paige loewen
Paige Loewen:
A memorable unexpected teacher was a patient I took care of a few years ago who was in the late stages of Multiple Sclerosis; paralyzed from the waist down. He had many other serious, complicated medical issues in addition to MS. Instead of being angry and depressed, he was full of love and life. He treated everyone with kindness, respect and gratitude. I looked forward to going into his room throughout the day. He taught me what a powerful example of Jesus we could be through showing kindness to others in spite of miserable circumstances. His kindness was not expected, and I will never forget him.
Jim Fisher
Jim Fisher:
Nearly 45 years ago, soon after I arrived in Taiwan preparing to teach at Taiwan Adventist College, I made a trip to a small mountain church on the east coast of the island. On Sabbath, before celebrating communion, an elderly tattooed church member and I knelt together to wash one another's feet, giving me fresh insight into the beauty of jointly sharing in an act of mutual humility with a stranger who was also my Christian brother.
Kim Kuzma
Kim Kuzma:
My friend Donna has shared the wisdom gained on her life journey in order to help me make sense of my own and learn to love and accept myself. She's taught me that everyone deserves grace, and that before I can give others grace I first have to give it to myself.
benjamin jAckson
Benjamin Jackson:
I shared an office for 7 years with a devout Catholic named Roger. Roger was (is!) my true brother in Christ. I learned that doctrinal difference matter a lot less than the Spirit of Christ present in our lives, and that His Church is far larger than we imagine.
corey bom
Corey Bom:
I met a Catholic seminary student on the train once and I talked with him about God and had the opportunity to join him in his evening prayer. He taught me how important daily devotionals were to keeping my daily life focus on Christ, without reminding ourselves of Jesus throughout the day it's easy to lose that focus.
dave thomas
Dave Thomas:
The owner and manager of a Brass Foundry in the district of my first pastoral assignment, a man whose name I no longer recall. He taught me to look at cancer, a devastating disease, in a very different way, as a disease that would give plenty of time to get ready for death as opposed to the lack of such a thing in sudden death by accident. That was a new thought to me. I still hope never to get cancer, but a certain amount of the dreaded-ness of the disease left me after that conversation.
Emily Ellis
Emily Ellis:
When I'm at home (Auburn, WA) I sometimes play the piano for a local Lutheran Church. The church doesn't have a lot of members and there's a variety of people's opinions within the church. But the pastor treats each person with love and respect despite their differences. He pours himself out to make an impactful service and to serve the community, no matter how difficult it may be.
Lidia Friederich
Lidia Friederich:
Yes, it was about 6 months ago when I learned a new way to fold clothes and tips on tidying up from Japanese author Marie Kondo. She was definitely an unexpected teacher. I had to humble myself in learning a new, yet efficient method of how to fold my clothes at my age. I also discarded a lot of stuff, saying thank you in appreciation and keeping only what would spark joy. Yes, I learned the life changing part of it.
ESL Classes at SonBridge
Seven years ago, University Church Member Pat Gustin created the English as a Second Language (ESL) program operating today at SonBridge. She still is one of three volunteer teachers currently serving, another of whom includes University Church member Ted Winn.
Students who take advantage of this program come are from all walks of life, but most have not lived their entire lives in the United States. Participants predominantly have Hispanic, Somali, or Russian backgrounds. Some have never previously attended any English classes, even in their home countries. Others are college educated but simply lack the language component to succeed culturally, relationally, and professionally in the United States. In any case, it takes hard work and determination to learn English, and these individuals are no exception.
ESL classes at SonBridge meet a few times a week and are free for anyone who wants to attend. The center offers child care for those who have children but no one to look after them while they’re learning. The classes are designed to create a safe environment to learn for all people, no matter their experience, economic status, or nationality.

It is important to note, says SonBridge Communication and Development Specialist Mary Aparicio, that these ESL classes are more than just about language. Once connected, students have access to people who will help them write and polish up resumes for jobs or other real-world writing tasks. Integrated into the curriculum are lessons on American cultural customs, idioms, and norms. A welcome side effect of these classes is the connection and camaraderie that develops between students. People grow to communicate and be understood in a new language, and also grow to understand others on multiple levels.
