Thank you, I Cantori
Today, I Cantori leads the University Church in worship for the final time during the 2018–2019 academic school year.
Notes, rests, intervals, rhythms, tempos, dynamics, tone, diction, and interpretation are I Cantori's tools. We are grateful for your skillful use of these tools to draw us into a palpable sense of God’s presence. Thank you for the hours you spend in rehearsal. Thank you for those often-hurried cafeteria lunches, the long Friday rehearsals, and the juggled social schedules each contributing to the excellence of your music. Your talents are gifts from God, and your musical ministry is a marvelous medium of God-centered worship. We look forward to being led in worship today for the final time this school year.
–Pastor Andreas
Bulletin Quicklinks
We thank the students comprising I Cantori of Walla Walla University. It is always a bittersweet day when this group sings their final church service of the academic year. Please join me in thanking them for their continued commitment to choral artistry at a high level. We also thank eight cellists and Gina Lincoln for bringing us the prelude, the first movement of Bachianas Brasileiras No.5, by Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959). This is the most famous music of this most famous Brazilian composer. The vocal part is primarily a vocalize – sung on a vowel instead of words – the brief text describes a beautiful evening as the moon rises over the Brazilian landscape. Our cellists include Benjamin Gish, Justin Chung, Brandon Rittenour, Nico Belliard, Keifer Brown, Zoe Boyd, Edward Dixon, and Phillip Thompson.
Exsultate Deo, by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594) sets Psalm 81:1-3.
Sing aloud to God our strength. Make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob. Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery. Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed on our solemn feast day.
We hear another vocalize, this time sung by the entire choir, in Hands by the American composer Jocelyn Hagen (b.1980). Written for the 2017 World Choral Symposium, this wordless piece beautifully and emotively captures the joy of disparate individuals uniting and coming together in peace. You can read the composer’s artistic statement about this composition on the web bulletin. Nicole Leach and Brett Rowe sing the solos.
The offertory presents a favorite hymn, No.530 “It Is Well” together with the contemporary Christian work Stronger by the artist Mandisa (b.1976). Soloists in order of appearance include Adeline Tomarere, Cameron Bierwagen, Jared Sexton, Jonathan Singer, Brett Rowe, Ellie Bunn, Alexa Davidson, Matt Rowe, and Shiana Fowler. The postlude presents a Swedish folk song about friendship. The soloists are Laura Egolf, Christopher Salvador, Gina Lincoln, and Bryce Weber, and our accompanist, Siena Mirasol plays harp.
Thank you for your support of the WWU Choirs again this year. We pray that this time of worship will draw us closer to our Creator and closer to one another.
-Kraig Scott
Excerpted from the Composer’s Artistic Statement About “Hands”
In 2016 I was honored to receive a commission from the International Federation of Choral Music for a performance at the World Choral Symposium in Barcelona in July of 2017. The theme for the symposium was “The Colors of Peace,” and I was tasked with creating a new work based on that theme, to be sung by the Vocal Art Ensemble of Sweden (Jan Yngwe, conductor).
It was an incredibly exciting commission, but I must admit that I was stuck right at the gate. The first thing I do when beginning a new piece of vocal music is pick a text. But what text could I choose that would represent all the musicians attending the conference? Most of the attendees would be speaking English, but for some reason choosing a text in English didn’t feel right to me. It felt too limited.
I was pondering this while in Chicago attending a different conference. I spent an evening with a dear friend strolling through the crowded streets. We don’t see each other often and were so happy to be spending time together that we were happily walking the street holding hands. Then it dawned on me! This is what the piece needs to be about: a simple gesture, the act of uniting, coming together.
It is no surprise that this idea struck me very deeply in this moment. The United States is in deep turmoil right now and feels more divided than ever. There is heavy judgement on both sides, leaving very little room to be stuck in the middle. Because of this, our nation has not been peaceful as of late. I do not pretend to know the solution to this problem, but I do feel that there should be less talking and accusing, and more listening. The act of unity is the foundation for peace, and it’s the reason I chose to create “Hands” in this way.
