Each year, dozens of Walla Walla University students dedicate themselves to months of service in far-flung locations across the globe. Taking up the challenge to teach, heal, organize, minister, and repair, students respond to the Holy Spirit’s leading, putting school on hold often for a full year. Brittni Bryan, WWU’s Assistant Chaplain for Missions reports that for the 2018-19 school year, 55 missionaries have volunteered in places as far as Egypt to Thailand, and the South Pacific to Zambia. “We are so proud of our student missionaries who have stepped aside from their normal routines to allow God to use and grow them in tangible service to others. We pray their experiences this year not only profoundly impact their host communities, but also deeply influence them as developing professionals and followers of Christ,” she says.
Below, a number of current and returned WWU student missionaries elaborate on their experiences overseas.
Mikaela Gorton, Thailand
Things have been going great here!! After three months, I feel I have truly started to settle into life in Thailand. My days are normally filled with class prep, teaching, going to the market, learning to cook new foods, and hanging with my fellow teachers in the evenings. The weekend night market is always fun as well. The last few Sabbath afternoons, a group of us from the church have been going across the river into the village and putting on VBS for the kids there. It has quickly become one of my favorite parts of my week!
Buddhism has a prominent presence here in Thailand, so the main thing I would ask for is that you continue to pray for our students and everyone we come in contact with: that they would see God's love through us. Thank you to everyone that has been praying for and supporting us SMs already. It means a lot!
Emily Beaver, Zambia
I have been here for a month now and I can honestly say it is my home. Stepping into this community was very easy because of how warm and kind the people are. Their passion for personal connection, sharing Jesus, and helping others is so inspiring to me.
I spend my weekdays learning and helping in any way I can in the hospital, and also offering my service to different social and spiritual groups here. I have joined a celestial choir, a Rotary club, and participate in a lot of different community service projects. I came here with the sole purpose to serve, but people here are always serving me in any way they can.
It is difficult being far away from home and in such a new culture of course and I would really appreciate your prayers!
Madison Turner, Palau
Hi, I’m Madison Turner and I teach high school English, US History, and Christian Drama at Palau Mission Academy. My students and the people of Palau are very kind and are some of the most selfless people I’ve ever met. But many of the students I teach do not know much about God or his amazing love; they are grappling with tough home lives and tough questions about God. Please pray for my students that they will continue to see God and hear his message, and that I will continue to be His instrument and voice to them.
Logan Seibold, Fiji
I’m serving as a student missionary on Mana Island in Fiji with two students from PUC. I’m working at the Mana SDA School (the only school on the island) as a handyman. I’ve painted two houses at the school and plan to build chicken coops soon. Fiji is a beautiful country and the people here are the most welcoming and kind people I’ve ever gotten to know. Fiji fact: Tang is the local beverage of choice here. They make a gallon or more at every meal. For those who are interested in hearing more about my experiences, I’m sharing regularly on my blog at loganseibold.com/fiji.
Xander Culver, Haiti
Hello Walla Walla family! It’s hot here in Haiti but things are going very well. For the last couple of months, we have been constructing the wood shop classroom that ASWWU Global Service began funding last school year. We are about to put the roof on, then we will be back to the fundraising step. I have been doing various projects here at Beehive International and have spent much of my time welding. Thank you for your prayers, and I ask that you keep praying that Beehive can continue to make a positive impact here in Haiti. Thanks!
Brooke Thompson, Denmark
I am currently serving as an assistant dean at Vejlefjordskolen in Denmark. I work with about 100 boarding students from various backgrounds. The majority of the students are not Christian. Our main job as student missionaries here is to connect with the students and show Christ's love through how we treat the students and each other. I am doing well and I am finally feeling almost fully adjusted here. Still learning the culture and still getting to know students, but it is going well. Support through prayers and encouraging words would be amazing. Prayers for the students, prayers for the seven student missionaries here, our energy levels, the impacts we may or may not be making, our homesickness, etc. Thank you so much!
Brianna Johnson, Palau
My time spent last year on the island of Palau was the most challenging, yet rewarding year of my life. I taught 12 spunky and adorably cute 2nd graders. Looking back on my year, I can now see how much I have grown and changed through all the good and bad that I experienced. My kids (students) and the islanders displayed a love I had never experienced. One that was pure, and true, forgiving and never ending. Not only did I receive love, but I learned to love. I learned to love God, the community, and even others that I didn’t always get along with. My days were long, and spent constantly grading and lesson planning. But that isn’t what I remember most. I remember the experiences- recess with my kids, diving on the weekends, spending time with my Palauan family, and creating a personal relationship with Jesus. Palau will always be a part of me, and I am humbled knowing I was able to spend a year in service.
