This week, Student Missionaries all around the globe hit the half way mark of their year abroad. As you might expect, while they’ve fallen in love with their new homes, they miss ‘home’ as well! Please remind them of how much we love, miss, and support them. In the lobby today, you will find a table where you can write notes to those who are currently serving. Thank you for taking the time to support these dedicated servants!


Jordan Stephan is a former student missionary who currently is a Senior Theology major here at Walla Walla University. He spent his year in Kenya, Africa at Maxwell Adventist Academy teaching Bible and PE as well as serving as a Boys dean. Jordan reflects on his experience here: 

I had planned to take a year off since my Freshman year, both to take a break from schooling, and to help reorient myself vocationally and personally. Being a student missionary was the perfect fit. During my time away, I learned that your spiritual life doesn’t become magically stronger by being in a different country or out of your comfort zone. Instead, being intentional about growing closer to God is necessary wherever you are.

I think other students should consider becoming an SM for many reasons. A student missions experience, no matter how great or how difficult (and mine was great), is always valuable.  You will walk away from it a different person than when you began.  The growth I experienced and relationships I formed are something I will forever hold close to my heart. There are so many mission opportunities out there other than just teaching! If teaching doesn’t seem like a fit for you, run by the Missions office and do some research. There are needs in this world for all sorts of skill sets and interests, trust me.

Back at Walla Walla, I also have the experience of being a “returned student missionary.” It can be challenging to know what to ask a returned SM, but here is my advice: ask them to tell you about a person that they grew close to while they were overseas, and then let them talk about that person.  People always ask about “experiences” you had while you were gone, but you tend to not hold events or moments close to your heart. You keep people there.


Michaela Garcia is currently serving on the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. 2016-17 is her second year as a student missionary in Pohnpei! She serves as a basketball coach and also teaches high school English, U.S. History, and Girls P.E.. She writes to us about her experience: 

I decided to stay a second year because the Lord gave me a sign and then gave me peace about the decision to stay. I realized that if I didn't listen, I might miss out on a God ordained opportunity and I really didn't want to do that. 

Being a Student Missionary is an incredible blessing not only for others but also for yourself! Your first year of service changes you. Your perspective, everything. It is an opportunity to grow in ways that would take much longer from inside your comfort zone. You get a chance to connect with kids that truly look up to you and are provided the opportunity to make an incredible difference in their lives. The kids still talk about all of the past SMs and say how much they miss them or want to be like them. 

 As a Student Missionary, you get the privilege of portraying Jesus, showing kids how to serve, love and live.  It is an honor for me to wake up every day and be that person for them. I want to encourage anyone considering becoming a student missionary to also consider another year after your first year of service. After a few months of my second year, I realized why God wanted me to stay. After learning the ropes, gaining a year of experience and bonding with the kids, I have seen those relationships grow and am able to be an even greater influence for Jesus in their lives. Anyone can go and make a difference, just say "yes" and let God use you! 

In all honesty, I am not sure how I am going to leave this island. All I know is that when I came, God was greater than time, God was greater than pain, God was greater than distance and He always will be, even when I leave. Pray for our students, the teachers, the administration and all of the past SMs whose hearts long for their island home! Pray for the future student missionaries who God is handpicking to make a difference in the lives of these precious kids. 

Any students considering becoming a student missionary are invited to talk with any of the pastoral staff or with members of the chaplains office: Tommy Poole, Paddy McCoy, or Jeanne Vories. Thank you to University Church members and students for continuing to pray for and support those who are currently serving!



"I Love My Church" Family Conversation
January 21, 4–5pm
University Church Sanctuary

All University Church members: young and old, families and individuals, students and staff, are invited to a family conversation about the bright future of the University Church this Sabbath, January 21. 

Please bring something sweet to share for a dessert potluck in the lobby; we'll provide activities for kids, and the opportunity for rich conversation. Come get inspired by focusing on God's vision for our church! 




Bulletin Quicklinks



1.14.17 Timeline .jpg


We thank the many musicians of two Walla Walla Valley Academy ensembles, the Orchestra and Praise Ringers, under the direction of Benjamin Gish and Patti Short. We also thank Bethany Foster, who serves as guest organist today. Please join me in thanking each of these musicians and making them feel very welcome.

The prelude presents the six movements of Concerto Grosso in C Major, Op.6 No.10 by Arcangelo Corelli (1653–1713). The soloists are Willa King and Charmaine Tan, violins, and Keifer Brown, cello.

Too often, I think, we sing hymns without appreciating the poetry of the text. As you prepare your heart to worship, I invite you to contemplate part of a hymn we do not sing today. You may find the complete text, by Fred Pratt Green, at Hymn #641.

God in His love for us lent us this planet,
Gave it a purpose in time and in space:
Small as a spark from the fire of creation,
Cradle of life and the home of our race.

Thanks be to God for its bounty and beauty,
Life that sustains us in body and mind:

Plenty for all, if we learn how to share it,
Riches undreamed of to fathom and find.


-Kraig Scott





Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the mission of the Adventist Church globally. The following graphics illustrate how different donations are allocated.




Membership Transfers:
(IN) Leslie Briggs from WW Eastgate Amber Crew from Bend, Ore.
Caryn Pooley from WW Eastgate

(AWAY) Andrew Semotiuk to Montreal, Canada

You are invited to join the celebration for Helen Zolber’s 90th birthday on Sunday, January 22, at the Havstad Alumni Center on the WWU campus.  The come-and-go reception will be between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m.; your presence will be cherished.

