“My kingdom,” said Jesus, “doesn’t consist of what you see around you.
If it did, my followers would fight
so that I wouldn’t be handed over
to the Jews.
But I’m not that kind of king,
not the world’s kind of king.”
-John 18:36 (The Message)
Beginning next Sabbath, April 6, the spring quarter sermon series at the University Church is entitled “Feelings and Faith: Exploring God’s Emotions, Understanding Ourselves”. Each week, preachers will delve into Bible stories that illustrate aspects of God that resemble human experience. In addition to Sabbath worship services, the pastors also invite you to deeper reflection during the week through this sermon series. Check the bulletin every Sabbath for lists of suggested books, film, music, and other resources provided by the wider church community, that will accompany you in weekly study. No one will have time or space to absorb all the recommendations, you are encouraged to pick and choose the ones that resonate best for your walk.
Today, the pastors suggest three books to consider at the beginning of the new series: Marc Schelske’s “The Wisdom of Your Heart: Discovering the God-Given Purpose and Power of Your Emotions” provides a passionate overview of the place feelings have in Christian spirituality. Instead of warning people to be afraid of their emotions, Schelske invites the reader to take careful stock of our inner world and use those discoveries to discern the Holy Spirit.
A second suggestion is David Benner’s “Spirituality and the Awakening Self: The Sacred Journey of Transformation”. This book (which is more academic than devotional in tone) paints a philosophical backdrop for how Christian spirituality and modern psychology intertwine. Benner’s work is not the last word on this ever-surfacing theme in theological circles, but it certainly provides compelling material in the ongoing conversation.
The third recommendation is Peter Scazzero’s “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: It's Impossible to Be Spiritually Mature, While Remaining Emotionally Immature”
This is a classic book on the subject, well-respected almost universally by pastors and church leaders. It has spawned a wide array of church resources, evaluations and seminars to build positive spiritual culture.
A final suggestion is from Harvard Medical School faculty psychologist Susan David. “Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life” is a practical guide for navigating our emotional lives. In it, David provides a research-based roadmap for changing destructive and unpleasant behavior.
Bulletin Quicklinks
Living and teaching in this small valley provides the great joy of watching young people grow, blossom, and mature into accomplished, self-possessed musicians. Living here a very long time provides opportunity to watch their children do the same thing (!), and that is what we get to see and hear today. Please join me in welcoming Hannah Schafer, violinist and daughter of Sharon Schafer who completed an undergraduate minor in organ a number of years ago. We also welcome her brother Samuel who plays viola in the offertory. Thank you, congregation, for welcoming these young people and for encouraging all of our young musicians as they strive to develop their God-given talents and use them to glorify their maker.
We hear two works by the great romantic composer César Franck (1822-1890) who is a little hard to classify. He was born in a part of Belgium that at the time was part of the Netherlands, to a Belgian mother and a German father; then he moved to Paris, France, where he received his education and worked his entire adult career. The offertory presents one of Franck’s best-known single works, and in the prelude we hear the first movement of his celebrated Sonata for Violin. We hear part of another great violin sonata in the postlude – the first movement of Sonata in B-flat Major, K.378 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791).
As you prepare your heart to worship I invite you to meditate on the well-known words of the instrumental anthem, some of which are given here:
Deep River,
My home is over Jordan.
Deep River, Lord.
I want to cross over into campground.
Oh, don’t you want to go,
To the Gospel feast;
That Promised Land,
Where all is peace?
Oh, Deep River, Lord,
I want to cross over into campground.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the ministry of the University Church. Your gifts to the University Church budget make this world-changing work possible!
Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).
Ministry Placement Board Report (second reading).