“Hands” is a vocalise, a song without words. I started the writing process just by singing to myself. My mother told me that, as a child, she could always tell when I was happy because I was singing. I wanted this melody to have the same kind of spontaneous joy.
-Jocelyn Hagen (September 2017)
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. The following graphics compare giving in the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years.
Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).
The flowers on the platform today are provided by WWVA in honor of graduating seniors.
Walla Walla University Graduation Weekend begins June 14. Access information and the schedule of events at
Retired Denominational Workers' potluck and annual strawberry ice-cream feed is June 9, 5pm at the Village Church Fellowship Hall. This is the last potluck for the season until October. A variety program has been prepared for your enjoyment. All those who have been employed in any phase of denominational work are encouraged to come. We welcome new members!
Can You Share an Instrument? The China Union Mission is needing gently used band and orchestra instruments to start an instrumental music program at Hong Kong Adventist Academy this next school year. If you have woodwind, brass, string or percussion instruments that you would like to donate, please contact Dean Kravig at Donation letters for tax purposes will be given upon request.
Bring the Whole Family to UCC Camp Meeting - June 19-22, 2019 All will be blessed at the Upper Columbia Conference camp meeting "Building Up the Family of God." Enjoy seminars to help with your family, your health, your church family, how to pray; how to understand the book of Romans and how to reach our greater family cross-culturally. Be blessed by our main speakers, Randy Roberts, senior pastor of the Loma Linda University Adventist Church; Sung Kwon, director of Adventist Community Services in the North American Division; Claudio and Pamela Consuegra, family ministry directors in the North American Division; and Dr. Minner Labrador, Jr. who serves as president of the Upper Columbia Conference. We are excited to also feature Rob and Bethany Folkenberg for the Sabbath Concert.
The Christian Aid Center has the following volunteer opportunities: Childcare Helper (Thursday mornings), Women’s Bible Study Leader (Monday mornings), Receptionist (Tuesday mornings), Registered Nurses (Thursdays). For more information, contact Jeannette Regalado, Volunteer Coordinator, at 509.525.7153 ext. 114. You can fill out a volunteer application at
The University Church is hosting the Global Leadership Summit for the 4th consecutive year in August. As has been the case in previous years, all those who are regularly part of the University Church community (as well as students and faculty of any institution, and the military) can purchase discounted tickets for just $89, less than half the public price. Visit: to learn more and to register.
Join Professor Carl Cosaert for the "Steps of Paul and John Tour", an amazing tour through Ephesus, Athens, Corinth, Laodicea, Meteora, and more. The trip begins Wednesday, March 18th to Instanbul and ends in beautiful Athens, Greece. The price of the tour is $2,345 per person plus airfare. For more information, please contact Shelle Blake at
The new sermon series on God’s emotions continues this Sabbath, June 8, with Pastor Andreas’ sermon on the subject of “Satisfaction.” Please visit for this week’s recommended resources, and continue to check back every week for future updates!
Walla Walla Valley Academy is accepting applications for Director of Development and Alumni. The primary purpose of this position is to cultivate and seek voluntary support within the surrounding community, schools and constituencies; cultivate positive community relationships; cultivate and nurture positive alumni relations. The individual will report to the Principal but will also positively interact and work cooperatively with the administrative team as well as all students, staff and volunteers. This position is currently budgeted for 19 hours per week with a rate depending on experience and education. Please send your resume to Dena Garrett at or bring it by the WWVA office at 300 SW Academy Way, College Place by June 20. Interviews will begin in July.
Walla Walla Valley Academy is accepting applications for Director of Marketing and Recruitment. The primary purpose of this position is to develop and implement a marketing and recruitment program which raises awareness within the surrounding community, schools and constituencies; cultivates positive community relationships; increases student enrollment; contributes to student retention; and enhances student and family experience. This position is assigned 19 hours per week, rate depending on experience. Please send a resume by June 10 to Dena Garrett at or bring it by the WWVA office at 300 SW Academy Way, College Place.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is accepting applications for a part time Librarian, a part time Special Education Aide and a part time 5th & 6th Science and Social Studies Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Call for more information 541.938.7131. Summer office hours are 9am-1pm Monday-Thursday.
