Sermon Resources

Today, the spring quarter sermon series about God’s emotions continues. In addition to attending Sabbath worship services, the pastors also invite you to deeper reflection during the week throughout the series. Every Sabbath so far, the church has published weekly family-friendly lists of suggested books, films, music, and other resources to accompany you in growth. Since no one will have enough time or space to absorb all the recommendations, you are encouraged to pick and choose the ones that resonate best for your walk.

Visit to see the full curated collection of ideas!



New Toddler Room

The Sanctuary balcony now features a second space for families. In addition to the room reserved for nursing mothers, the church also has a room in the SE corner of the balcony for families with toddlers. God put the wiggle in children; parents, please don’t feel pressure to suppress it as we worship. We provide this space as an option to suit your comfort level.

Thank you to all for making the University Church a remarkable community for everyone to belong. Please join the pastoral staff in their commitment to making worship, especially for “the little ones,” a positive experience.



Bulletin Quicklinks




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We thank the musical scholars of Rogers Adventist School for sharing their music under the direction of Holly Carpenter. Please join me in extending to them a warm Walla Walla welcome and thanking them for their music.

The prelude forms the final movement of Brandenburg Concerto No.3 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) in an arrangement by Merle Isaac. The anthem, performed by the intermediate orchestra, presents the well-loved hymn “Simple Gifts.”

'Tis the gift to be simple, ‘Tis the gift to be free,
Tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
Will be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend, we will not be ashamed,
To turn, turn, will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right

Our closing hymn was written by Washington Gladden, a Congregational minister in New York, Massachusetts, and Ohio. Through the hymn’s four stanzas the theme progresses from walking with God to a closer companionship with God, and finally to living with God just as Enoch did.

The tune of this hymn, MARYTON, was composed by H. Percy Smith, a graduate of Oxford University. As you prepare your heart to worship God, I invite you to meditate on the words of this hymn.

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church, as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. The following graphics compare giving in the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years.

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Plan to attend a UCC Town Hall Meeting in advance of the September 15 Upper Columbia Conference Constituency Session. These are for all members to attend; 7pm, May 16, Walla Walla City Church.

An all-church potluck is planned for Sabbath, May 11, at 1:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a special potluck celebration in honor of Pastor Kris and his family. All are invited to attend!

Membership Transfers (second reading):
(IN) Chris, Betty, and Evan Farley, Livermore, Calif.
Dee Hannum, Lake Havasu, Ariz.
Yvonne Jackson, Walla Walla Eastgate
Stephon Schulze, Great Falls, Mont.

(AWAY) Jeremiah Gibson, Beaverton, Ore.
Don James, Wapato, Wash.

Thank you for your support! This church family was able to raise funds to purchase 370 new chairs for the Fellowship Hall. The chairs will help to accommodate the growing needs of the student-led ministry, Circle Church, and other activities hosted in the Fellowship Hall. God bless you for your generosity and heart of service. —The Pastoral Staff

The University Church is hosting the Global Leadership Summit for the 4th consecutive year in August. As has been the case in previous years, all those who are regularly part of the University Church community (as well as students and faculty of any institution, and the military) can purchase discounted tickets for just $89, less than half the public price. Visit: to learn more and to register.

Join Professor Carl Cosaert for the "Steps of Paul and John Tour", an amazing tour through Ephesus, Athens, Corinth, Laodicea, Meteora, and more. The trip begins Wednesday, March 18th to Instanbul and ends in beautiful Athens, Greece. The price of the tour is $2,345 per person plus airfare. For more information, please contact Shelle Blake at

The new sermon series on God’s emotions continues this Sabbath, May 4, with Pastor Andreas’ sermon on the subject of “Disgust.” Please visit for this week’s recommended resources, and continue to check back every week for future updates!

Frances Kinzer, a longtime member of the University Church and a staff member at the University Store died peacefully at her home, surrounded by her family, on April 6 at the age of 93. She is survived by her four children, Kathryn Kinzer Grosse, Lou Kinzer Blanchfield, Steven Kinzer, and Joanie Kinzer. Her memorial service will be held in Heubach chapel on May 4 at 3pm.

Henry R. Archer, father of Austin Archer and father-in-law of Beverly Roper-Archer, passed away on April 19 on the island of Tobago at age 101. Funeral services will take place in Tobago on Sunday, April 28.

SonBridge seeks a Design, Communications, and Development Specialist. Design, photograph, write, and edit to communicate with our community, supporters, and volunteers via print and digital. Write grants, plan events, and facilitate fundraising campaigns. Work with an enthusiastic team in College Place--Connecting Lives and Empowering Change. Full-time paid position. Requires degree in relevant field. Call or text 509.529.5848, or send resume and cover letter to

The annual Maplewood Academy potluck is set for May 4, 1:30-3pm, WWVA dining area. An academy representative will be present. Alums especially invited.