Elena Harris, Peru
Hello Walla Walla! I'm missing that cool fall weather you guys are probably having! The rainy season has started here, but when it's not raining it's hot and humid! I have been in Pucallpa, Peru for about two months now. I have learned enough Spanish that I can now follow along during the Sabbath school lesson and I can keep up a simple conversation. However I have so much more to learn. I am helping teach English at the Adventist highschool downtown and at an Adventist primary school a litttle closer to homebase. I also help with church and I teach the staff I work with English 3 days a week. I am having a great time and feel quite at home here. Though I have struggles I am learning to stay positive and give them to God. I miss you all and know I am being blessed by your prayers. Thanks for all your support.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We wish a warm Walla Walla welcome to all visiting parents and family. May you sense the love of God and the blessing of the Holy Spirit as together we worship God. We thank the many musicians of University Singers and students and community members of the WWU Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Brandon Beck. We also welcome choir accompanist Siena Mirasol as well as her piano teacher, Jinhyang Park, who performs with the orchestra. Please join me in thanking all of these musicians.
The first choral anthem, by the Viennese master Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), is sung in Latin. A translation is given here:
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men of good will.
We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we adore Thee, we glorify Thee. We give Thee thanks for Thy great glory,
O Lord God, heavenly king. God the Father almighty.
O Lord, the only begotten son Jesus Christ.
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.
For Thou only art holy. Thou only art Lord.
Thou only, O Jesus Christ, art most high.
With the Holy Ghost, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
—Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the work of the Adventist Church in Walla Walla and beyond! The following graphic broadly illustrates how your donations marked “tithe” are allocated.
Today we welcome to the pulpit Dr. Paul Dybdahl, professor of Mission and New Testament in the Theology Department at Walla Walla University. Please join the University Church Pastoral Staff in thanking Paul for sharing with us today.
Registration for University Church Adventurers Club and the first club activity is Sunday, October 28 from 9:45–11:30am in the Juniors Room. Children in 1st–4th grade are welcome. Parents are encouraged to RSVP to wwucadventurers@gmail.com.
Start your day with worship in Heubach Chapel Monday through Friday mornings from 7:30–7:50am. Music, fellowship, prayer, singing, worship credit, and a blessing!
The University Church’s fall quarter sermon series is entitled “Savage: Hard Sayings of Jesus.” The title, “Savage,”makes use of an old word in the popular modern usage, connoting: brazen, bold, or impudent behavior or speech despite the ways in which it generates uncomfortable social consequences. The schedule below outlines the challenging teaching each Sabbath’s preacher will explore. Visit wwuchurch.com/worship-service-archive to access past sermons.
The Flower Committee invites University Church members to contribute Sabbath morning bouquets for the Sanctuary platform. Sign up or get more information by visiting the information desk in the church lobby or by emailing church@wallawalla.edu.
The Spanish Translation Team is recruiting bilingual Spanish/English speakers to interpret the University Church worship service. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Sandra Graham at 509.526.8011.
A Celebration of Life service for Charles Edwards will occur on November 3, at 3:15pm in the University Church Sanctuary.
Elder Edwin Beck, who served the church as a missionary and pastor, passed away on October 14. He was the husband of Jackie Beck and father of Jeanne Jarnes, Nancy Irland, and Peter Beck. A memorial service will be held November 24 at 2pm in Heubach Chapel.
Grover Rose passed away on October 13. He was the father of Rhonda King, Steve Rose, Barbara Woodland, and Ken Rose. A memorial service will be held November 18 at 10am in the Village Church.
We are sad to announce that University Church member Jay Prohaska passed away on October 20 in Boise, Idaho. He is survived by his wife, Luana, and sister, Karen Adams.
Support the Walla Walla Valley Academy Orchestra by ordering ready-to-bake homemade apple pies. Contact artandrondaking@gmail.com or 509.730.5891. Pies are $15/each and will be ready to pick up on November 4 between 12:30–3pm at the WWVA multipurpose room.
Walla Walla Valley Academy Drama presents William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night Abridged by Jonny Flood: Saturday, October 27 at 7pm and Sunday, October 28 at 2pm on the Donnie Rigby Stage (Black Box) at WWU. Tickets: $10 for Adults; $5 for Students; available at WWVA beginning October 22. On November 4 at 2pm, there will be a matinee at the Gesa Power House Theatre in Walla Walla. Tickets for this are $10 and are available online at phtww.com or at the box office the day of the show.