WWU is currently accepting applications for the Assistant Vice President for Student Life role. They are seeking an talented, energetic, and Spirit-filled candidate. To apply and for more details, visit:
Child Care Director Needed Small World Learning Center, on the campus of Tri–City Adventist School in Pasco, is seeking a Child Care Director. For additional information see the full job position at:
Palisades Christian Learning Center in Spokane is seeking a full-time preschool lead teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. PCLC is an early learning center that serves approximately 60 students. The school is blessed with a beautiful new facility and a growing student enrollment. Qualified candidates must be a committed Adventist who has teaching experience in a similar level. They should be able to operate a well-organized classroom, be an exemplary teacher, and have a passion for Adventist Education. Candidates must either have, or be able to easily obtain appropriate certification, and must have the legal right to work and reside in the United States. Contact Monte Fisher at 509-325-1985 or
Join Maranatha in Coeur d’Alene. Maranatha is doing a building project at Lake City Academy in Coeur d’Alene, ID., July 26 – Aug. 20, 2019. If you have building talents, we need you! You can sign up for individual days or several days in a row. View project information and register at or contact Judy Leeper, project coordinator, at 916.677.6246;
Society of Adventist Communicators Convention. This annual convention is designed for university students, volunteers, and communications professionals to network, learn, and experience spiritual renewal. October 17–19, 2019 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. To register go to:
The Discovery Preschool at Walla Walla University is offering a morning preschool program for ages 3-5 during June and July. We will work around your vacation time and you can come 1-5 days during the week. Please contact Elizabeth Yaw by May 1 for more information,
The Upper Columbia Conference is seeking committed men and women to serve as Outreach Coordinators in all church districts. The position is a blend of community Bible work and member equipping and training. For more info, visit:
Rob and Bethany Folkenberg in Concert at UCC - June 19-22, 2019 - Many will be blessed at the Upper Columbia Conference camp meeting "Building Up the Family of God." The Sabbath concert will feature Rob and Bethany Folkenberg. They will also give special music for church and the Sabbath evening meeting. The main speakers this year are Randy Roberts, senior pastor of Loma Linda University Adventist Church; Sung Kwon, director of North American Division Adventist Community Services; and Claudio and Pamela Consuegra. Claudio is the Family Ministries Director for North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. ( Read more Rob and Beth Folkenberg here Invite your new members and interests! Go to: to register.
Prepare to be Prepared to Respond in the Event of a Disaster - June 19. If a disaster strikes nearby or far away and you would like to respond and help, you will not be able to gain entrance to a disaster zone unless you are credentialed and have an ID badge by a recognized organization such as Red Cross or Adventist Community Services. We need volunteers to represent Adventist Community Services who are credentialed. On Wednesday, June 19, first day of UCC Camp Meeting; ACS of Upper Columbia Conference and the North Pacific Union Conference will be conducting a certification class in Donations Operations, at Upper Columbia Academy. All participants must pre-register by June 17 with Wendy Urbin, ACS Administrative Assistant, at 509.242.0628 or email The class will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. Registration of $25.00 includes lunch. Scholarships are available if needed..
Sabbath, June 8
2pm — Adventurers, Jr. High Room
8pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Sunday, June 9
10am — WWVA Commencement, Sanctuary
Monday, June 10
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Wednesday, June 12
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
June 14-16
WWU Graduation Weekend
Find details at
Friday, June 14
8pm — WWU Vespers, Consecration, Sanctuary
8:45pm — Sunday
Sunday June 16
8:30am — WWU Commencement, Centennial Green
June 22 - September 7
Summer Light Schedule:
10am Sabbath Schools
11:15 Worship
July 8-12
University Church VBC (Vacation Bible Camp)
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