of Shorts” drama, Village Hall

Sunday, March 13
    9:45am - CHIP Waffle Brunch, Village Church
    8pm - “Festival of Shorts” drama, Village Hall



Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.