
Lincoln High School

Sometimes small or otherwise seemingly inconsequential moments become the catalysts for surprising impact. This is true for countless moments in each of our lives. And it is true at least in part for the WWU Honors program’s current program of assembling weekend food bags for students of Lincoln High School.

All the way back in the spring of 2012, a Sabbath morning seminar series featuring guest leaders from Walla Walla was organized by Christian Bell. Jim Sporleder, then the principal at Lincoln High School, was one speaker on the schedule. As I talked about the current program with Terrie Aamodt, director of the Honors Program, she recalled Sporleder’s presentation that day sticking with her. He discussed the 10 ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) which when experienced more than just a couple times by a person, have been shown to very negatively affect adult success, happiness, and even lifespan. Students at Lincoln High School on average have 4 of 10 possible ACEs, and many of them have 8 or even all 10.

If you have seen the widely circulated documentary film “Paper Tigers,” you know the story of how Lincoln High School shifted its discipline policies and culture in order to treat students with their ACEs in mind. (If you haven’t seen it, I recommend checking out this New York Times article about the project; the film itself has not yet been widely released to the public.) The change described in “Paper Tigers” revolutionized not only the culture at the school, but outcomes of students as well: graduations rates, for example, quadrupled in the years following implementation.

Over the months that followed Sporleder’s Sabbath presentation, Terrie thought about how our community might support these people, and furthermore how to develop a relationship with teachers and leaders at Lincoln. One result of that work was several drives to collect funds for toiletries and emergency needs for Lincoln students. In the summer of 2015 after the shooting death of a student’s family, the University Church contributed generously to help support the funeral and other expenses. This only encouraged the conversation about how the University Church community can bless Lincoln.

A new program emerged in the Fall of 2015. Marci Knauft, the current principal of Lincoln High School and member of the University Church, told me that roughly 85% of students at her school live at or below poverty level. Close to 25 of these are homeless, not having a regular place to sleep, and many of these are completely on their own. For many of these teens, their only consistent meals come during the week while at school. As such, food scarcity is a very real problem, especially when it comes to the weekends.

WWU Honors Program students, via funding of the University church, began assembling backpacks each week containing enough food for at-risk teens to subsist for six weekend meals. Every Friday afternoon, Lincoln students pick up their bags and along with them, a sense of security and love. “They are fantastic,” says Marci, “the kids look forward to getting them each week. They come by the office and put their name on a bag to reserve it for later. A lot of them are really counting on it and they make a huge effort to make sure to get one.”

In the coming weeks, the University Church community will have an opportunity once again to fill the coffers of the fund that pays for this increasingly important program. In addition, University Church members are also invited to support Lincoln students and to continue growing our relationship with that community. In particular, in addition to helping the food-bag program, please consider the following opportunities:

1.     A play acted and directed by Lincoln students will show this weekend in Village Hall on the WWU campus. Showtimes are: Saturday Night, March 25 at 7:30pm and Sunday, March 26 at 2pm. Admission is by donation and University Church members who would like to support the good work already done are invited to attend.

2.     Lincoln students have a difficult time affording extra-curricular activities, even at discounted rates. If you would be willing to sponsor a student to attend prom or the senior-class trip, please contact Marci Knauft for more information.

Sometimes small or otherwise seemingly inconsequential moments become the catalysts for surprising impact. This is true for countless moments in each of our lives. We have seen this in the development of these programs at Lincoln. And our hope is that for these teens, who often have been looked over or regarded as small or inconsequential, would become remarkable catalysts for change in the world. As we invest in their lives, we will see their impact in generations to come.



Mark your Calendar

In April, the University Church and WWU Campus Ministries are partnering to present a powerful collection of worship experiences celebrating Jesus' death and resurrection. All are invited to take part! Watch for additional details in future bulletins.




Bulletin Quicklinks



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Please join me in thanking two special musicians. Tim Ruybalid graduated from the WWU music department, and I am thrilled to have him back in the valley. I am also always grateful for the beautiful music made by Richard Scott, one of the librarians on staff at WWU's Peterson Memorial Library. Thank you both.

