Center for Women and Children
Many University Church members are familiar with the beautiful and life-giving work of the Christian Aid Center (CAC). Not a few are also familiar with the organization's recent fund-raising project to build new facilities for housing women and children.
Corina Car, a University Church member and the marketing and donor relations director for the CAC, reports that the $4.85 million project is nearly 90 percent funded. Women seeking emergency shelter are left without a place to sleep on a daily basis due to physical space constraints. In addition, the rough state of current facilities for women and children present other challenges: expensive maintenance, limited accessibility, and insufficient security and safety. The new 17,000-sq. ft. building will feature 16 flexible living units for women and children, a kitchen and dining room, office-space, classrooms, a childcare center, and other amenities. Once complete, it will replace the existing CAC buildings across the street (located at the corner of W. Birch Street and S. 4th Avenue).
On September 26, with just a half million dollars left to raise, contractor Opp and Seibold began demolition of older buildings that are on the footprint of the new facility which will open in June, 2018.
Jason Wicklund, CAC director, says, "It never ceases to amaze me how compassionate and supportive this community is. To see such a response after hearing of the need, is awe inspiring!"
The University Church community celebrates the Holy Spirit-infused and Jesus-inspired work of the CAC. Thank you to all who have given time, money, and energy to this important ministry in our valley. If you would like to contribute to the mission of the CAC, get in touch with Jeannette Regalado, director of volunteers (and another University Church member) at 509.525.7153. At present, the CAC is looking for help with chapel speakers (6:30pm daily), breakfast cooks (Sunday and Monday mornings), and van drivers to pick up donated food (Tuesday and Thursday mornings).
Bulletin Quicklinks
In organizing music for this church I have the great joy of welcoming talented musicians — today three of them. Sophia (Rich) Fullerton grew up in this congregation and graduated from WWU last June. I am thrilled that she is still nearby and willing to share her remarkable voice. Emma Dodds, currently growing up in this congregation, is a 8th grader at Rogers School. Brandon Rittenour comes to us from Spokane, but is now part of this congregation as he begins his undergraduate career at WWU. Please join me in thanking them all.
Usually for the anthem we feature music with a text that directly focuses our minds on worship. Surrounding the sermon today, however, we hear instrumental music of great beauty but without words. Both pieces relate to water, and both bring biblical texts to my mind. In Le Cygne, Camille Saint-Saëns depicts a swan moving serenely across a beautiful lake such as David spoke of:
He makes me to lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside the still waters. (Psalm 23:2)
The piece by Marcel Tournier (1879–1951) brings to mind moving water like that spoken of by John the Revelator:
And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb...let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Revelation 22:1,17)
These pieces both speak to the immanence, or closeness, God desires to experience with each one of us, as does the prelude. Our postlude, on the other hand, speaks to the magnificence, or transcendence of God. Whether our music has text or not, I invite you always to listen with an ear open to what it speaks of God.
-Kraig Scott
Placement Board Report (Second Reading)
Darold Bigger, Head Elder
Trudy Klein, Head Greeter
The 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation is October 31. Walla Walla University has a number of events planned to commemorate the event. Greg Dodds, professor of history at WWU will present at CommUnity on October 31 at 11am in the Sanctuary. Then, later that night, John McVay will interview "Luther" live in Village Hall at 7pm *(see poster). The film "Luther" will be screened Wednesday evening, November 1, at 7pm in Conard chapel. On November 4, Sabbath, at 10:30am in Village Hall there is a special Sabbath School class planned joining Theology and Chan Shun communities. The format is a panel discussion about Adventism and the Reformation with John McVay, Karen Clausen-Brown, Volker Henning, and Greg Dodds (moderator). The worship services that day will also be themed around the reformation. All events are free and open to the public.
SonBridge Community Center would like to extend a big “Thank you!” to everyone who helped make the Health EXPO a reality. We are grateful for your generosity in service and spirit!
You are invited to join Evidence, a youth group hosted in the Youth Room at 7 pm on Wednesday evenings, whichfocuses on Bible study, community service, and fellowship. The leaders, Cameron Fitzgerald and Emily Ellis, are excited to be part of this ministry and the student’s lives.