Our church lighting team is looking for more help. If you are interested in volunteering once a month, operating lights for programs, please contact Steve Tatro for more information: Training provided.

Christian Aid Center: Breakfast Cooks from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. Days currently open are Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Please contact Jeannette Regalado for more information.

“Entrusted” – a free women’s DVD Bible study on 2 Timothy by Christian author and speaker Beth Moore, Wednesdays, noon to 1 p.m., Jan. 18 to Feb. 22, 2017 at SonBridge Community Center. Bring your Bible, a pen and a sack lunch! Join at any time! SonBridge Community Center, 1200 SE 12th Street, College Place, WA.  Learn from the Bible how you are entrusted! For more information, 509-529-3100.

Walla Walla University Alumni Association is seeking an exceptional person to manage all aspects of the Havstad Alumni Center.  Key activities include planning and coordinating alumni events, managing guest rooms, recruiting and supervising a network of alumni and community volunteers, and working with university and outside resources to communicate Center-related activities. This is a part-time position.  All interested parties seeking more information can contact the Alumni Association at (509) 527-2241 or

Atlas Art Auction: A fundraiser for Hope in the Hills, this silent auction will take place at the Atlas on Friday, January 27th from 12-3pm. Come enjoy light refreshments and live music while browsing artwork from talented students and faculty! Auction will end at 3pm with art going towards the highest bidder. Proceeds will go to Hope in the Hills, an ASWWU Global Service project to sponsor refugees in Rwanda to attend Adventist academies.

7th Annual Spiritual Care Symposium at Walla Walla General Hospital
Gratitude: An Essential Foundation for Spiritual Well-Being
Friday, January 27, 2017 from 8:30-4:30pm at Walla Walla General Hospital Auditorium
In “Gratitude: An Essential Foundation for Spiritual Well-Being,” Dr. Philip Watkins will present the current status of the science of gratitude, and show how gratitude can be a crucial element to incorporate into spiritual care.  6 CEU’s are available.  To register visit or call Jaci Cress at 509-527-8000 ext. 1848. 

Music is Not just for Kids!! Adult Cello & Cello Ensemble Lessons: There is a place for Adults who want to learn or improve on their instrument and at the same time have a stress free outlet that fills their soul.  All levels are welcome! Come join a group that explores music just for the Love of it!  Call Heather at (509) 638-2268 with your interest in classes and or lessons.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School invites you to a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, Jan. 22nd. There will be many tasty breakfast selections! Starts at 8:00 am to 10:00 am at the Stateline Adventist Church Fellowship Hall. The cost is by donation. All proceeds go to the 8th grade trip fund.

Bible Study on The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children led by Carol Cosaert and Lori Hutton (We will be using the book and study guide The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children by Stormy Omartian.) At the University Church Youth Room on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m. January 4-February 1.  You’ll need The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children book and study guide available at the ABC or online. Contact or for more information.

Sonbridge Constituency Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 10:00 AM.  The agenda will include inspiring financial and development reports of God’s blessings and an update of future plans. This constituency session is for designated delegates, but interested parties are welcome to attend!  Thank each of you for your amazing support.

Milton-Stateline Adventist School students are collecting pet food for the Blue Mountain Humane Society. If you would like to help by donated dry dog or cat food, please bring it to our school. The pet food drive ends January 31st. Thank you for helping us feed these unwanted pets.

College Place Co-op Preschool has openings for children 3-5 years old.  Play-based & child-centered program of the WW Community College.  Tue/Wed/Thur from 9am-12pm. Only $90/month. Meets in the children’s wing of WWU Church. For more info contact Teacher Andrea @ 301-3878 or program manager @ 527-4237.

A new podcast with Pastors Alex, Jenn, and Kris is now available, entitled "Walla Walla". Check it out! Four episodes have already been published with more to come on a biweekly basis. Access more details at or search for "Walla Walla Podcast" on iTunes.

The One project is coming February 24-27 to San Diego, Cal. This year, three events make up the weekend experience that is the One Project. Join Pastor Alex, Paddy, and the rest of the crew for one day, three, or all four. Find more information at

Milton-Stateline Adventist School is accepting applications for a bus driver. You may contact us at 541-938-7131 or email

Camp MiVoden Registration for 2017 is now open! In addition to our regular kids camps we have a lot of exciting Ultimate Camps, and we have added another Family Camp as well. Along with the great camps that you already know are some new adventures that will be coming our way this summer. Come enjoy an amazing summer with God and others who live for him! Register now or get more information at, or contact Denise Kinney: (509) 242-0506,



Sabbath, January 21
    4pm — “I Love My Church” family conversation,             Sanctuary
    4:43pm — Sundown
    6:00pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge

Sunday, January 22
3-5pm — Helen Zolber's birthday, Alumni Center

Monday, January 23
    7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel

Tuesday, January 24
    11am — WWU CommUnity, Carl Wilkens, Sanctuary
    7pm - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday, January 25
    12–1pm — Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
    6:30pm — Pathfinders Club, Fellowship Hall

Thursday, January 26
   WWU Friendship Tournament begins; concludes Saturday       night. See for schedule.

Friday, January 27
    8:30am-4:30pm — Spiritual Care Symposium, WWGH
    4:52pm — Sundown
    8pm — Vespers, Paddy McCoy Sanctuary