It is a blessed thing to belong to this congregation. Our closing hymn explores the blessings of family relationships, especially the opportunity to be known as children of God. As you prepare to worship, I invite you to meditate on the words of Hymn No. 101, some of which are given here:

Children of the heavenly Father
Safely in His bosom gather;
Nestling bird nor star in heaven
Such a refuge e’er was given.

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the mission of the Adventist Church globally. Our yearly University Church budget funds all our local ministries aside from pastoral salaries. All donations marked "tithe" are used to pay pastors in the Upper Columbia Conference as well as to pay a portion of elementary and academy teachers' salaries. Donations marked "University Church Budget" support local ministry like our schools, youth and children's ministries, worship services, our staff, and facility upkeep.

Give online by clicking here or the "give" button below.




In April, the University Church and WWU Campus Ministries are partnering to present a powerful collection of worship experiences celebrating Jesus' death and resurrection. All are invited to take part! Watch for additional details in future bulletins.

Elder John Freedman, newly elected President of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, will host a one hour get acquainted, question/answer period Sabbath, March 25, 4pm, College Place Village Church. Everyone is invited to attend.

Denominational Retired Workers’ potluck,  Sunday April 2, 5:00 p.m., Village Church Fellowship Hall.  Hear the inspiring stories of “India Travel” by Beverly Thompson.

The Pulse! During the month of May, Pastor Alex will lead us through a short sermon series on healthful living, inside and out. Be sure to join our University Church family as we take part in a wide variety of health activities, challenges, and social events including outdoor church on May 20!

Registration for Rogers Adventist School is now open. A discounted registration fee is available until April. Please be sure to contact the Rogers treasurer about details and programs for making Rogers affordable. We want every motivated student and family to have a spot at this amazing school. Call 509.529.1850 or email

Apply now for an amazing summer scholarship program by the Upper Columbia Conference for Adventist Education. Students in grades 1-12 can apply to serve in their communities and receive scholarship funds for school tuition. Donors can give to this Summer Scholarship Program and make more funds available to more families. This is a win-win opportunity. To learn more go here: Online applications will be available until May 15, 2017 at

A special FORUM presentation by Holocaust historian Robert P. Ericksen will take place Monday evening, April 10, at 7:30pm in Village Hall. All are invited, no RSVP required. The purpose of this event is to focus on the question,  “How could it happen?”  How could the Holocaust happen in Germany, a Christian (mostly Lutheran) country with a highly educated populace?  It is difficult to ask such a question without also asking, “Could such an event happen again?” How secure is our own culture, our own institutions, from veering away from our core values in a crisis.  What occurred in Nazi Germany “should warn us against compromising our values – human rights, civil rights, and international law – in the face of adversity.” Please click here for more information about the event and the speaker.

A Yard Sale benefiting the Sayler family will take place on Saturday, 7:30-10:00pm and Sunday, March 26, 10:00am-3:00pm at the Eastgate SDA Church. Visit for more information.

Christina Johanson, daughter of Bruce and Anne Johanson, was severely injured on February 13 in a bicycle accident while visiting her parents in India.  She sustained serious brain injuries and is still there until she recovers enough for transport home.  She faces extensive rehabilitation treatment.  The family is asking for our prayers.

Membership Transfers, first reading
(IN) Ken and Ceci Browning from White Salmon, Wash.
Mackenzie and Emily Craik from Kirkland, Wash.
Tifany Lindsay from CP Village
Monique Vincent from Tierresanta, San Diego, Cal.

(AWAY) Alex Georges to Puyallup, Wash.
Glen Greenwalt to Phoenix, Ariz.
Lance and Debbie Hodges to Loma Linda, Cal

NEEDED at SonBridge: a heavy-duty pickup for deliveries and hauling.  Mechanical soundness is very important, followed by a reasonable cost (or donation).  For info, please call 509-529-3100.

