
Bulletin Quicklinks






This prayer list contains special requests made by our church family, community members, and their loved ones. If you have a concern to add, please contact the office at church@wallawalla.edu, 509.527.2800, or by dropping a Connect Card in an offering bag.

- Kraig Scott is recuperating from a successful planned surgery. He is looking forward to returning in the New Year.

- The holidays can be especially difficult for many people in our congregation. Please pray for those in our church family who are sick, grieving, or have experienced some kind of loss.



Please join me in extending special welcome and thanks to our musicians. Our own Sharon Schafer serves as guest organist. In the offertory we hear two of her children, Hannah and Samuel play violin, along with Keifer Brown on the cello. Sharon’s sister-in-law, Jacquie Schafer Zuill, provides piano accompaniment as well as her own arrangement in the piano postlude. We also thank another member of our congregation, Rick Foster, who, for the anthem, shares one of his guitar arrangements. We are very blessed to have such a range of musicians in our own congregation.

In the postlude we hear two carols in a single arrangement: “Come, All Ye Shepherds” and “Bring a Torch, Jeannette Isabella.” The prelude presents the famous Coventry Carol whose dark text focuses on a detail of the Christmas story not often emphasized. As you prepare your heart to worship I invite you to meditate on these words, or on the carols we sing.

Herod the king, in his raging,
Charged he hath this day
His men of might in his own sight
All young children to slay.

That woe is me, poor Child, for thee
And ever mourn and may
For thy parting neither say nor sing
“Bye bye, lully, lullay.”

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today's loose offering goes toward the University Church Budget, which funds ministries such as youth and young adults, children and families, broadcast, and our schools. Thank you for your generous contributions to this important work.



Second service is live–streamed weekly in Heubach Chapel as an option for parents with young children who would find that location helpful. In addition, a toddler room is newly renovated, along with a private room for nursing mothers in the balcony. We offer multiple options for your comfort; all are welcome in the Sanctuary!

Todos nuestros servicios están traducidos en vivo por hablantes nativos de español y están transmitidos a dispositivos de mano, disponibles a prestar en el mostrador de información en el vestíbulo. Por favor, buscar a un diácono en el mostrador el Sábado para recibir un dispositivo e instrucciones de cómo usarlo. All of our services are translated live by native Spanish-speakers and are broadcast to handheld devices available to borrow at the information desk in the lobby. Please see a deacon at the desk on Sabbath to receive a device and instructions on how to use it.

Membership transfers - First reading

Brenna Johnson - Happy Valley, OR
Branden Johnson - Renton, WA
Giovanna Girotto - Burlington, WA
David Cress Solís - Sacramento, CA
Cody Colville - College Place, WA
Kady Colville - College Place, WA
Sherrick Hiscock - College Place, WA
Rachel Deininger - Spokane, WA
Korey Zbaraschuk - Spokane, WA
John Kellar - Loma Linda, CA
Karen Kellar - Loma Linda, CA
Jennifer Carpenter - Apopka, FL

Petra Candace Ruybalid was born at home early Monday morning to members Tim and Marion Ruybalid. She was 6 lbs 10 oz. Mother and baby are doing very well.

The Adventurers Club plans to meet two times a month, on weekends, starting this January and ending in June. Kids in Adventurers will have the opportunity to learn more about Pathfinders and earn awards. For those interested in enrolling their child, please contact Lauren Heinrich at

Be your own best medicine. The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) is coming soon to the University Church. Many health and weight-loss programs provide information in the hope that you change your habits. CHIP is different. CHIP helps you make long-lasting lifestyle changes by addressing the causes of chronic disease and teaches you to use your own lifestyle as your best medicine. Some chronic diseases are reversible. Most are preventable. It is never too late to take your life back! Information session on Jan. 15 at 6 p.m. For details call 509.527.2800, or wallawallahealth@gmail.com

Member Care Team. The Walla Walla University Church has a Member Care Team made up of people that are committed to help care for this community through visitation, prayer, and other spiritual support.  Together we strive to care well for this community but often do not know all that you are facing.  Please let us know if you would like a visit or if there are other ways that we can support you by filling out a Connect Card.

Special Church Office Holiday Hours. The church office will be open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Dec. 24, but it will be closed on Christmas Day, Dec. 25. For New Year. The church office will have regular business hours (8 a.m. - 1 p.m., 2 p.m.-5 p.m.) on Dec. 31, but it will be closed on New Year's Day, Jan. 1.

How to Pay for College. Live Online Workshop Walla Walla University will host a live online workshop for prospective students and their parents titled “How to Pay for College” on Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 4 p.m. and again at 7 p.m. This 40-minute presentation will be led by experts from WWU Student Financial Services, and Marketing and Enrollment Services. After the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. Register at sfs.wallawalla.edu/webinars.

The SonBridge Dental Clinic is looking for an office receptionist. If you are interested in this part-time position please contact Mel Lang at 509.301.3460.

Walla Walla Valley Academy is looking for a full time business manager. If you have experience and would be interested in more information you can contact Erik Borges through email borger@wwva.org or call 509.525.1050.

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Camp Meeting 2020 Main Speaker is Lee Venden.  It is time now to register for lodging for the 2020 camp meeting - June 10-13, 2020. Go to: https://www.uccsda.org/campmeeting and find the reservation link at the top of the menu. The main speaker will be Lee Venden and he will share his focus on how Jesus made plans to rescue every person. You will enjoy these amazing presentations. https://www.uccsda.org/Speakers. June 10-13, 2020.

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Child Care Director Needed Small World Learning Center, on the campus of Tri–City Adventist School in Pasco, is seeking a Child Care Director. For additional information see the full job position at: www.uccsda.org/EduEmployment

The Upper Columbia Conference is seeking committed men and women to serve as Outreach Coordinators in all church districts. The position is a blend of community Bible work and member equipping and training. For more info, visit: www.uccsda.org/jobs



Sabbath, December 21
9:30 a.m. - First Serve, Andreas Beccai
11:40 a.m. - Second Service, Andreas Beccai
4:11 p.m. - Sundown

Tuesday, December 24
Eden's Pantry Closed
8 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Church Office open

Wednesday, December 25
Merry Christmas!
Church Office Closed

Thursday, December 26
Eden's Pantry Closed

Friday, December 27
4:14 p.m. - Sundown

Sabbath, December 28
9:30 a.m. - First Serve, Dave Thomas
11:40 a.m. - Second Service, Dave Thomas
4:15 p.m. - Sundown

Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.


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  4. Scroll to the right in the bottom row of black and white icons until you find "Add to Home Screen" - this icon is a gray box with a + sign in the middle.

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  8. Press this button and it will always access the most up-to-date web-Bulletin.

  9. Email church@wallawalla.edu if you have questions.

Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.

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  1. Open Chrome (or Firefox, other web browser, etc.)

  2. Navigate to the web-bulletin page (wwuchurch.com). If you are reading this message, you are already in the correct spot.

  3. Touch the 3 dots in the upper right corner of chrome (or other applicable share button)

  4. Touch "Add to Home Screen" - about 3/4 the way down the list.

  5. An empty field will pop up giving you an option to name it. We suggest writing "BULLETIN"

  6. Touch "ADD" in the lower right corner of the menu.

  7. VOILA! - Easy button added (you may have to scroll to the right or left on your home screen to find the new icon)

  8. Press this App/button and it will always access the most up-to-date web-Bulletin.

  9. Email church@wallawalla.edu if you have questions.

Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.