Today's flowers were graciously donated by Rogers Adventist School in appreciation for Pastor Jenn and the wonderful time she has shared with us.
To our dear Pastor Jenn–
Thank you for your sassy spirit, your unending energy, and your passionate fire to share Jesus with our kids at Rogers. We will miss your face at lunchtime, Family Groups, Week of Worship, classroom worships, after-school Bible studies, and so many other places.
With love,
Rogers Adventist School
Bulletin Quicklinks
This prayer list contains special requests made by our church family, community members, and their loved ones. If you have a concern to add, please contact the office at, 509.527.2800, or by dropping a Connect Card in an offering bag.
- Kraig Scott as he recovers from surgery.
- Martha Mason as she mourns the sudden loss of her husband, Jerry.
- Verona Schnibbe as she grieves the loss of Fred, her husband.
- Renita Clymer as she receives medical treatment.
- Della Keele as she mourns the loss of her sister, Marguerite Jansen.
- Susan Cole as she receives treatment for advanced multiple sclerosis in Park Manor Rehab Center.
- Tad Hiner as he continues to receive medical care.
- Dennis Olson as he recovers from double bypass surgery.
- Don Barrett as he recovers from a stroke.
- Keith Canwell as he receives medical care..
Welcome to this last, fairly quiet week of Summer Light. I invite you to pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Walla Walla University as life speeds up considerably over the next two weeks. Please join me in thanking three special musicians today. Bruce Toews, of the School of Business, leads our praise band; Gina Lincoln, a senior music and math major, shares her singing; and Bethany Foster, a member of our congregation and the director of music at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, again serves as guest organist.
As you prepare your heart to worship God, I invite you to meditate on today’s psalm, perhaps the most beloved of all psalms, number 23. We get to sing two paraphrases of this passage today, one from the Scottish Psalter (Hymn No.546, 1650) and one by Isaac Watts (Hymn No.104, 1719). Reading in a single setting one or two bible versions of Psalm 23 plus these two paraphrases provides a rich worship experience. The first part of Isaac Watts’ version is given here.
My Shepherd will supply my need,
Jehovah is His name.
In pastures fresh He makes me feed
Beside the living stream.
He brings my wandering spirit back
When I forsake His ways,
And leads me, for His mercy’s sake,
In paths of truth and grace.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church
The University Church is committed to supporting local Adventist Education. Rogers Adventist School and Walla Walla Valley Academy are now in full-swing for the 2019-2020 school year! Our
Student Aid Fund goes to offset tuition for church member families who are in need and may not otherwise be able to reap the benefits of a Christian education. If you would like to share in this endeavor, please write "Student Aid" on your envelope (or select the appropriate box if giving online). Thank you for your support!
Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).
Summer light service is live–streamed weekly in Heubach Chapel as an option for parents with young children who would find that location helpful. In addition, a toddler room is newly renovated, along with a private room for nursing mothers in the balcony. We offer multiple options for your comfort; all are welcome in the Sanctuary!
Todos nuestros servicios están traducidos en vivo por hablantes nativos de español y están transmitidos a dispositivos de mano, disponibles a prestar en el mostrador de información en el vestíbulo. Por favor, buscar a un diácono en el mostrador el Sábado para recibir un dispositivo e instrucciones de cómo usarlo. All of our services are translated live by native Spanish-speakers and are broadcast to handheld devices available to borrow at the information desk in the lobby. Please see a deacon at the desk on Sabbath to receive a device and instructions on how to use it.
Sign up to host tables at the Longest Table. The event is Sabbath, September 28 following Second Service. Anyone may sign up to host tables. Signups in the church lobby begin today at 9:30am and at 9am on September 14 and 21. Contact Pastor Alareece with any questions at
Flowers Welcome! If you would like to donate a floral bouquet from your summer garden for our church service, or honor a special occasion, please contact the church office at 509.527.2800.
