Picture credit: brian Hernandez, wwu church member
The Longest Night
Each year on the shortest day of the year, the University Church huddles together for a Friday evening service of grief and hope. For many in our community, the holiday season is not as joyous as it once was or as others experience it. Instead, many are reminded of loss and pain. At "The Longest Night", we acknowledge this suffering and remind ourselves of the Grand Hope we share.
Please plan to join us for this special program on Friday evening, December 16, at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Together we will enjoy the balm of text and song, silence and community.
For more information, please contact Pastor Lois Blackwelder at lois.blackwelder@wallawalla.edu.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We thank the many students and community members of the WWU Wind Symphony under the direction of Brandon Beck. If you recognize one of these players, please consider writing them a thank you note using the Connect card in the pew rack.
We hear a wealth of Christmas carols this morning. In addition to the ones we sing, the offertory presents O Come, All Ye Faithful (No.132), and in the anthem we hear O Come, O Come, Immanuel (No.115). As you prepare your heart to worship I invite you to silently ponder the words of the carol featured in the prelude, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (No.662). The first stanza is given here.
Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
And with fear and trembling stand;
Ponder nothing earthly minded,
For with blessing in His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth,
Our full homage to demand.
-Kraig Scott
Sabbath's Question:
Why does God punish people for not choosing him?
The University Church budget funds many important aspects of our local ministry. Although pastors' salaries are funded by donations marked "tithe", the University Church budget is what subsidizes our amazing K-12 school programs at Walla Walla Valley Academy and Rogers Adventist School. It also makes our worship services and broadcast ministry possible. Thank you for your generous and systematic support!
As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!
Ask Anything sermon series will continue on December 17 and 24. Please submit your questions to church@wallawalla.edu. A committee of University Church members will choose these topics for Pastor Alex. Thank you to all for your part in shaping this sermon series through the fall season!
An all-church potluck will be this Sabbath, December 10, after Second Service in the Fellowship Hall. Students and visitors are welcome!
The Longest Night, a midwinter service of renewal and hope will take place on Friday, December 16 at 7 pm. Join us for a meditative service of music, reflection, and healing prayer.
Join Walla Walla Valley Academy music department for their annual Christmas program, "Joy to the World". Begins at 7pm on Sabbath, December 10 in the WWVA auditorium.
College Place Co-op Preschool has openings for children 3-5 years old. Play-based & child-centered program of the WW Community College. Tue/Wed/Thur from 9am-12pm. Only $90/month. Meets in the children’s wing of WWU Church. For more info contact Teacher Andrea @ 301-3878 or program manager @ 527-4237.
Vespers Feast of Lessons and Carols, COME, EMMANUEL, COME! presented by the Village Church Choir, Orchestra, and Grace Notes Handbells featuring music and scriptures reflecting on the incredible gift of salvation given the world by the birth of Christ. Sabbath, December 10, 3:30 pm, Village Church sanctuary. Please bring an item of personal hygiene to donate to the Christian Aid Center.
50-PLUS CLUB POTLUCK, Sunday, December 18 at 5:00pm in the Youth Center. Please bring a favorite vegetarian dish and enjoy a program presented by Roman and Linda Hintz.
Singles, families, and friends are invited to a Christmas Party tomorrow, Sunday, December 11, 12:30-4:30 p.m. in the College Place Village Church Fellowship Room. There will be a Semi Potluck - A-M bring Breads, N-Z bring Salad/Vegetable; all may bring desserts, lasagna and drink provided. Bring $7-10 gift for gift exchange. Come join us for great food, fellowship, and games. Questions?? -- Call Virginia at 509-525-2892. Hosted by Solo Soaring Singles.
Positive Life Radio seeks Volunteers for a special Year-End Fundraiser, December 15 and 16. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer for a two hour (or more) shift answering phones in PLR’s phone bank, please contact us at 527-2991or email Sali at sali@plr.org. Volunteer shifts are between6 AM to 6 PM Thursdayand 6 AM to 10 AM Friday.
