Photo Credit: Colby D. Kuschatka
Q: Please share with us about
your most memorable communion experience:
The year is 2000 something.
A candlelight service.
Four generations of family in one place.
Together we broke the bread
and shared the wine.
Around the room we humble ourselves
in service to another.
A mother watches as
Grandmother and great granddaughter wash each others feet.
The sweetness as they lean together
over the basin,
sharing this beautiful moment.
This will live forever as one of
my favorite memories.
-Cindy Acosta,
Cindy Acosta
While I was pastoring the West Indies College Church in the early 1980,
we had a communion service during which the majority of time was participating in the Footwashing ceremony.
There was singing and testimonies, and just a lot of sharing of what God had done and his goodness.
-Pedrito Maynard-Reid
Pedrito Maynard-reid
A group of friends prepared for communion on a Friday evening
by reflecting on our great need to forgive others
and to be forgiven by others and by God.
We then followed up in phone calls and messages.
Going to church the next morning forgiven by God and others
made the communion service so much more meaningful and freeing.
- Jenn Ogden
Jenn Ogden
My first summer as a staff member at summer camp we had staff communion.
As I did the foot washing
it hit me for the first time the power of this act of humility and service.
I felt like God was fully present in that moment
and my eyes were finally open to that truth.
-Katie Palumbo
Katie Palumbo
As an undergraduate theology student here at Walla Walla,
I routinely attended the department's retreats in the spring.
One year I remember the event being held up in the Blue Mountains at Camp Touchet.
I believe it was on Sabbath when we celebrated Communion together.
As I washed my friends' feet in the cold water of the river that flowed by,
ate the bread and juice as reaffirmations of my faith,
I felt a profound sense of joy and honor to be invited by God to serve Him in this world.
-Kris Loewen
Sometime in March 1962, as a newly baptized nine-year old,
I participated in the foot-washing ceremony and the Lord’s Supper for the very first time
in my little church in Mt Pleasant Tobago, (where I am likely worshiping this Sabbath).
Before, I had only been allowed to look on with curiosity,
but now I felt confirmed as a member of the family of God,
and a full participant in the life of the church.
The full meaning of the event gradually unfolded as the years passed,
and is still unfolding.
But that was a beginning, and I hope it culminates in the Kingdom
when I shall, as Our Lord promised, sup with Him.
-Austin Archer
Austin Archer
My most memorable communion experience was several years ago,
when the pastor highlighted that Jesus chose something routine and everyday...
washing and eating...
that could be used to remind me of His life and death.
I suddenly saw the "emblems" of foot washing,
drink and bread as extremely practical, not odd or weird.
When I realized I didn't have to buy anything,
or go thru special contortions to apply
His grace to my life, I was deeply moved.
-Teresa Reich
Teresa Reich
“The Lord’s Supper”
by Kristina Robb-Dover
Whiny children with grubby hands
lining up to grab at the hem of Your clothes
in the bread and the wine.
Pretty please.
Only an indulgent parent would begrudge the presumption
with which we take the bite-size pieces
or the desultory thank yous
to Christ’s body and blood shed for you—
maybe because You know it’s good for us
or because we’re doing what we were told.
Dabbing politely at the corners of the mouth,
shuffling, hobbling, striding back to their seats
the beautiful and homely
strong and weak
old and young
rich and poor—
for one moment washed-up souls
huddled upon the same shoreline
hoping for some distant homecoming.
The Longest Night, a midwinter service of renewal and hope will take place Friday, December 18, at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Invite guests to join you!
Membership Transfers
(IN) Larry McCulley from the Spokane Valley Church
(AWAY) Tara Becker to CrossWalk Church, Redland, CA
Thomas and Lavonne Blackwelder to Summit Northwest Ministries, Post Falls, ID
Lorena Hernandez to Summit Northwest Ministries, Post Falls, ID
Nathaniel and Emily Whitney Summit Northwest Ministries, Post Falls, ID
A Huge “Thank You” to all who mailed packages to student missionaries. It means a lot (especially at Christmas). We have just a few more packages that need to be sent. If you would be willing to help, please call 509.307.6715.
50-Plus Club Potluck will be Sunday, December 20 at 5:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Eliana Kearns, Hannah Schafer, and Tobin Kearns will present a musical program
From Pastor Alex: “I need you! Job 12:12 says, ‘Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.’ If you are 65+ this is your invitation to join me for (brown bag) lunch, in the senior pastor’s office, on January 6.
My agenda: to hear your wisdom.
Free counseling for individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Change, a community counseling clinic managed by the School of Education and Psychology at Walla Walla University. Counselors are second-year master’s students in counseling psychology under the supervision of program faculty. The clinic is located in Smith Hall and is open Sunday through Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m. For more information, or to make an appointment, call Pathways to Change at 509-527-2654.
Friday, December 18
4:09pm - Sunset
Sunday, December 20
5pm - 50-Plus Club Potluck, Youth Center
Wednesday, December 23
9am-1pm - Church Office Hours
Thursday and Friday, December 24-25
Church Office Closed
Sabbath, December 26
4:14pm - Sunset
Monday and Tuesday, December 28-29
9am-1pm - Church Office Hours
WeWe thank you for your faithful support of our church. As always, you can give online at
This December we need $202,772 to meet our $729,000 annual budget. Thank you for a long history of faithfulness and generosity to this worthy cause. Each year, when we make and exceed our budget, we have the ability to keep our ministry both strong and vibrant.