pathfinders club
Most Wednesday evenings during the school year (and over many weekends), about 20 kids in fifth grade and higher gather for a formative, meaningful, and fun Adventist experience known as Pathfinders. The University Church club, Torchbearers, are led by a team of dedicated counselors including club leaders Felix and Khai-Ling Tan. This August, the club plans to attend the once-every-five-years Oshkosh Camporee in Wisconsin where more than 50,000 Pathfinders convene to camp, meet new friends, learn about other cultures, and become more like Jesus.
Your financial contributions to the University Church Budget bring beautiful ministries like Torchbearer Pathfinders to life. Thank you for your generous and enthusiastic support!

Thank you for your generosity to the ministry of the University Church. The mission of our community of faith is to teach people, young and old, how to follow Jesus. We do this through sacrificial investment in K–12 Christian education, excellence and beauty in worship services which are broadcast around the world, and outstanding generational ministries led by incredibly dedicated staff and volunteers. Your gifts to the University Church budget make this world-changing work possible!
To donate to the University Church budget, mark your tithe envelope or give online via the website. Navigate to and click “Give.” You will be taken to the “Adventist Giving” portal where after logging in, you can set up a structured, recurrent, automatic giving plan. This site, like the web-bulletin, is mobile friendly!
Thank you once again for your generous support!
Bulletin Quicklinks
Although students have left school and our campus ensembles are quiet, we still enjoy wonderful music today thanks to a WWU music graduate who returns to visit family. Please join me in welcoming and thanking Jamie Lund for sharing her singing with us.
Our service begins with an arrangement of VENI EMMANUEL (hymn No.115). The composer, Alec Wyton, was English-born but came to the United States in 1950. He worked first in Dallas, later becoming organist and master of the choristers at Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. As befits the season of Advent, we also sing this hymn looking forward to the coming of our Saviour. But unlike strictly liturgical traditions, we Adventists do not always follow the liturgical seasons. Therefore, as if it were already past Christmas Eve — we also sing today of the newborn Christ child in the children’s hymn (No.124, Away in a Manger), and the closing hymn (No.127, Infant Holy, Infant Lowly). Finally, in the postlude we look forward to the fulfillment of Christ’s promise to save us by way in words from Job 19 and 1 Corinthians 15. As you prepare to worship, I invite you to meditate on these texts, given below:
I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. (Job 19:25, 26)
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. (1 Corinthians 15:20)
-Kraig Scott
Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).
We are grateful to Carl Cosaert for opening the scriptures this week and sharing the sermon for both Sabbath services. Carl is one of the University Church elders and currently serves as the Chair of the Walla Walla University Theology Department.
50-Plus Potluck, Sunday, December 16 at 5pm in the Youth Center. Roman and Linda Hintz will present a travelogue of African Adventure.
The Church Office will not open until 12pm on Tuesday, December 18. Closing will be at the regular 5pm.
All are invited to a joint Church Board and Business meeting in the Youth Room, Monday, December 17 at 7pm.
J.U.M.P., High Five, and Pathfinders are on break until January 8 and 9 respectively. Contact Pastor Jenn with questions:
We are sad to announce that Robert Sutton, former professor of engineering at Walla Walla University, passed away on November 28 in Denver, Colo. He is survived by his sons Clint Sutton of Mich. and Craig Sutton of College Place, Wash. and their families.
Please consider supporting the University Church Torchbearer Pathfinders’ raise money for their camporee to Oshkosh, Wisconsin in the summer of 2019. The club is offering a high quality “God’s Creation” calendar at the information desk in the lobby to those who make a donation. If you have any questions about the club, please contact Felix Tan, 509.301.7771.
The Pastoral Search Committee is now in Phase III of the process and is actively interviewing candidates. If you have any questions, please contact the chair of the committee, Pam Cress:
The season that is festive for so many is bittersweet for some. Winter solstice, the longest evening of the year, symbolizes the dark night of the soul that often accompanies disappointment, doubt, and loss of various kinds.
The good thing about the longest night is that with its passing, light shines forth more and more. The service of The Longest Night acknowledges pain and loss and points to a renewal of hope through the “Sun of Righteousness” who arises with “healing in His wings!” (Malachi 4:2)
It’s a different kind of Advent service, filled with both comfort and joy. Its focus is on our Wonderful Counselor, our Savior, who was not only a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief but is now our blessed Prince of Peace. Come for a meditative service of music, reflection, and healing prayer.
Join the University Church and bring a friend, Friday night, December 21, at 7pm in the Sanctuary.
Equipping for Service Weekends created by Upper Columbia Conference leadership team will be held in several locations throughout the conference in 2019. Intended for the whole church, these weekends focus on training members to reach their communities with the Christ-centered message of hope and wholeness. March 1-2 is the weekend planned for the Walla Walla area. For more information, please visit:
The Spanish Translation Team is recruiting bilingual Spanish/English speakers to interpret the University Church worship service. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Sandra Graham at 509.526.8011.
Want to be a Missionary? Volunteer missionaries urgently needed in December to teach English in SDA K-12 schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. The stipend is low; the experiences are incredible. If God is calling you, or for additional information, please contact Larry Davis, a longtime UCC member, former resident in Indonesia, and whose daughter you would be working with, at: 509-598-5116.
Registration is open for the 2019 Upper Columbia Conference Camp Meeting. The main speakers this year are Randy Roberts, senior pastor of the Loma Linda University Adventist Church and Sung Kwon, director of the North American Division Adventist Community Services. Your whole family will be spiritually blessed as we seek to build up the family of God. Visit: to register.
Are you looking for a life-changing journey? Here at SonBridge, we partner with IMPACT! Life Transitions, a life coaching and counseling center that offers free services to those seeking answers to life's hardest puzzles.
Camp MiVoden is looking for a full-time food service director. This is an opportunity be a part of a fantastic team that is impacting young people, families, and groups for the kingdom of God, all while living in a beautiful environment. To apply go to and fill out an application. For further questions please call 509.242.0506 to know more about this opportunity.
Do you have a passion for missions? Are you looking for a meaningful way to utilize your God-given gifts? Are you searching for a position where you can grow in your professional skills? Do you desire work that is more of a calling than merely a job? You may be just the right person to join our team. Bangla Hope is a non-profit SDA-based ministry that serves orphaned and underprivileged children in Bangladesh. We are looking to add another person to work in our US Headquarters in Kennewick, WA. If you are interested in learning more about this vacant position, please call to speak with Debi Axford Monday – Thursday from 9am – 3 pm at 509.586.4259 or e-mail her at to request a job description and application.
Walla Walla Community Hospice has a number of upcoming bereavement support opportunities for those experiencing loss. View or download the attached flyer for more information or contact Brad McMasters, the Outreach Coordinator for Hospice at 509.525.5561.
Sabbath, December 15
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Sunday, December 16
7pm — 50-Plus Potluck, Youth Center
Monday, December 17
7pm — Church Board and Business Meeting, Youth Room
Tuesday, December 18
Church Office opens at noon
J.U.M.P. on break until January 8
High Five on break until January 8
Wednesday, December 19
Pathfinders on break until January 9
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, December 21
7pm — The Longest Night, Sanctuary
Monday, December 24
Church Office closes at noon
Tuesday, December 25
Christmas Day — Church Office closed
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