A new podcast with Pastors Alex, Jenn, and Kris is now available, entitled "Walla Walla". Check it out! Two episodes have already been published with more to come on a biweekly basis. Access more details at wallawallapodcast.com or search for "Walla Walla Podcast" on iTunes.
The Rogers Adventist School K-6 Christmas Production this year is entitled "The Night Shift before Christmas". This will take place on Thursday night, December 8, at 6:30 p.m. It involves students from K-6 this year, which is different from the past. By popular demand, our treble choir singers decided they would rather be a part of this event, and thus we will let the Grades 5 - 8 Christmas program on December 13 be for our instrumental performing organizations -- the two bands, our two orchestras, our three handbell ensembles, and our steel drums. We are looking forward to a fun December!
Music is Not just for Kids!! Adult Cello & Cello Ensemble Lessons: There is a place for Adults who want to learn or improve on their instrument and at the same time have a stress free outlet that fills their soul. All levels are welcome! Come join a group that explores music just for the love of it! Call Heather at (509) 638-2268 with your interest in classes and lessons starting in the New Year.
The One project is coming February 24-27 to San Diego, Cal. This year, three events make up the weekend experience that is the One Project. Join Pastor Alex, Paddy, and the rest of the crew for one day, three, or all four. Find more information at the1project.org.
Symposium on Spiritual Care at WWGH - Save the date for the 7th annual Spiritual Care Symposium at Walla Walla General Hospital. Philip Watkins, PhD, will speak on “Gratitude: An Essential Foundation for Spiritual Well-being” Friday, January 27, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the WWGH auditorium.
Milton-Stateline Adventist School is accepting applications for a bus driver. You may contact us at 541-938-7131 or email lepiba@miltonstateline.org.
Volunteers Needed to ring the bell for Salvation Army. If you are interested, please contact maria.pineda.ibarra@usw.salvationarmy.org or 529-9470.
Camp MiVoden Registration for 2017 is now open! In addition to our regular kids camps we have a lot of exciting Ultimate Camps, and we have added another Family Camp as well. Along with the great camps that you already know are some new adventures that will be coming our way this summer. Come enjoy an amazing summer with God and others who live for him! Register now or get more information at MiVoden.com, or contact Denise Kinney: (509) 242-0506, DeniseK@uccsda.org.
The Alaska and Washington chapter of Make-A-Wish® needs your help! They are seeking qualified Wish Granting Volunteers in Walla Walla. Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Wish Granting Volunteers must be at least 21 years old, and work in teams of two to help plan and fulfill each wish. Volunteers interview each child to determine their wish, then work with the staff to make the wish come true! The time commitment is flexible and variable depending upon what the child wishes for. Volunteers can expect to meet with the family one time at their home to identify the wish and get the paperwork filled out, conduct follow-up phone calls about logistics, and plan a wish presentation about a week in advance of the wish. All of these things can be scheduled based on the family’s and volunteers’ availability.
Please visit http://www.akwa.wish.org for more information about Make-A-Wish, and check out Caitlin’s wish to go to New York City! http://akwa.wish.org/wishes/wish-stories/wish-to-go/caitlin-nyc-wicked. Please email Volunteer Coordinator Chris Sullivan or Wish Coordinator Lauren Davies to begin the process of becoming a Wish Granting volunteer. chris@akwa.wish.org laurend@akwa.wish.org
Sabbath, December 10
3:30pm — Vespers Feast of Lessons & Carols, Village Church
4:07pm — Sunset
6pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge
7pm — Joy to the World, WWVA Music Department Christmas Program, WWVA Auditorium
Sunday, December 11
12:30pm — Singles Christmas Party, Village Church
Tuesday, December 13
6:30pm — Rogers School grades 5-8 Christmas Program, WWVA Auditorium
Wednesday, December 14
6:30pm — Pathfinders Club, Youth Room
Thursday, December 15
6:30pm - J.U.M.P., Juniors Room
Friday, December 16
4:09pm — Sunset
7pm — Longest Night, Sanctuary
Sunday, December 18
5pm — 50-Plus Club Potluck, Youth Center
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.