Denominational Retired Workers’ program for May will be a Bus Trip on Wednesday, May 8, to the Pataha Flour Mill Museum near Pomeroy, which includes “A meal at The Mill ”. The Pathfinder Bus will begin loading in the Village Church parking lot at 8:30am, with departure at 9am. For details, and to reserve a seat on the bus, you will need to call Bona Engen 509.522.4848

WWU is currently accepting applications for the Assistant Vice President for Student Life role. They are seeking an talented, energetic, and Spirit-filled candidate. To apply and for more details, visit:

The College Place Spanish Church is having an enchiladas to go sale to raise funds for Christian Education.
16 enchiladas tray/$20 (cheese, chicken, potato or vegan)
Rice 16 oz/$5; Beans 16 oz/$5
Order by April 30 to pick up May 5 at Rogers Adventist School from 1-3 pm.
To order please call 509-525-9523 / 509-301-2956 or email

You are invited to attend the AMEN Northwest Conference The Master Plan: Forgiveness & Healing on May 9 – 11, 2019. It will be held at the Upper Columbia Conference office in Spokane, Washington. This conference is a wonderful continuing education opportunity for you as well as for health care providers, health ministry leaders, and gospel workers. The keynote speaker is Dr. Mark Sandoval. Dr. Sandoval is the medical director of Uchee Pines. He will be speaking directly to the theme of the program which is taken from Psalm 103:1-5. Dr. Hana Kahleova is speaking on the role of a plant-based diet on diabetes. Dr. Kahleova is the director of clinical research for the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine. And, finally, Dr. James Trott will talk about the role of the Holy Spirit in caring for people. Dr. Trott is a professor in the Loma Linda School of Dentistry. You can find more information and register at There is a $30 discount for registration on or before April 30, 2019. Use coupon code AMEN at checkout.

The Discovery Preschool at Walla Walla University is offering a morning preschool program for ages 3-5 during June and July. We will work around your vacation time and you can come 1-5 days during the week. Please contact Elizabeth Yaw by May 1 for more information,

The Upper Columbia Conference is seeking committed men and women to serve as Outreach Coordinators in all church districts. The position is a blend of community Bible work and member equipping and training. For more info, visit:

Rob and Bethany Folkenberg in Concert at UCC - June 19-22, 2019 - Many will be blessed at the Upper Columbia Conference camp meeting "Building Up the Family of God." The Sabbath concert will feature Rob and Bethany Folkenberg. They will also give special music for church and the Sabbath evening meeting. The main speakers this year are Randy Roberts, senior pastor of Loma Linda University Adventist Church; Sung Kwon, director of North American Division Adventist Community Services; and Claudio and Pamela Consuegra. Claudio is the Family Ministries Director for North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. ( Read more Rob and Beth Folkenberg here Invite your new members and interests! Go to: to register.

Prepare to be Prepared to Respond in the Event of a Disaster - June 19. If a disaster strikes nearby or far away and you would like to respond and help, you will not be able to gain entrance to a disaster zone unless you are credentialed and have an ID badge by a recognized organization such as Red Cross or Adventist Community Services. We need volunteers to represent Adventist Community Services who are credentialed. On Wednesday, June 19, first day of UCC Camp Meeting; ACS of Upper Columbia Conference and the North Pacific Union Conference will be conducting a certification class in Donations Operations, at Upper Columbia Academy. All participants must pre-register by June 17 with Wendy Urbin, ACS Administrative Assistant, at (509) 242- 0628 or email The class will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. Registration of $25.00 includes lunch. Scholarships are available if needed.

UCC Women’s & Young Women’s One Day Retreat – May 4 Come to the UCC Women's and Young Women's one-day retreat on Sabbath, May 4, at the UCC Conference Center. Entitled, Hope in a broken world -  How is a woman to live?  Keynote speaker, Jennifer Woody, is the associate pastor at Auburn Adventist Academy Church in Auburn, Wash.  Special features for the day include floral designer, DelJean Benton, who will share how God works through her passions of people and custom-made design flowers; and musical group, Rejoice Trio, to bless us with music. Please make your plans to join us as spaces are filling and early bird registration ends April 28.  After this the rate will be $35, so don't delay, we want to have you join us! To register online: and for questions, call (509) 242-0628 or email

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Digging Deeper Retreat, May 17-19 – Speaker change! Have you heard? Our original speaker, Michael Kelly, has had to cancel as our retreat speaker because of something unexpected that came up. We are excited to share the new door that has opened, and that this year’s retreat will feature five pastors/speakers from the local area who are themselves in our 20s-40s age group. They will be unpacking our theme—Authentic Faith—digging into the Bible and sharing from their own journeys in faith. For more information, please check out the SPEAKER page on our website at Children's program for ages 4-10yr, childcare for ages 18mo-3yr, and a mother’s room for infants will be provided at the retreat. Scholarships available.

Can You Volunteer at Camp Meeting? Positions are still available for the following: golf cart drivers, photographer, first aid booth helpers, -- some are clerical and non-medical positions. We also have openings for signers for the hearing impaired and a few good helpers at the media trailer are still needed. If you volunteered last year and want to do it again, let us know ASAP. Don't delay, save your spot to volunteer. Camp Meeting is June 19 to 22, 2019, at Upper Columbia Academy. To volunteer contact All volunteers must be screened through "Verified Volunteers." Start the Screening process here:



Sabbath, May 4
3pm — Mary Frances Kinzer Memorial Service,
Heubach Chapel
8pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge

Monday, May 6
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel

Tuesday, May 7
11am — WWU CommUnity, Nick Gosney, Sanctuary
7pm — High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday, May 8
6:30pm — Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7pm — Face Off, Youth Room
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel

Friday, May 10
8:12pm — Sundown
8pm — WWU Vespers, AGA, Sanctuary

Sabbath, May 11
1:15pm — All Church Potluck, Fellowship Hall
2:30pm — Adventurers, Jr. High Room
7pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
8pm — Evensong, Sanctuary

Sabbath, June 1
11:45am — Outdoor Church, Centennial Green

June 22 - September 7
Summer Light Schedule: 10am Sabbath Schools, 11:15 Worship

July 8-12
University Church VBC (Vacation Bible Camp)

Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.


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