Artwork created by high five youth group members and on display in the jr. high room
“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross.”
–Colossians 1:15–20
corey bom
Each Walla Walla University theology major participates in the “Pastor Mentor Program,” a joint endeavor sponsored by WWU, Upper Columbia Conference, and the North Pacific Union Conference. The program invites each student to team up with a Walla Walla area pastor for a year of on-the-job experiences in pastoral ministry. The hope is to provide students with exposure to meaningful ministry experience and clarity regarding vocational calling, while also blessing local congregations with energy and talent!
During the 2018–19 school year, the University Church welcomes two theology majors who will be mentored by our pastors. Katie Wagner is a WWU junior, a WWVA graduate, and a member of the University Church. She will work closely with Pastor Jenn Ogden. Corey Bom, also a WWU junior, hails from southern California and is a member of the Loma Linda University Church. He will work primarily with Pastor Kris Loewen. Both will serve in a wide array of capacities in our church throughout the school year.
As you interact with Katie and Corey, please join the pastoral staff in welcoming them to these new roles to our church community
Katie Wagner
Bulletin Quicklinks
We welcome a host of wonderful musicians.
Rejoice Trio consists of Hannah Schafer, Eliana Kearns and Tobin Kearns. Hannah and Tobin are juniors at Walla Walla Valley Academy and Eliana is a freshman at WWU. We thank two special gentlemen for music during distribution: Brian Roth, dean of the school of engineering, and Joel Dickerson, who recently moved back to our valley. Joel graduated from the WWU music department and then did graduate work in engineering. He now works as an engineer both in California and here where his wife has joined the history faculty. We’re glad that he continues also to perform musically. We also welcome Richard Scott, from the library, who serves as our guest organist. Please join me in thanking all of these musicians.
The anthem features three well-known hymns:
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (No.88)
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (No.229)
There is Power in the Blood (No.294)
As you prepare to worship I invite you to meditate on these texts.
—Kraig Scott
Each communion Sabbath, the University Church collects a special offering at the doors as people exit. This is known as the “Benevolent Fund” offering. It is earmarked money used exclusively for helping University Church members who are going through crises, financial hardships, and other life challenges. In the past, money from the “love fund,” as the Benevolent Fund is sometimes termed, has purchased gas cards, grocery cards, flowers, meals, car parts, yard care, and a host of other essentials that make life bearable. Because of the generosity of our members, it will continue to offer small bits of light into moments of darkness our beloved church members experience. Bev Beem, the University Church’s Interim Member Care Pastor, oversees the distribution of this fund.
Thank you for considering donating to this important fund today. As you exit the sanctuary following each service, deacons will be at the doors to collect your gifts.
Start your day with worship in Heubach Chapel Monday through Friday mornings from 7:30–7:50am. Music, fellowship, prayer, singing, worship credit, and a blessing!
Looking for a good old fashioned Sabbath School? Why not try “Renew,” a small close-knit group of students who meet in the Havstad Alumni Center every Saturday morning starting at 10am. We have food, sing hymns around the piano and then break off for discussion groups led by students and professors alike. We are wanting to extend a warm welcome to community members and would love to see your smiling faces join us
The University Church’s fall quarter sermon series is entitled “Savage: Hard Sayings of Jesus.” The title, “Savage,”makes use of an old word in the popular modern usage, connoting: brazen, bold, or impudent behavior or speech despite the ways in which it generates uncomfortable social consequences. The schedule below outlines the challenging teaching each Sabbath’s preacher will explore. Visit to access past sermons.
The Flower Committee invites University Church members to contribute Sabbath morning bouquets for the Sanctuary platform. Sign up or get more information by visiting the information desk in the church lobby or by emailing
The Spanish Translation Team is recruiting bilingual Spanish/English speakers to interpret the University Church worship service. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Sandra Graham at 509.526.8011.
A Celebration of Life service for Charles Edwards will occur on November 3, at 3:15pm in the University Church Sanctuary.
Elder Edwin Beck, who served the church as a missionary and pastor, passed away on October 14. He was the husband of Jackie Beck and father of Jeanne Jarnes, Nancy Irland, and Peter Beck. A memorial service will be held November 24 at 2pm in Heubach Chapel.
Grover Rose passed away on October 13. He was the father of Rhonda King, Steve Rose, Barbara Woodland, and Ken Rose. A memorial service will be held November 18 at 10am in the Village Church.
Walla Walla Valley Academy (WWVA) will host its annual Fall Fling on Sunday, October 21 from 4:30–7:30pm in the WWVA Gymnasium. University Church members of all ages are invited to enjoy good things to eat and drink, interactive games, activities, and live animals!
How to Pay for College Online Webinar Walla Walla University will host a free online webinar for prospective students and their parents titled “How to Pay for College” on Wednesday, October 24, at 4pm and again at 7pm. This 40–minute presentation will be led by experts from WWU Student Financial Services, and Marketing and Enrollment Services. After the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. Register at
You are invited to the Premier SonBridge Supporter Luncheon on October 24 at 12–1pm. Reconnect with SonBridge and engage with opportunities to support the Walla Walla Valley. To purchase tickets ($35) visit or call 509.529.3100.