Please donate Lego and Duplo blocks for our Children and Family Ministries Vacation Bible Camp. No specific types or colors needed. Bring your new or used donation to Pastor Jenn’s office or contact her for more information:

In the Footsteps of the Judges and Jesus:  Study the stories of the Judges and the Book of Mark and follow in the places where they walked.  La Sierra University is offering a study tour of Israel and Jordan, July 2 – 25 with Doug Clark, Bev Beem, and Kendra Haloviak Valentine. For further information contact

ASWWU is hosting a concert featuring husband & wife duo Matt and Josie Minikus, Thursday, March 30 at 7pm in the FAC auditorium! Come out to hear this local Christian couple that has a sweet contemporary-folk sound! Free album link:

ASWWU Global Service is hosting the annual Interntional Food Fair on Sunday, May 5. They are asking for volunteers to make food from around the world. ASWWU will help with costs for any cooks. If any of you are interested in helping out or getting some more information, please e-mail

You are invited to attend the Jaime Jorge Concert tour: “The Healing Music” Concert Tour on March 31, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Milton SDA Church. Come and listen to his marvelous violin music and captivating personal story of how God has led him. This concert will be an unforgettable experience and blessing!

Celebration of Life Service for Shirley Jean Smith will be held Sunday, March 26 at 1pm in the Village Church Chapel. All are welcome to attend.

Childcare Available: Stay-at-home, SDA mom of 2 young children in my home.  Flexible days and times of day.  For more information, please call 509-240-6303 or 509-876-4245.  Please leave a message if no answer.

SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting Summer Volunteers to sort donated goods and clothing. If interested, please call (509) 529-3100.

Christian Aid Center is in need of breakfast cooks, serving from 6-8am. Days currently open are Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Please contact Jeannette Regalado for more information, 509-525-7153.

College Place Co-op Preschool has openings for children 3-5 years old.  Play-based & child-centered program of the WW Community College.  Tue/Wed/Thur from 9am-12pm. Only $90/month. Meets in the children’s wing of WWU Church. For more info contact Teacher Andrea @ 301-3878 or program manager @ 527-4237.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School is looking forward to the 2017-2018 school year. We are happy to announce that we will be continuing the 4 full time teaching positions. We need to fill 3 part time positions, a librarian, a 5/6 Social Studies and Science Teacher and a Resource Aide. If you would like to apply call 541-938-7131 or email at

Market For Missions-Please join us on April 2, 4-7 pm. at the Stateline SDA Church fellowship hall for our annual market to raise funds for the ministry, “Jesus For Asia”. We will be having various foods for purchase, craft items, misc. items, and local musicians playing for your enjoyment, and donations. Thank you for supporting this worthy cause. We look forward to seeing you there...bring a friend!




Sabbath, March 25
    4pm — Conversation with John Freedman, NPUC President, Village Church
    7pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge
    7:13pm — Sundown

Monday, March 27
    WWVA, Rogers, and WWU classes resume
    7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
    7pm — WWU Church Board Meeting, Youth Room

Tuesday, March 28
    11am — WWU CommUnity, Ethics Bowl, Sanctuary
     7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday, March 29
    6:30pm — Pathfinder Club, Fellowship Hall
    7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
    7pm — “Evidence” Bible Study on break until April 5

Thursday, March 30
    6:30pm - J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
    7pm - ASWWU Concert, Matt and Josie Minikus, FAC Auditorium

Friday, March 31
    7:21pm — Sundown
    7pm - Jaime Jorge concert, M-F Adventist Church
    8pm — WWU Vespers, Tim Gillespie, Sanctuary

Sunday, April 2
    5pm — Denominational Workers’ potluck,
    Village Church Fellowship Hall

Sunday, April 2
    5pm — Denominational Workers’ potluck, Village Church Fellowship Hall

Monday, April 10
    7:30pm — Complicity in the Holocaust presentation and discussion, Village Hall

Thursday, April 13-Sunday, April 16
    Holy Week