"Evening Glow in the Palouse" by Gary Hamburgh
Shared with permission. See more of Gary's work at www.garyhamburgh.com


“And so we gain hope—

not from the darkness
  of our suffering,

not from pat answers
  in books,

but from the God
  who sees our suffering
  and shares our pain.”

-Eugene H. Peterson
    From his introduction to the Book of Job,
The Message/Remix





We thank the many musicians of the WWU Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Brandon Beck, and those of the University Singers including the choral accompanist Frankie Bones. Brandon and I are very grateful for the community members who participate in these ensembles along side the many student musicians, the majority of which are from majors all across campus. To praise God through the gift of music, they give generously of their time and energy over and above their regular academic course load. Please join me in welcoming them and thanking them for their service to God and this congregation. You can also show your support by returning to the sanctuary at 4pm today to enjoy their special winter concert.

Much of today’s music features well known hymns. In the prelude, we hear a setting of Hymn No.2 LASST UNS ERFREUEN. The final anthem forms a fantasy on Hymn No.334 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” And though not technically a hymn, the offertory presents an extremely well-known and loved version of The Lord’s Prayer.

As you prepare your heart to worship please take some quiet time to meditate on the texts of these hymns or of those we sing. Part of the opening hymn, with words by Isaac Watts, is given here:

Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear
My voice ascending high;
To Thee will I direct my prayer,
To Thee lift up mine eye.

-Kraig Scott




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Thank you for partnering financially with the University Church. Our local church budget supports K-12 programs Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.

As it has in the past, our local church budget supports K-12 schools Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “Tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.

As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!

Click here to give online

Click here to give online



University Church Potluck is today, March 12, at 1:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. Students are welcome!

Placement Board Report is located in a special insert in today’s bulletin. Please review the names and contact Deanne Hoehn or the pastoral staff with any concerns.

Children & Family Ministries Gym Night begins tonight at 6pm at Rogers Adventist School gym.

WWU Drama Department is featuring “Festival of Shorts” on March 12 and 13, 8pm at Village Hall Theatre. Tickets available at drama.wallawalla.edu.

March 26 is communion Sabbath and Easter weekend. We look forward to contributing to a special mission offering for SonBridge Community Center.

Second Service is live-streamed in Heubach Chapel as an optional courtesy for families with small kids.

How to Pay for College Online Webinar hosted by Walla Walla University is a free online webinar for prospective students and their parents on March 16 at 4pm and 7pm. 40-minute presentation led by WWU experts, Q & A to follow. Register at at sfs.wallawalla.edu/webinars.

Parents of students who would be new to Rogers and in grades 2-8 next school year, are invited to the Parents-only Evening, March 31, 6:00 pm.  Join us for a light supper, teachers’ perspectives of school at Rogers, administrations’ big picture of curriculum and ideas about how your child can be successful at Rogers.  Receive $50 off your entrance fee for attending.  RSVP at 509-529-1850 or Cindy.Mccrery@Rschool.org.

Gospel Outreach has a real need for volunteers including a story editing director and a person or team who is willing to speak and represent Gospel Outreach at various church meeting, camp meetings, and other public events.  Call Dick Madson or Jon Dybdahl at 509.525.2951.

The Christian Aid Center is looking for a Sunday morning breakfast cook. Please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer and Donor Relations, at 509.525.7153 ext. 114.

Waffle Brunch is an educational gathering on the CHIP program is Sunday, March 13 at 9:45am at the Village Church Fellowship Hall. Call 509.525.0882 to reserve your place at the table.

SonBridge Thrift & Gift needs hostesses for Sundays and Thursdays to greet and monitor the dressing rooms.  Mostly a sit down position.  Call June at 509.529.3100.

“Living Beyond Yourself” a women’s DVD Bible study at SonBridge Community Center. Wednesday, January 6 - March 16, 12-1pm. (Please bring a Sack Lunch).

WWVASAM Solo Soaring Singles Vespers at Village Church Fellowship Hall. Tonight, March 12, 6pm.

WWVASAM potluck is next Sabbath, March 19 at 1:30pm at SonBridge Community Center.

UCC Camp Meeting is June 22-25, 2016 at UCA: Now is the time to reserve, while lodging is still available! Visit uccsda.org/cammeeting for more information.

Community Services Annual Spring Sale continues March 13 in the Fellowship Hall of the Walla Walla City Church.

The Upper Columbia Conference Office of Education is now accepting applications for the Students in His Service scholarship program for the 2016 summer.  This scholarship is a three-way scholarship funded equally by the UCC Office of Education, UCC Adventist Community Services Grant funds and the student’s home church.  It is available for students who volunteer in service to their communities and will be enrolled in grades 1-12 at an Upper Columbia Conference elementary or secondary school for the 2016-2017 school year.  Check out the guidelines at uccsda.org/Education/Scholarships.  Applications may only be made online at the UCC Education website (uccsda.org/Education) until May 15, 2016.

UCC Summer Work Opportunity This summer the Upper Columbia Conference is looking for graduating seniors or college age men and women to be involved in His Travelers.  A team of young adults to travel to small communities throughout the UCC supporting VBS/day camps, community service and provides mentoring for preteens and teens. Patty Marsh, UCC Director of Children’s Ministries pattym@uccsda.org 509-242-0621.

Rosario Singles Retreat, April 1-3, 2016. Dick and Brenda Duerksen are our speakers and we have an extended schedule Sunday with whale watching, Deception Pass jet boat tour and driving tour of the tulip fields as options. The registration cost is $185. For details and registration form, send an email to RosarioRetreat@Gmail.com. For those without access to email, you may call our registration line at 360 588-3179 to request info. The deadline to register is March 23, 2016.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School Movie Night is tonight, March 12th at 7pm. Admission $1 per person or $5 per family. There will be concessions for purchase. The movie is “The Snowball Express”. All are invited!

Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m.  For more information, call 509-527-2654.

Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!




Sabbath, March 12
    4pm - WWU Choir and Orchestra Concert, Sanctuary
    5:57pm - Sunset
    6pm - CFM Gym Night, Rogers Adventist School
    8pm - “Festival of Shorts” drama, Village Hall

Sunday, March 13
    8pm - “Festival of Shorts” drama, Village Hall
    9:45am - CHIP Waffle Brunch, Village Church

Monday,  March 14
    7:30am - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)

Tuesday,  March 15
    7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday,  March 16
    12-1pm - Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
    6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall

Friday, March 18
    7:05pm - Sunset
    WWU Spring Break begins, No Vespers

Sabbath, March 26
    Easter Weekend, Communion Sabbath

Monday, March 28
    WWU, WWVA, and Rogers Classes Resume


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