You are invited to an all-church farewell and birthday celebration for Pastor Jenn this evening, September 7, at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall! Please join us for haystacks, ice cream, and a good time as we celebrate Pastor Jenn's time with us. You are also invited to share a poem, song or words of wisdom to help commemorate her 40th birthday! Call 509.527.2800 or contact
A memorial service for Vera Ruud, grandmother of Karin Ruud Trees, will be held today (September 7) at 4pm at the Walla Walla City Church.
Sign up to host tables at the Longest Table. The event is Sabbath, September 28 following Second Service. Anyone may sign up to host tables. Signups in the church lobby beginning at 9:30am on September 7 and at 9am on September 14 and 21. Contact Pastor Alareece with any questions at
Sabbath School teachers needed! Our children's classes need people to share wisdom, enthusiasm, and knowledge. If you can share one Sabbath a month, please contact Pastor Jenn at or 509.527.2837 to join the amazing team in the Children's Wing!
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has a special presentation on Sabbath, Sept 14, 2019 featuring ADRA’s President, Jonathan Duffy, at College Place Village SDA Church. Vespers program begins at 6:00 PM. For any questions call ADRA at 1.800.424.ADRA (2372)
SonBridge Open House & Service Fair. Come tomorrow, September 8, 4–6pm to SonBridge Community Center to learn more about SonBridge! They will have tours available to see their facilities, and opportunities to meet with their partners who help connect lives and empower change in the Walla Walla Valley.
Parents of high school students are invited to stop by the Youth Sabbath School in the Youth Room before or after Sabbath School over the next few weeks to get information about upcoming youth events. For any questions, contact Sue Willard at 509.520.0699.
Registration opens this week for the 2019 fall Women’s & Young Women’s Retreat at beautiful Camp MiVoden, October 25-27. Special keynote speaker is DeeAnn Bragaw. To register go to: For more information, call Wendy Urban at 509.242.0628.
Walla Walla Valley Academy invites all alumni to return home for Alumni Weekend on October 18-19! Our celebration will begin on Friday with a Golden Alumni Reception at 5:30pm in the WWVA Dining Hall for all alumni who graduated in the Class of 1969 or earlier. Sabbath events will take place in the WWVA auditorium, beginning with an Alumni Snack & Chat at 9:30am, followed by church at 10:45am and Honor Class Photos at 12:15 pm. A Haystack lunch will be provided in the WWVA gym at 1:30pm, followed at 7:30pm by Alumni vs. Students volleyball and basketball games. Please plan to attend to reflect on memories and connect with classmates. For further information, contact Betty L. Farley at 509.525.1050 ext. 234 or email We’re looking forward to your return!
Discovery Preschool is accepting applications for the 2019/2020 school year. Morning and afternoon sessions are available. Contact to make an appointment.
The 50+ program of the Village Church is starting the new season on Sunday, September 15 at 5pm with a corn roast and potluck at the home of Larry and Jacque Goodhew at 4261 S Hwy 125, Walla Walla, WA. Please bring your favorite dish and a chair to sit on. Come and enjoy good food and fellowship, and of course, please bring a friend!
The Christian Aid Center has several volunteer opportunities: Chapel Speakers, Receptionist (Wednesday afternoons), and Registered Nurses For more information, please contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer & Donor Relations, at 509.525.7153 ext. 114.
This Thanksgiving week, a WWU graduate student will film a beautiful and impactful short film about loving our neighbors; and that we’re all the same on the inside, no matter the color of our skin, or the country where we were born. Many film crew members will be from out of town, and housing budget is limited. If you know someone who could house a few crew members to help us tell this story, we’d love to have your help. Please contact with any housing ideas, or for information about getting involved with the film.
SonBridge Thrift&Gift Store, staffed primarily by volunteers, helps financially support the SonBridge Education Center and Dental Clinic. SonBridge served our community with over 13,500 visits last year. Come support our community and SonBridge by shopping Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, 10am-4pm!
