In 1992 Frank Stanyer, a retired schoolteacher, was struck with a vision he couldn’t shake. While visiting his wife’s family in the Philippines, he had conversations with Filipino theology graduates who felt called to ministry but had no career opportunities in their country. Stanyer wondered if there might be a way for people in the West to empower and fund these young ministers as evangelists in their own culture. Upon returning home to College Place, he began sharing the idea with his Sabbath School class. A plan emerged to create an all-volunteer administrative organization to fund stipends for these local missionaries who were called to ministry. Within just months, Stanyer’s Sabbath School class was already sponsoring one worker; and within a year, they had organized it into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity.
As their idea became a reality, the group formed a set of criteria for the location of the project. The Philippines is geographically located within what is known as the “10/40 Window”, a large rectangle across the eastern hemisphere that measures from 10 to 40 degrees north of the equator. It includes northwest Africa all the way through the Middle East, into India, China, and even Japan. The world’s most populated countries are located in the 10/40 window and it contains more than two thirds of of the planet’s total population (over 4 billion). Currently Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam are the dominant religious expressions within it. Thus, hundreds of millions of people who live there have never even heard the name of Jesus. Stanyer’s group decided that an intentional Adventist missionary focus on these countries in this specific area of the world was a new concept and greatly needed.
A second value that the Sabbath School group specified in the beginning stages was the concept of empowering local Christian leaders to do the work. This, as opposed to relying on missionaries from other countries to move in and assume leadership. Since indigenous men and women already knew their languages and cultures, already had local ties and relationships, and had already shown commitments to God’s call on their lives, why not equip them be missionaries right where they lived?
Stanyer and his friends agreed that these local Adventist Christians were the best possible candidates for carrying on God’s work in the 10/40 Window. Rather than their being available only here and there for volunteering with the church because of financial and other work restraints, Frank’s hope was that he and his friends could create a way to fund the work of indigenous people already called by God to serve.Their financial support would create new way of thinking about missions. The notion is in contrast to the pre-modern and modern notions of missions where only those from western cultures could be called “missionaries”.
In 1992, Frank and his friends launched Gospel Outreach (GO). Within a year, the organization funded 13 lay leaders in the field. This is where a third value emerged at GO. Instead of spending resources on administration, Stanyer’s group committed to maintaining GO as an all-volunteer ministry. This way, the vast majority of funds donated would go directly to workers in the field. Today, $0.90 of every $1 donated is put in the hands of GO workers, $0.08 of that is used for promotion and marketing, while just $0.02 is designated for key administrative and technical support. Gospel Outreach uses the acronym GO, pointing toward Jesus who told His disciplines what to do in Matthew 28:19-20: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
In 1993, GO had doubled its sponsorship levels to 26. By 1997, more than 100 GO workers were funded working full-time. Today, there are more than 2,000 GO workers sharing Jesus in the 10/40 Window!
Dick Madson, vice president for administration at GO, said that GO partners with local Adventist conferences and missions in the 10/40 Window by empowering local leaders. These existing leadership bodies train the GO workers and distribute funds (none of which can be used administratively or to support operating costs). Annual visits by GO regional directors ensure accountability, training, and appropriate use of the donations. According to the GO website, only $150 is needed to support one GO worker per month.
At present, GO is doubling its focus on reaching out to unreached people groups, people who are not yet Christians or have yet to hear anything about Jesus. Jon Dybdahl, GO president, says that it is particularly exciting for him to see the work encouraged among this population. It’s common for Adventists to expend evangelistic energy engaging with other Christians – it’s less common to start at ground zero with those who are completely in the dark when it comes to Jesus.
“Adventures in Missions” is GO’s TV interview show. During the program, GO regional directors give reports from GO workers to viewers and donors. The TV show airs on the Hope Channel, 3ABN, Loma Linda Broadcasting, and on ROKU. “The GO workers are rubbing shoulders with people in the markets, in their neighborhoods. These are the people they encounter every day and they’re sharing Jesus with them, just like we need to do in our communities,” said Julie Sanders Keymer, a TV host. Rather than using traditional missionary methods of sending people from other countries to be missionaries in a foreign land, GO workers are creating local connections with their fellow citizens.
Representatives have specifically asked our church community to pray for GO and the GO workers who are sharing Jesus, often in dangerous situations. GO invites you to visit the offices and talk with the volunteers and learn how you can get involved with GO. 712 NE C Street in College Place.
Mark your calendars for the GO Rally, Sabbath, April 9, at 3:30 p.m. at the Village Church.
For additional information, to sign up for the free newsletter, to donate, or to watch “Adventures in Missions” online, please visit Also “Like” the GO Facebook page. 509.525.2951.
A Guinean man named Wonbin. Read the story about how Gospel Outreach impacted his life on their website at

Please join me in welcoming a host of student athletes to the campus of Walla Walla University. And we also welcome the WWU Wind Symphony, under the direction of Brandon Beck, to share their music. It is always a high Sabbath when this ensemble worships with us.
