Artwork by university church member martha mason, located in heubach chapel
Sabbath Seminar
Most Sabbath mornings during the WWU academic year, a dedicated team of professors and church leaders organize a series of insightful lectures and conversations engaging Adventist spirituality with culture, the arts, history, the built environment, science, and the human condition. Meeting on Sabbaths at 10:30am in the Canaday Technology Center auditorium room 105, Sabbath Seminar has featured guest visitors as well as many wise, gifted, and knowledgeable local members speaking about their fields. This week, Sabbath Seminar features Dr. Terrie Aamodt, professor of History at WWU.
All are welcome to join this community of thinkers who are warm and inviting to all visitors and “regulars in the making.” Please contact interim member care pastor Bev Beem with any questions you might have about Sabbath Seminar:
WWU Service Day
Twice a year for more than a decade the whole Walla Walla University community has participated in “Service Day,” a locally–focused volunteering event where students, faculty, and staff bless area individuals and organizations with a few hours of elbow grease and smiles. Service Day is organized by the WWU chaplain’s office and this year specifically by WWU students Cameron Fitzgerald and Ansel Weber. On the first Service Day of 2018 (Wednesday, October 17), the coordinators anticipate nearly 40 different projects and more than 400 students participating. A yearly Service Day tradition involves the University Church staff serving student volunteers breakfast before the festivities begin. If you have an interest in supporting students along with the church staff, contact Pastor Troy Fitzgerald, who leads the effort each year. Thank you from the University Church community to all who participate in making Service Day a positive impact in the Walla Walla Valley!
Bulletin Quicklinks
We welcome two special musicians. Jeremy Irland, of the WWU voice faculty, also serves as director of music for the Prescott school district. It is always a joy to hear him sing. We also welcome Kendra Haugen, a senior from Medford, Oregon, studying music and chemistry. Please join me in thanking them both for sharing their music with us.
In the offertory English composer Frances Allitsen sets a paraphrase of Psalm 27. As you prepare to worship I invite you to consider this psalm, some of which is given here:
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies
and my foes, came upon me to eat up
my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Though an host should encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear:
Though war should rise against me,
in this will I be confident.
—Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today, the loose offering goes to the Upper Columbia Conference budget.
To donate to the University Church budget, please mark it on your tithe envelope or select it in the online giving portal via the church’s website. Donations to the University Church budget fund all local ministries, including youth and children, WWVA and Rogers subsidies, broadcast, worship, and the upkeep of the church campus. Thank you for your support and dedication to this community!
The chart below compares giving to the University Church Budget in 2017 with giving so far in 2018.
Start your day with worship in Heubach Chapel Monday through Friday mornings from 7:30–7:50am. Music, fellowship, prayer, singing, worship credit, and a blessing!
Looking for a good old fashioned Sabbath School? Why not try “Renew,” a small close-knit group of students who meet in the Havstad Alumni Center every Saturday morning starting at 10am. We have food, sing hymns around the piano and then break off for discussion groups led by students and professors alike. We are wanting to extend a warm welcome to community members and would love to see your smiling faces join us.
The Organ Recital scheduled for October 13 has been canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
The University Church’s fall quarter sermon series is entitled “Savage: Hard Sayings of Jesus.” The title, “Savage,”makes use of an old word in the popular modern usage, connoting: brazen, bold, or impudent behavior or speech despite the ways in which it generates uncomfortable social consequences. The schedule below outlines the challenging teaching each Sabbath’s preacher will explore. Visit to access past sermons.
The Flower Committee invites University Church members to contribute Sabbath morning bouquets for the Sanctuary platform. Sign up or get more information by visiting the information desk in the church lobby or by emailing
The Spanish Translation Team is recruiting bilingual Spanish/English speakers to interpret the University Church worship service. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Sandra Graham at 509.526.8011.
Adventist FORUM Meeting on October 13, at 4pm, in the Chan Shun Pavilion Lecture Hall, room 154. All are invited to join FORUM members and Drs. Bev Beem, Gregory Dodds, Dave Thomas, and Alden Thompson for a moderated conversation concerning recent proposals by General Conference administrators for ensuring “unity” in the church. These proposals have raised alarms in many quarters of the church for how they appear to centralize more authority than ever in a relatively small group. Multiple unions and conferences have expressed opposition to the plan, which will be discussed at the “Fall Council" meetings to be held in Silver Spring, Md., October 11–17, 2018.
The University Church has been grateful for the use of the piano in Heubach Chapel over the past four years. The Church will soon return the piano to its owner, and a new piano is needed to use for children’s worship, morning worship, and all of the events that take place in Heubach Chapel. If you have a piano that you are willing to loan to the church, email:
A Celebration of Life service for Charles Edwards will occur on November 3, at 3:15pm in the University Church Sanctuary.
We are sad to announce the passing of Jon Coffeen at his home on October 7. At his request, there will be no service, but he will be remembered well by many in this congregation. We remember his wife, Donna, and their sons, Philip and Aaron, and hold them up in prayer.
We are sad to announce the passing of University Church member Robert Thompson, brother of Bill Thompson, on October 3 in College Place.