One of the ESL teachers, Kitty Haney says, "They just get so excited to see each other every class period and they grow to love each other." She added, "We make sure they know it doesn't matter who they are, they will learn and be loved all the same."
Ted Winn shared the story of a student who, at the beginning of his time in the program, had very good vocabulary but very poor pronunciation. This student would speak to Ted, and Ted would have to ask the student to repeat himself twice over. The student refused to repeat himself, saying "I know what I said!" To which Ted responded, "You might know what you said, but if no one understands you and you won't repeat yourself, then you might as well quit coming to class." The student began to cooperate. A couple months later, he came to Ted asking for help on a job application. After he explained to Ted what the job was and how he wanted his resume to look like, Ted put his arm around him and said, "I just understood everything you said and I am so proud of you." Not only did this student's speech improve, but he was hired for the job he applied for. God is good!
To get involved with the many programs offered to our community at SonBridge, please contact Mary at 509.529.3100 for more information.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We thank three special members of our congregation for sharing their music. Holly Blackwelder Carpenter, the new strings teacher at Rogers Adventist School, plays the anthem and offertory. She grew up in this congregation and we are delighted to have her back in the Walla Walla Valley. Accompanying Holly on piano is her father, University Church member Tim Blackwelder. Finally, we thank our guest organist, Bethany Foster, another well-known member of our congregation whom we are thrilled to have back in the valley. Please join me in thanking these musicians.
The anthem presents a medley of two hymns, “Now I Belong to Jesus,” and “Jesus Is All the World to Me.” We hear the offertory in an arrangement by Susan Pickett, professor of music at Whitman College.
The Seventh-day Adventist church has always practiced open communion — we welcome everyone to participate with us in the beautiful service of communion. While we are not celebrating communion this week, the prelude is a well-loved communion hymn with a text by Johann Franck (1618-1677). As you prepare your heart to worship, please take some silent time to meditate on these words.
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness,
Leave the gloomy haunts of sadness.
Come into the daylight’s splendor,
There with joy thy praises render
Unto Him whose grace unbounded
Hath this wondrous banquet founded:
High o’er all the heavens He reigneth,
Yet to dwell with thee He deigneth.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the mission of the Adventist Church globally. Our yearly University Church budget funds all our local ministries aside from pastoral salaries.
Please donate Lego and Duplo blocks for our Children and Family Ministries Vacation Bible Camp. No specific types or colors needed. Bring your new or used donation to Pastor Jenn’s office or contact her for more information:
Sonbridge Constituency Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 10:00 AM. The agenda will include inspiring financial and development reports of God’s blessings and an update of future plans. This constituency session is for designated delegates, but interested parties are welcome to attend! Thank each of you for your amazing support.
ASWWU Global Service is hosting the annual Interntional Food Fair on Sunday, May 5. Theyare asking for volunteers to make food from around the world. ASWWU will help with costs for any cooks. If any of you are interested in helping out or getting some more information, please e-mail
Membership Transfers (first reading)
(IN) James Barrett from WW City
Preston and Margaret Carman from Loma Linda, Cal.
Craig and Becky Connell from Pocatello, Ida.
Harry and Voni Flemmer from WW City
Benjamin and Claudia from Roswell, N.M.
Melvin and Betty West from Sunnyside, Portland, Ore.
(AWAY) Brandon and Amber Aberle to Westminster, Md.
Owen and Rhonda Bandy to Cedarville, Cal.
Louis and Elizabeth Yaw and children Madison, Caleb and Chandler Bartell to WW City
The First reading of the Ministry Placement Board report is in the bulletin as an insert this week. If you have any questions about the recommendations, please contact one of the pastors before Wednesday, February 15.
50-Plus Club Potluck is February 19 at 5pm in the Youth Center. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish to share, and enjoy a musical program by the Eslinger family.
Rik Swartzwelder, writer/producer/director of the film, "Old Fashioned" (a faith-based romantic drama with mature themes) will be on the WWU campus next week. Join him for a screening of "Old Fashioned" and Q&A at the Black Box Theater (CTC) at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 23. Free and open to the community. Sponsored by The Center for Media Ministry.