A Bone and Balance Resource Fair will take place on October 28 from 1–4pm, at the SonBridge Community Center. Information will be provided on the various ways to prevent falls and maintain healthy bones. Talks will feature Dr. Pat Johnston, retired Professor of Nutrition of the School of Public Health at Loma Linda University, and Theresa Peasley, Wellness Center Director of the Walla Walla YMCA.
Retired Denominational Workers’ first fall Potluck will take place on Sunday November 4 in the Village Church Fellowship Hall. Aileen Saunders Mayor and Dr. Ray Mayor will present “China Travels.” All members and prospective members are welcome!
The Rogers Adventist School Carnival is November 3 from 6:30–8:30pm in the school gym. All are welcome to join in for food and games.
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is partnering with College Place High School to do a leaf-raking fundraiser. Contact justine.aiken@wallawalla.edu if you would like to have students rake leaves in your yard. They will accept donations if you would like to give. This money will go to the local EWB project or the Peru Project. This year the local project team will design, prototype, and build a mechanism to collect the rubber ducks from the river for the Ducky Derby that takes place in May. The Peru project will provide energy through solar panels.
Mary Lou Steinweg & Dr. Arthur Weaver invite you to a reception celebrating their recent marriage in Michigan. 11:30 am Sunday, October 28 Youth Room - Village Church.
The Eastgate Church invites you to join them on a Maranatha mission trip to India Nov. 13–30. They plan to build a church for the Sairkarap congregation and are looking for volunteers to help with construction, medical or dental outreach or Vacation Bible School. You may register online at: maranatha.org. Contact Kristi Bartlett at 509.520.6673 for more information.
The Christian Aid Center (CAC) is seeking a full-time food services program manager. This position will oversee the efforts of hundreds of dedicated volunteers in serving the needs of our community. CAC seeks a Christ-centered individual with prior food service management experience, good people skills, and a heart to serve others. Please submit resumes with references to Director of Operations, P.O. Box 56, Walla Walla, WA, 99362.
Are you looking for a life-changing journey? Here at SonBridge, we partner with IMPACT! Life Transitions, a life coaching and counseling center that offers free services to those seeking answers to life's hardest puzzles.
Camp MiVoden is looking for a full-time food service director. This is an opportunity be a part of a fantastic team that is impacting young people, families, and groups for the kingdom of God, all while living in a beautiful environment. To apply go to uccsda.org/jobs and fill out an application. For further questions please call 509.242.0506 to know more about this opportunity.
KLRF Radio 88.5 is looking for someone who would like to be an Assistant Treasurer as well as someone who would be the Secretary for the board. The Assistant Treasurer must be familiar with Quickbooks. The Secretary must be available to attend the monthly board meetings. You can contact the KLRF Manager, Owen Bandy at manager@klrf.org or call 707.483.3291
Egypt Bible Tour is December 12–22, 2019. You are invited to join Dr. Carl Cosaert of Walla Walla University to discover the land of the pyramids, the pharaohs, Moses, and the Exodus. $2,425 plus airfare includes meals and accommodations. For more information, contact Sharon Searson at Sharons@uccsda.org
2019 Great Controversy Tour, June 21–July 4, 2019 Join Dr. Gerard Damsteegt, a specialist in church history and development of prophetic interpretation, and see the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation come alive. Visit Rome and the Reformation sites in the Waldensian Valleys, Switzerland, France, and Germany. For more information, call 269.815.8624 or email GCTours@mac.com.
Partners for Palau is a North Pacific Union Conference long–term mission initiative to provide ministry and educational support to this island territory. Palau is part of the Guam-Micronesia Mission at the far western edge of the North American Division. From teachers to Pathfinders and from mentoring a student teacher to purchasing a desk, there is a project for every group or person. Learn more about how you can become involved at palau.npuc.org.
Sabbath, October 27
5:30pm — Evensong, Sanctuary
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Sunday, October 28
9:45am — Adventurers Registration, Juniors Room
Monday, October 29
7:30am (daily) — Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, October 30
11am — WWU CommUnity, Terrie Aamodt, Sanctuary
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, October 31
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, November 2
5:39pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, Terrance Taylor, Sanctuary
Sabbath, November 3
8:45am — CFM Pancake Breakfast, Jr. High Room
3:15pm — Celebration of Life Service for Charles Edwards, Sanctuary
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