
A People Prepared

Luke 1:17


Bulletin Quicklinks






This prayer list contains special requests made by our church family, community members, and their loved ones. If you have a concern to add, please contact the office at church@wallawalla.edu, 509.527.2800, or by dropping a Connect Card in an offering bag.

- Henning and Kristy Guldhammer and their family as they grieve the loss of David Daub, Kristy’s father.



Thanksgiving is a time of family gatherings, and to all visitors today we wish you a warm Walla Walla welcome; we are glad that you are here to worship God with us. Please join me in welcoming also our musicians, Francely Zurita and Benjamin Gish. Benjamin is well known to our congregation, having taught in the music department and led the Walla Walla Valley Academy orchestra for almost thirty years.
Francely Zurita, however, has lived in our valley for only two months and it is a special privilege to introduce her to our congregation. She comes to us with a degree in flute from the Geneva Conservatory by way of Lebanon where she formerly lived with her husband, Jose Segovia, our new pastor of communications and worship. Welcome Francely, we hope to hear your music often here at the University Church.

The postlude features a side of John Rutter, the popular British choral composer, not often heard. Rutter composed the six movements of his Suite Antique in 1979 for a concert featuring Brandenburg Concerto No.5 by Johann Sebastian Bach. Thus, he chose to employ the same forces in his new work – harpsichord, flute, and string orchestra. Today we hear an arrangement for flute and piano.

As you prepare your heart to worship God I invite you to silently meditate on the words of our final hymn, No.639, some of which are given here.

A diligent and grateful heart
Prompts me to sing Thy praise
Thy love and mercies from the start
Have blessed me all my days.

-Kraig Scott




Thank you for your generosity to the local ministry of the University Church as well as to the global mission of the Adventist Church. Today's loose offering is for Walla Walla University. Thank you for your generous contributions to this important work.



Second service is live–streamed weekly in Heubach Chapel as an option for parents with young children who would find that location helpful. In addition, a toddler room is newly renovated, along with a private room for nursing mothers in the balcony. We offer multiple options for your comfort; all are welcome in the Sanctuary!

Todos nuestros servicios están traducidos en vivo por hablantes nativos de español y están transmitidos a dispositivos de mano, disponibles a prestar en el mostrador de información en el vestíbulo. Por favor, buscar a un diácono en el mostrador el Sábado para recibir un dispositivo e instrucciones de cómo usarlo. All of our services are translated live by native Spanish-speakers and are broadcast to handheld devices available to borrow at the information desk in the lobby. Please see a deacon at the desk on Sabbath to receive a device and instructions on how to use it.

Student Elders, First Reading
- Crystina Vance

Student Elders, Second Reading
- Matthias Bernard - Emily Ellis
- Natalia Perry - Angelo Simorangkir
- Madison Turner - Katelyn Wagner
- John Aitken - Jonathan Muriu

Church members are preparing baked potatoes for dinner today. If you are visiting or don’t have anyone to share dinner with, join them after church in the Junior High Sabbath School room.

A note from Henning and Kristy Guldhammer: "We want to express our deep appreciation for the many thoughtful notes of condolence we have received from our church family. Some have asked about a memorial service for Kristy's father, "Pops" (David Daub). Because of complicated schedules of distant family members who want to be here, a memorial service will not take place till February/March. Thank you again." - Henning and Kristy Guldhammer.

Attention all Adventist Retired Workers and/or spouses! You won't want to miss our Christmas event featuring the Umapine Philharmonic and the Village Players. Potluck at SonBridge Education Center, Sunday, Dec. 1, 5 p.m. All retired denominational workers and guests are welcome!  509.520.2813

Eden's Pantry Open House. We are excited to announce that Eden's Pantry will be hosting an open house and dinner, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 5 p.m. in the Youth Room. This is a great opportunity to see the space Eden's Pantry has created and meet students on campus. Donations for the pantry will also be accepted. If you are interested in helping prepare soup for the open house, please contact
Sue Willard at 509.520.0699.

