“Mary Consoles Eve”
Crayon and pencil by Sister Grace Remington, OCSO
Copyright 2005, Sisters of the Mississippi Abbey. Printed by permission
“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne...”
–Revelation 12:1–5
Thank you for your generosity to the work of the University Church through your gifts of service, affirmation, and monetary donations. As of December 26, about $50,000 remains to be raised to finish 2018 within the boundaries of the 2018 budget.
In 2018, your gifts to the University Church budget were utilized to empower many meaningful ministries in the Walla Walla Valley. Nearly 200 children attended Vacation Bible Camp in August, livestream viewership of worship services increased by 22%, University Church members young and old partnered with students, inspiring and equipping them for lives of service. The 2018 budget also funded generous subsidies to the operating budgets of WWVA and Rogers School; vibrant ministries to youth, family, and children; and many upgrades and fixes to our beautiful facility. Thank you for generously blessing the mission of the University Church as we lean into 2019
Bulletin Quicklinks
I wish you a warm Walla Walla welcome to the University Church. Last week was the final Sabbath in Advent, the four-week-long pre-Christmas period of anticipation looking for the coming of Christ. The Christmas season then begins with the traditional midnight commemoration of Christ’s birth as clocks turn into 25th December. Happy Sabbath to you on this first Sabbath of the Christmas season.
In this space last week, I wrote about the musical blessings this church enjoys from great musicians who return home during the holidays. Today, I give thanks for the amazing talent that lives right here among us. Musicians thrive on collaboration with great musicians, and this congregation is blessed with a community of such music makers. Today, we highlight four of them and next week, several more. Please join me in thanking Debra Bakland, Amelia Messervy, Lyn Ritz, and Ron Coleman.
Last week, even though it was still Advent season, we sang Hymn No.132, O Come, All Ye Faithful. This week, during actual Christmastide, we hear Lyn Ritz and Debra Bakland play Jesu Bambino, by the Italian-born American organist and composer Pietro Yon (1886-1943). As you prepare your heart to worship God, I invite you to meditate on the message of this favorite carol, whose text includes these words:
O come let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
-Kraig Scott
Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church. One of the most visible ministries funded by the University Church budget is broadcasting Second Service every Sabbath. Although it is aptly described as “visible” with a live viewership of 300–500 per week, as well as weekly airings on Blue Mountain Television and the Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, most of the work takes place behind the scenes.
Chris Drake, senior media manager at Walla Walla University, is the director of the church’s broadcast ministry. He expertly organizes and leads a team of nearly 20 dedicated operators and directors. The University Church budget pays for equipment maintenance and depreciation, live streaming fees, web hosting costs, music licensing, sound support and all the other technical and lighting support functions necessary for producing and sharing our worship services every week with a digital audience.
Follow this link to submit announcements for future bulletins (print and web).
Thank you to Brant Berglin for sharing the sermon with our church community today. Brant is a professor of the WWU School of Theology and a church elder.
The Church Office will close at 1pm on Monday, December 31 and will reopen with regular hours on Wednesday, January 2.
WWU’s Campus Ministries theme for the year is “Connections Matter.” We would like to invite you to join us in connecting through a new experiment called “Family Groups.” There are many of our students that would love (and need!) intergenerational connection and fellowship. This January, we are launching a new type of small group called Family Groups. A Family Group consists of a family (or two or three) opening up their home once a week to some college students to connect as a family and grow together in faith. Studies show that winter quarter can be one of the hardest times for our students in the areas of relationships, mental health, and remaining spiritually engaged. Whether it's gloomy weather or just gloomy feelings, or both, winter is a tough time for our campus. Hosting a Family Group is a wonderful way to make progress against those barriers to connection. Many University Church members are already doing something like this, but there might be a few others that would like to try. Here's your chance to take part in what promises to be a transformative experience. Please see the attached document for answers to more questions you might have. The first Friday night of winter quarter at vespers (January 11), WWU Chaplain Albert Handal will be preaching and making an appeal for students to sign up for a group at the end of the sermon. WWU Campus Ministries would love to have your name as a part of the options for students to get connected. If you're interested, please contact Campus Ministries as soon as possible at: small.groups@wallawalla.edu. Also, they will be doing a training session for all new Family Group hosts on Sunday, January 13th.
