Lachrimae Amantis
What is there in my heart
that you should sue so fiercely for its love?
What kind of care brings you
as though a stranger to my door
through the long night and in the icy dew
seeking the heart that will not harbor you,
that keeps itself religiously secure?
At this dark solstice filled with frost and fire
your passion’s ancient wounds must bleed anew.
So many nights the angel of my house
has fed such urgent comfort through a dream,
whispered “your lord is coming, he is close,”
that I have drowsed half-faithful for a time
bathed in pure tones of promise and remorse:
“Tomorrow I shall wake to welcome him.”
-Geoffrey Hill, Tenenbrae
Today at the University Church, we will hold a special ordination service for newly appointed elders in our congregation, many of whom will serve as student elders. As has been the recent tradition of this community, this Sabbath during the worship services we will invite the whole congregation to lay hands on these leaders in a ceremony of support and blessing. Today, we pray for the Holy Spirit to continue moving through the lives of these elders in their many ministries and our church community!
The following individuals will be ordained in their new roles today:
Katie Wagner
Corey Bom
Kate Ruud
Carla Blum-Johnston
Mat Shedd
Cameron Fitzgerald
Diana Mignott
Ricardo Guzman
Tommy (Jordan) Tamaleaa
Bulletin Quicklinks
Each year the WWU music department hosts a music festival and today we have the pleasure of welcoming the young musicians who constitute this year’s Honor Band. They have been hard at work since Wednesday evening and come from all over North America. Participating schools are listed in the Touches of Interest section of the bulletin. Please join me in thanking them for sharing their talents with us. You can hear more of their music at a special concert this afternoon at 4pm here in the Sanctuary.
We close the service with a favorite Irish hymn — Be Thou My Vision. Mary Elizabeth Byrne (1880–1931), of the Royal Irish Academy, translated this 8th century poem into a prose version and published it in 1905. Seven years later Henrietta Hull (1860–1935), author and founder of the Irish Text Society, reduced the number of Mary’s prose couplets and conformed them to rhyme.
As you prepare your heart to worship God, I invite you to ponder the beautiful words of this hymn, No.547. Below are some additional rhyming couplets by Henrietta Hull that didn’t make it into our hymnal:
Be Thou my battle-shield,
my sword for the fight,
Be Thou my dignity,
Thou my delight;
Thou my soul’s shelter,
Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward,
O Power of my power.
-Kraig Scott
Every day, hundreds of people donate many hours of volunteer work, hundreds of dollars, and buckets of prayer to the work of Jesus through the University Church. Thank you to all who continue to empower this holy and powerful ministry in the Walla Walla Valley!
Today’s loose offering will go to the University Church Budget which funds many ministries and adds support for a host of valuable programs. From this fund, nearly $100,000 is spent each year on logistical support for WWU events and programs such as this afternoon’s Honor Band concert in the Sanctuary, Circle Church services in the Fellowship Hall, and weekly WWU CommUnity. Your financial donations to this budget enable our Church to continue to leverage its strategic and fruitful partnership with Walla Walla University. Thank you!
Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).
Welcome to the many guests on campus this Sabbath for the WWU Honor Band Festival. Students from: Auburn Adventist Academy, Collegedale Academy, Cascade Christian Academy, Fountainview Academy, Hermiston High School, Laurelbrook Academy, Monterey Bay Academy, Oolteway Adventist School, Portland Adventist Academy, Skagit Adventist Academy, Upper Columbia Academy, and Walla Walla Valley Academy are visiting and blessing our church community today. These young musicians, led by Brandon Beck, will help lead worship today at Second Service and will play again for a special afternoon program in the Sanctuary at 4pm. All are invited!
An all church potluck is today at 1:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited!
A memorial service for Deanie Christy is this afternoon at 3pm in Heubach Chapel.
All are welcome to join our University Church prayer meeting each Wednesday at 7pm in Heubach Chapel. The group will view a part of the current week’s Sabbath School lesson in Ranko Stefanovic’s, “Revelation of Jesus Christ”video.
Today is International Sabbath at Berean Fellowship. All are invited to join in the Black Box Theatre at 10:30am for breakfast and 10:50 for multi-lingual worship service!
Interested in checking out Rogers Adventist School for your child’s education? Join K-8 teachers and administration for a school tour, complimentary meal, and important information about RAS curriculum and community on February 21, 6pm. Childcare available. Text your RSVP to 509.386.7386 or
SonBridge constituency meeting will be held on Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 10am. The agenda will include inspiring financial and development reports of God’s blessings and an update of future plans. This constituency session is for designated delegates, but interested parties are welcome to attend! Thank each of you for your amazing support of this important ministry.