The following individuals have agreed to serve as elders:
Larry Aamodt Kathy Dybdahl
Terrie Aamodt Paul Dybdahl
Beverly Archer Allan Fisher
Aileen Bauer Mathilde Frey (new)
Carl Bauer Alba Grajales
Beverly Beem Henning Guldhammer
Brant Berglin Pat Gustin
Darold Bigger Volker Henning (new)
Lois Blackwelder Deanne Hoehn
Kellie Bond Rob Holm
Susan Bungard Marshall Keymer
Holly Carpenter Joyce Lang
Schuan Carpenter Mel Lang
Betsy Claridge Pedrito Maynard-Reid
Rick Claridge Walt Meske
Jessica Coffee Phil Muthersbaugh
Carl Cosaert Paul Richardson
John Cress Steve Rose
Pam Cress Kraig Scott
Loren Dickinson Dave Thomas
Jeff Dietrich Alden Thompson
Greg Dodds Don Veverka
Cliff Dolph Ken Wiggins
Jon Dybdahl Susan Willard
Robb Coffee (1st reading) Jim Fisher (1st reading)
Please join us as we celebrate Eugene Lambert’s 90th birthday - Sunday, April 7 at 1pm at the Village Retirement Center (Gresham) in the Rec Room for refreshments, stories and some good fun. Do you have a memory or photo to share? Please send it to lisa.massena@gmail.com To RSVP and for directions, call Lisa at 339.236.0684.
Dr. Terrence Roberts, one of the Little Rock Nine, will be the keynote speaker for the 2019 Donald Blake Center Conference. You are invited on Thursday, April 11 at 7pm to hear Dr. Roberts' talk “Lessons from Little Rock”, in the University Church sanctuary.
Retired Denominational Workers’ Potluck is Sunday April 7, 5pm in the Village Church Fellowship Hall. Barbara Dickerson and Stephanie Renshaw will present “Strategies to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Alzheimer’s Decline” prepared by Dr. Wes Youngberg. New members are welcome to come and bring a potluck dish to share.
Walla Walla Valley Academy is looking forward to the 2019-2020 school year and wants to invite you to join our school family. Applications for the new school year are available online at wwva.org/apply. If you have questions, please join our teachers and staff for engaging Academic Festivals on April 25 at Rogers Adventist School and on May 15 at Milton-Stateline Adventist School. For more information, please contact Betty L. Farley at 509.525.1050.
All are welcome to join our University Church prayer meeting each Wednesday at 7pm in Heubach Chapel.
A haystack dinner is being prepared today for visitors and those who do not have someone to share dinner with today. Please join us in the Junior High Sabbath School room (in the Children's Wing on the north side of the facility) following Second Service for food, fellowship and good conversation.
The Red Cross will host a blood drive at the University Church on Thursday, April 11, 10:30am–4pm. If you are able to give blood, please participate! Show up in person at any time or pre-register at: redcrossblood.org.
Pete Metzelaar, a Holocaust survivor, will share his incredible true story of hiding, survival, and ultimate escape from Nazis during World War II. April 10, 12–1:30pm at Village Hall. The session will conclude with Q&A. Although this session is scheduled during the lunch hour, no food or drink are allowed in Village Hall.
Rogers Adventist School Early Registration is open! Both new and current students are eligible to pay enrollment fees for the 2019-20 school year.
Early: $175 (March 1-31); Regular: $225 (April 1-June 9); Summer: $250 (June 10 and after). Current students are guaranteed a seat in classrooms until March 31. Starting April 1, open seats are available to new students. Contact Holley Bryant at holley.bryant@rogersschool.org with questions.
Richard Madson passed away Friday morning, March 15. A Memorial Service will be held Sabbath, April 6, 4pm in the Milton Adventist Church. In lieu of flowers, the family would ask for yor financial support to the Gospel Outreach program which introduces the Gospel of Jesus to those in the 10/40 window. Gospel Outreach Website: goaim.org; PO Box 8, College Place, WA 99324; 712 NE C Street, College Place, WA 99324
La Sierra University is in search of a new president; a leader who is passionate about the distinctive culture of a liberal arts university on a campus rich with ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. The La Sierra University Presidential Search Committee requests recommendations or applications for this position to be sent to:presidentialsearch@lasierra.edu. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by March 31, 2019. Click here for additional information and requirements.