The Winter Quarter pulpit series at the University Church is entitled “Wise Guys.” Each Sabbath, a variety of preachers from our community (including our new senior pastor Andreas Beccai) will open the scriptures sharing from the wisdom literature books of: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, and Song of Solomon.
Walla Walla University will host a free online webinar for prospective students and their parents titled “How to Pay for College” on Wednesday, January 9, at 4pm and 7pm. This 40-minute presentation will be led by experts from WWU Student Financial Services, and Marketing and Enrollment Services. After the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. Register at: sfs.wallawalla.edu/webinars.
Please join the pastoral staff and the church board in warmly thanking Pam Cress, chair of the senior pastor search committee, as well as all members of that team, for their diligent, sacrificial, and faithful work over the past six months. Those who have served on other such committees in the past know that the task is heavy, full of unexpected time-commitments, emotional peaks and valleys, and sometimes conflicting expectations. Please consider sending Pam and her team a note on a Connect Card or via email: pastoralsearch@wallawalla.edu
Please consider contributing to WWU Student Week of Worship, January 14-19, 2019 by sharing your plants! ASWWU needs your help! During week of worship, the sanctuary will be decoarted with many plants to reflect the theme, “Seasons.” Would you be willing to let ASWWU babysit one of your plants for a week? We will feed and water it as you wish! Please contact Lindsey Haffner at 937.657.9441 to help.
J.U.M.P., High Five, and Pathfinders are on break until January 8 and 9 respectively. Contact Pastor Jenn with questions: jenn.ogden@wallawalla.edu
College Place Spanish Adventist Church’s new building is almost complete. The University Church, along with other sister churches in the Walla Walla Valley, intends to help with the final fundraising efforts. The University Church Board in business session voted that 50% of the funds that exceed the University Church’s 2018 budget will be given to the Spanish Church help finish the new building.
Equipping for Service Weekends created by Upper Columbia Conference leadership team will be held in several locations throughout the conference in 2019. Intended for the whole church, these weekends focus on training members to reach their communities with the Christ-centered message of hope and wholeness. March 1-2 is the weekend planned for the Walla Walla area. For more information, please visit: https://goo.gl/GLnGNS
Volunteer for “Love Heals” free clinic coming to Walla Walla, April 18 & 19, 2019. Physicians, dentists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, nurses, dental hygienists and assistants, chiropractors, prayer warriors, organizers, hospitality experts, pastors and chaplains, and everyone in between are encouraged to partner with Walla Walla University and many area churches and support organizations in lending your hand to this beautiful ministry. Learn more and register to volunteer at: lovehealswallawalla.org.
The Spanish Translation Team is recruiting bilingual Spanish/English speakers to interpret the University Church worship service. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Sandra Graham at 509.526.8011.
Sabbath, December 29
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Monday, December 31
Church Office closes at 1pm
Tuesday, January 1
New Year’s Day — Church Office closed
J.U.M.P. on break until January 8
High Five on break until January 8
Wednesday, January 2
WWVA and Rogers School classes resume
Pathfinders on break until January 9
7pm — Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel
Friday, January 4
4:21pm — Sundown
Sabbath, December 5
6pm — Adventist Singles Fellowship, SonBridge
Monday, January 7
WWU classes resume
7:30am — (daily) Morning Worship, Heubach Chapel
Tuesday, January 8
11am — WWU CommUnity, Michael Nixon, Sanctuary
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.
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Email kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu if you have questions.
Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.
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Press this App/button and it will always access the most up-to-date web-Bulletin.
Email kris.loewen@wallawalla.edu if you have questions.
Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.