Join the WWU Mentoring Team for the 2019–2020 academic year. Mentorship is a valued tradition at Walla Walla University, providing supportive relationships and education to all first–time freshman students as they make the transition to university life. Apply at For questions contact Corren Current at 509.527.2715 or
Are you a physician or dentist with an earnest longing for souls? Then the AMEN conference is for you! Join us October 31–November 3, 2019 in St. Augustine, Florida. The AMEN conference Christ in You will call each of us to a deeper level of service that goes beyond our comfort zone, challenging us to examine the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, instilling a desire to share Him on a daily basis. Speakers include Pastor Mark Finley, Wes Peppers, and Sebastien Braxton; Dentists Kianna Simmons and Fred & Jane Lee; Physicians Brian Schwartz, Neil Nedley, Mark Sandoval, John Shin, and many others. All physicians, dentists, healthcare professionals, and pastors are encouraged to attend. We hope you will join us as hundreds of physicians and dentists from across America, and around the world, gather to reflect Christ in Us. For more information go to or email NOTE: AMEN is not an official SDA-sponsored organization, but is composed of earnest SDA medical and dental professionals with a heart for ministry. The University Church does not endorse this organization, but is happy to share their invitation with interested members. You can learn more about them on their website at
Can You Share an Instrument? The China Union Mission is needing gently used band and orchestra instruments to start an instrumental music program at Hong Kong Adventist Academy this next school year. If you have woodwind, brass, string or percussion instruments that you would like to donate, please contact Dean Kravig at Donation letters for tax purposes will be given upon request.
The Christian Aid Center has the following volunteer opportunities: Childcare Helper (Thursday mornings), Women’s Bible Study Leader (Monday mornings), Receptionist (Tuesday mornings), Registered Nurses (Thursdays). For more information, contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer Coordinator, at 509.525.7153 ext. 114. You can fill out a volunteer application at
Join Professor Carl Cosaert for the "Steps of Paul and John Tour", an amazing tour through Ephesus, Athens, Corinth, Laodicea, Meteora, and more. The trip begins Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to Instanbul and ends in beautiful Athens, Greece. The price of the tour is $2,345 per person plus airfare. For more information, please contact Shelle Blake at
Child Care Director Needed Small World Learning Center, on the campus of Tri–City Adventist School in Pasco, is seeking a Child Care Director. For additional information see the full job position at:
Palisades Christian Learning Center in Spokane is seeking a full-time preschool lead teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. PCLC is an early learning center that serves approximately 60 students. The school is blessed with a beautiful new facility and a growing student enrollment. Qualified candidates must be a committed Adventist who has teaching experience in a similar level. They should be able to operate a well-organized classroom, be an exemplary teacher, and have a passion for Adventist Education. Candidates must either have, or be able to easily obtain appropriate certification, and must have the legal right to work and reside in the United States. Contact Monte Fisher at 509-325-1985 or
Society of Adventist Communicators Convention. This annual convention is designed for university students, volunteers, and communications professionals to network, learn, and experience spiritual renewal. October 17–19, 2019 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. To register go to:
The Upper Columbia Conference is seeking committed men and women to serve as Outreach Coordinators in all church districts. The position is a blend of community Bible work and member equipping and training. For more info, visit:
Sabbath, September 7
Final Week of Summer Light Schedule
10am — Sabbath School Classes
11:15am — Summer Light worship service, Sanctuary
6pm — Pastor Jenn’s Birthday & Farewell Celebration, Fellowship Hall
Friday, September 13
8pm — WWU Vespers, Heubach Chapel
7:35pm — Sundown
Sabbath, September 7
Regular Church Service Schedule Returns:
9:15am — First Serve
10am — Sabbath School Classes
11:45am — Second Service
Sunday, September 15
UCC Constituency Meeting, UCA, Spangle, WA
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