AMEN NW Conference - May 9-11
Register now for the 2019 AMEN NW Conference. The Master Plan: Forgiveness & Healing May 9-11, 2019 at the Upper Columbia Conference in Spokane. Keynote speaker Dr. Mark Sandoval will present a series entitled “The Law of Life.” Endocrinologist Dr. Hana Kahleova will share up-to-date research on diabetes and the effects of a plant-based diet. This conference is for all health care providers, pastors, Bible workers, and health ministries leaders. Visit www.uccsda.org/AMEN2019 for more information and to register.
Find ways to Build up the Family at Camp Meeting - June 19-22, 2019
Reserve your lodging for Upper Columbia Conference camp meeting. The main speakers this year are Randy Roberts, senior pastor of the Loma Linda University Adventist Church and Sung Kwon, director of the North American Division Adventist Community Services. The early morning session will focus on the family with Claudio Consuegra. Your whole family will be spiritually blessed as we seek to build up the family of God. Seminars on how to reach missing members, how to reverse diabetes, biblical truths and training our children are just some of the topics. Invite your new members and interests! Go to: https://www.uccsda.org/campmeeting to register.
Volunteer At UCC Camp Meeting
Thank you to those who called. We still need volunteers for first aid, shuttle drivers, media at the big tent, signing for the hearing impaired and seminar assistants. Don't delay, save your spot to volunteer. Camp Meeting is June 19 to 22, 2019 at Upper Columbia Academy. To volunteer at camp meeting contact campmeeting@uccsda.org. All volunteers must be screened through "Verified Volunteers." Start the Screening process here: https://www.uccsda.org/volunteer
Summer Camp Discount For Oshkosh Attendees
Summer camp is coming and we are excited for an amazing summer. Oshkosh also happens towards the end of summer 2019. We would like every Pathfinder to be able to attend both Oshkosh and Camp MiVoden summer camp. So if you are going to Oshkosh and want to be at camp we will give you $100 discount in addition to other discounts for being at Oshkosh, (amount will not be great than the cost of camp). You must bring /send a copy of your Oshkosh ticket for the discount. Questions please call 509-242-0506 or email – denisek@uccsda.org.
Family Camp 3 - August 14-17
Have you wanted to come to Camp MiVoden but cannot stay the whole week? Well, Family 3 is the camp for you. We are excited for the New Family 3 camp that we added for summer 2019. It is a half week of camp from August 14 at 7 p.m. to August 18 at Noon. You will get 2 ½ days of activities during your stay and enjoy our wonderful Sabbath and campfires. $195 for adults and $165 for children 6-16. You can register online at www.mivoden.com. Any questions or assistance please call 509-242-0506 or email – denisek@uccsda.org
Camp MiVoden is looking for volunteer medical staff for two youth camps and family camps during the Summer of 2019. Your children get to attend a youth camp for free or your family attend for free during family camp in exchange for your services. We need the medical staff to be either a Licensed Registered Nurse and/or Doctor. Contact Denise Kinney at 509.242.0506 or denisek@uccsda.org
Outreach Coordinators Needed
Are you looking to make a difference for God? Are you interested in leading others to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ? We are seeking committed men and women to serve as Outreach Coordinators in all of our church districts.
What is an Outreach Coordinator? The position is a blend of community Bible work and member equiper and trainer. In partnership with the pastor, they are the outreach leader for the church with the responsibility of fostering an evangelistic culture.
Want to know more? Check out the job description and then pray about whether or not God May be leading you into this kind of ministry. https://www.uccsda.org/jobs
UCA Academy Days - April 11-12
All students in grades 8, 9, 10, and 11 are welcome to come and check out Upper Columbia Academy. This overnight event will give you information about UCA, the chance to participate in a knowledge bowl and tour the campus. You will meet students and make new friends. Contact Donivan Andregg at 509-245-3680 or donivan.andregg@ucaa.org. Flyer: https://l.uccsda.org/UCAAcademyDay2019
Revelation Weekend Seminar - April 19-20
Dr. Ranko Stefanovic, renowned theologian, author, and educator of New Testament studies will be giving a weekend seminar on the book of Revelation. April 19, 20 there will be a Friday evening presentation at 7 p.m, Sabbath church service, and a Saturday afternoon presentation at 2 p.m. following potluck. All meetings are held at the Moscow, Idaho, SDA church (1015 W C St, Moscow, ID 83843) All are welcome to attend.
