"He drew a circle that shut me out—
heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But love and I had the wit to win:
we drew a circle and took him in!"
-From the poem, "Outwitted" by Edwin Markham




Bright Ideas Update

In January, the pastoral staff made a special invitation for you to give your input on our church community. Although your pastors' doors are always open, they're thankful number of our members responded to this request. The following list represents just a few of the suggested projects that are already in motion:

-Church Work Bee, Sunday, May 21
-Welcome reception and orientation for new members (the first was this February)
-Global Leadership Summit will continue at
the University Church, August 10–11, 2017
-Fresh ideas for worship liturgies
-New social experiences for our church




Bulletin Quicklinks



1.14.17 Timeline .jpg


We welcome an assortment of musicians from Rogers Adventist School under the direction of Holly Blackwelder Carpenter and Margo Cox. The students include Rylee King, Matthew Pellow, Yori Krenrich, Deklan Duffy, Kailani Marson, Mikal Busby, and Abigael Carpenter. We also welcome Richard Scott, who serves as our guest organist. Please join me in thanking each of these people for sharing their musical talents with us.

As you prepare your heart to worship I invite you to meditate on the second stanza of our closing hymn. These words remind us that God is in charge, though we may feel insecure or even invisible:

Under the shadow of Thy throne
Still may we dwell secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,

And our defense is sure.

-Kraig Scott





Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the mission of the Adventist Church globally. The following graphics illustrate how different donations are allocated.

Give online by clicking here or the "give" button below.




Elder John Freedman, newly elected President of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, will host a one hour get acquainted, question/answer period Sabbath, March 25, 4pm, College Place Village Church. Everyone is invited to attend.

Christina Johanson, daughter of Bruce and Anne Johanson, was severely injured on February 13 in a bicycle accident while visiting her parents in India.  She sustained serious brain injuries and is still there until she recovers enough for transport home.  She faces extensive rehabilitation treatment.  The family is asking for our prayers.

The WWVA Orchestra is on tour to Italy March 15-23. Please join the pastoral staff in prayer for safety, joy, beauty, and community building for the players, leaders, and parents who travel.

Registration for Rogers Adventist School is now open. A discounted registration fee is available until April. Please be sure to contact the Rogers treasurer about details and programs for making Rogers affordable. We want every motivated student and family to have a spot at this amazing school. Call 509.529.1850 or email principal@rschool.org.

Apply now for an amazing summer scholarship program by the Upper Columbia Conference for Adventist Education. Students in grades 1-12 can apply to serve in their communities and receive scholarship funds for school tuition. Donors can give to this Summer Scholarship Program and make more funds available to more families. This is a win-win opportunity. To learn more go here: www.uccsda.org/files/home/StudentsInHisServicePublication.pdf. Online applications will be available until May 15, 2017 at www.uccsda.org/Education.

NEEDED at SonBridge: a heavy-duty pickup for deliveries and hauling.  Mechanical soundness is very important, followed by a reasonable cost (or donation).  For info, please call 509-529-3100.

Please donate Lego and Duplo blocks for our Children and Family Ministries Vacation Bible Camp. No specific types or colors needed. Bring your new or used donation to Pastor Jenn’s office or contact her for more information: jenn.ogden@wallawalla.edu.

50-PLUS CLUB POTLUCK is Sunday, March 19 at 5pm in the Youth Center. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish and enjoy a musical program presented by the Umapine Philharmonic.

In the Footsteps of the Judges and Jesus:  Study the stories of the Judges and the Book of Mark and follow in the places where they walked.  La Sierra University is offering a study tour of Israel and Jordan, July 2 – 25 with Doug Clark, Bev Beem, and Kendra Haloviak Valentine. For further information contact beverly.beem@wallawalla.edu.

ASWWU Global Service is hosting the annual Interntional Food Fair on Sunday, May 5. They are asking for volunteers to make food from around the world. ASWWU will help with costs for any cooks. If any of you are interested in helping out or getting some more information, please e-mail aswwu.globalservice@wallawalla.edu.

You are invited to attend the Jaime Jorge Concert tour: “The Healing Music” Concert Tour on March 31, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Milton SDA Church. Come and listen to his marvelous violin music and captivating personal story of how God has led him. This concert will be an unforgettable experience and blessing!

Childcare Available: Stay-at-home, SDA mom of 2 young children in my home.  Flexible days and times of day.  For more information, please call 509-240-6303 or 509-876-4245.  Please leave a message if no answer.

SonBridge Thrift & Gift Store is recruiting Summer Volunteers to sort donated goods and clothing. If interested, please call (509) 529-3100.

Christian Aid Center is in need of breakfast cooks, serving from 6-8am. Days currently open are Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Please contact Jeannette Regalado for more information, 509-525-7153.

Bible Study on The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children led by Carol Cosaert and Lori Hutton (We will be using the book and study guide The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children by Stormy Omartian.) At the University Church Gathering Room on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m.  You’ll need The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children book and study guide available at the ABC or online. Contact carol.cosaert@rschool.org or huttond@charter.net for more information.

College Place Co-op Preschool has openings for children 3-5 years old.  Play-based & child-centered program of the WW Community College.  Tue/Wed/Thur from 9am-12pm. Only $90/month. Meets in the children’s wing of WWU Church. For more info contact Teacher Andrea @ 301-3878 or program manager @ 527-4237.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School is looking forward to the 2017-2018 school year. We are happy to announce that we will be continuing the 4 full time teaching positions. We need to fill 3 part time positions, a librarian, a 5/6 Social Studies and Science Teacher and a Resource Aide. If you would like to apply call 541-938-7131 or email at info@miltonstateline.org

Milton-Stateline Adventist School is accepting applications for a bus driver. You may contact us at 541-938-7131 or email lepiba@miltonstateline.org.




Sabbath, March 18
    7:04pm — Sundown
    7pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge

Monday, March 20
    Morning Worship on break until March 27

Tuesday, March 21
     High Five Youth Group on break until March 28

Wednesday, March 22
    Pathfinder Club on break until March 29
    “Evidence Bible Study” on break until March 29
    7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
    7pm — Praying for Our Children group, Gathering Room

Friday, March 24
    7:12pm — Sundown
    No WWU Vespers, Spring Break

Sabbath, March 25
    4pm — Conversation with John Freedman, NPUC President, Village Church
    7pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge

Monday, March 27
WWU classes resume, spring quarter