circle church
October 10, 2015
Circle Church
“Let’s do this thing!”, senior theology major Anthony Lyder remembers, agreeing with a group of friends back at the beginning of his college career. The group was made up largely of other theology majors and had been meeting in a circle in the Black Box after Friday night vespers: worshiping, praying, and listening to the Word. The collection of peers were looking for both an opportunity to put their collegiate training to work as well as a chance to enjoy ‘church’: not as location, building, culture, or program, but as community of people. In the vacuum left after the student-led worship service “the Awakening” ceased its Sabbath morning gatherings, Anthony and his friends felt like the year 2011 was ripe for something new.
Now in its 4th year of operation, new students have stepped up to take their places in leadership. Matthew Burghart, a sophomore theology major feels his heart stir when he thinks about the beauty of real people connecting with one another, opening up to one another, understanding one another. He and Anthony worked at camp this past summer and together are Circle Church’s student pastors this year. They, along with a core team of about a dozen others see it as their mission ‘to empower other students to live their lives radically for Christ.’ Fall quarter, the community is themed around ‘connections’: building relationships with one another as well as activating faith to connect with those outside the community.
Anthony lyder, Circle Church student Pastor
Circle Church got its name from the team’s mutual celebration of commonality within the church, Matthew says. All points of a circle are equidistant from the center – and for Circle Church, the center and prime focus is Jesus. And so in previous years, the community gathered in a circle in the Black Box, facing inward toward the leaders who themselves turn to their center, Jesus. This year, they will be meeting in our University Church Fellowship Hall each Sabbath morning from 10:30-11:40am. The students are excited about this new move, and grateful for the renovations the Church has performed over the summer in preparation. Likewise, the University Church board voiced its enthusiastic approval of hosting Circle Church.
One final tidbit – Anthony and Matthew wanted to offer an open and warm invitation for anyone to join them on Sabbath mornings. For them, Circle Church is ubiquitous with welcoming all people to the table regardless of age or history, church affiliation or experience, maturity or mood.
Welcome Athletes!
October 8-10 marks WWU’s annual Fall Classic.
This year, we welcome teams from:
Campion Academy
Chinook Winds Academy
El Dorado Adventist School
Gem State Adventist Academy
Mile High Academy
Mount Ellis Academy
Paradise Adventist Academy
Portland Adventist Academy
Puget Sound Adventist Academy
Walla Walla Valley Academy
Auburn Adventist Academy
Cascade Christian Academy
Columbia Adventist Academy
Fraser Valley Adventist Academy
Livingstone Adventist Academy
Milo Adventist Academy
Orcas Christian School
Parkview Adventist Academy
PUC Prep
Upper Columbia Academy

“You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race.
Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win! All good athletes train hard.
They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades.
You’re after one that’s gold eternally.”
-1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (The Message)
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