Adults with aging parents support group. As parents age there can be new challenges in the journey. A little support can be helpful while caring for aging loved ones. This is an interdenominational support group that will meet the first Wednesday of every month. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 6 p.m., Gathering Room. For directions please call 509.527.2800.

The Torchbearer Pathfinder Club will be participating in the College Place Christmas Parade Dec. 5, 5:30 p.m. Attend, support and cheer for them.

"Visitors" is the title for the WW Music Department's Christmas Concert this year. Featuring musical performances by I Cantori, University Singers, Symphony Orchestra, and more. Friday,
Dec. 6, 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., Sanctuary.

German Christmas Singalong. Sabbath, Dec. 7, 10 a.m., at the Walla Walla University Fine Arts Center, Room 115. For more information call Kurt Schäfer at 527-3116.

All you can eat spaghetti feed fundraiser. The meal includes a serving of spaghetti, salad and garlic bread. This is a fundraiser for Laurel Sheldon, who recently lost her son, Cameron. Time and location to be determined. For more information call Ginger Burnett from Walla Walla City Church at 509.301.1789.

The Adventurers Club plans to meet two times a month, on weekends, starting this January and ending in June. Kids in Adventurers will have the opportunity to learn more about Pathfinders and earn awards. For those interested in enrolling their child, please contact Lauren Heinrich at

Be your own best medicine. CHIP is coming soon to the University Church. Many health and weight-loss programs provide information in the hope that you change your habits. CHIP is different. CHIP helps you make long-lasting lifestyle changes by addressing the causes of chronic disease and teaching you to use your own lifestyle as your best medicine. Some chronic diseases are reversable. Most are preventable. It is never too late to take your life back!

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Do you have questions about church ministry? AdventSource has answers! Sign up for the email newsletter at AdventSource.org and follow @AdventSourceSDA on Facebook for the latest church ministry news and resources

Camp Meeting 2020 Main Speaker is Lee Venden.  It is time now to register for lodging for the 2020 camp meeting - June 10-13, 2020. Go to: https://www.uccsda.org/campmeeting and find the reservation link at the top of the menu. The main speaker will be Lee Venden and he will share his focus on how Jesus made plans to rescue every person. You will enjoy these amazing presentations. https://www.uccsda.org/Speakers. June 10-13, 2020.

The Upper Columbia Conference is looking for a full-time Evangelism Director. The primary duties will be to oversee the Conference evangelism program, budget and coordination throughout the conference and hold four evangelistic campaigns annually in the Upper Columbia Conference. For a full job description of this position click. https://l.uccsda.org/UCCEvanDir Applications for this position will be accepted until November 8, 2019.

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Child Care Director Needed Small World Learning Center, on the campus of Tri–City Adventist School in Pasco, is seeking a Child Care Director. For additional information see the full job position at: www.uccsda.org/EduEmployment

The Upper Columbia Conference is seeking committed men and women to serve as Outreach Coordinators in all church districts. The position is a blend of community Bible work and member equipping and training. For more info, visit: www.uccsda.org/jobs



Sabbath, November 30
11:45 a.m. - Church Service, Albert Handal, Sanctuary
4:10 p.m. - Sundown

Tuesday, December 3
5 p.m. - Eden's Pantry Open House, Youth Room
6 p.m. - J.U.M.P., Junior Room
7 p.m. - High Five Youth Group, Jr. High Room

Wednesday, December 4
6:30 p.m. - Pathfinders, Fellowship Hall
7 p.m. - Prayer Meeting, Heubach Chapel

Friday, December 6
4:08 p.m. - Sundown
6 p.m. & 8 p.m. - WWU Music Department's Christmas Concert, Sanctuary

Sabbath, December 7
11:45 a.m. - Church Service, Andreas Beccai
4 p.m. - Evensong
4:08 p.m. - Sundown

Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.


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Below is a step-by step Youtube video outlining the same process.