Tell us about why you believe in Christian Education as well as something that stirs your soul as a teacher.
Tonya Wessman,
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher,
Rogers Adventist School
Here's my experience that I want to share. It has affirmed in my mind that doing extra special things with my students is worth any amount of work, time, and stress. I want to do this for my students, and I pray that there will be people out there that are willing to do the same for my children and granddaughter. Feel free to edit!
I believe Rogers Adventist School is an important part of the whole "family" that raises a child, and helps that child to know Jesus as a friend. One special experience I've had was in a story a parent shared with me about our class play "The Wedding Banquet" her daughter had been in. Every day, as we practiced, we talked about what the white robes represented so that we could share the story better. That mom told me how she had observed her child having some quiet time after a difficult day and had asked what she was thinking. The child said she had been asking Jesus to forgive her and to give her Jesus' white robe of righteousness. This experience affirmed again in my mind what a privilege it is to teach in a school where I can share Jesus with my students every day, and can help them experience his love.
Mike Kearbey
PE Teacher, Rogers Adventist School
I don't think there are greater beacons of light, than youngsters who are eager to demonstrate their love for Jesus together or individually. Rogers School is a platform where students and faculty strive together, to be mission minded and to share with others the love Jesus has for all of us.
The most recent experience I had that stirred my soul was during Mrs. Wessman's class play at The Village Church on Oct. 31st. An older gentleman was sitting next to me that I did not know. To me he appeared a bit hardened but he had a beautiful expression on his face during the performance. He watched the kids finish their play singing, My God is so great, my God is so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do. Through his tears he mumbled, that was adorable...beautiful. It was incredible to see up close, the impact our youngsters have on us all, while demonstrating Christs love through plays and song.
Clare Thompson
Principal, Rogers Adventist School
Nothing has stirred my soul as much as watching God's leading at Rogers. Over and over again, when I haven't known what to do, God has blessed us with wisdom, knowledge, and courage. What a privilege to work with Jesus for His children!
One day when I thought the lobby was empty, I heard a child singing, "Jesus Loves Me". I looked up to see a student at a table, sweetly singing to herself as she worked on an assignment. For half an hour, she sang songs of Jesus until she went back to class. Soul stirring indeed!
Ralph Hogate
7th and 8th Grade Teacher,
Rogers Adventist School
I see Christian education Rogers as an extension of what the family and church are doing in the world to live and give the gospel. It is affirmed daily by the students I teach and the professionals I work with.
Toni Busby
7th and 8th Grade Teacher,
Rogers Adventist School
My teacher took me shopping for shoes when mine had holes in them, and another Adventist teacher packed lunches for me when she noticed I was eating raw potatoes, or had no lunch at all. It was also my Godly teacher who shared with me that Christ’s blood was sufficient to cover my sins. Now, as a teacher myself, some of my greatest blessings have come from purchasing clothes for those in need, and Every year that I teach Bible I give an invitation for my students to publicly profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Many students have shared that My Bible class is the first time they have ever professed their faith publicly. There is no doubt that teaching is a mission, and one that I am humbled to be a part of.
Carol Cosaert
3rd and 4th Grade Teacher,
Rogers Adventist School
I believe God’s mission in this world is to bring people to himself- to expose Satan’s lies about his character- so that everyone will know how much God loves each and every one of us and wants us to live with him in Heaven forever! Every day I pray for God to show His love to these precious children through me. Unlike in public schools, we are so privileged here at Rogers to be able to teach our children about God not only during Bible classes and in worships, but all through the day.
Just last week in Bible class we were talking about faithfulness as part of a unit on the fruit of the Spirit. I really felt that the students were listening and resonating as I shared the story of Daniel in the lions’ den and how we can only be faithful as we ask God (the truly faithful one who never fails us!) to fill us with each fruit of the spirit. I know my students love to sing fun children’s songs, but I was moved to tears when at the end of the lesson those sweet 3rd and 4th grade voices sang so beautifully from their hearts, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” And they didn’t want to stop after the first verse either, but were eager to sing all the verses of that great hymn!
Joy Veverka
5th and 6th Grade Teacher,
Rogers Adventist School
Every Friday morning, when students join together in Family Groups for worship, my heart is touched. This last week a student was so excited about one of the songs saying, "I was singing that song when I woke up this morning!" The student kept humming the tune to, "Bless the Lord, oh, my soul, I'll worship Your Holy name." How precious to see the love of Jesus shining in their smiles because He is in their hearts.
Loralee Thomas
5th and 6th Grade Teacher,
Rogers Adventist School
Rogers Adventist School is a place where children encounter Jesus every day. We pray and sing together; we study the Bible; we witness God's leading in our lives; and we share God's love with others, in our school and our community. Rogers builds on the foundation laid by families who desire that their children grow in a relationship with our Creator and Savior.
I recently had a student who was not a Christian. When she left our school we were able to give her the Bible she had used all year. By the end of the school year she was praying and presenting her prayer requests with the other students, who had an opportunity to witness to her during the year. We got to plant the seed; now the Holy Spirit will water it.
From our kids in Primary I Sabbath School:
How God Speaks to Us:
Check out the full Primary I Class art installation in the upper entryway to the Children's Wing.
We welcome and thank the many students and community members of the Walla Walla University Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Brandon Beck. We also thank ASWWU president Randy Folkenberg who joins the orchestra to sing a paraphrase of Psalm 145. You can hear more of the orchestra’s music at a special concert this afternoon at 4pm right here in the church.
In the Prelude we hear the second movement of Symphony No.8 (‘The Unfinished’) by Franz Schubert (1797-1828). We also hear two pieces written by a former student, Aric Vyhmeister. Aric earned degrees in engineering, physics, and music. He is increasingly leaning toward a career in musical composition.
In 1875 Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911) wrote his first Organ Sonata, a virtuosic work in D minor. In 1879 he rearranged this work for organ and symphony orchestra as his Symphony No.1. This is the version we hear in the postlude. Guilmant kept the musical content virtually intact and, in fact, the two works share the same opus number.
As you prepare to worship I invite you to meditate on the following words from our opening hymn.
O praise ye the Lord!
Thanksgiving and song
To Him be outpoured
All ages along:
For love in creation,
For heaven restored.
For grace of salvation,
O praise ye the Lord!
-Kraig Scott