Photo Credit: Joshua Parada
The people walking in darkness
have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
a light has dawned.
-Isaiah 9:2
Under the leadership of Melvin K. West, the University Church’s organ was installed in 1962, the same year the first services were held in the new (now current) building. The Associated Students of Walla Walla College provided funds as a gift to help finance the instrument’s significant cost. The organ was crafted by the Casavant Freres company and consists of 4,982 pipes organized in 89 groups or ranks. Used weekly in worship services ever since, Kraig Scott, Minister of Music, now graces its keyboard and oversees its maintenance.
We are grateful today, on a Sabbath during which we are so richly blessed through this wonderful instrument.

Please join me in thanking a host of wonderful musicians today – the many students of the Walla Walla University Choirs and the WWU Orchestra under the direction of Brandon Beck and student choral conductor Lindsay Armstrong. We also welcome and thank our readers who represent Rogers Adventist School, Walla Walla Valley Academy, Walla Walla University (the presidents of OPS, AGA, and the Student Association), our congregational community, and the WWU Church pastoral staff.
Three anthems will be sung in Latin and the English translations follow.
Ubi caritas by Maurice Duruflé
Where charity and love are, God is there.
The love of Christ has gathered us into one.
Let us rejoice and be glad in Him.
Let us fear, and let us love the living God.
And may we love each other with a sincere heart.
Where charity and love are, God is there.
Et in terra pax by Antonio Vivaldi
And on earth peace to men of good will
Domine, Fili unigenite by Antonio Vivaldi
Lord, the only-begotten Son Jesus Christ
The Christmastide service of Lessons and Carols does not focus merely on the incarnation of Christ but on the entire sweep of salvation history. Beginning with the fall of humankind and some of the many prophecies of the Messiah, the readings next direct our thoughts to descriptions of His kingdom and reign to come, and finally describe the actual events of His earthly birth. Embedded into this narrative we hear music both familiar and new and we also have opportunity to sing beloved carols highlighting the great story of Christ’s appearing in our lives – once in a lowly manger, and ultimately in the clouds of glory. Could there exist a better reason to sing?
--Kraig Scott
German Christmas Sing-a-long will be Sabbath, December 5, at 10am, in the MKW Fine Arts Center, room 208. Contact Kurt Schäfer at 509.527.3116 or for more info.
International Christmas Sing-a-long will be Sabbath, December 12 at 10am in the MKW Fine Arts Center, room 115. Contact Eli Entrena at 509.527.3116 for more info.
LuVerne Petersen passed away this week. LuVerne's wife Alice is a member of the University Church as is his daughter, Jane Dodds and his grandson, Greg Dodds. LuVerne's service was on Friday. Our hearts and sympathy are with the Petersen and the Dodds family as they grieve the loss of a husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather.
The Longest Night, a midwinter service of renewal and hope will take place on Friday, December 18 at 7pm in the University Church.
Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change, a community counseling clinic managed by the School of Education and Psychology at Walla Walla University. Counselors are second-year master’s students in counseling psychology under the supervision of program faculty. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m. For more information, or to make an appointment, call Pathways to Change at 509-527-2654.
Solo Soaring Singles Christmas Party December 13, 2:00-6:00 PM, Fellowship Hall. All singles, families, and friends are invited! Come for fellowship, games, semi-potluck supper. See bulletin boards and website ( for more information. Call Virginia if you have questions, 509-525-2892
ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID’S CITY, a service of Lessons and Carols about the Savior’s birth presented by the Village Church choir, orchestra, and Grace Notes Handbells, directed by Terry and Terri Koch. Free admission. Donations of personal care items to be shared with the Walla Walla Rescue Mission will be accepted. Village Church, Sabbath, Dec. 12, 3:30 PM.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to their Christmas Concert on Thursday, Dec. 17th at 7:00 pm in their gym.
SonBridge Dental Clinic is accepting applications for a paid dental assistant for Wednesdays and Thursdays. Call 509.301.3460.
Retired Denominational Workers’ Potluck, Sunday, December 6, at 5pm, Village Church Fellowship Hall. A small fee of $1.50 gets you a ticket for the “Bus” that will take us to Cordiner Hall for the annual “Feast of Carols”. Remember to bring a can of food, or cash donation for admission.
Sabbath, December 5
10am - German Christmas Sing-a-Long,
MKW Fine Arts Center, Room 208
4:08pm - Sunset
5pm - Evensong, Sanctuary
7:30pm - WWU Music Department Chamber Music
Havstad Alumni Center, Free Admission
8pm - WWU Drama Production, Village Hall
Sunday, December 6
5pm - Retired Denominational Workers’ Potluck,
Village Church Fellowship Hall
8pm - WWU Drama Production, Village Hall
Monday, December 7
7:30pm - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)
Tuesday, December 8
11am - WWU CommUnity, Christmas Program
7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
8pm - WWU Christmas Tree Lighting, Kellogg Hall
Wednesday, December 9
6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall
7pm - Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
7:30pm - WWU Big Band & Steel Band Holiday
Concert, MKW Fine Arts Center Auditorium
Friday, December 11
6pm, 8pm - WWU Christmas Concerts, Sanctuary
Sabbath, December 12
10am - International Christmas Sing-a-long
MKW Fine Arts Center, Room 115
8pm - WWU Drama Production, Village Hall
The University Church budget supports K-12 programs, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility.
STUDENT AID. In addition to substantial subsidies to both Rogers & WWVA funded directly out of our local church budget, we also keep a fund for local families in need of tuition assitance. The students this benefits might not otherwise be able to enjoy Christian Education. Thank you for your generosity in supporting those in need! To give, mark “Student Aid” on your tithe envelope.