How to Pay for College Workshop: Walla Walla University will visit Walla Walla Valley Academy to provide a free workshop for prospective students and their parents titled “How to Pay for College” on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. in the Music Room. This 40-minute presentation will be led by experts from WWU Student Financial Services, and Marketing and Enrollment Services. After the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. Visit wallawalla.edu/workshops for additional scheduled workshops.
Sabbath Seminar, October 21, 10:30am — Pastor Bryan’s excellent recent sermon, and Alden Thompson’s classic book on the Old Testament God have paved the way, but Gregory A. Boyd’s blockbuster new opus: 2 Volume, THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE WARRIOR GOD--Interpreting the Old Testament’s Violent Portraits of God in Light of the Cross, pushes this topic deeper and further than ever before. Jack Hoehn will present a thought provoking introduction to the new ideas in this challenging and possibly transformative book.
Fall quarter small groups at the University Church are taking shape. Several are full, or have already started. Visit wwuchurch.com/#small-groups for additional details, contact information, or to put your name on a wait-list.
-Revitalizing Spiritual Health with Janet Wilkinson -Meaningful Life in Retirement with Mel & Joyce Lang
-Faith to the Finish with Lauri Rootvik
-Fun with Vegan Cooking with Renee Unterseher
-Mothers of Sons with DeLona Bell
-Lifting Each Other Up with Warren Rood
-The Reformation Through History with Aileen Litchfield
Thank You to all who have volunteered a few hours of their time one or two days a week at the Community Center Warehouse, 8th and Bade. Leaders are still needed in both warehouses, as well as several men to assist on Sundays and Mondays, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Your helping hands are appreciated.
The Christian Aid Center needs you! This important ministry partner of the University Church is always in need of volunteer help. In particular, the director of volunteers at CAC (and our church member), Jeannette Regalado, is requesting for help with chapel speakers (6:30pm daily), breakfast cooks (Sunday and Monday mornings), and van drivers to pick up donated food (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Contact Jeannette at 509.525.7153.
2017 AMEN Conference: Are You Willing?: Are you a physician or dentist willing to serve God through medical ministry? Then the AMEN conference is for you! Join us Thursday October 26 – Sunday October 29, 2017 in Hilton Head Island, SC. During the 2017 AMEN Conference, each speaker will explore how you can have a vibrant, growing Christian experience yourself and, out of the context of your own experience, share God’s love with your patients. The essence of Jesus’ life was a willingness to do the Father’s Will and the goal of this year’s conference is to inspire each one of us to do the same. Featured Speakers include: Pastors Dwayne Lemon and Mark Finley; Physicians Ricardo Whyte, Debbie Beihl, Stephen Waterbrook, & Norman McNulty; Dentists Stephen Wright, Carlos Moretta, and many others. All physicians, dentists, healthcare professionals, and pastors are welcome to attend. Jesus is coming soon - let's prepare ourselves, our patients, and our colleagues! For more information please visit www.amensda.org or call 530-883-8061.
The UCC Women’s Fall Retreat, Always, October 27 and 28, welcomes special guest, Janet Page, General Conference Associate Ministerial Secretary. Registration is available at UCC Women’s Ministries web page. https://www.uccsda.org/English/Women/Pages/Womens-Ministries.aspx.
Sabbath, October 14
3pm — Delores Colvin Memorial, Heubach
6:08pm — Sundown
7pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge
Monday, October 16
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
7pm — Church Board Meeting, Youth Room
Tuesday, October 17
11am — WWU CommUnity, Hispanic Heritage, Sanctuary
7pm — High Five, Junior High Room
Wednesday, October 18
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
7pm — Evidence Youth Group, Youth Room
Thursday, October 19
6:30pm - J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
Friday, October 20
1pm — “Change the Day” Service Activity, Youth Room
5:58pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers with Student Missions, Sanctuary
Sabbath, October 21
5pm — Evensong, Sanctuary
Tuesday, October 31
11am — WWU CommUnity, Greg Dodds on the Reformation, Sanctuary
7pm — A Conversation with Martin Luther, Village Hall
Wednesday, November 1
7pm — "Luther" film screening, hosted by ASWWU, Conard Chapel (free and open to the public)
Sabbath, November 4
10:30am — Special combined Sabbath School with Theology and Chan Shun, Reformation panel discussion.
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.