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is partnering with College Place High School to do a leaf-raking fundraiser. Contact if you would like to have students rake leaves in your yard. They will accept donations if you would like to give. This money will go to the local EWB project or the Peru Project. This year the local project team will design, prototype, and build a mechanism to collect the rubber ducks from the river for the Ducky Derby that takes place in May. The Peru project will provide energy through solar panels.
Walla Walla Valley Academy Drama presents William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night Abridged by Jonny Flood: Saturday, October 27 at 7pm and Sunday, October 28 at 2pm on the Donnie Rigby Stage (Black Box) at WWU. Tickets: $10 for Adults; $5 for Students; available at WWVA beginning October 22. On November 4 at 2pm, there will be a matinee at the Gesa Power House Theatre in Walla Walla. Tickets for this are $10 and are available online at or at the box office the day of the show.
A Bible Translation Banquet is Saturday, October 27, 7pm at the Courtyard by Marriott. Hear how the Wycliffe Associates are helping to accelerate bringing God’s word to the heart language of many people groups. Contact Curt Schafer, 509.527.3116 or by October 20 to reserve your place.
Blue Mountain Television’s (BMT) Fall Sharathon is October 22–24, from 6–10pm with a theme of “Christ in the Sanctuary”. BMT will have great music, stories of lives changed, and news about what is happening at the station.
50–Plus Potluck, Sunday, October 21, at 5pm in the Youth Center. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish, and enjoy a program by the Milton Men’s Quartet.
The Denominational Retired Workers’ first potluck and program for fall 2018 will be Sunday, November 4.
Mary Lou Steinweg & Dr. Arthur Weaver invite you to a reception celebrating their recent marriage in Michigan. 11:30 am Sunday, October 28 Youth Room - Village Church.
The Eastgate Church invites you to join them on a Maranatha mission trip to India Nov. 13–30. They plan to build a church for the Sairkarap congregation and are looking for volunteers to help with construction, medical or dental outreach or Vacation Bible School. You may register online at: Contact Kristi Bartlett at 509.520.6673 for more information.
Are you looking for a life-changing journey? Here at SonBridge, we partner with IMPACT! Life Transitions, a life coaching and counseling center that offers free services to those seeking answers to life's hardest puzzles.
The Christian Aid Center (CAC) is seeking a full-time food services program manager. This position will oversee the efforts of hundreds of dedicated volunteers in serving the needs of our community. CAC seeks a Christ-centered individual with prior food service management experience, good people skills, and a heart to serve others. Please submit resumes with references to Director of Operations, P.O. Box 56, Walla Walla, WA, 99362.
Camp MiVoden is looking for a full-time food service director. This is an opportunity be a part of a fantastic team that is impacting young people, families, and groups for the kingdom of God, all while living in a beautiful environment. To apply go to and fill out an application. For further questions please call 509.242.0506 to know more about this opportunity.
KLRF Radio 88.5 is looking for someone who would like to be an Assistant Treasurer as well as someone who would be the Secretary for the board. The Assistant Treasurer must be familiar with Quickbooks. The Secretary must be available to attend the monthly board meetings. You can contact the KLRF Manager, Owen Bandy at or call 707.483.3291
Women's Quilting Retreat Oct 21-26. Do you enjoy quilting and would like to learn more? UCC Women’s Quilting Retreat, under the guidance of Marlene Oddie, is planned for October 21-26 at Camp MiVoden. This quilting retreat will finish just in time to join the UCC women's retreat at Camp MiVoden. For more information and to register, visit
A women's retreat is planned October 26–28. Upper Columbia Conference invites you to Camp MiVoden for “Beautiful,” a weekend for teen girls and women to be refreshed at Hayden Lake. The keynote speaker is Cindy Tutsch, a seasoned speaker who has shared the gospel around the world in over 60 countries. Register online at: or by calling Wendy (afternoons only) at 509.838.2761.
Egypt Bible Tour is December 12–22, 2019. You are invited to join Dr. Carl Cosaert of Walla Walla University to discover the land of the pyramids, the pharaohs, Moses, and the Exodus. $2,425 plus airfare includes meals and accommodations. For more information, contact Sharon Searson at
Sabbath, October 20
3:30pm — Gospel Outreach Mission Rally, Sanctuary
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Sunday, October 21
4:30pm — WWVA Fall Fling, WWVA Gym
Monday, October 22
7:30am (daily) — Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, October 23
11am — WWU CommUnity, David Lopez, Sanctuary
6pm — J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room
Wednesday, October 24
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, October 26
5:50pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, Michaela Garcia, Sanctuary
Sabbath, October 27
5:30pm — Evensong, Sanctuary
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
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