From a 12th century syriac lectionary. Entitled "The Last Supper"
Of Thy Mystical Supper,
O Son of God,
Accept me today as a partaker:
For I will not speak
of Thy mystery to Thine enemies.
Neither like Judas will I Give Thee,
But like the thief I confess Thee:
“Remember me, O Lord,
in Thy Kingdom.
-Alexandre Tikhonovich Gretchaninoff
(Translated lyrics from today’s offertory music by Walla Walla Univeristy’s I Cantori choir.)
Based on Luke 23:42
“My child,
if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding;
yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand
the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.”
-Proverbs 2:1-5
We welcome the many students of I Cantori who share their music with us. If you see a singer you recognize please consider writing him or her a note of encouragement and thanks.
The prelude presents a favorite text, Micah 6:8, in a beautiful musical setting. The offertory text, sung in Church Slavonic, is given on the back panel of the bulletin. In the anthem we hear Hymn No.154, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.” Finally, during communion the choir sings a paraphrase of Habakkuk 2:20 set by the English composer Edward Bairstow. I invite you to ponder this wonderful text, given here.
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and stand with fear and trembling, and lift itself above all earthly thought. For the King of kings and Lord of lords, Christ our God, cometh forth to be our oblation, and to be giv’n for food to the faithful. Before Him come the choirs of angels, with ev’ry principality and pow’r; the Cherubim with many eyes, and winged Seraphim, who veil their faces as they shout exultingly the hymn Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
-Kraig Scott
Broadcast Ministry Project Update: The University Church staff and broadcast team thank you for your generous support of this key ministry. We are happy to report that new equipment has been ordered (including new cameras for the sanctuary). Very soon, our services will be available in full 1080p quality HDTV both online and on TV. We thank you again for your generosity!
The University Church Staff and leadership thanks you for your dedicated nancial partnership! As we look forward to 2016, we are excited about the things God will accomplish through us.
As it has in the past, our local church budget supports K-12 schools Rogers and WWVA, Children’s Ministries, worship services, a number of staff members’ salaries, and maintaining our facility. Donations marked “Tithe” support pastors’ and teachers’ salaries as well as the world church.
As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!
Membership Transfers
(IN) Keith Gibbons from College Place Village Church
Irma Tabares from Hispana Church in Hermiston, OR
Victor and Johanna Attoh from Kalamazoo, MI
(AWAY) Gayle and Armetta Norton to Tillamook, OR
Jake and Crystal Oltman to Milton-Freewater, OR
Kami Smith to North Cascade Church, Burlington, WA
Annette Stiller to College Place Village Church
Church Board Meeting will take place on Monday, January 25 at 7pm in the Youth Room.
Evensong will be Next Sabbath, 4pm. Sanctuary
SonBridge Constituency Meeting is on Sunday, January 24, at 10am at SonBridge. Guests are invited to join delegates for stories, refreshments, and a tour.
WWVA Week of Prayer will take place the week of February 1-5. Mark your calendar! 11:45am each day in the WWVA Auditorium.
“Broth On A Rock” women’s conference will feature three speakers sharing how God meets women in our hiding places and calls us “Mighty Warrior”. Starts Friday, Jan. 29, 7 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church, 595 Abbott Rd., continues through Saturday and concludes Sunday, Jan. 31 at 8 a.m. with breakfast at The Marcus Whitman Hotel. $65 registration includes three meals (two on Saturday and Sunday breakfast) and snacks from local bakeries; all meals have vegetarian options. For more information and to register visit or call Chris Tapp, 541.861.1201.
“Living Beyond Yourself” is a women’s DVD bible study at SonBridge Community Center. Wedensdays, January 6 - March 16, 12-1pm. (Please bring a Sack Lunch).
Walla Walla Valley - Adventist Single Adult Ministries (WWV-ASAM) will be viewing the movie “War Room” on Jan. 23 at 7 pm at SonBridge Community Center. Everyone is invited. There will also be an opportunity to donate to Rogers and Milton-Stateline scholarship funds.
Home school kids in 3rd-8th grades, you are invited to join Milton-Stateline Adventist School in our annual Winter Sports Days! There are two choices. One is bowling, swimming and roller skating in the afternoon (free to home schoolers). The other is joining us for skiing/snowboarding at Bluewood. (There is a fee for skiing/snowboarding at a reduced group rate.) The dates are Feb. 4, 11, 18, and 25. Call 541.938.7131 for more information.
Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m. For more information, call 509-527-2654.
Join Milton-Stateline Adventist School for a good, old fashioned Family Movie Night! The premier will February 6th, 6:30 pm at the MSAS gymnasium featuring Disney’s Pollyanna! Concessions available for snacking throughout the show! Tickets available at the door $1 per person or $5 per family. Bring your friends! Ready for a GLAD time? See you then!
Like us on Facebook for ongoing updates and announcements!
Sabbath, January 23
4:46pm - Sunset
6pm - Children’s Ministries Volunteer Banquet, Fellowship Hall
7pm - WWV-ASAM Film Night, SonBridge
Sunday, January 24
10am - SonBridge Constituency Meeting, SonBridge
Monday, January 25
7:30am - Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel (M-F)
7pm - University Church Board Meeting, Youth Room
Tuesday, January 26
7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, January 27
Noon-1pm - Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
6:30pm - Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall
Friday, January 29
4:54pm - Sunset
7pm - ‘Broth On A Rock’ Women’s Conference Begins
Thursday-Sabbath, January 28-30
WWU Friendship Tournament
Monday-Sabbath, Febrary 1-5
11:45am daily - WWVA Week of Prayer
Click Here for PDF Version of Bulletin -- Or go to our bulletin archive page.