Free Estate Planning
Interested in creating a Will, as well as power of attorney and other estate planning documents? Free estate planning is offered as a service of the Upper Columbia Conference Trust Dept. for UCC members. We help you take care of family, and just ask that you have a desire to make a significant difference in some way connected with Upper Columbia Conference (evangelism, your local church or school, etc.). For more information, or to arrange an appointment next time a representative is in your area, please contact Andrew McCrary at 509.242.0472 or E-mail AndrewM@uccsda.org.Sunday, April 7 at 1pm – Please join us as we celebrate Eugene Lambert’s 90th birthday - at the Village Retirement Center (Gresham) in the Rec Room for refreshments, stories and some good fun. Do you have a memory or photo to share? Please send it to lisa.massena@gmail.com To RSVP and for directions, call Lisa at 339-236-0684
Attend the Digging Deeper Retreat, a spiritual retreat for young adults & young families in their 20s–40s, May 17–19 at Camp MiVoden. There will be times of worship & music, powerful messages, good food, hiking & canoeing. Our keynote speaker, Michael Kelly, will lead us in digging deeper into the theme, Authentic Faith. Children’s program for ages 4–10 years, childcare for ages 18 months to 3 years, and a mother’s room for infants will be provided at the retreat. Scholarships available. For more information visit: www.DiggingDeeperRetreat.com.
Rosario Singles Retreat with Pastor Ofa Langi and sponsored by the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is April 4-7. Come enjoy the coastal beauty of Rosario and the breaking waves on the beach. Registration will be available by mid February. Mark it on your calendar now. For more information, visit https://goo.gl/qYAYNs
For over 75 years, Wildwood Lifestyle Center has helped people not only stop disease progression, but also naturally reverse it. The 11-day and 25-day programs provide patients with the life they were always meant to live, both physically, mentally and spiritually. Call us for your healing not only for your illnesses, but also for your soul 1-800-634-9355 or visit our website at wildwoodhealth.com.
Save the date for special guest speaker, Jennifer Woody, for the one–day Women’s and Young Women’s Retreat Sabbath, May 4, at the UCC Conference Center. Special features for the day include floral designer, DelJean Benton, and musical group, Rejoice Trio.
Free estate planning is offered as a service of the Upper Columbia Conference Trust Department for UCC members. They help you take care of family, and just ask that you have a desire to make a significant difference in some way connected with Upper Columbia Conference (evangelism, your local church or school, etc.). For more information, or to arrange an appointment next time a representative is in your area, please contact Andrew McCrary at 509.242.0472 or e-mail AndrewM@uccsda.org
THANK YOU to those of you who have registered to volunteer for the Love Heals Walla Walla free clinic event on April 18 and 19! Additional volunteers are still needed in several areas including: dental (dentists, hygienists, assistants and sterilization/central supply), massage/PT/OT/chiropractors, and hospitality (greeters/patient escorts). Limited licensure is available for out-of-state and retired practitioners. Text “loveheals” to 55222 for a link to register or visit lovehealswallawalla.org. Volunteer registration will be open through Sunday, March 10.
The Winter Quarter pulpit series at the University Church is entitled “Wise Guys.” Each Sabbath, a variety of preachers from our community (including our new senior pastor Andreas Beccai) will open the scriptures sharing from the wisdom literature books of: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, and Song of Solomon.
Sabbath, March 30
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Monday, April 1
WWU, WWVA, and Rogers classes resume
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, April 2
11am — WWU CommUnity, Multiple Locations
6:30pm — J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, April 3
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, April 4
7:26pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, David Smith, Sanctuary
Sabbath, April 6
Communion, First and Second Services, Sanctuary
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Monday, April 8
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, April 9
11am — WWU CommUnity, Daryl Tol, Sanctuary
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Thursday, April 11
10:30am — Blood Drive, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Donald Blake Center Conference, Sanctuary
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Email kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu if you have questions.
Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.
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Press this App/button and it will always access the most up-to-date web-Bulletin.
Email kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu if you have questions.
Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.