The offertory presents a familiar and much-loved folk song. Some of the most familiar words are given here:
I’m just a poor wayfaring stranger
A-travelin’ through this world of woe
Yet there’s no sickness, toil nor danger
In that bright land to which I go
I’m going there to see my Father
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going over Jordan
I’m only going over home.
The anthem is based on hymn No.85, Eternal Father, Strong to Save. Mark Williams composed it in 1993 for Kamiakin High School in Kennewick, Washington. The postlude depicts Abram’s war with kings Amraphel, Arioch, Chedorlaomer, and Tidal as narrated in Genesis 14:1-17. This campaign involved a long pursuit, an overnight attack, and the freeing of many prisoners, including Abram’s nephew Lot.
As you prepare to worship I invite you to silently meditate on the hymn texts or the biblical passage given above.
-Kraig Scott
Broadcast Ministry Project Update: The University Church staff and broadcast team thank you for your generous support of this key ministry. We are happy to report that new equipment has been ordered (including new cameras for the sanctuary). Very soon, our services will be available in full 1080p quality HDTV both online and on TV. We thank you again for your generosity!
The University Church Staff and leadership thanks you for your dedicated financial partnership! As we look forward to 2016, we are excited about the things God will accomplish through us.
As it has in the past, our local church budget supports K-12 schools Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “Tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.
As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!
Membership Transfers (second reading)
(IN) Keith Gibbons from College Place Village Church
Irma Tabares from Hispana Church in Hermiston, OR
Victor and Johanna Attoh from Kalamazoo, MI
(AWAY) Gayle and Armetta Norton to Tillamook, OR
Jake and Crystal Oltman to Milton-Freewater, OR
Kami Smith to North Cascade Church, Burlington, WA
Annette Stiller to College Place Village Church
Evensong, a special sundown worship service featuring music and the spoken word is today at 4pm in the Sanctuary.
Black History Sabbath is next Sabbath, February 6. Please join us for a full day of worship, preaching, and community as we celebrate diversity.
WWVA Student Week of Prayer is February 1-5 at 11:45am each day in the WWVA Auditorium. Join us!
Retired Denominational Workers Valentine Brunch will be Sunday, February 7, at 10:00 a.m. in the “Alaska Room”, WWU Cafeteria. We have permission to park in the Davis Public School parking lot directly across from the cafeteria on Ash Street. RSVP to 509.522.4848.
Financial Peace University class begins February 3 at SonBridge. Call Greg at 509.540.9686 for information.
Heavy Lifters, SonBridge needs you! Several 3-4 hour shifts are available. Call 509.529.3100.
Are Teenagers Your Specialty? SonBridge is looking for a task supervisor to coordinate WWVA student workers from 3:30-5:30pm, five days a week. Call 509.529.3100.
“Living Beyond Yourself” a women’s DVD Bible study at SonBridge Community Center. Wednesday, January 6 - March 16, 12-1pm. (Please bring a Sack Lunch).
Friends of Walla Walla program has openings for new volunteers to mentor students at Davis Elementary School. Contact Kelley James at 509.527.4745 or
Wanted: Soups and Desserts for the Freshman dinner on Friday, February 19, 5:30pm. Contact Jennifer Carter to help. 509.527.2715.
Camp MiVoden Doctors and Nurses needed. If you’re interested in volunteering for a week this summer, contact Steven Davidson at 509.876.1404 or
Home school kids in 3rd-8th grades, you are invited to join Milton-Stateline Adventist School in our annual Winter Sports Days! The dates are Feb. 4, 11, 18, and 25. Call 541.938.7131 for more information.
Join Milton-Stateline Adventist School for a good, old-fashioned Family Movie Night! The premier will be February 6th, 6:30pm at the MSAS gymnasium featuring Disney’s Pollyanna! Tickets available at the door, $1 per person or $5 per family.
Home school families, you are invited to an Open House at Milton-Stateline Adventist School at 6:30 pm in the gym. Topics will include how we can work together and how we can include your student in our programs. For information, please call 541-938-7131 or email
New Student Visitation Day at Milton-Stateline Adventist School is Friday, March 4, from 8:15 am to noon. Meet the teachers and students. Visit the classrooms. There will be a drawing for two certificates for free registration. Contact us at 541-938-7131 or email
Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m. For more information, call 509-527-2654.
Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!
Sabbath, January 30
4pm - Evensong, Sanctuary
4:56pm - Sunset
Monday, February 1
7:30am - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)
11:45am - WWVA Student Week of Prayer (M-F)
Tuesday, February 2
7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, February 3
Noon-1pm - Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall
Friday, February 5
5:07pm - Sunset
Sabbath, February 6
Black History Sabbath
Sunday, February 7
10am - Retired Denominational Workers Valentine
Brunch, Alaska Room, WWU Cafeteria
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