The Countryside Store & Country Garden School Resource Center is having a closing sale on all books, supplies and equipment. October 14, 8am-3pm at 374 SE Highland Park Drive in College Place. Contact Dr. or Mrs. Hawkins for more information: 509.521.1116.
How to Pay for College Workshop Walla Walla University will visit Walla Walla Valley Academy to provide a free workshop for prospective students and their parents titled “How to Pay for College” on Monday, Oct. 15, at 6:30pm in the WWVA music room. This 40-minute presentation will be led by experts from WWU Student Financial Services, and Marketing and Enrollment Services. After the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. Visit for additional information.
How to Pay for College Online Webinar Walla Walla University will host a free online webinar for prospective students and their parents titled “How to Pay for College” on Wednesday, October 24, at 4pm and again at 7pm. This 40–minute presentation will be led by experts from WWU Student Financial Services, and Marketing and Enrollment Services. After the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. Register at
A Bible Translation Banquet is Saturday, October 27, 7pm at the Courtyard by Marriott. Hear how the Wycliffe Associates are helping to accelerate bringing God’s word to the heart language of many people groups. Contact Curt Schafer, 509.527.3116 or by October 20 to reserve your place.
Blue Mountain Television’s (BMT) Fall Sharathon is October 22–24, from 6–10pm with a theme of “Christ in the Sanctuary”. BMT will have great music, stories of lives changed, and news about what is happening at the station.
The Women's Ministry committee of the Village Church in College Place is planning a brunch and program to be on October 14, at 10 a.m. in the Village Church Fellowship Hall. The women of the University Church are invited to join them. Please RSVP to the Village Church office, 525-0882.
50–Plus Potluck, Sunday, October 21, at 5pm in the Youth Center. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish, and enjoy a program by the Milton Men’s Quartet.
The Denominational Retired Workers’ first potluck and program for fall 2018 will be Sunday, November 4.
The Eastgate Church invites you to join them on a Maranatha mission trip to India Nov. 13–30. They plan to build a church for the Sairkarap congregation and are looking for volunteers to help with construction, medical or dental outreach or Vacation Bible School. You may register online at: Contact Kristi Bartlett at 509.520.6673 for more information.
Are you looking for a life-changing journey? Here at SonBridge, we partner with IMPACT! Life Transitions, a life coaching and counseling center that offers free services to those seeking answers to life's hardest puzzles.
The Christian Aid Center (CAC) is seeking a full-time food services program manager. This position will oversee the efforts of hundreds of dedicated volunteers in serving the needs of our community. CAC seeks a Christ-centered individual with prior food service management experience, good people skills, and a heart to serve others. Please submit resumes with references to Director of Operations, P.O. Box 56, Walla Walla, WA, 99362.
Camp MiVoden is looking for a full-time food service director. This is an opportunity be a part of a fantastic team that is impacting young people, families, and groups for the kingdom of God, all while living in a beautiful environment. To apply go to and fill out an application. For further questions please call 509.242.0506 to know more about this opportunity.
KLRF Radio 88.5 is looking for someone who would like to be an Assistant Treasurer as well as someone who would be the Secretary for the board. The Assistant Treasurer must be familiar with Quickbooks. The Secretary must be available to attend the monthly board meetings. You can contact the KLRF Manager, Owen Bandy at or call 707.483.3291
Training for Youth Leadership is October 12-13 at Columbia Adventist Academy in Battle Ground, Wash. This Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training by the North American Division and the North Pacific Union is for adults and youth who lead, or will soon lead, Youth Sabbath School. Learn how to start, restart, revive your youth Sabbath School in your church. Register at
Women's Quilting Retreat Oct 21-26. Do you enjoy quilting and would like to learn more? UCC Women’s Quilting Retreat, under the guidance of Marlene Oddie, is planned for October 21-26 at Camp MiVoden. This quilting retreat will finish just in time to join the UCC women's retreat at Camp MiVoden. For more information and to register, visit
A women's retreat is planned October 26–28. Upper Columbia Conference invites you to Camp MiVoden for “Beautiful,” a weekend for teen girls and women to be refreshed at Hayden Lake. The keynote speaker is Cindy Tutsch, a seasoned speaker who has shared the gospel around the world in over 60 countries. Register online at: or by calling Wendy (afternoons only) at 509.838.2761.
Egypt Bible Tour is December 12–22, 2019. You are invited to join Dr. Carl Cosaert of Walla Walla University to discover the land of the pyramids, the pharaohs, Moses, and the Exodus. $2,425 plus airfare includes meals and accommodations. For more information, contact Sharon Searson at
Sabbath, October 13
8:45am — CFM Pancake Breakfast, Jr. High Room
4pm — FORUM Meeting, Village Hall
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Monday, October 15
7:30am (daily) — Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
7pm — Church Board Meeting, Youth Room
Tuesday, October 16
11am — WWU CommUnity, George Perez, Sanctuary
6pm — High Five Youth Group, Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, October 17
8am — WWU Service Day, CTC Bowl
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, October 18
6:02pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, Angel Ogando, Sanctuary
Sabbath, October 20
3:30pm — Gospel Outreach Mission Rally, Sanctuary
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