In the Footsteps of the Judges and Jesus: Study the stories of the Judges and the Book of Mark and follow in the places where they walked. La Sierra University is offering a study tour of Israel and Jordan, July 2 – 25 with Doug Clark, Bev Beem, and Kendra Haloviak Valentine. For further information contact
Christian Aid Center: Breakfast Cooks from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. Days currently open are Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Please contact Jeannette Regalado for more information.
Come one and come all to the 74th annual OPS Amateur Hour February 25th, 8:00 PM at the Winter Education Complex. This year we have ten amazing acts ranging from original songs to acts that will leave you in amazement. This year we are blessed to have the show hosted by the one and only Jordan Stephan, who is former Amateur Hour grand prize winner. Tickets are $6.00 and $13.00 for families. A portion of the proceeds of the ticket sales will go towards Cancer Research.
Walla Walla University Alumni Association is seeking an exceptional person to manage all aspects of the Havstad Alumni Center. Key activities include planning and coordinating alumni events, managing guest rooms, recruiting and supervising a network of alumni and community volunteers, and working with university and outside resources to communicate Center-related activities. This is a part-time position. All interested parties seeking more information can contact the Alumni Association at (509) 527-2241 or
Bible Study on The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children led by Carol Cosaert and Lori Hutton (We will be using the book and study guide The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children by Stormy Omartian.) At the University Church Youth Room on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m. January 4-February 1. You’ll need The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children book and study guide available at the ABC or online. Contact or for more information.
50-Plus Club Potluck is February 19 at 5pm in the Youth Center. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish to share, and enjoy a musical program by the Eslinger family.
“Entrusted” – a free women’s DVD Bible study on 2 Timothy by Christian author and speaker Beth Moore, Wednesdays, noon to 1 p.m., Jan. 18 to Feb. 22, 2017 at SonBridge Community Center. Bring your Bible, a pen and a sack lunch! Join at any time! SonBridge Community Center, 1200 SE 12th Street, College Place, WA. Learn from the Bible how you are entrusted! For more information, 509-529-3100.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 19th at the Stateline SDA Church Fellowship Hall 8:00 am to 10:00 am. By donation. All proceeds go to the 8th grade trip fund.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School Carnival is Sunday, March 5, 3-7pm. Join us for great food, sweet treats, fun games and amazing rides. Please support Milton Stateline Adventist School!
College Place Co-op Preschool has openings for children 3-5 years old. Play-based & child-centered program of the WW Community College. Tue/Wed/Thur from 9am-12pm. Only $90/month. Meets in the children’s wing of WWU Church. For more info contact Teacher Andrea @ 301-3878 or program manager @ 527-4237.
A new podcast with Pastors Alex, Jenn, and Kris is now available, entitled "Walla Walla". Check it out! Many episodes have already been published with more to come on a biweekly basis. Access more details at or search for "Walla Walla Podcast" on iTunes.
Camp MiVoden Registration for 2017 is now open! In addition to our regular kids camps we have a lot of exciting Ultimate Camps, and we have added another Family Camp as well. Along with the great camps that you already know are some new adventures that will be coming our way this summer. Come enjoy an amazing summer with God and others who live for him! Register now or get more information at, or contact Denise Kinney: (509) 242-0506,
Sabbath, February 18
8:30am — CFM pancake breakfast, Junior High Room
1:30pm - New Members Welcome Lunch, Fellowship Hall
5:25pm — Sundown
8pm — Adventist Singles vespers, SonBridge
6pm — CFM Gym Night, Rogers School
Sunday, February 19
10am - SonBridge constituency meeting
Monday, February 20
Church Office closed for Presidents’ Day
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, February 21
11am — ASWWU elections, WWU Gym.
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, February 22
12–1pm — Women’s DVD Bible study, SonBridge
6:30pm — Pathfinder Club, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, ____, Heubach Chapel
7pm — Praying for Our Children group, Youth Room
Friday, February 24
5:23pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, OPS Men’s Club, Sanctuary
Sabbath, February 25
5pm — Doug Cleveland organ recital, Sanctuary
8pm — OPS Amateur Hour, WWU Gym
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.