The Red Cross will host a blood drive at the University Church Fellowship Hall on Monday, February 11 from 8:30am–1:45pm. Show up in person or pre-register at:
Jamie Jorge Healing Music Concert Join us for a free concert of inspirational, Christian music with violin virtuoso Jaime Jorge on Friday, February 15 at 7pm in the Walla Walla Eastgate Church. Hosted by the Julianna Sayler Foundation. Light refreshments to follow.
A new Community Gospel Choir is being formed in Walla Walla. The inaugural meeting is on Monday, February 11, 6:30pm in the WWU Fine Arts Auditorium. If you are a singer or instrumentalist who loves (or would love) to sing or play this genre of music with others in the Walla Walla Valley, come and join!
ASWWU Global Service’s annual Valentine's Banquet is February 18, 7pm. Tickets are $50. Please RSVP at: by February 10 at the latest. It’s a great opportunity to support this year’s project, enjoy some delicious food, and listen to some talented student musicians. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your support!
Senior art and business student, Jaucelyn Carter, will be displaying “Defining Home,” her cumulative works, in the Clyde and Mary Harris Art Gallery, WWU Fine Arts Center, February 8–21. An opening reception will be February 8, 5–7pm. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend.
The 50+ potluck and program will be held on Sunday, February 17 at 5pm at the Youth Center, 8th and Bade in College Place. Come and enjoy an uplifting musical program presented by the Eslinger Family. And of course, please bring a friend.
Join Children’s Home Society for their annual "SweetHearts for Kids Benefit Luncheon" on February 20 at 11:30am at the Marcus Whitman Hotel. Tickets are $40. To RSVP, call 509-529-2130 before February 12.
Becoming a Man of God retreat is at Camp MiVoden March 1–3 for the Upper Columbia Conference Men’s Summit. Pastor Kevin Wilfley will present his “Becoming a Man of God” series, focusing on five “Becomings” in the life of a Christian man. Topics include, integrity, prayer, service, and generosity. Learn more and register at Enter the Coupon Code “EARLY!” before February 14 and save $25.
Emotional and spiritual care provider training to be offered at the Upper Columbia Conference office, March 13-14. This foundational program will equip people to serve as credentialed responders after disasters and other traumatic events. To register, email: or
Rosario Singles Retreat with Pastor Ofa Langi and sponsored by the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is April 4-7. Come enjoy the coastal beauty of Rosario and the breaking waves on the beach. Registration will be available by mid February. Mark it on your calendar now. For more information, visit
Free estate planning is offered as a service of the Upper Columbia Conference Trust Department for UCC members. They help you take care of family, and just ask that you have a desire to make a significant difference in some way connected with Upper Columbia Conference (evangelism, your local church or school, etc.). For more information, or to arrange an appointment next time a representative is in your area, please contact Andrew McCrary at 509.242.0472 or e-mail
Volunteer for “Love Heals” free clinic coming to Walla Walla, April 18 & 19, 2019. Physicians, dentists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, nurses, dental hygienists and assistants, chiropractors, prayer warriors, organizers, hospitality experts, pastors and chaplains, and everyone in between are encouraged to partner with Walla Walla University and many area churches and support organizations in lending your hand to this beautiful ministry. Learn more and register to volunteer at:
The Winter Quarter pulpit series at the University Church is entitled “Wise Guys.” Each Sabbath, a variety of preachers from our community (including our new senior pastor Andreas Beccai) will open the scriptures sharing from the wisdom literature books of: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, and Song of Solomon.
You are invited to Milton-Stateline Adventist School's annual Talent Show on Feb. 24th in our gym! The show starts at 4pm. There will be a refreshment stand. Our students have been practicing and are looking forward to sharing their talents with you!
Sabbath, February 9
1:15pm — All Church Potluck, Fellowship Hall
3pm — Deanie Christy’s Memorial Service, Heubach Chapel
4pm — Honor Band Festival Concert, Sanctuary
Sunday, February 10
6pm — CFM Parents’ Night Out, Jr. High Room
Monday, February 11
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, February 12
11am — WWU CommUnity, Senior Recognition, Sanctuary
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, February 13
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel [The Seven Trumpets]
Friday, February 15
5:18pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, Adrian Marston, Sanctuary
Sabbath, February 16
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Monday, February 18
President’s Day — Church Office Closed
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
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